Ejemplo n.º 1
def testNodesConnectsWhenOneNodeIsLate():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        with Looper() as looper:
            nodes = []
            names = list(nodeReg.keys())
            logger.debug("Node names: {}".format(names))

            def create(name):
                node = Node(name, nodeReg, basedirpath=td)

            for name in names[:3]:


            # wait for the election to complete with the first three nodes

            # create the fourth and see that it learns who the primaries are
            # from the other nodes
            checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodes, timeout=10)
def testPrimaryElectionWithTie(electTieFixture, looper, keySharedNodes):
    Primary selection (Rainy Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends Nominate(A)
    At the same exact time, B sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends out Nominate(B)
    A sees B sending Nominate(B), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    B sees A sending Nominate(A), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    C sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    D sees B sending Nominate(B), and sends Nominate(B)
    There's a split. C and A think A is the primary, B and D think B is the primary
    All nodes can see that there is a split. Each sends out Reelection([A,B])

    A and B both see Reelection([A,B]) from themselves as well as the other 3 (the number from others should be at least f+1),

    1. they wait a random amount of time (between 0 and 2 seconds),
    2. they each send out a Nominate(self)

    Voting is repeated until we have a good election.

    # TODO optimize the sending messages in batches, for example, we don't
    #     send messages more often than 400 milliseconds. Once those 400
    #     millis have passed, we send the several queued messages in one
    #     batch.

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet.nodes.values())

    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():
        for instId, replica in enumerate(node.elector.replicas):
            logging.debug("replica {} {} with votes {}".
                          format(replica.name, replica.instId,
                                 node.elector.nominations.get(instId, {})))

    logging.debug("Check nomination")
    # Checking whether Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node B nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, B, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node C nominated Node A
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, C, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node D nominated Node D
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, D, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # No node should be primary
    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():
        assert node.hasPrimary is False

    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():

    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testNodesConnectsWhenOneNodeIsLate(allPluginsPath, tdirAndLooper):
    tdir, looper = tdirAndLooper
    nodes = []
    names = list(nodeReg.keys())
    logger.debug("Node names: {}".format(names))

    def create(name):
        node = TestNode(name, nodeReg, basedirpath=tdir,

    for name in names[:3]:


    # wait for the election to complete with the first three nodes

    # create the fourth and see that it learns who the primaries are
    # from the other nodes
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodes, timeout=10)
def testElectionsAfterViewChange(delayedPerf, looper: Looper,
                                 nodeSet: TestNodeSet, up, client1):
    Test that a primary election does happen after a view change

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's throughput falls
    # and view changes
    nonPrimReps = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, 0)
    for r in nonPrimReps:
        r.node.nodeIbStasher.delay(ppDelay(10, 0))

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, client1, 4)

    # Ensure view change happened for both node and its primary elector
    for node in nodeSet:
            eventually(partial(checkViewChangeInitiatedForNode, node, 0),

    # Ensure elections are done again and pool is setup again with appropriate
    # protocol instances and each protocol instance is setup properly too
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=30)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def testPrimaryElectionWithAClearWinner(electContFixture, looper,
    Primary selection (Sunny Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes first, and then sends out a NOMINATE(A) message
    B, C, D all see the NOMINATE(A) message from A, and respond with NOMINATE(A) message to all other nodes

    A sees three other NOMINATE(A) votes (from B, C, D)
    A sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    B sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from C and D)
    B sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    C sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and D)
    C sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    D sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and C)
    D sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    A sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    B sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    C sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    D sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()
    nodesBCD = [B, C, D]

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet)

    # Checking whether one of the replicas of Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    for n in nodesBCD:
        # Checking whether Node B, C and D nominated Node A
            eventually(checkNomination, n, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    assert A.hasPrimary
def testPrimaryElectionWithAClearWinner(electContFixture, looper, keySharedNodes):
    Primary selection (Sunny Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes first, and then sends out a NOMINATE(A) message
    B, C, D all see the NOMINATE(A) message from A, and respond with NOMINATE(A) message to all other nodes

    A sees three other NOMINATE(A) votes (from B, C, D)
    A sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    B sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from C and D)
    B sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    C sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and D)
    C sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    D sees two more NOMINATE(A) votes (from B and C)
    D sees that A is the clear winner (2f+1 total), and sends PRIMARY(A) to all nodes

    A sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    B sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    C sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    D sees at least two other PRIMARY(A) votes (3 including it's own)
    selects A as primary

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()
    nodesBCD = [B, C, D]

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet)

    # Checking whether one of the replicas of Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    for n in nodesBCD:
        # Checking whether Node B, C and D nominated Node A
        looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, n, A.name, retryWait=1,

    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet, retryWait=1,
    assert A.hasPrimary
Ejemplo n.º 7
def testPrimarySelectionAfterViewChange(looper, nodeSet, ready, primaryReplicas,
    Test that primary replica of a protocol instance shifts to a new node after a view change.

    # Primary replicas before view change
    prBeforeVC = primaryReplicas

    # Primary replicas after view change
    instanceCount = getNoInstances(nodeCount)
    prAfterVC = [getPrimaryReplica(nodeSet, i) for i in range(instanceCount)]

    # Primary replicas have moved to the next node
    for br, ar in zip(prBeforeVC, prAfterVC):
        assert ar.node.rank - br.node.rank == 1

    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=5)
def testPrimaryElectionContested(electContFixture, looper, keySharedNodes):
    Primary selection (Rainy Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends Nominate(A)
    At the same exact time, B sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends out Nominate(B)
    A sees B sending Nominate(B), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    B sees A sending Nominate(A), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    C sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    D sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    All nodes see that B nominated B and A, C, and D all nominated A
    Because the votes for A exceeds the votes for B, all send out Primary(A)
    TODO's (see below)
    All see the others have sent Primary A, and then the nodes record who is the Primary.

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet)

    logger.debug("Check nomination")
    # Checking whether Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node B nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, B, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    for n in [C, D]:
        # Checking whether Node C and Node D nominated Node A
            eventually(checkNomination, n, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))


    # Node D should not be primary
    assert not D.hasPrimary
    # A should have at least one primary
    assert A.hasPrimary
def testPrimaryElectionContested(electContFixture, looper, keySharedNodes):
    Primary selection (Rainy Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends Nominate(A)
    At the same exact time, B sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends out Nominate(B)
    A sees B sending Nominate(B), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    B sees A sending Nominate(A), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    C sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    D sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    All nodes see that B nominated B and A, C, and D all nominated A
    Because the votes for A exceeds the votes for B, all send out Primary(A)
    TODO's (see below)
    All see the others have sent Primary A, and then the nodes record who is the Primary.

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet)

    logging.debug("Check nomination")
    # Checking whether Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node B nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, B, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    for n in [C, D]:
        # Checking whether Node C and Node D nominated Node A
        looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, n, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper=looper, nodes=nodeSet,
                                                 retryWait=1, timeout=45)

    # Node D should not be primary
    assert not D.hasPrimary
    # A should have at least one primary
    assert A.hasPrimary
def testElectionsAfterViewChange(delayedPerf, looper: Looper, nodeSet: TestNodeSet, up, client1):
    Test that a primary election does happen after a view change

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's throughput falls
    # and view changes
    nonPrimReps = getNonPrimaryReplicas(nodeSet, 0)
    for r in nonPrimReps:
        r.node.nodeIbStasher.delay(ppDelay(10, 0))

    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, client1, 4)

    # Ensure view change happened for both node and its primary elector
    for node in nodeSet:
        looper.run(eventually(partial(checkViewChangeInitiatedForNode, node, 0),
                              retryWait=1, timeout=20))

    # Ensure elections are done again and pool is setup again with appropriate
    # protocol instances and each protocol instance is setup properly too
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=30)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def testPrimarySelectionAfterPoolReady(looper, nodeSet, ready):
    Once the pool is ready(node has connected to at least 3 other nodes),
    appropriate primary replicas should be selected.

    def checkPrimaryPlacement():
        # Node names sorted by rank
        sortedNodeNames = sorted(nodeSet.nodes.values(),

        for idx, node in enumerate(sortedNodeNames):
            # For instance 0, the primary replica should be on the node with rank 0
            if idx == 0:
                primaryName = Replica.generateName(sortedNodeNames[idx], 0)
                assert node.replicas[0].isPrimary
                assert not node.replicas[1].isPrimary
                assert not node.replicas[2].isPrimary

            # For instance 1, the primary replica should be on the node with rank 1
            if idx == 1:
                primaryName = Replica.generateName(sortedNodeNames[idx], 1)
                assert not node.replicas[0].isPrimary
                assert node.replicas[1].isPrimary
                assert not node.replicas[2].isPrimary

            # For instance 2, the primary replica should be on the node with rank 2
            if idx == 2:
                primaryName = Replica.generateName(sortedNodeNames[idx], 2)
                assert not node.replicas[0].isPrimary
                assert not node.replicas[1].isPrimary
                assert node.replicas[2].isPrimary

    # Check if the primary is on the correct node
    looper.run(eventually(checkPrimaryPlacement, retryWait=1, timeout=10))
    # Check if every protocol instance has one and only one primary and any node
    #  has no more than one primary
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=5)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pool(looper, nodeSet):
    for n in nodeSet:  # type: TestNode
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, timeout=5)
    return adict(looper=looper, nodeset=nodeSet)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def pool(looper, nodeSet):
    for n in nodeSet:  # type: TestNode
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, nodeSet, timeout=5)
    return adict(looper=looper, nodeset=nodeSet)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def testPrimaryElectionWithTie(electTieFixture, looper, keySharedNodes):
    Primary selection (Rainy Day)
    A, B, C, D, E
    A, B, C, D startup. E is lagging.
    A sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends Nominate(A)
    At the same exact time, B sees the minimum number of nodes, and then sends out Nominate(B)
    A sees B sending Nominate(B), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    B sees A sending Nominate(A), but it has already nominated itself, so it does nothing
    C sees A sending Nominate(A), and sends Nominate(A)
    D sees B sending Nominate(B), and sends Nominate(B)
    There's a split. C and A think A is the primary, B and D think B is the primary
    All nodes can see that there is a split. Each sends out Reelection([A,B])

    A and B both see Reelection([A,B]) from themselves as well as the other 3 (the number from others should be at least f+1),

    1. they wait a random amount of time (between 0 and 2 seconds),
    2. they each send out a Nominate(self)

    Voting is repeated until we have a good election.

    # TODO optimize the sending messages in batches, for example, we don't
    #     send messages more often than 400 milliseconds. Once those 400
    #     millis have passed, we send the several queued messages in one
    #     batch.

    nodeSet = keySharedNodes
    A, B, C, D = nodeSet.nodes.values()

    checkPoolReady(looper, nodeSet.nodes.values())

    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():
        for instId, replica in enumerate(node.elector.replicas):
            logging.debug("replica {} {} with votes {}".format(
                replica.name, replica.instId,
                node.elector.nominations.get(instId, {})))

    logging.debug("Check nomination")
    # Checking whether Node A nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, A, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node B nominated itself
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, B, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node C nominated Node A
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, C, A.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # Checking whether Node D nominated Node D
    looper.run(eventually(checkNomination, D, B.name, retryWait=1, timeout=10))

    # No node should be primary
    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():
        assert node.hasPrimary is False

    for node in nodeSet.nodes.values():

Ejemplo n.º 15
def testNodeDiscardMessageFromUnknownView(txnPoolNodeSet,
                                          newNodeCaughtUp, tdirWithPoolTxns,
                                          tconf, allPluginsPath):
    Node discards 3-phase and election messages from view nos that it does not
    know of (view nos before it joined the pool)
    looper, nodeX, client, wallet, _, _ = nodeSetWithNodeAddedAfterSomeTxns
    viewNo = nodeX.viewNo

    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE from all non primary replicas of master
    # so master's performance falls and view changes
    delayNonPrimaries(txnPoolNodeSet, 0, 10)
    sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies(looper, wallet, client, 4)
        eventually(partial(checkViewNoForNodes, txnPoolNodeSet, viewNo + 1),

    newStewardName = "testClientSteward" + randomString(3)
    nodeName = "Theta"
    _, _, nodeTheta = addNewStewardAndNode(looper, client, wallet,
                                           newStewardName, nodeName,
                                           tdirWithPoolTxns, tconf,
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1, timeout=10)
    electMsg = Nomination(nodeX.name, 0, viewNo)
    threePMsg = PrePrepare(0, viewNo, 10, wallet.defaultId,
                           wallet._getIdData().lastReqId + 1, "random digest",
    ridTheta = nodeX.nodestack.getRemote(nodeTheta.name).uid
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
    nodeX.send(electMsg, ridTheta)
        eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [
                   'un-acceptable viewNo',
    nodeX.send(threePMsg, ridTheta)
        eventually(checkDiscardMsg, [
                   'un-acceptable viewNo',