Ejemplo n.º 1
    def sync(self, resolution, client=None, clientId=None, limit=None, title=None):
        """ Add current photo as sync item for specified device.
            See :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync()` for possible exceptions.

                resolution (str): maximum allowed resolution for synchronized photos, see PHOTO_QUALITY_* values in the
                                  module :mod:`plexapi.sync`.
                client (:class:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see
                clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`.
                limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`.
                title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be
                             generated from metadata of current photo.

                :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem.

        from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings

        myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount()
        sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None)
        sync_item.title = title if title else self.title
        sync_item.rootTitle = self.title
        sync_item.contentType = self.listType
        sync_item.metadataType = self.METADATA_TYPE
        sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier

        section = self.section()

        sync_item.location = 'library://%s/item/%s' % (section.uuid, quote_plus(self.key))
        sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit)
        sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createPhoto(resolution)

        return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def sync(self, bitrate, client=None, clientId=None, limit=None, title=None):
        """ Add current audio (artist, album or track) as sync item for specified device.
            See :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync()` for possible exceptions.

                bitrate (int): maximum bitrate for synchronized music, better use one of MUSIC_BITRATE_* values from the
                               module :mod:`plexapi.sync`.
                client (:class:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see
                clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`.
                limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`.
                title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be
                             generated from metadata of current media.

                :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem.

        from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings

        myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount()
        sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None)
        sync_item.title = title if title else self._defaultSyncTitle()
        sync_item.rootTitle = self.title
        sync_item.contentType = self.listType
        sync_item.metadataType = self.METADATA_TYPE
        sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier

        section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID)

        sync_item.location = 'library://%s/item/%s' % (section.uuid, quote_plus(self.key))
        sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit)
        sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createMusic(bitrate)

        return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def select(self):
     key = self._initpath[:-1]
     data = '%s?url=%s' % (key, compat.quote_plus(self.ratingKey))
         self._server.query(data, method=self._server._session.put)
     except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def uploadArt(self, url=None, filepath=None):
     """ Upload art from url or filepath. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video`. """
     if url:
         key = '/library/metadata/%s/arts?url=%s' % (self.ratingKey, quote_plus(url))
         self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post)
     elif filepath:
         key = '/library/metadata/%s/arts?' % self.ratingKey
         data = open(filepath, 'rb').read()
         self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def uploadPoster(self, url=None, filepath=None):
     """ Upload poster from url or filepath. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video`. """
     if url:
         key = '%s/posters?url=%s' % (self.key, quote_plus(url))
         self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post)
     elif filepath:
         key = '%s/posters?' % self.key
         data = open(filepath, 'rb').read()
         self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def sync(self, videoQuality=None, photoResolution=None, audioBitrate=None, client=None, clientId=None, limit=None,
             unwatched=False, title=None):
        """ Add current playlist as sync item for specified device.
            See :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync()` for possible exceptions.

                videoQuality (int): idx of quality of the video, one of VIDEO_QUALITY_* values defined in
                                    :mod:`plexapi.sync` module. Used only when playlist contains video.
                photoResolution (str): maximum allowed resolution for synchronized photos, see PHOTO_QUALITY_* values in
                                       the module :mod:`plexapi.sync`. Used only when playlist contains photos.
                audioBitrate (int): maximum bitrate for synchronized music, better use one of MUSIC_BITRATE_* values
                                    from the module :mod:`plexapi.sync`. Used only when playlist contains audio.
                client (:class:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see
                clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`.
                limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`.
                unwatched (bool): if `True` watched videos wouldn't be synced.
                title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be
                             generated from metadata of current photo.

                :class:`plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: when playlist is not allowed to sync.
                :class:`plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: when playlist content is unsupported.

                :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem.

        if not self.allowSync:
            raise BadRequest('The playlist is not allowed to sync')

        from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings

        myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount()
        sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None)
        sync_item.title = title if title else self.title
        sync_item.rootTitle = self.title
        sync_item.contentType = self.playlistType
        sync_item.metadataType = self.metadataType
        sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier

        sync_item.location = 'playlist:///%s' % quote_plus(self.guid)
        sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit, unwatched)

        if self.isVideo:
            sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality)
        elif self.isAudio:
            sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createMusic(audioBitrate)
        elif self.isPhoto:
            sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createPhoto(photoResolution)
            raise Unsupported('Unsupported playlist content')

        return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def sync(self,
        """ Add current video (movie, tv-show, season or episode) as sync item for specified device.
            See :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync()` for possible exceptions.

                videoQuality (int): idx of quality of the video, one of VIDEO_QUALITY_* values defined in
                                    :mod:`plexapi.sync` module.
                client (:class:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see
                clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`.
                limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`.
                unwatched (bool): if `True` watched videos wouldn't be synced.
                title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be
                             generated from metadata of current media.

                :class:`plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem.

        from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings

        myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount()
        sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None)
        sync_item.title = title if title else self._defaultSyncTitle()
        sync_item.rootTitle = self.title
        sync_item.contentType = self.listType
        sync_item.metadataType = self.METADATA_TYPE
        sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier

        section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID)

        sync_item.location = 'library://%s/item/%s' % (section.uuid,
        sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit, unwatched)
        sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality)

        return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def stop(self, reason=''):
     """ Stop playback for a media item. """
     key = '/status/sessions/terminate?sessionId=%s&reason=%s' % (
         self.session[0].id, quote_plus(reason))
     return self._server.query(key)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add(self,
        """ Simplified add for the most common options.

                name (str): Name of the library
                agent (str): Example com.plexapp.agents.imdb
                type (str): movie, show, # check me
                location (str): /path/to/files
                language (str): Two letter language fx en
                kwargs (dict): Advanced options should be passed as a dict. where the id is the key.

            **Photo Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none
                * **enableAutoPhotoTags** (bool): Tag photos. Default value false.
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Photo Scanner

            **Movie Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.imdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **enableCinemaTrailers** (bool): Enable Cinema Trailers. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Movie Scanner, Plex Video Files Scanner

            **IMDB Movie Options** (com.plexapp.agents.imdb)

                * **title** (bool): Localized titles. Default value false.
                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **only_trailers** (bool): Skip extras which aren't trailers. Default value false.
                * **redband** (bool): Use red band (restricted audiences) trailers when available. Default value false.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.
                * **cast_list** (int): Cast List Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **ratings** (int): Ratings Source, Default value 0 Possible options:
                  0:Rotten Tomatoes, 1:IMDb, 2:The Movie Database.
                * **summary** (int): Plot Summary Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **country** (int): Default value 46 Possible options 0:Argentina, 1:Australia, 2:Austria,
                  3:Belgium, 4:Belize, 5:Bolivia, 6:Brazil, 7:Canada, 8:Chile, 9:Colombia, 10:Costa Rica,
                  11:Czech Republic, 12:Denmark, 13:Dominican Republic, 14:Ecuador, 15:El Salvador,
                  16:France, 17:Germany, 18:Guatemala, 19:Honduras, 20:Hong Kong SAR, 21:Ireland,
                  22:Italy, 23:Jamaica, 24:Korea, 25:Liechtenstein, 26:Luxembourg, 27:Mexico, 28:Netherlands,
                  29:New Zealand, 30:Nicaragua, 31:Panama, 32:Paraguay, 33:Peru, 34:Portugal,
                  35:Peoples Republic of China, 36:Puerto Rico, 37:Russia, 38:Singapore, 39:South Africa,
                  40:Spain, 41:Sweden, 42:Switzerland, 43:Taiwan, 44:Trinidad, 45:United Kingdom,
                  46:United States, 47:Uruguay, 48:Venezuela.
                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **usage** (bool): Send anonymous usage data to Plex. Default value true.

            **TheMovieDB Movie Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default value 47 Possible
                  options 0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize, 6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada,
                  9:Chile, 10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic, 13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador,
                  16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany, 19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland,
                  23:Italy, 24:Jamaica, 25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands,
                  30:New Zealand, 31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore, 40:South Africa, 41:Spain,
                  42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad, 46:United Kingdom, 47:United States, 48:Uruguay,

            **Show Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **episodeSort** (int): Episode order. Default -1 Possible options: 0:Oldest first, 1:Newest first.
                * **flattenSeasons** (int): Seasons. Default value 0 Possible options: 0:Show,1:Hide.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Series Scanner

            **TheTVDB Show Options** (com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb)

                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.

            **TheMovieDB Show Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default value 47 options
                  0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize, 6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada, 9:Chile,
                  10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic, 13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador,
                  16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany, 19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland,
                  23:Italy, 24:Jamaica, 25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands,
                  30:New Zealand, 31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore, 40:South Africa,
                  41:Spain, 42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad, 46:United Kingdom, 47:United States,
                  48:Uruguay, 49:Venezuela.

            **Other Video Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.imdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **enableCinemaTrailers** (bool): Enable Cinema Trailers. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Movie Scanner, Plex Video Files Scanner

            **IMDB Other Video Options** (com.plexapp.agents.imdb)

                * **title** (bool): Localized titles. Default value false.
                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **only_trailers** (bool): Skip extras which aren't trailers. Default value false.
                * **redband** (bool): Use red band (restricted audiences) trailers when available. Default value false.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.
                * **cast_list** (int): Cast List Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **ratings** (int): Ratings Source Default value 0 Possible options:
                  0:Rotten Tomatoes,1:IMDb,2:The Movie Database.
                * **summary** (int): Plot Summary Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **country** (int): Country: Default value 46 Possible options: 0:Argentina, 1:Australia, 2:Austria,
                  3:Belgium, 4:Belize, 5:Bolivia, 6:Brazil, 7:Canada, 8:Chile, 9:Colombia, 10:Costa Rica,
                  11:Czech Republic, 12:Denmark, 13:Dominican Republic, 14:Ecuador, 15:El Salvador, 16:France,
                  17:Germany, 18:Guatemala, 19:Honduras, 20:Hong Kong SAR, 21:Ireland, 22:Italy, 23:Jamaica,
                  24:Korea, 25:Liechtenstein, 26:Luxembourg, 27:Mexico, 28:Netherlands, 29:New Zealand, 30:Nicaragua,
                  31:Panama, 32:Paraguay, 33:Peru, 34:Portugal, 35:Peoples Republic of China, 36:Puerto Rico,
                  37:Russia, 38:Singapore, 39:South Africa, 40:Spain, 41:Sweden, 42:Switzerland, 43:Taiwan, 44:Trinidad,
                  45:United Kingdom, 46:United States, 47:Uruguay, 48:Venezuela.
                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **usage** (bool): Send anonymous usage data to Plex. Default value true.

            **TheMovieDB Other Video Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default
                  value 47 Possible options 0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize,
                  6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada, 9:Chile, 10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic,
                  13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador, 16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany,
                  19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland, 23:Italy, 24:Jamaica,
                  25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands, 30:New Zealand,
                  31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore,
                  40:South Africa, 41:Spain, 42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad,
                  46:United Kingdom, 47:United States, 48:Uruguay, 49:Venezuela.
        part = '/library/sections?name=%s&type=%s&agent=%s&scanner=%s&language=%s&location=%s' % (
            quote_plus(name), type, agent, quote_plus(scanner), language,
            quote_plus(location))  # noqa E126
        if kwargs:
            part += urlencode(kwargs)
        return self._server.query(part, method=self._server._session.post)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def optimize(self,
        """ Optimize item

            locationID (int): -1 in folder with orginal items
                               2 library path

            target (str): custom quality name.
                          if none provided use "Custom: {deviceProfile}"

            targetTagID (int):  Default quality settings
                                1 Mobile
                                2 TV
                                3 Original Quality

            deviceProfile (str): Android, IOS, Universal TV, Universal Mobile, Windows Phone,
                                    Windows, Xbox One

                Optimize for Mobile
                   item.optimize(targetTagID="Mobile") or item.optimize(targetTagID=1")
                Optimize for Android 10 MBPS 1080p
                   item.optimize(deviceProfile="Android", videoQuality=10)
                Optimize for IOS Original Quality
                   item.optimize(deviceProfile="IOS", videoQuality=-1)

            * see sync.py VIDEO_QUALITIES for additional information for using videoQuality
        tagValues = [1, 2, 3]
        tagKeys = ["Mobile", "TV", "Original Quality"]
        tagIDs = tagKeys + tagValues

        if targetTagID not in tagIDs and (deviceProfile is None
                                          or videoQuality is None):
            raise BadRequest('Unexpected or missing quality profile.')

        if isinstance(targetTagID, str):
            tagIndex = tagKeys.index(targetTagID)
            targetTagID = tagValues[tagIndex]

        if title is None:
            title = self.title

        backgroundProcessing = self.fetchItem('/playlists?type=42')
        key = '%s/items?' % backgroundProcessing.key
        params = {
            'Item[type]': 42,
            'Item[target]': target,
            'Item[targetTagID]': targetTagID if targetTagID else '',
            'Item[locationID]': locationID,
            'Item[Policy][scope]': policyScope,
            'Item[Policy][value]': policyValue,
            'Item[Policy][unwatched]': policyUnwatched

        if deviceProfile:
            params['Item[Device][profile]'] = deviceProfile

        if videoQuality:
            from plexapi.sync import MediaSettings
            mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality)
                'Item[MediaSettings][videoQuality]'] = mediaSettings.videoQuality
                'Item[MediaSettings][videoResolution]'] = mediaSettings.videoResolution
                'Item[MediaSettings][maxVideoBitrate]'] = mediaSettings.maxVideoBitrate
            params['Item[MediaSettings][audioBoost]'] = ''
            params['Item[MediaSettings][subtitleSize]'] = ''
            params['Item[MediaSettings][musicBitrate]'] = ''
            params['Item[MediaSettings][photoQuality]'] = ''

        titleParam = {'Item[title]': title}
        section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID)
        params['Item[Location][uri]'] = 'library://' + section.uuid + '/item/' + \
                                        quote_plus(self.key + '?includeExternalMedia=1')

        data = key + urlencode(params) + '&' + urlencode(titleParam)
        return self._server.query(data, method=self._server._session.put)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def add(self, name='', type='', agent='', scanner='', location='', language='en', *args, **kwargs):
        """ Simplified add for the most common options.

                name (str): Name of the library
                agent (str): Example com.plexapp.agents.imdb
                type (str): movie, show, # check me
                location (str): /path/to/files
                language (str): Two letter language fx en
                kwargs (dict): Advanced options should be passed as a dict. where the id is the key.

            **Photo Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none
                * **enableAutoPhotoTags** (bool): Tag photos. Default value false.
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Photo Scanner

            **Movie Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.imdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **enableCinemaTrailers** (bool): Enable Cinema Trailers. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Movie Scanner, Plex Video Files Scanner

            **IMDB Movie Options** (com.plexapp.agents.imdb)

                * **title** (bool): Localized titles. Default value false.
                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **only_trailers** (bool): Skip extras which aren't trailers. Default value false.
                * **redband** (bool): Use red band (restricted audiences) trailers when available. Default value false.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.
                * **cast_list** (int): Cast List Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **ratings** (int): Ratings Source, Default value 0 Possible options:
                  0:Rotten Tomatoes, 1:IMDb, 2:The Movie Database.
                * **summary** (int): Plot Summary Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **country** (int): Default value 46 Possible options 0:Argentina, 1:Australia, 2:Austria,
                  3:Belgium, 4:Belize, 5:Bolivia, 6:Brazil, 7:Canada, 8:Chile, 9:Colombia, 10:Costa Rica,
                  11:Czech Republic, 12:Denmark, 13:Dominican Republic, 14:Ecuador, 15:El Salvador,
                  16:France, 17:Germany, 18:Guatemala, 19:Honduras, 20:Hong Kong SAR, 21:Ireland,
                  22:Italy, 23:Jamaica, 24:Korea, 25:Liechtenstein, 26:Luxembourg, 27:Mexico, 28:Netherlands,
                  29:New Zealand, 30:Nicaragua, 31:Panama, 32:Paraguay, 33:Peru, 34:Portugal,
                  35:Peoples Republic of China, 36:Puerto Rico, 37:Russia, 38:Singapore, 39:South Africa,
                  40:Spain, 41:Sweden, 42:Switzerland, 43:Taiwan, 44:Trinidad, 45:United Kingdom,
                  46:United States, 47:Uruguay, 48:Venezuela.
                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **usage** (bool): Send anonymous usage data to Plex. Default value true.

            **TheMovieDB Movie Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default value 47 Possible
                  options 0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize, 6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada,
                  9:Chile, 10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic, 13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador,
                  16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany, 19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland,
                  23:Italy, 24:Jamaica, 25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands,
                  30:New Zealand, 31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore, 40:South Africa, 41:Spain,
                  42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad, 46:United Kingdom, 47:United States, 48:Uruguay,

            **Show Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **episodeSort** (int): Episode order. Default -1 Possible options: 0:Oldest first, 1:Newest first.
                * **flattenSeasons** (int): Seasons. Default value 0 Possible options: 0:Show,1:Hide.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Series Scanner

            **TheTVDB Show Options** (com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb)

                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.

            **TheMovieDB Show Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default value 47 options
                  0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize, 6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada, 9:Chile,
                  10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic, 13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador,
                  16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany, 19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland,
                  23:Italy, 24:Jamaica, 25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands,
                  30:New Zealand, 31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore, 40:South Africa,
                  41:Spain, 42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad, 46:United Kingdom, 47:United States,
                  48:Uruguay, 49:Venezuela.

            **Other Video Preferences**

                * **agent** (str): com.plexapp.agents.none, com.plexapp.agents.imdb, com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb
                * **enableBIFGeneration** (bool): Enable video preview thumbnails. Default value true.
                * **enableCinemaTrailers** (bool): Enable Cinema Trailers. Default value true.
                * **includeInGlobal** (bool): Include in dashboard. Default value true.
                * **scanner** (str): Plex Movie Scanner, Plex Video Files Scanner

            **IMDB Other Video Options** (com.plexapp.agents.imdb)

                * **title** (bool): Localized titles. Default value false.
                * **extras** (bool): Find trailers and extras automatically (Plex Pass required). Default value true.
                * **only_trailers** (bool): Skip extras which aren't trailers. Default value false.
                * **redband** (bool): Use red band (restricted audiences) trailers when available. Default value false.
                * **native_subs** (bool): Include extras with subtitles in Library language. Default value false.
                * **cast_list** (int): Cast List Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **ratings** (int): Ratings Source Default value 0 Possible options:
                  0:Rotten Tomatoes,1:IMDb,2:The Movie Database.
                * **summary** (int): Plot Summary Source: Default value 1 Possible options: 0:IMDb,1:The Movie Database.
                * **country** (int): Country: Default value 46 Possible options: 0:Argentina, 1:Australia, 2:Austria,
                  3:Belgium, 4:Belize, 5:Bolivia, 6:Brazil, 7:Canada, 8:Chile, 9:Colombia, 10:Costa Rica,
                  11:Czech Republic, 12:Denmark, 13:Dominican Republic, 14:Ecuador, 15:El Salvador, 16:France,
                  17:Germany, 18:Guatemala, 19:Honduras, 20:Hong Kong SAR, 21:Ireland, 22:Italy, 23:Jamaica,
                  24:Korea, 25:Liechtenstein, 26:Luxembourg, 27:Mexico, 28:Netherlands, 29:New Zealand, 30:Nicaragua,
                  31:Panama, 32:Paraguay, 33:Peru, 34:Portugal, 35:Peoples Republic of China, 36:Puerto Rico,
                  37:Russia, 38:Singapore, 39:South Africa, 40:Spain, 41:Sweden, 42:Switzerland, 43:Taiwan, 44:Trinidad,
                  45:United Kingdom, 46:United States, 47:Uruguay, 48:Venezuela.
                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **usage** (bool): Send anonymous usage data to Plex. Default value true.

            **TheMovieDB Other Video Options** (com.plexapp.agents.themoviedb)

                * **collections** (bool): Use collection info from The Movie Database. Default value false.
                * **localart** (bool): Prefer artwork based on library language. Default value true.
                * **adult** (bool): Include adult content. Default value false.
                * **country** (int): Country (used for release date and content rating). Default
                  value 47 Possible options 0:, 1:Argentina, 2:Australia, 3:Austria, 4:Belgium, 5:Belize,
                  6:Bolivia, 7:Brazil, 8:Canada, 9:Chile, 10:Colombia, 11:Costa Rica, 12:Czech Republic,
                  13:Denmark, 14:Dominican Republic, 15:Ecuador, 16:El Salvador, 17:France, 18:Germany,
                  19:Guatemala, 20:Honduras, 21:Hong Kong SAR, 22:Ireland, 23:Italy, 24:Jamaica,
                  25:Korea, 26:Liechtenstein, 27:Luxembourg, 28:Mexico, 29:Netherlands, 30:New Zealand,
                  31:Nicaragua, 32:Panama, 33:Paraguay, 34:Peru, 35:Portugal,
                  36:Peoples Republic of China, 37:Puerto Rico, 38:Russia, 39:Singapore,
                  40:South Africa, 41:Spain, 42:Sweden, 43:Switzerland, 44:Taiwan, 45:Trinidad,
                  46:United Kingdom, 47:United States, 48:Uruguay, 49:Venezuela.
        part = '/library/sections?name=%s&type=%s&agent=%s&scanner=%s&language=%s&location=%s' % (
            quote_plus(name), type, agent, quote_plus(scanner), language, quote_plus(location))  # noqa E126
        if kwargs:
            part += urlencode(kwargs)
        return self._server.query(part, method=self._server._session.post)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def stop(self, reason=''):
     """ Stop playback for a media item. """
     key = '/status/sessions/terminate?sessionId=%s&reason=%s' % (self.session[0].id, quote_plus(reason))
     return self._server.query(key)