Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testAllowedSizes(self):
     # test the defaults
     # for readability, pep8 is not applied to the dict below
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(
         large=(768, 768),
         preview=(400, 400),
         mini=(200, 200),
         thumb=(128, 128),
         tile=(64, 64),
         icon=(32, 32),
         listing=(16, 16)))
     # override and test again
     settings = getSettings()
     settings.allowed_sizes = [u'foo bar 23:23']
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo_bar=(23, 23)))
    def __call__(self, context):
        from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes #importing here should prevent from erros when using w/o plone.app.imaging
        terms = []
        for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
            terms.append( SimpleTerm(scale, scale, "%s (%dx%d)" % (scale, width, height)) )

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
    def __call__(self, context):
        terms = []
        for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
            terms.append(SimpleTerm(scale, scale, "%s (%dx%d)" % (
                scale, width, height)))

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testAllowedSizes(self):
     # test the defaults
     # for readability, pep8 is not applied to the dict below
         dict(large=(768, 768),
              preview=(400, 400),
              mini=(200, 200),
              thumb=(128, 128),
              tile=(64, 64),
              icon=(32, 32),
              listing=(16, 16)))
     # override and test again
     settings = getSettings()
     settings.allowed_sizes = [u'foo bar 23:23']
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo_bar=(23, 23)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def availablePloneAppImagingScalesVocabulary(context):
    terms = []
    for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
        terms.append(SimpleTerm(scale, scale, \
                                "%s (%dx%d)" % (scale, width, height)))

    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ImageScaleVocabulary(context):
    allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
    items = [
        ("%s(%s, %s)" % (key, value[0], value[1]), key)
        for key, value in allowed_sizes.items() if allowed_sizes
    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(items)
    def __call__(self, context):
        sizes = utils.getAllowedSizes()
        values = sorted(sizes.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1][0])
        terms = [SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(x, x, "%s (%s, %s)" % (x, y[0], y[1]))
                 for x, y in values]

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def render(self):
     if not self.request.slider_tool.show_slider():
         return ''
     sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     width, height = sizes['simpleslider']
     js = JS_TEMPLATE % {'width':width, 'height': height}
     return self.index(js=js)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, context):
        sizes = utils.getAllowedSizes()
        values = sorted(sizes.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1][0])
        terms = [SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(x, x, "%s (%s, %s)" % (x, y[0], y[1]))
                 for x, y in values]

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def scales(self):
        """Returns information to initialize JCrop for all available scales
           on the current content with the given fieldname and interface."""

        scales = []
        croputils = IImageCroppingUtils(self.context)
        cropview = self.context.restrictedTraverse('@@crop-image')
        image_size = croputils.get_image_size(self.fieldname, self.interface)
        all_sizes = self.exclude_scales(getAllowedSizes())
        scale_names = all_sizes.keys()
        current_selected = self.request.get('scalename', all_sizes.keys()[0])
        # TODO: implement other imagefields
        large_image_url = self.image_url(self.fieldname)

        for size in scale_names:
            scale = dict()
            # scale jcrop config
            min_width, min_height = self._min_size(image_size, all_sizes[size])
            max_width, max_height = self.default_cropping_max_size[0],\
            ratio_width, ratio_height = all_sizes[size][0], all_sizes[size][1]

            # lookup saved crop info
            select_box = cropview._read(self.fieldname, size)
            is_cropped = True

            if select_box is None:
                select_box = (0, 0, min_width, min_height)
                is_cropped = False

            config = dict([
                ("allowResize", True),
                ("allowMove", True),
                ("trueSize", [image_size[0], image_size[1]]),
                ("boxWidth", self.default_editor_size[0]),
                ("boxHeight", self.default_editor_size[1]),
                ("setSelect", select_box),
                ("aspectRatio", "%.2f" % (
                    float(ratio_width) / float(ratio_height))),
                ("minSize", [min_width, min_height]),
                ("maxSize", [max_width, max_height]),
                ("imageURL", large_image_url),
            scale["config"] = json.dumps(config)
            # scale value/id
            scale["id"] = size
            scale["title"] = "%s %s" % (size, all_sizes[size])
            scale["selected"] = size == current_selected and 'selected' or ''
            # flag if saved cropped scale was found
            # this helps to prevent generating unused
            # default scales in preview column
            scale["is_cropped"] = is_cropped
            # TODO: this is for thumbnail live-preview
            scale["thumb_width"] = ratio_width
            scale["thumb_height"] = ratio_height

        return scales
 def get_image_width(self):
     if self.imaging_props is not None:
         # get from plone.app.imaging properties
         size = getAllowedSizes().get(config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME, None)
         if size is not None:
             return int(size[0])  # height
     # fallback (Plone 3 or wrong configuration)
     return self.cli_props.image_width
 def __call__(self, context):
     sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     scales = [{'size': size,
                'value': key,
                'title': "%s %s" % (key, size)} for key, size in sizes.items()]
     scales.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['size'][0], y['size'][0]))
     terms = [SimpleTerm(scale['value'], title=scale['title']) for scale in scales]
     return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
 def get_image_width(self):
     if self.imaging_props is not None:
         # get from plone.app.imaging properties
         size = getAllowedSizes().get(config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME, None)
         if size is not None:
             return int(size[0])  # height
     # fallback (Plone 3 or wrong configuration)
     return self.cli_props.image_width
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __call__(self, context):
        terms = []
        for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
                SimpleTerm(scale, scale,
                           "%s (%dx%d)" % (scale, width, height)))

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def tinymce(self):
        generator = CastleTinyMCESettingsGenerator(self.context, self.request)
        settings = generator.settings

        folder = aq_inner(self.context)
        # Test if we are currently creating an Archetype object
        if IFactoryTempFolder.providedBy(aq_parent(folder)):
            folder = aq_parent(aq_parent(aq_parent(folder)))
        if not IFolderish.providedBy(folder):
            folder = aq_parent(folder)

        if IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(folder):
            initial = None
            initial = IUUID(folder, None)
        current_path = folder.absolute_url()[len(generator.portal_url):]

        scales = []
        for name, info in sorted(getAllowedSizes().items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]):
                'part': name,
                'name': name,
                'label': '{} ({}x{})'.format(
        image_types = settings.image_objects or []
        folder_types = settings.contains_objects or []
        configuration = {
            'relatedItems': {
                    '%s/@@getVocabulary?name=plone.app.vocabularies.Catalog' % (
            'upload': {
                'initialFolder': initial,
                'currentPath': current_path,
                'baseUrl': generator.portal_url,
                'relativePath': '@@fileUpload',
                'uploadMultiple': False,
                'maxFiles': 1,
                'showTitle': False
            'base_url': self.context.absolute_url(),
            'tiny': generator.get_tiny_config(),
            # This is for loading the languages on tinymce
            'loadingBaseUrl': '%s/++plone++static/components/tinymce-builded/js/tinymce' % generator.portal_url,  # noqa
            'prependToUrl': 'resolveuid/',
            'linkAttribute': 'UID',
            'prependToScalePart': '/@@images/image/',
            'folderTypes': folder_types,
            'imageTypes': image_types,
            'scales': scales

        return {'data-pat-tinymce': json.dumps(configuration)}
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setUp(self):
     super(IntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     testing.setRoles(self.portal, testing.TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
     self.portal.invokeFactory('Image', 'myimage')
     testing.setRoles(self.portal, testing.TEST_USER_ID, ['Member'])
     self.image = self.portal['myimage']
     from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
     self.sizes = getAllowedSizes()
 def set_image_width(self, image_width):
     if self.imaging_props is not None:
         # we have plone.app.imaging - store the size to imaging_properties
         sizes = getAllowedSizes()
         if config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME in sizes.keys():
             w, h = sizes[config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME]
             w = image_width
             self._change_imaging_props(w, h)
     # store the size to cli_properties in any case
     self.cli_props.image_width = image_width
 def set_image_width(self, image_width):
     if self.imaging_props is not None:
         # we have plone.app.imaging - store the size to imaging_properties
         sizes = getAllowedSizes()
         if config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME in sizes.keys():
             w, h = sizes[config.IMAGE_SCALE_NAME]
             w = image_width
             self._change_imaging_props(w, h)
     # store the size to cli_properties in any case
     self.cli_props.image_width = image_width
Ejemplo n.º 19
def thumbnail_sizes_vocabulary(context):
    """Builds a vocabulary of thumbnail sizes. An example item in vocabulary
    would have title set to "tile (64, 64)" and value to ('tile', 64, 64).

    :returns: Vocabulary items for each allowed thumbnail size."
    rtype: SimpleVocabulary
    terms = []
    for name, size in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
        terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(name, str(name), u"%s" % name))
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def ImageScalesVocabulary(context):
    """Return a vocabulary listing all image scales.

    An example item would have token set to 'tile (64, 64)' and
    value to ('tile', 64, 64).
    terms = []
    for name, size in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
            tuple((name,) + size), str(name), u'{0} {1}'.format(name, size)))
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def testAllowedSizes(self):
     # test the defaults
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(
         large =   (768, 768),
         preview = (400, 400),
         mini =    (200, 200),
         thumb =   (128, 128),
         tile =    ( 64,  64),
         icon =    ( 32,  32),
         listing = ( 16,  16)))
     # override and test again
     iprops = self.portal.portal_properties.imaging_properties
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes='foo 23:23')
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo = (23, 23)))
     # empty lines and white space should be ignored
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes=['x   23 :23 ', '', ' '])
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(x = (23, 23)))
     # however, white space within the name should be fine...
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes=['foo bar 23:23'])
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo_bar = (23, 23)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def getRelativePaths(self):
        if not getattr(self.context, 'image', None):
            return []

        prefix = '/' + self.context.virtual_url_path()
        paths = [prefix + '/@@images/image']

        for scale_name in getAllowedSizes().keys():
            paths.append(prefix + '/@@images/image/' + scale_name)

        return paths
Ejemplo n.º 23
def thumbnail_sizes_vocabulary(context):
    """Builds a vocabulary of thumbnail sizes. An example item in vocabulary
    would have title set to "tile (64, 64)" and value to ('tile', 64, 64).

    :returns: Vocabulary items for each allowed thumbnail size."
    rtype: SimpleVocabulary
    terms = []
    # TODO: we should query utility, but it's not certain it will be there
    for name, size in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
        terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(tuple((name,) + size), str(name), u"%s %s" % (name, size)))
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def ScalesVocabulary(context):
    """Obtains available scales from plone.app.imaging
    terms = []
    for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
        translated = _(
            default='{0:s} ${{width}}x${{height}}'.format(scale),
            mapping={'width': str(width), 'height': str(height)})
        terms.append(SimpleTerm(scale, scale, translated))

    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def testAllowedSizes(self):
     # test the defaults
     # for readability, pep8 is not applied to the dict below
         dict(large=(768, 768),
              preview=(400, 400),
              mini=(200, 200),
              thumb=(128, 128),
              tile=(64, 64),
              icon=(32, 32),
              listing=(16, 16)))
     # override and test again
     iprops = self.portal.portal_properties.imaging_properties
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes='foo 23:23')
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo=(23, 23)))
     # empty lines and white space should be ignored
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes=['x   23 :23 ', '', ' '])
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(x=(23, 23)))
     # however, white space within the name should be fine...
     iprops.manage_changeProperties(allowed_sizes=['foo bar 23:23'])
     self.assertEqual(getAllowedSizes(), dict(foo_bar=(23, 23)))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def thumbnail_sizes_vocabulary(context):
    """Builds a vocabulary of thumbnail sizes. An example item in vocabulary
    would have title set to "tile (64, 64)" and value to ('tile', 64, 64).

    :returns: Vocabulary items for each allowed thumbnail size."
    rtype: SimpleVocabulary
    terms = []
    # TODO: we should query utility, but it's not certain it will be there
    for name, size in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
            SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(tuple((name, ) + size), str(name),
                                        u"%s %s" % (name, size)))
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def ScalesVocabulary(context):
    """Obtains available scales from plone.app.imaging
    terms = []
    for scale, (width, height) in getAllowedSizes().iteritems():
        translated = _('imagescale_{0:s}'.format(scale),
                       default='{0:s} ${{width}}x${{height}}'.format(scale),
                           'width': str(width),
                           'height': str(height)
        terms.append(SimpleTerm(scale, scale, translated))

    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def update(self):
     if not self.request:
         self.request = getRequest()  # support viewpagetemplatefile
     if not self.fieldname:
         self.fieldname = 'image'
     if not self.context_url:
         self.context_url = self.context.getURL()
     if not self.base_url:
         self.base_url = self.context_url + '/@@images/' + self.fieldname + '/'
     if not self.sizes:
         self.sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     if not self.pictures or not self.noscript:
         pictures = getPictures(self.base_url, self.sizes)
         self.pictures, self.noscript = pictures
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def update(self):
     self.context_url = self.context.absolute_url()
     if not self.fieldname:
         self.fieldname = self.request.get('field', 'image')
     if not self.base_url:
         base_url = self.context_url + '/@@images/' + self.fieldname + '/'
         self.base_url = base_url
     if not self.alt:
         self.alt = self.context.Title()
     if not self.sizes:
         self.sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     if not self.pictures or not self.noscript:
         pictures = getPictures(self.base_url, self.sizes)
         self.pictures, self.noscript = pictures
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def size_map(self):
     image_sizes = { 'small': 'mini',
                     'medium': 'preview',
                     'large': 'large',
                     'thumb': 'tile' }
     # Here we try to get the custom sizes 
     # we skip some scales, since they are already 'taken'
     from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
     all_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     for scale_name, sizes in all_sizes.items():
         if scale_name not in ['small', 'medium', 'mini', 'preview', 'thumb', 'tile', 'large']:
             image_sizes[str(scale_name)] = str(scale_name)
     return image_sizes
Ejemplo n.º 31
def ImageSizeVocabulary(context):
    sizes = getAllowedSizes()
    #default vocabulary if everything else fails
    terms = [
            SimpleTerm('mini', 'mini', u'Mini'),
            SimpleTerm('preview', 'preview', u'Preview'),
            SimpleTerm('large', 'large', u'Large'),
            SimpleTerm('original', 'original', u'Original'),
    if sizes:
        if not 'original' in sizes:
        	sizes.update({'original': 'original'})
        terms = [ SimpleTerm(value=format_size(pair), token=format_size(pair), title=pair) for pair in sizes ]
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
    def size_map(self):
        image_sizes = {"small": "mini", "medium": "preview", "large": "large", "thumb": "tile"}

        # Here we try to get the custom sizes
        # we skip some scales, since they are already 'taken'
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes

            all_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            for scale_name in all_sizes.keys():
                if scale_name not in ["small", "medium", "mini", "preview", "thumb", "tile", "large"]:
                    image_sizes[str(scale_name)] = str(scale_name)
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            # plone 3 without plone.app.blob... We still have defaults...
        return image_sizes
    def sizes(self):
        if has_pai:
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
            # user has plone.app.imaging installed, use
            # these image size settings
            _allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            allowed_sizes = {}

            for scale_name, sizes in _allowed_sizes.items():
                width, height = sizes
                if scale_name not in self._inverted_size_map:
                size_name = self._inverted_size_map[scale_name]
                allowed_sizes[size_name] = {'width': width, 'height': height}

                if size_name in self.minimum_sizes:
                    if width < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]['width']:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]['width'] = \
                    if height < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]['height']:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]['height'] = \

                    self.size_map[size_name] = \

            return allowed_sizes
            from Products.ATContentTypes.content.image import ATImageSchema
            return {
                'small': {
                    'width': 320,
                    'height': 320
                'medium': {
                    'width': 576,
                    'height': 576
                'large': {
                    'width': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['large'][0],
                    'height': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['large'][1]
                'thumb': {
                    'width': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['tile'][0],
                    'height': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['tile'][1]
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def sizes(self):
        if has_pai:
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
            # user has plone.app.imaging installed, use
            # these image size settings
            _allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            allowed_sizes = {}

            for scale_name, sizes in _allowed_sizes.items():
                width, height = sizes
                if scale_name not in self._inverted_size_map:
                size_name = self._inverted_size_map[scale_name]
                allowed_sizes[size_name] = {'width': width, 'height': height}

                if size_name in self.minimum_sizes:
                    if width < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]['width']:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]['width'] = \
                    if height < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]['height']:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]['height'] = \

                    self.size_map[size_name] = \

            return allowed_sizes
            from Products.ATContentTypes.content.image import ATImageSchema
            return {
                'small': {
                    'width': 320,
                    'height': 320
                'medium': {
                    'width': 576,
                    'height': 576
                'large': {
                    'width': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['large'][0],
                    'height': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['large'][1]
                'thumb': {
                    'width': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['tile'][0],
                    'height': ATImageSchema['image'].sizes['tile'][1]
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def update(self):
     if not self.alt:
         self.alt = self.context.data.get('title', '')
     if not self.request:
         self.request = self.context.request
     if not self.fieldname:
         self.fieldname = 'picture'  # plone.app.imagetile
     if not self.context_url:
         self.context_url = self.context.url
     if not self.base_url:
         self.base_url = self.context_url + '/@@images/' + self.fieldname + '/'
     if not self.sizes:
         self.sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     if not self.pictures or not self.noscript:
         pictures = getPictures(self.base_url, self.sizes)
         self.pictures, self.noscript = pictures
         #Tile doesn't support @@/images/fieldname without a scale...
         self.pictures = self.pictures[:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __call__(self, context):
        #importing here should prevent from erros when using w/o
        from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
        terms = []
        sorted_scales = sorted(getAllowedSizes().iteritems(),
                              cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1][0], y[1][0]),
        for scale, (width, height) in sorted_scales:
                                    title="%s (%dx%d)" % (scale.title(),

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def save_cropped(self, fieldname, scale, image_file):
        """ see interface
        sizes = getAllowedSizes()
        w, h = sizes[scale]

        def crop_factory(fieldname, **parameters):
            # LMU patch: remove the scale parameter
            _parameters = {
                key: value
                for key, value in parameters.iteritems() if key != 'scale'
            result = scaleImage(image_file.read(), **_parameters)
            if result is not None:
                data, format, dimensions = result
                mimetype = 'image/{0:s}'.format(format.lower())
                field = self.get_image_field(fieldname)
                value = field.__class__(data,
                value.fieldname = fieldname
                return value, format, dimensions

        # call storage with actual time in milliseconds
        # this always invalidates old scales
        storage = AnnotationStorage(self.context, _millis)

        # We need to pass direction='thumbnail' since this is the default
        # used by plone.namedfile.scaling, also for retrieval of scales.
        # Otherwise the key under which the scaled and cropped image is
        # saved in plone.scale.storage.AnnotationStorage will not match the
        # key used for retrieval (= the cropped scaled image will not be
        # found)
        # LMU patch: add the scale parameter
Ejemplo n.º 38
def getAvailableSizes(self, instance):
    """ get available sizes for scaled down images;  this uses the new,
        user-configurable settings, but still support instance methods
        and other callables;  see Archetypes/Field.py """
    sizes = getattr(aq_base(self), 'sizes', None)
    if isinstance(sizes, dict):
        return sizes
    elif isinstance(sizes, basestring):
        assert(shasattr(instance, sizes))
        method = getattr(instance, sizes)
        data = method()
        assert(isinstance(data, dict))
        return data
    elif callable(sizes):
        return sizes()
        sizes = getAllowedSizes()
        if sizes is None:
            sizes = self.original_getAvailableSizes(instance)
        return sizes
Ejemplo n.º 39
def getAvailableSizes(self, instance):
    """ get available sizes for scaled down images;  this uses the new,
        user-configurable settings, but still support instance methods
        and other callables;  see Archetypes/Field.py """
    sizes = getattr(aq_base(self), 'sizes', None)
    if isinstance(sizes, dict):
        return sizes
    elif isinstance(sizes, six.string_types):
        assert(shasattr(instance, sizes))
        method = getattr(instance, sizes)
        data = method()
        assert(isinstance(data, dict))
        return data
    elif callable(sizes):
        return sizes()
        sizes = getAllowedSizes()
        if sizes is None:
            sizes = self.original_getAvailableSizes(instance)
        return sizes
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def options(self):
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        delay = field_getter(context, 'time_delay', 10)
        caps = field_getter(context, 'show_captions', True)

        scales = utils.getAllowedSizes()
        width, height = scales.get(self.slideshow_scale, (200, 200))

        data = {
            'animtype': 'slide',
            'height': height,
            'width': width,
            'responsive': True,
            'randomstart': False,
            'showcontrols': True,
            'showmarkers': False,
            'animspeed': delay * 1000,
            'usecaptions': caps
        return "var opts = {}".format(json.dumps(data))
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def size_map(self):
        image_sizes = {
            'small': 'mini',
            'medium': 'preview',
            'large': 'large',
            'thumb': 'tile'

        # Here we try to get the custom sizes
        # we skip some scales, since they are already 'taken'
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
            all_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            for scale_name in all_sizes.keys():
                if scale_name not in ['small', 'medium', 'mini', 'preview',
                                      'thumb', 'tile', 'large']:
                    image_sizes[str(scale_name)] = str(scale_name)
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            # plone 3 without plone.app.blob... We still have defaults...
        return image_sizes
    def sizes(self):
        if has_pai:
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes

            # user has plone.app.imaging installed, use
            # these image size settings
            _allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            allowed_sizes = {}

            for scale_name, sizes in _allowed_sizes.items():
                width, height = sizes
                if scale_name not in self._inverted_size_map:
                size_name = self._inverted_size_map[scale_name]
                allowed_sizes[size_name] = {"width": width, "height": height}

                if size_name in self.minimum_sizes:
                    if width < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]["width"]:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]["width"] = self.minimum_sizes[size_name]["width"]
                    if height < self.minimum_sizes[size_name]["height"]:
                        allowed_sizes[size_name]["height"] = self.minimum_sizes[size_name]["height"]

                    self.size_map[size_name] = self.minimum_sizes[size_name]["next_scale"]

            return allowed_sizes
            from Products.ATContentTypes.content.image import ATImageSchema

            return {
                "small": {"width": 320, "height": 320},
                "medium": {"width": 576, "height": 576},
                "large": {
                    "width": ATImageSchema["image"].sizes["large"][0],
                    "height": ATImageSchema["image"].sizes["large"][1],
                "thumb": {
                    "width": ATImageSchema["image"].sizes["tile"][0],
                    "height": ATImageSchema["image"].sizes["tile"][1],
def unprettify(configuration):
    original = configuration
    for key, value in original.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            # TODO: find a better name for 'htmltag'
            if 'scale' in value:
                allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
                scale = value['scale']
                assert scale in allowed_sizes
                width, height = allowed_sizes[scale]
                value['imgsize'] = '{0} {1}:{2}'.format(scale, width, height)
                del value['scale']
            if 'order' in value:
                value['order'] = unicode(value['order'])
            if 'align' in value:
                value['position'] = value['align']
                del value['align']
            if 'visible' in value:
                value['visibility'] = u'on' if value['visible'] else u'off'
                del value['visible']
        configuration[key] = value
    return configuration
def unprettify(configuration):
    original = configuration
    for key, value in original.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            # TODO: find a better name for 'htmltag'
            if 'scale' in value:
                allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
                scale = value['scale']
                assert scale in allowed_sizes
                width, height = allowed_sizes[scale]
                value['imgsize'] = '{0} {1}:{2}'.format(scale, width, height)
                del value['scale']
            if 'order' in value:
                value['order'] = unicode(value['order'])
            if 'align' in value:
                value['position'] = value['align']
                del value['align']
            if 'visible' in value:
                value['visibility'] = u'on' if value['visible'] else u'off'
                del value['visible']
        configuration[key] = value
    return configuration
    def size_map(self):
        image_sizes = {
            'small': 'mini',
            'medium': 'preview',
            'large': 'large',
            'thumb': 'tile'

        # Here we try to get the custom sizes
        # we skip some scales, since they are already 'taken'
            from plone.app.imaging.utils import getAllowedSizes
            all_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
            for scale_name in all_sizes.keys():
                if scale_name not in [
                        'small', 'medium', 'mini', 'preview', 'thumb', 'tile',
                    image_sizes[str(scale_name)] = str(scale_name)
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            # plone 3 without plone.app.blob... We still have defaults...
        return image_sizes
Ejemplo n.º 46
def ImageScaleVocabulary(context):
    allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
    items = [(u'{0}({1}, {2})'.format(key, value[0], value[1]), key)
             for key, value in allowed_sizes.items() if allowed_sizes]
    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(items)
Ejemplo n.º 47
from Products.ATContentTypes.content import image
from Products.ATContentTypes.content import schemata
from Products.ATContentTypes.lib.historyaware import HistoryAwareMixin
from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View
from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
from zope.interface import implementer

    from Products.LinguaPlone import public as atapi
except ImportError:
    # No multilingual support
    from Products.Archetypes import atapi

_ = MessageFactory('collective.teaser')

allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()

type_schema = schemata.ATContentTypeSchema.copy() + atapi.Schema((
            label=_(u"label_image", default=u"Image"),
                          default=u"Image to display as teaser."),
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def __call__(self, context):
     allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
     size_names = allowed_sizes and allowed_sizes.keys() or []
     return SimpleVocabulary.fromValues(size_names)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def image_size(self):
     return getAllowedSizes()
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def __init__(self, *args):
     super(EmptyRedirect, self).__init__(*args)
     self.sizes = getAllowedSizes()
Ejemplo n.º 51
def ImageScaleVocabulary(context):
    allowed_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
    items = [(u'%s(%s, %s)' % (key, value[0], value[1]), key)
             for key, value in allowed_sizes.items() if allowed_sizes]
    return SimpleVocabulary.fromItems(items)
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def scales(self, fieldname=None):
        """Returns information to initialize JCrop for all available scales
           on the current content with the given fieldname and interface."""

        scales = []
        croputils = IImageCroppingUtils(self.context)
        cropview = self.context.restrictedTraverse('@@crop-image')
        if fieldname is None:
            fieldname = self.fieldname
        image_size = croputils.get_image_size(fieldname, self.interface)
        all_sizes = getAllowedSizes()
        current_selected = self.request.get('scalename', all_sizes.keys()[0])
        large_image_url = self.image_url(fieldname)
        constrain_cropping = self._editor_settings.constrain_cropping
        cropping_for = self._editor_settings.cropping_for

        for size in all_sizes:
            if constrain_cropping and size not in cropping_for:
            scale = dict()
            # scale jcrop config
            min_width, min_height = self._min_size(image_size, all_sizes[size])
            max_width, max_height = self.default_cropping_max_size[0], \
            ratio_width, ratio_height = all_sizes[size][0], all_sizes[size][1]

            # lookup saved crop info
            select_box = cropview._read(fieldname, size)
            is_cropped = True

            if select_box is None:
                select_box = (0, 0, min_width, min_height)
                is_cropped = False

            config = dict([
                ("allowResize", True),
                ("allowMove", True),
                ("trueSize", [image_size[0], image_size[1]]),
                ("boxWidth", self.default_editor_size[0]),
                ("boxHeight", self.default_editor_size[1]),
                ("setSelect", select_box),
                 "%.2f" % (float(ratio_width) / float(ratio_height))),
                ("minSize", [min_width, min_height]),
                ("maxSize", [max_width, max_height]),
                ("imageURL", large_image_url),
            scale["config"] = json.dumps(config)
            # scale value/id
            scale["id"] = size
            scale["title"] = "%s %s" % (size, all_sizes[size])
            scale["selected"] = size == current_selected and 'selected' or ''
            # flag if saved cropped scale was found
            # this helps to prevent generating unused
            # default scales in preview column
            scale["is_cropped"] = is_cropped
            # TODO: this is for thumbnail live-preview
            scale["thumb_width"] = ratio_width
            scale["thumb_height"] = ratio_height
            # safe original image url
            scale["image_url"] = large_image_url

        return scales