Ejemplo n.º 1
def analysis(saveto_h5, max_num_dataset=10):
	""" A bad way to organize a sequence of analysis """
	# h5 files to read, tables, and paths to tables are encoded inside the analysis
	# ideally they would be refactored into a configuration file
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	# analyze and aggregate all data for each iso and store each in a separate table 
	for system in ["mon"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			# clear the results
			analysis_results = []
			for i in range(0, max_num_dataset):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				print "analyzing", table_path
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table)
					s = stoichiometry(polar_array[0:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[0:5001,1:])

			myh5.save(saveto_h5, numpy.vstack(analysis_results), "/mon_analysis/stoichiometry_%(iso)s" % vars())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mon(offset=0, max_num_dataset=10):
	"""This is computes the intersection of polar and nonpolar binding of inositol"""
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_mon_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	# print >>f, "#table_name polar nonpolar p_and_np polar_fraction nonpolar_fraction p_and_np_fraction total_inositols bound unbound K"

	for system in ["mon"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			data = []
			errorlist = []
			for i in range(0, max_num_dataset):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				print "analyzing",table_path
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table)
					print "computing intersection ..."
					polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, total_inositol = intersect(polar_array[0:5001,1:], nonpolar_array[0:5001,1:])
					print "computing binding constant ..."
					bound,unbound = binding(polar_array[offset:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[offset:5001, 1:])	
					# errorlist.append(binding_error(polar_array[offset:5001, 1:], nonpolar_array[offset:5001, 1:], block_size=1000))
					total = float(polar + nonpolar + p_and_np)
					# print >>f, table_path, polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, polar/total, nonpolar/total, p_and_np/total, total_inositol, bound, unbound, unbound/float(bound)*125
					data.append(numpy.array([polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, total, total_inositol, bound, unbound]))
					print "table not found"
			data = numpy.vstack(data)
			# numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_data.txt' % vars(), data, fmt='%-0.3f')
			data_sum = numpy.sum(data, axis=0)
			# nasty output
			heading = ["polar", "nonpolar", "p_and_np", "total", "total_inositol", "nbound", "nunbound"]
			d = dict(zip(heading, data_sum))
			f = open('%(iso)s_data_aggregation.txt' % vars(), 'w')
			for key in sorted(d.keys()):
				print >>f, key, d[key]
			#compute error
			blocklist = block_average(data)
			numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_blocks.txt' % vars(), blocklist, fmt='%.3f')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def disordered():
	"""This is computes the intersection of polar and nonpolar binding of inositol"""
	polar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_disordered_polar_analysis.h5', mode='a')
	nonpolar_h5 = tables.openFile('GA4_disordered_nonpolar_analysis.h5', mode='a')

	f = open('data.txt', 'w')
	print >>f, "#table_name polar nonpolar p_and_np polar_fraction nonpolar_fraction p_and_np_fraction total_inositols nframes bound unbound Kd"
	for system in ["ap1f", "oct"]:
		for iso in ["scyllo", "chiro"]:
			for i in range(0,6):
				table_path = '/%(system)s/%(iso)s%(i)d' % vars()
				polar_table = myh5.getTable(polar_h5, table_path)
				nonpolar_table = myh5.getTable(nonpolar_h5, table_path)
				if polar_table != None and nonpolar_table != None:
					# Note need to specify float64, since now pytables is all 32 bit
					polar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(polar_table, dtype=numpy.float64)
					nonpolar_array = utils.convert_to_numpy(nonpolar_table, dtype=numpy.float64)
					# need to exclude first column of nonpolar data because its time
					polar,nonpolar,p_and_np, total_inositol = intersect(polar_array, nonpolar_array[:,1:])
					bound,unbound = binding(polar_array, nonpolar_array[:,1:])
					total = float(polar + nonpolar + p_and_np)
					print >>f, table_path, polar, nonpolar, p_and_np, polar/total, nonpolar/total, p_and_np/total, total_inositol, total_inositol/2, bound, unbound, unbound/float(bound)*123