def _to_primitives(self): r = 0.04 primitives = [] pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(self.graph) for edge in self.graph.edges: node1, node2 = edge[0], edge[1] pos1, pos2 = pos[node1], pos[node2] line = plot_data.LineSegment2D([pos1[0], pos1[1]], [pos2[0], pos2[1]], edge_style=plot_data.EdgeStyle()) primitives.append(line) for node, data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): position = pos[node] color, shape, name = data['color'], data['shape'], data['name'] x, y = position[0], position[1] edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(color_stroke=color) surface_style = plot_data.SurfaceStyle(color_fill=color) if shape == '.': point_style = plot_data.PointStyle(color_fill=color, color_stroke=color, size=4) prim = plot_data.Point2D(x, y, point_style=point_style) elif shape == 'o': prim = plot_data.Circle2D(x, y, r, edge_style=edge_style, surface_style=surface_style) elif shape == 's': x1, x2, y1, y2 = x - r, x + r, y - r, y + r l1 = plot_data.LineSegment2D([x1, y1], [x2, y1]) l2 = plot_data.LineSegment2D([x2, y1], [x2, y2]) l3 = plot_data.LineSegment2D([x2, y2], [x1, y2]) l4 = plot_data.LineSegment2D([x1, y2], [x1, y1]) prim = plot_data.Contour2D([l1, l2, l3, l4], edge_style=edge_style, surface_style=surface_style) else: raise NotImplementedError primitives.append(prim) text_style = plot_data.TextStyle(text_color='rgb(0,0,0)', text_align_x='center', text_align_y='middle') text = plot_data.Text(name, x, y, text_style=text_style) primitives.append(text) return primitives
def plot_data(self, edge_style: plot_data.EdgeStyle = None, surface_style: plot_data.SurfaceStyle = None): """ Dessia plot_data method return a plotdata.Circle2D object """ if edge_style is None: edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=1, color_stroke=BLACK, dashline=[]) if surface_style is None: surface_style = plot_data.SurfaceStyle(color_fill=CYAN) return plot_data.Circle2D(cx=self.position.x, cy=self.position.y, r=self.diameter / 2, edge_style=edge_style, surface_style=surface_style)
def plot_data(self): cycle_time = [ i + 1 for i in range(len(self.wltp_cycle.cycle_speeds[:-1])) ] points = [] for car_speed, wheel_torque, engine_speed, engine_torque, fuel_consumption, time, gear in zip( self.wltp_cycle.cycle_speeds[:-1], self.wltp_cycle.cycle_torques, self.engine_speeds, self.engine_torques, self.fuel_consumptions, cycle_time, self.gears_ratios[0]): points.append({ 'c_s': car_speed, 'whl_t': wheel_torque, 'w_e': engine_speed, 't_e': engine_torque, 'f_cons (g/kWh)': fuel_consumption * 3.6e9, 'time': time, 'gear': gear }) color_fill = LIGHTBLUE color_stroke = GREY point_style = plot_data.PointStyle(color_fill=color_fill, color_stroke=color_stroke) axis = plot_data.Axis() attributes = ['c_s', 'f_cons (g/kWh)'] tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=attributes) objects = [ plot_data.Scatter(tooltip=tooltip, x_variable=attributes[0], y_variable=attributes[1], point_style=point_style, elements=points, axis=axis) ] attributes = ['whl_t', 'f_cons (g/kWh)'] tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=attributes) objects.append( plot_data.Scatter(tooltip=tooltip, x_variable=attributes[0], y_variable=attributes[1], point_style=point_style, elements=points, axis=axis)) attributes = ['w_e', 't_e', 'f_cons (g/kWh)'] edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle() rgbs = [[192, 11, 11], [14, 192, 11], [11, 11, 192]] objects.append( plot_data.ParallelPlot(elements=points, edge_style=edge_style, disposition='vertical', axes=attributes, rgbs=rgbs)) coords = [(0, 0), (500, 0), (1000, 0)] sizes = [ plot_data.Window(width=500, height=500), plot_data.Window(width=500, height=500), plot_data.Window(width=500, height=500) ] multiplot = plot_data.MultiplePlots(elements=points, plots=objects, sizes=sizes, coords=coords) list_colors = [BLUE, BROWN, GREEN, BLACK] graphs2d = [] point_style = plot_data.PointStyle(color_fill=RED, color_stroke=BLACK, size=1) tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=['sec', 'gear']) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=0.5, color_stroke=list_colors[0]) elements = [] for i, gear in enumerate(self.gears_ratios[0]): elements.append({'sec': cycle_time[i], 'gear': gear}) dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements, edge_style=edge_style, tooltip=tooltip, point_style=point_style) graphs2d.append( plot_data.Graph2D(graphs=[dataset], x_variable='sec', y_variable='gear')) tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=['sec', 'f_cons (g/kWh)']) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=0.5, color_stroke=list_colors[0]) elements = [] for i, gear in enumerate(self.gears_ratios[0]): point = { 'sec': cycle_time[i], 'f_cons (g/kWh)': self.fuel_consumptions[i] * 3.6e9 } elements.append(point) dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements, edge_style=edge_style, tooltip=tooltip, point_style=point_style) graphs2d.append( plot_data.Graph2D(graphs=[dataset], x_variable='sec', y_variable='f_cons (g/kWh)')) tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=['sec', 'w_e']) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=0.5, color_stroke=list_colors[2]) elements = [] for i, torque in enumerate(self.wltp_cycle.cycle_torques): elements.append({ 'sec': cycle_time[i], 'w_e': self.engine_speeds[i] }) dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements, edge_style=edge_style, tooltip=tooltip, point_style=point_style) graphs2d.append( plot_data.Graph2D(graphs=[dataset], x_variable='sec', y_variable='w_e')) tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=['sec', 'w_t']) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=0.5, color_stroke=list_colors[3]) elements = [] for i, torque in enumerate(self.wltp_cycle.cycle_torques): elements.append({ 'sec': cycle_time[i], 'w_t': self.engine_torques[i] }) dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements, edge_style=edge_style, tooltip=tooltip, point_style=point_style) graphs2d.append( plot_data.Graph2D(graphs=[dataset], x_variable='sec', y_variable='w_t')) coords = [(0, 0), (0, 187.5), (0, 375), (0, 562.5)] sizes = [ plot_data.Window(width=1500, height=187.5), plot_data.Window(width=1500, height=187.5), plot_data.Window(width=1500, height=187.5), plot_data.Window(width=1500, height=187.5) ] multiplot2 = plot_data.MultiplePlots(elements=points, plots=graphs2d, sizes=sizes, coords=coords) return [multiplot, multiplot2]
from plot_data.colors import * import numpy as np k = 0 T1 = np.linspace(1, 20, 20) I1 = [t**2 for t in T1] elements1 = [] for k in range(len(T1)): elements1.append({'time': T1[k], 'electric current': I1[k]}) dataset1 = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements1, name='I1 = f(t)') # The previous line instantiates a dataset with limited arguments but # several customizations are available point_style = plot_data.PointStyle(color_fill=RED, color_stroke=BLACK) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(color_stroke=BLUE, dashline=[10, 5]) custom_dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements1, name='I = f(t)', point_style=point_style, edge_style=edge_style) # Now let's create another dataset for the purpose of this exercice T2 = np.linspace(1, 20, 100) I2 = [100 * (2 + np.cos(t)) for t in T2] elements2 = [] for k in range(1, len(T2)): elements2.append({'time': T2[k], 'electric current': I2[k]}) dataset2 = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements2, name='I2 = f(t)')
def plot_data(self): attributes = ['cx', 'cy'] # Contour contour = self.standalone_subobject.contour().plot_data() primitives_group = plot_data.PrimitiveGroup(primitives=[contour], name='Contour') # Scatter Plot bounds = {'x': [0, 6], 'y': [100, 2000]} catalog = Catalog.random_2d(bounds=bounds, threshold=8000) points = [ plot_data.Point2D(cx=v[0], cy=v[1], name='Point' + str(i)) for i, v in enumerate(catalog.array) ] axis = plot_data.Axis() tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(to_disp_attribute_names=attributes, name='Tooltips') scatter_plot = plot_data.Scatter(axis=axis, tooltip=tooltip, elements=points, to_disp_attribute_names=attributes, name='Scatter Plot') # Parallel Plot attributes = ['cx', 'cy', 'color_fill', 'color_stroke'] parallel_plot = plot_data.ParallelPlot( elements=points, to_disp_attribute_names=attributes, name='Parallel Plot') # Multi Plot objects = [scatter_plot, parallel_plot] sizes = [ plot_data.Window(width=560, height=300), plot_data.Window(width=560, height=300) ] coords = [(0, 0), (300, 0)] multi_plot = plot_data.MultiplePlots(elements=points, plots=objects, sizes=sizes, coords=coords, name='Multiple Plot') attribute_names = ['time', 'electric current'] tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(to_disp_attribute_names=attribute_names) time1 = linspace(0, 20, 20) current1 = [t**2 for t in time1] elements1 = [] for time, current in zip(time1, current1): elements1.append({'time': time, 'electric current': current}) # The previous line instantiates a dataset with limited arguments but # several customizations are available point_style = plot_data.PointStyle(color_fill=RED, color_stroke=BLACK) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(color_stroke=BLUE, dashline=[10, 5]) custom_dataset = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements1, name='I = f(t)', tooltip=tooltip, point_style=point_style, edge_style=edge_style) # Now let's create another dataset for the purpose of this exercice time2 = linspace(0, 20, 100) current2 = [100 * (1 + cos(t)) for t in time2] elements2 = [] for time, current in zip(time2, current2): elements2.append({'time': time, 'electric current': current}) dataset2 = plot_data.Dataset(elements=elements2, name='I2 = f(t)') graph2d = plot_data.Graph2D(graphs=[custom_dataset, dataset2], to_disp_attribute_names=attribute_names) return [ primitives_group, scatter_plot, parallel_plot, multi_plot, graph2d ]
# An example of primitive_group instantiation. # primitive_group: an object that contains multiple primitives. A primitive # is either a Circle2D, a LineSegment, a Contour2D, an Arc2D or a Text import plot_data import numpy as npy import plot_data.colors as colors # defining a couple style objects # edges customization edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=1, color_stroke=colors.RED, dashline=[]) # surfaces customization hatching = plot_data.HatchingSet(0.5, 3) surface_style = plot_data.SurfaceStyle(color_fill=colors.WHITE, opacity=1, hatching=hatching) # Creating several primitives. plot_data() functions are used to convert # a volmdlr object into a plot_data object # arc arc = plot_data.Arc2D(cx=8, cy=0, r=2, start_angle=0, end_angle=npy.pi / 2) # square contour rectangle_size = 2 contour = plot_data.Contour2D(plot_data_primitives=[ plot_data.LineSegment2D([0, 0], [0, rectangle_size]), plot_data.LineSegment2D([0, rectangle_size], [rectangle_size, rectangle_size]),
# Then, points' appearance can be modified through point_style attribute point_style = plot_data.PointStyle( color_fill=colors.LIGHTGREEN, color_stroke=colors.VIOLET, stroke_width=0.5, size=2, # 1, 2, 3 or 4 shape='square') # 'circle', 'square' or 'crux' # Finally, axis can be personalized too graduation_style = plot_data.TextStyle(text_color=colors.BLUE, font_size=10, font_style='Arial') axis_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=0.5, color_stroke=colors.ROSE, dashline=[]) axis = plot_data.Axis(nb_points_x=7, nb_points_y=5, graduation_style=graduation_style, axis_style=axis_style) # a tooltip is drawn when clicking on a point. Users can choose what information # they want to be displayed. tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=['mass', 'length', 'shape', 'color']) # Now, here is the new scatterplot customized_scatterplot = plot_data.Scatter(x_variable='mass', y_variable='shape', point_style=point_style,
def plot_clusters(self): colors = [ RED, GREEN, ORANGE, BLUE, LIGHTSKYBLUE, ROSE, VIOLET, LIGHTRED, LIGHTGREEN, CYAN, BROWN, GREY, HINT_OF_MINT, GRAVEL ] all_points = [] for i, point in enumerate(self.matrix_mds): point = { 'x': point[0], 'y': point[1], 'Aver path': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].average_path_length, 'Aver L clutch-input': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].average_clutch_distance, 'ave_l_ns': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].ave_l_ns, 'Number shafts': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].number_shafts, 'Std input_cluches': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].std_clutch_distance, 'Density': self.gearboxes_ordered[i].density, 'Cluster': self.labels_reordered[i] } all_points.append(point) point_families = [] for i, indexes in enumerate(self.list_indexes_groups): color = colors[i] point_family = plot_data.PointFamily(point_color=color, point_index=indexes, name='Cluster ' + str(self.clusters[i])) point_families.append(point_family) all_attributes = [ 'x', 'y', 'Aver path', 'Aver L clutch-input', 'ave_l_ns', 'Number shafts', 'Number gears', 'Std input/cluches', 'Density' ] pp_attributes = [ 'Aver path', 'Number shafts', 'ave_l_ns', 'Aver L clutch-input', 'Std input/cluches', 'Number gears', 'Density', 'Cluster' ] tooltip = plot_data.Tooltip(attributes=all_attributes) edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(color_stroke=BLACK, dashline=[10, 5]) plots = [ plot_data.Scatter(tooltip=tooltip, x_variable='x', y_variable='y', elements=all_points) ] rgbs = [[192, 11, 11], [14, 192, 11], [11, 11, 192]] plots.append( plot_data.ParallelPlot(elements=all_points, edge_style=edge_style, disposition='vertical', axes=pp_attributes, rgbs=rgbs)) sizes = [ plot_data.Window(width=560, height=300), plot_data.Window(width=560, height=300) ] coords = [(0, 0), (0, 300)] clusters = plot_data.MultiplePlots(plots=plots, coords=coords, sizes=sizes, elements=all_points, point_families=point_families, initial_view_on=True) return clusters
random_shape = SHAPES[random.randint(0, len(SHAPES) - 1)] random_color = COLORS[random.randint(0, len(SHAPES) - 1)] elements.append({'mass': random.uniform(0, 50), 'length': random.uniform(0, 100), 'shape': random_shape, 'color': random_color }) parallelplot = plot_data.ParallelPlot(elements=elements, axes=['mass', 'length', 'shape', 'color']) # The line above shows the minimum requirements for creating a # parallel plot. However, many options are available for further customization. # 'edge_style' option allows customization of the lines edge_style = plot_data.EdgeStyle(line_width=1, color_stroke=VIOLET, dashline=[]) # 'disposition' = 'vertical' or 'horizontal' whether you want the axis to be # vertical of hozizontal. This can be changed by pressing the 'disp' button on # canvas as well. disposition = 'horizontal' # Next, ParallelPlots "sort" an axis when clicking on it by displaying a color # interpolation on the lines. When the attribute 'rgbs' is not given to the ParallePlot # it is set to [red, blue, green]. However, users are free to set as many # colors as they want, as long as they are in rgb. A wide panel of rgb colors # are available in plot_data/ rgbs = [BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE] customized_parallelplot = plot_data.ParallelPlot(elements=elements, axes=['mass', 'length', 'shape', 'color'],