def plot_msg_minus_cosmo(in_msg): # do statistics for the last full hour (minutes=0, seconds=0) in_msg.datetime = datetime(in_msg.datetime.year, in_msg.datetime.month,, in_msg.datetime.hour, 0, 0) area_loaded = choose_area_loaded_msg(in_msg.sat, in_msg.sat_nr, in_msg.datetime) # define contour write for coasts, borders, rivers cw = ContourWriterAGG(in_msg.mapDir) # check if input data is complete if in_msg.verbose: print("*** check input data for ", in_msg.sat_str()) RGBs = check_input(in_msg, in_msg.sat_str(layout="%(sat)s") + in_msg.sat_nr_str(), in_msg.datetime) # in_msg.sat_nr might be changed to backup satellite if in_msg.verbose: print('*** Create plots for ') print(' Satellite/Sensor: ' + in_msg.sat_str()) print(' Satellite number: ' + in_msg.sat_nr_str() + ' // ' + str(in_msg.sat_nr)) print(' Satellite instrument: ' + in_msg.instrument) print(' Date/Time: ' + str(in_msg.datetime)) print(' RGBs: ', in_msg.RGBs) print(' Area: ', in_msg.areas) print(' reader level: ', in_msg.reader_level) # define satellite data object #global_data = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene(in_msg.sat, in_msg.sat_nr_str(), "seviri", in_msg.datetime) global_data = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene(in_msg.sat_str(), in_msg.sat_nr_str(), in_msg.instrument, in_msg.datetime) # global_data = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene("msg-ot", "", "Overshooting_Tops", in_msg.datetime) if len(RGBs) == 0 and len(in_msg.postprocessing_areas) == 0: return RGBs if in_msg.verbose: print( "*** load satellite channels for " + in_msg.sat_str() + in_msg.sat_nr_str() + " ", global_data.fullname) # initialize processed RGBs RGBs_done = [] # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # load reflectivities, brightness temperatures, NWC-SAF products ... # ------------------------------------------------------------------- area_loaded = load_products(global_data, RGBs, in_msg, area_loaded) cosmo_input_file = "" print("... read COSMO input file: ", cosmo_input_file) in_cosmo = parse_commandline_and_read_inputfile( input_file=cosmo_input_file) # add composite in_msg.scpOutput = True in_msg.resize_montage = 70 in_msg.postprocessing_montage = [[ "MSG_IR-108cpc", "COSMO_SYNMSG-BT-CL-IR10.8", "MSG_IR-108-COSMO-minus-MSGpc" ]] in_msg.scpProducts = [[ "MSG_IR-108cpc", "COSMO_SYNMSG-BT-CL-IR10.8", "MSG_IR-108-COSMO-minus-MSGpc" ]] #in_msg.scpProducts = ["all"] # define satellite data object cosmo_data = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene(in_cosmo.sat_str(), in_cosmo.sat_nr_str(), in_cosmo.instrument, in_cosmo.datetime) area_loaded_cosmo = load_products(cosmo_data, ['SYNMSG_BT_CL_IR10.8'], in_cosmo, area_loaded) # preprojecting the data to another area # -------------------------------------- if len(RGBs) > 0: for area in in_msg.areas: print("") obj_area = get_area_def(area) if area != 'ccs4': print("*** WARNING, diff MSG-COSMO only implemented for ccs4") continue # reproject data to new area print(area_loaded) if obj_area == area_loaded: if in_msg.verbose: print("*** Use data for the area loaded: ", area) #obj_area = area_loaded data = global_data resolution = 'l' else: if in_msg.verbose: print("*** Reproject data to area: ", area, "(org projection: ",, ")") obj_area = get_area_def(area) # PROJECT data to new area data = global_data.project(area, precompute=True) resolution = 'i' if in_msg.parallax_correction: loaded_products = [ for chn in data.loaded_channels()] if 'CTH' not in loaded_products: print("*** Error in plot_msg (" + inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) + ")") print( " Cloud Top Height is needed for parallax correction " ) print( " either load CTH or specify the estimation of the CTH in the input file (load 10.8 in this case)" ) quit() if in_msg.verbose: print( " perform parallax correction for loaded channels: ", loaded_products) data = data.parallax_corr(fill=in_msg.parallax_gapfilling, estimate_cth=in_msg.estimate_cth, replace=True) # save reprojected data if area in in_msg.save_reprojected_data: save_reprojected_data(data, area, in_msg) # apply a mask to the data (switched off at the moment) if False: mask_data(data, area) # save average values if in_msg.save_statistics: mean_array = zeros(len(RGBs)) #statisticFile = '/data/COALITION2/database/meteosat/ccs4/'+yearS+'/'+monthS+'/'+dayS+'/MSG_'+area+'_'+yearS[2:]+monthS+dayS+'.txt' statisticFile = './' + yearS + '-' + monthS + '-' + dayS + '/MSG_' + area + '_' + yearS[ 2:] + monthS + dayS + '.txt' if in_msg.verbose: print("*** write statistics (average values) to " + statisticFile) f1 = open(statisticFile, 'a') # mode append i_rgb = 0 for rgb in RGBs: if rgb in products.MSG_color: mean_array[i_rgb] = data[rgb.replace("c", "")].data.mean() i_rgb = i_rgb + 1 # create string to write str2write = dateS + ' ' + hourS + ' : ' + minS + ' UTC ' for mm in mean_array: str2write = str2write + ' ' + "%7.2f" % mm str2write = str2write + "\n" f1.write(str2write) f1.close() # creating plots/images if in_msg.make_plots: # choose map resolution in_msg.resolution = choose_map_resolution( area, in_msg.mapResolution) # define area proj4_string = obj_area.proj4_string # e.g. proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0' area_extent = obj_area.area_extent # e.g. area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612) area_tuple = (proj4_string, area_extent) RGBs = ['IR_108-COSMO-minus-MSG'] print(data['IR_108'].data.shape) print(cosmo_data['SYNMSG_BT_CL_IR10.8'].data.shape) diff_MSG_COSMO = cosmo_data['SYNMSG_BT_CL_IR10.8'].data - data[ 'IR_108'].data HRV_enhance_str = '' # add IR difference as "channel object" to satellite regional "data" object data.channels.append( Channel(name=RGBs[0], wavelength_range=[0., 0., 0.], resolution=data['IR_108'].resolution, data=diff_MSG_COSMO)) for rgb in RGBs: if not check_loaded_channels(rgb, data): continue PIL_image = create_PIL_image(rgb, data, in_msg, obj_area=obj_area) # !!! in_msg.colorbar[rgb] is initialized inside (give attention to rgbs) !!! add_borders_and_rivers(PIL_image, cw, area_tuple, add_borders=in_msg.add_borders, border_color=in_msg.border_color, add_rivers=in_msg.add_rivers, river_color=in_msg.river_color, resolution=in_msg.resolution, verbose=in_msg.verbose) # indicate mask if in_msg.indicate_mask: PIL_image = indicate_mask(rgb, PIL_image, data, in_msg.verbose) #if area.find("EuropeCanary") != -1 or area.find("ccs4") != -1: dc = DecoratorAGG(PIL_image) # add title to image if in_msg.add_title: add_title(PIL_image, in_msg.title, HRV_enhance_str + rgb, in_msg.sat_str(), data.sat_nr(), in_msg.datetime, area, dc, in_msg.font_file, in_msg.verbose, title_color=in_msg.title_color, title_y_line_nr=in_msg.title_y_line_nr ) # !!! needs change # add MeteoSwiss and Pytroll logo if in_msg.add_logos: if in_msg.verbose: print('... add logos') dc.align_right() if in_msg.add_colorscale: dc.write_vertically() if PIL_image.mode != 'L': height = 60 # height=60.0 normal resolution dc.add_logo(in_msg.logos_dir + "/pytroll3.jpg", height=height) # height=60.0 dc.add_logo(in_msg.logos_dir + "/meteoSwiss3.jpg", height=height) dc.add_logo( in_msg.logos_dir + "/EUMETSAT_logo2_tiny_white_square.png", height=height) # height=60.0 # add colorscale if in_msg.add_colorscale and in_msg.colormap[rgb] != None: if rgb in products.MSG_color: unit = data[rgb.replace("c", "")].info['units'] #elif rgb in products.MSG or rgb in products.NWCSAF or rgb in products.HSAF: # unit = data[rgb].info['units'] else: unit = None loaded_channels = [ for chn in data.loaded_channels() ] if rgb in loaded_channels: if hasattr(data[rgb], 'info'): print(" hasattr(data[rgb], 'info')", list(data[rgb].info.keys())) if 'units' in list(data[rgb].info.keys()): print( "'units' in data[rgb].info.keys()") unit = data[rgb].info['units'] print("... units = ", unit) add_colorscale(dc, rgb, in_msg, unit=unit) if in_msg.parallax_correction: parallax_correction_str = 'pc' else: parallax_correction_str = '' rgb += parallax_correction_str # create output filename outputDir = format_name( in_msg.outputDir, data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat=data.satname, sat_nr=data.sat_nr()) # !!! needs change outputFile = outputDir + "/" + format_name( in_msg.outputFile, data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat=data.satname, sat_nr=data.sat_nr()) # !!! needs change # check if output directory exists, if not create it path = dirname(outputFile) if not exists(path): if in_msg.verbose: print('... create output directory: ' + path) makedirs(path) # save file if exists(outputFile) and not in_msg.overwrite: if stat(outputFile).st_size > 0: print('... outputFile ' + outputFile + ' already exists (keep old file)') else: print( '*** Warning, outputFile' + outputFile + ' already exists, but is empty (overwrite file)' ), optimize=True ) # optimize -> minimize file size chmod( outputFile, 0o777 ) ## FOR PYTHON3: 0o664 # give access read/write access to group members else: if in_msg.verbose: print('... save final file: ' + outputFile) outputFile, optimize=True) # optimize -> minimize file size chmod( outputFile, 0o777 ) ## FOR PYTHON3: 0o664 # give access read/write access to group members if in_msg.compress_to_8bit: if in_msg.verbose: print('... compress to 8 bit image: display ' + outputFile.replace(".png", "-fs8.png") + ' &') "/usr/bin/pngquant -force 256 " + outputFile + " 2>&1 &", shell=True) # 256 == "number of colors" #if in_msg.verbose: # print " add coastlines to "+outputFile ## alternative: reopen image and modify it (takes longer due to additional reading and saving) #cw.add_rivers_to_file(img, area_tuple, level=5, outline='blue', width=0.5, outline_opacity=127) #cw.add_coastlines_to_file(outputFile, obj_area, resolution=resolution, level=4) #cw.add_borders_to_file(outputFile, obj_area, outline=outline, resolution=resolution) # secure copy file to another place if in_msg.scpOutput: if (rgb in in_msg.scpProducts) or ('all' in [ x.lower() for x in in_msg.scpProducts if type(x) == str ]): scpOutputDir = format_name(in_msg.scpOutputDir, data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat=data.satname, sat_nr=data.sat_nr()) if in_msg.compress_to_8bit: if in_msg.verbose: print("... secure copy " + outputFile.replace( ".png", "-fs8.png") + " to " + scpOutputDir) "scp " + in_msg.scpID + " " + outputFile.replace(".png", "-fs8.png") + " " + scpOutputDir + " 2>&1 &", shell=True) else: if in_msg.verbose: print("... secure copy " + outputFile + " to " + scpOutputDir)"scp " + in_msg.scpID + " " + outputFile + " " + scpOutputDir + " 2>&1 &", shell=True) if in_msg.scpOutput and in_msg.scpID2 != None and in_msg.scpOutputDir2 != None: if (rgb in in_msg.scpProducts2) or ('all' in [ x.lower() for x in in_msg.scpProducts2 if type(x) == str ]): scpOutputDir2 = format_name(in_msg.scpOutputDir2, data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat=data.satname, sat_nr=data.sat_nr()) if in_msg.compress_to_8bit: if in_msg.verbose: print("... secure copy " + outputFile.replace( ".png", "-fs8.png") + " to " + scpOutputDir2) "scp " + in_msg.scpID2 + " " + outputFile.replace(".png", "-fs8.png") + " " + scpOutputDir2 + " 2>&1 &", shell=True) else: if in_msg.verbose: print("... secure copy " + outputFile + " to " + scpOutputDir2)"scp " + in_msg.scpID2 + " " + outputFile + " " + scpOutputDir2 + " 2>&1 &", shell=True) if 'ninjotif' in in_msg.outputFormats: ninjotif_file = format_name(outputDir + '/' + in_msg.ninjotifFilename, data.time_slot, sat_nr=data.sat_nr(), RSS=in_msg.RSS, area=area, rgb=rgb) from plot_coalition2 import pilimage2geoimage GEO_image = pilimage2geoimage(PIL_image, obj_area, data.time_slot), fformat='mpop.imageo.formats.ninjotiff', ninjo_product_name=rgb, chan_id=products.ninjo_chan_id[ rgb.replace("_", "-") + "_" + area], nbits=8) chmod(ninjotif_file, 0o777) print(("... save ninjotif image: display ", ninjotif_file, " &")) if rgb not in RGBs_done: RGBs_done.append(rgb) ## start postprocessing for area in in_msg.postprocessing_areas: postprocessing(in_msg, global_data.time_slot, int(data.sat_nr()), area) if in_msg.verbose: print(" ") return RGBs_done
def nostradamus_rain(in_msg): if in_msg.datetime is None: in_msg.get_last_SEVIRI_date() if in_msg.end_date is None: in_msg.end_date = in_msg.datetime #in_msg.end_date = in_msg.datetime + timedelta(15) delta = timedelta(minutes=15) # automatic choise of the FULL DISK SERVICE Meteosat satellite if in_msg.datetime < datetime(2008, 5, 13, 0, 0): # before 13.05.2008 only nominal MSG1 (meteosat8), no Rapid Scan Service yet sat_nr = "08" elif in_msg.datetime < datetime(2013, 2, 27, 9, 0): # 13.05.2008 ... 27.02.2013 sat_nr = "09" # MSG-2 (meteosat9) became nominal satellite, MSG-1 (meteosat8) started RSS elif in_msg.datetime < datetime(2018, 3, 9, 0, 0): # 27.02.2013 9:00UTC ... 09.03.2013 sat_nr = "10" # MSG-3 (meteosat10) became nominal satellite, MSG-2 started RSS (MSG1 is backup for MSG2) else: sat_nr = "11" print ("... work with Meteosat"+str(sat_nr)) print ("") if in_msg.verbose: print ('*** Create plots for ') print (' Satellite/Sensor: ' + in_msg.sat_str()) print (' Satellite number: ' + in_msg.sat_nr_str() +' // ' +str(in_msg.sat_nr)) print (' Satellite instrument: ' + in_msg.instrument) print (' Start Date/Time: '+ str(in_msg.datetime)) print (' End Date/Time: '+ str(in_msg.datetime)) print (' Areas: ', in_msg.areas) for area in in_msg.plots.keys(): print (' plots['+area+']: ', in_msg.plots[area]) #print (' parallax_correction: ', in_msg.parallax_correction) #print (' reader level: ', in_msg.reader_level) ## read in all the constants files print('=================================') print('*** load the constant fields (radar mask, viewing geometry, and land/sea mask plus surface elevation)') global_radar_mask, global_vg, global_ls_ele = load_constant_fields(sat_nr) ############################################### ## load the mlp for the precip detection (pd) # ############################################### if in_msg.model == 'mlp': dir_start_pd= './models/precipitation_detection/mlp/2hl_100100hu_10-7alpha_log/' dir_start_rr= './models/precipitation_rate/mlp/2hl_5050hu_10-2alpha_log/' if not in_msg.read_from_netCDF: clf_pd = joblib.load(dir_start_pd+'clf.pkl') scaler_pd = joblib.load(dir_start_pd+'scaler.pkl') feature_list_pd = joblib.load(dir_start_pd+'featurelist.pkl') thres_pd=np.load(dir_start_pd+'opt_orig_posteriorprobab_thres.npy') ######################################### ## load the mlp for the rain rates (rr) # ######################################### reg_rr = joblib.load(dir_start_rr+'reg.pkl') scaler_rr = joblib.load(dir_start_rr+'scaler.pkl') feature_list_rr = joblib.load(dir_start_rr+'featurelist.pkl') #################################### ## load the reference sets for a climatological probab matching (pm) if requested #################################### if in_msg.probab_match: # load in the ref data sets created with the script: rr_probab_matching_create_refset.ipynb ody_rr_ref=np.load(dir_start_rr+'pm_valid_data_ody_rr_ref.npy') pred_rr_ref=np.load(dir_start_rr+'pm_valid_data_pred_rr_ref.npy') # initialize processed RGBs plots_done={} time_slot = copy.deepcopy(in_msg.datetime) while time_slot <= in_msg.end_date: print('... processing for time: ', time_slot) ################################################ ## CHOOSE THE SETUP (time_slot, area, model) ################################################ ########################## ## LOAD THE NEEDED INPUTS ########################## if not in_msg.read_from_netCDF: ## read observations at the specific time print('=================================') print('*** load the time slot specific fields with in_msg.parallax_gapfilling:', in_msg.parallax_gapfilling) global_radar, global_sat, global_nwc, global_cth, global_hsaf = load_input(sat_nr, time_slot, in_msg.parallax_gapfilling, read_HSAF=in_msg.read_HSAF) # def load_input(sat_nr, time_slot, par_fill, read_HSAF=True): else: print('read Odyssey radar composite') from mpop.satellites import GeostationaryFactory global_radar = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene("odyssey", "", "radar", time_slot) global_radar.load(['RATE']) print(global_radar) print('=========================') for area in in_msg.areas: print ("================================") print ("*** PROCESSING FOR AREA: "+area) # declare "precipitation detection" and "rainrate dictionary", the applied model (e.g. MLP) is used as key pd = {} rr = {} plots_done[area]=[] if in_msg.read_from_netCDF: # reproject Odyssey radar mask to area of interest #radar_mask = global_radar_mask.project(area, precompute=True) data_radar = global_radar.project(area, precompute=True) # radar mask to see where odyssey ground truth exists mask_r = data_radar['RATE-MASK'] rr['ody'] = copy.deepcopy(data_radar['RATE'] # do not trust values below 0.3 & above 130 -> do not consider it as rain and set all values to 0 rr['ody'][np.logical_or(rr['ody'] < 0.3,rr['ody'] >= 130.0)] = 0.0 print (rr['ody'].min(), rr['ody'].max(), rr['ody'].shape, type(rr['ody'])) from netCDF4 import Dataset # read from file outdir_netCDF = time_slot.strftime('/data/COALITION2/database/meteosat/nostradamus_RR/%Y/%m/%d/') file_netCDF = time_slot.strftime('MSG_rr-'+in_msg.model+'-'+area+'') print ("*** read precip prediction from", outdir_netCDF+"/"+file_netCDF) ncfile = Dataset(outdir_netCDF+"/"+file_netCDF,'r') rr_tmp = ncfile.variables['rainfall_rate'][:,:] ### now, we read radar data directly from odyssey file #rr['ody'] = ncfile.variables['rainfall_rate (odyssey)'][:,:] #print (rr['ody'].min(), rr['ody'].max(), rr['ody'].shape, type(rr['ody'])) ### now, we read radar mask directly from odyssey file #mask_r = ncfile.variables['odyssey_mask'][:,:] #print ("... convert mask_r (1, 0) from int to bolean (True, False)") #mask_r = (mask_r == 1) # create fake mask_h (where rainfall is larger than 0 mm/h) mask_h = rr_tmp>0 pd[in_msg.model] = rr_tmp>0 rr_tmp = rr_tmp.flatten() # remove 0 entries rr_tmp = rr_tmp [ rr_tmp != 0 ] if False: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #fig = plt.figure() fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(6,6)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(mask_h) #plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(mask_r) #plt.colorbar() fig.savefig("mask_h_mask_r_netCDF.png") print("... display mask_h_mask_r_netCDF.png &") #quit() else: ## project all data to the desired projection radar_mask, vg, ls_ele, data_radar, data_sat, data_nwc, data_cth, data_hsaf = \ project_data(area, global_radar_mask, global_vg, global_ls_ele, global_radar, global_sat, global_nwc, global_cth, global_hsaf, read_HSAF=in_msg.read_HSAF) ########################################################### ## SINGLE TIME SLOT TO CARRY OUT A FULL RAIN RATE RETRIEVAL ########################################################### # preprocess the data # mask_h: field indicating where NWCSAF products are available & thus where predictions are carried out: True if NWCSAF products available # mask_r: field indicating where radar products are available: True if radar product is available # mask_rnt: field indicating where radar product available but not trustworthy: i.e. in threshold_mask, 0<rr<0.3, rr>130 overlaid: True if radar product is NOT trustworthy all_data, all_data_names, mask_h, mask_r, mask_rnt, rr['ody'], rr['hsaf'], lon, lat = \ pd_rr_preprocess_data_single_scene( area, time_slot, radar_mask, vg, ls_ele, data_radar, data_sat, data_nwc, data_cth, data_hsaf, in_msg.parallax_gapfilling, 'rr', read_HSAF=in_msg.read_HSAF) #pd_rr_preprocess_data_single_scene( sat_nr, area, time_slot, 'nearest', 'rr', read_HSAF=False) if False: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #fig = plt.figure() fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(6,6)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(mask_h) #plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(mask_r) #plt.colorbar() fig.savefig("mask_h_mask_r.png") print("... display mask_h_mask_r.png &") #quit() del rr['hsaf'] # since not actually needed in this script # project all data to desired projection # ... print('... predictions at ' + str(mask_h.sum())+' out of ' +str(mask_h.flatten().shape[0])+ ' points') #################################### ## precip detection #################################### # create y_pd, y_hsaf_pd, X_raw_pd y_pd_vec, y_hsaf_pd_vec, X_raw, feature_list = pd_rr_create_y_yhsaf_Xraw( all_data, all_data_names, 'pd', cut_precip=False ) del y_pd_vec, y_hsaf_pd_vec # (since not actually ever needed in this script) if in_msg.remove_vg==True: print('... remove viewing geometry from predictors') feature_list = np.append(feature_list[:6],feature_list[8:]) X_raw = np.hstack([X_raw[:,:6],X_raw[:,8:]]) print(' new X_raw.shape:', X_raw.shape) feature_list # check features if np.array_equal(feature_list, feature_list_pd): print('OK, input features correspond to input features required by the loaded model') else: print('ATTENTION, input features do not correspond to input features required by the loaded model') quit() # create X_pd X_pd=scaler_pd.transform(X_raw) # create final precip detection fields: opera + hsaf pd['ody']=rr['ody']>=0.3 # make precip detection predictions print ("*** make precip detection predictions") pd_probab = clf_pd.predict_proba(X_pd)[:,1] # probab precip balanced classes pd_vec_h = pd_probab>=thres_pd pd[in_msg.model] = np.zeros(lon.shape,dtype=bool) pd[in_msg.model][mask_h] = pd_vec_h #################################### ## rain rate on above identified precipitating pixels #################################### # reduce X_raw to the points where rain was predicted by the mlp X_raw= X_raw[pd_vec_h,:] # check, if read features correspond to the trained model if np.array_equal(feature_list, feature_list_rr): print('OK, input features correspond to input features required by the loaded model') else: print('ATTENTION, input features do not correspond to input features required by the loaded model') quit() # create X_rr X_rr=scaler_rr.transform(X_raw) # rain rate prediction at places where precip detected by mlp rr_tmp=reg_rr.predict(X_rr) # carry out a probability machting if requested if in_msg.probab_match: print("... do probability matching for:", in_msg.model) pm_str = str(in_msg.model)+'_pm' rr_tmp_pm = probab_match_rr_refprovide(ody_rr_ref,pred_rr_ref,rr_tmp) #rr[pm_str] = np.zeros_like(lon) rr[pm_str] = np.zeros_like(rr['ody']) # also casts the type float rr[pm_str][pd[in_msg.model]]=rr_tmp_pm print("... probability matching done for:", in_msg.model) # copy rainrate data to the final place # replace all prediction lower than precipitation detection threshold with threhold rain rate rr_tmp[rr_tmp<0.3]=0.3 # correct upward all too low predictions (i.e. the ones below the precip detection threshold) rr[in_msg.model] = np.zeros_like(rr['ody']) rr[in_msg.model][pd[in_msg.model]]=rr_tmp ##################################### ## SAVE RESULT AS NETCDF ##################################### if area in in_msg.save_netCDF and (not in_msg.read_from_netCDF): outdir_netCDF = time_slot.strftime(in_msg.outdir_netCDF) file_netCDF = time_slot.strftime(in_msg.file_netCDF) file_netCDF = file_netCDF.replace("%(area)s", area) file_netCDF = file_netCDF.replace("%(model)s", in_msg.model) #save_RR_as_netCDF(outdir_netCDF, file_netCDF, rr[in_msg.model], save_rr_ody=True, rr_ody=rr['ody'], save_ody_mask=True, ody_mask=mask_r, zlib=True) save_RR_as_netCDF(outdir_netCDF, file_netCDF, rr[in_msg.model]) ##################################### ## SINGLE TIME SLOT TO DRAW THE MAPS ##################################### print ("*** start to create plots") #################################### ## plot precip detection #################################### if 'pdMlp' in in_msg.plots[area]: mask_rt = np.logical_and(mask_r, mask_rnt==False) # trusted radar i.e. True where I have a trustworthy radar product available mod_ss = [in_msg.model] + ['ody'] # ver for verification; ver={} for x in mod_ss: ver[x]=np.zeros_like(lon) # sat: no ver[x][pd[x]>0] = 1 # sat: yes ver[x][np.logical_and(ver[x]==0,mask_rnt)] = 2 # sat: no (rad clutter) ver[x][np.logical_and(ver[x]==1,mask_rnt)] = 3 # sat: yes (rad clutter) ver[x][np.logical_and(mask_rt,np.logical_and(pd[x]==1,pd['ody']==1))] = 4 # hit ver[x][np.logical_and(mask_rt,np.logical_and(pd[x]==1,pd['ody']==0))] = 5 # false alarm ver[x][np.logical_and(mask_rt,np.logical_and(pd[x]==0,pd['ody']==0))] = 6 # correct reject ver[x][np.logical_and(mask_rt,np.logical_and(pd[x]==0,pd['ody']==1))] = 7 # miss # define colorkey v_pd=np.array([-0.5,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5,7.5]) cmap_pd, norm_pd = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd, colors =['darkgrey', '#984ea3','lightgrey','plum', '#377eb8', '#e41a1c','ivory','#ff7f00'], extend='neither') plot_precipitation_detection=False if plot_precipitation_detection: # single prediction plot #fig,ax= plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) #plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) fig,ax= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default':'regular'}) m = map_plot(axis=ax,area=area)'precip detection based on sat vs opera') # plot sat precip detection product against opera product tick_label_pd_nr=np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) tick_label_pd=['sat: no','sat: yes','sat: no (rad unr)','sat: yes (rad unr)','hit','false alarm','correct reject','miss'] im=m.pcolormesh( lon, lat, ver['mlp'], cmap=cmap_pd, norm=norm_pd, latlon=True ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="4%", pad=0.05) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, ticks=tick_label_pd_nr, spacing='uniform') outfile= 'precip_detection_sat'+in_msg.model+'_vs_opera_%s' fig.savefig((in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') print('... create figure: display ' + in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') + '.png') plots_done[area].append('pdMlp') #################################### ## plot rain rate with matplotlib #################################### if 'rrMatplotlib' in in_msg.plots[area]: # create the combi rr field rr['combi']=copy.deepcopy(rr[in_msg.model+'_pm']) rr['combi'][mask_r]=rr['ody'][mask_r] # determine where I have >0.3 mm/h precip on the permanent mask -> overlay end picture with a pink(?) color there pd_nt=np.logical_and(mask_rnt,pd['ody']>=0.3) #precip detected but not trusted t = time.time() #fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(19, 6)) #plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(9.5, 3)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default':'regular'}) ## 1st subplot m = map_plot(axis=axes[0],area=area)'Rain Rate (opera + MSG ANN), '+str(time_slot)) # plot a white colored background where I have data available v_pd_nt=np.array([0.5,1.5]) cmap_pd_nt, norm_pd_nt = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd_nt, colors=['white'], extend='neither') im4=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,np.ones(lon.shape),cmap=cmap_pd_nt,norm=norm_pd_nt,latlon=True) # plot mask which contains no rad & not trusted rad values nr_ntr = copy.deepcopy(ver['ody']),2),1) im2=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,nr_ntr,cmap=cmap_pd,norm=norm_pd,latlon=True) # plot combined precip opera + sat v_rr = [0.3,0.6,1.2,2.4,4.8,9.6] cmap_rr,norm_rr=smart_colormap(v_rr,name='coolwarm',extend='max') im=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,rr['combi'],cmap=cmap_rr,norm=norm_rr,latlon=True) # plot pink pixels everywhere on permanently not trusted radar mask where we observe > 0.3 mm/h precip v_pd_nt=np.array([0.5,1.5]) cmap_pd_nt, norm_pd_nt = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd_nt, colors=['plum'], extend='neither') im3=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,pd_nt,cmap=cmap_pd_nt,norm=norm_pd_nt,latlon=True) ## 2nd subplot # plot purely satellite based precip product m = map_plot(axis=axes[1],area=area)'Rain Rate (MSG ANN), '+str(time_slot)) if in_msg.IR_108 and not in_msg.read_from_netCDF: # plot the IR_108 channel clevs = np.arange(225,316,10) cmap_sat,norm_sat=smart_colormap(clevs,name='Greys',extend='both') im4 = m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,data_sat['IR_108_PC'].data,cmap=cmap_sat,norm=norm_sat,latlon=True) else: # plot a white surface to distinguish between the regions where the produ v_pd_nt=np.array([0.5,1.5]) cmap_pd_nt, norm_pd_nt = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd_nt, colors=['white'], extend='neither') im4=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,np.ones(lon.shape),cmap=cmap_pd_nt,norm=norm_pd_nt,latlon=True) if in_msg.probab_match: im=m.pcolormesh(lon, lat,rr[in_msg.model+'_pm'], cmap=cmap_rr, norm=norm_rr, latlon=True) else: im=m.pcolormesh(lon, lat,rr[in_msg.model], cmap=cmap_rr, norm=norm_rr, latlon=True) if in_msg.IR_108 and in_msg.probab_match: outfile= 'rr_combioperasat'+in_msg.model+'pm_satIR108'+in_msg.model+'pm_%s' elif in_msg.IR_108 and (in_msg.probab_match==False): outfile= 'rr_combioperasat'+in_msg.model+'_satIR108'+in_msg.model+'_%s' elif (in_msg.IR_108==False) and in_msg.probab_match: outfile= 'rr_combioperasat'+in_msg.model+'pm_sat'+in_msg.model+'pm_%s' elif (in_msg.IR_108==False) and (in_msg.probab_match==False): outfile= 'rr_combioperasat'+in_msg.model+'_sat'+in_msg.model+'_%s' fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05]) cbar=fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_label('$mm\,h^{-1}$') fig.savefig((in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') print('... create figure: display ' + in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') + '.png') elapsed = time.time() - t print("... elapsed time for creating the rainrate image in seconds: "+str(elapsed)) plots_done[area].append('rrMatplotlib') #################################### ## plot rain rate with trollimage #################################### plot_trollimage=True if plot_trollimage: from plotting_tools import create_trollimage from plot_msg import add_title print ("*** create plot with trollimage") from copy import deepcopy from trollimage.colormap import RainRate colormap = deepcopy(RainRate) # define contour write for coasts, borders, rivers from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG cw = ContourWriterAGG(in_msg.mapDir) from plot_msg import choose_map_resolution resolution = choose_map_resolution(area, None) #resolution='l' # odyssey, europe #resolution='i' # ccs4 print (" resolution=", resolution) IR_file=time_slot.strftime(in_msg.outputDir+'MSG_IR-108-'+area+'_%Y%m%d%H%M.png') if 'IR_108' in in_msg.plots[area] and not in_msg.read_from_netCDF: # create black white background #img_IR_108 = data_sat.image.channel_image('IR_108_PC') img_IR_108 = data_sat.image.ir108() for rgb in in_msg.plots[area]: if rgb == 'RATE': prop =['ody'], 0) mask2plot=deepcopy(mask_r) elif rgb =='rrMlp': prop =[in_msg.model], 0) mask2plot=None elif rgb == 'rrMlpPm': prop =[in_msg.model+'_pm'], 0) mask2plot=None elif rgb == 'rrOdyMlp': rr['combi']=copy.deepcopy(rr[in_msg.model]) rr['combi'][mask_r]=rr['ody'][mask_r] prop =['combi'], 0) mask2plot=deepcopy(mask_r) elif rgb == 'rrOdyMlpPm': rr['combi']=copy.deepcopy(rr[in_msg.model+'_pm']) rr['combi'][mask_r] = rr['ody'][mask_r] prop =['combi'], 0) mask2plot=deepcopy(mask_r) elif rgb == 'IR_108': continue else: "*** Error, unknown product requested" quit() filename = None if area in in_msg.postprocessing_composite: composite_file = in_msg.outputDir+"/"+'MSG_'+in_msg.postprocessing_composite[area][0]+"-"+area+'_%Y%m%d%H%M.png' composite_file = composite_file.replace("%(rgb)s", rgb) else: composite_file = None PIL_image = create_trollimage(rgb, prop, colormap, cw, filename, time_slot, area, composite_file=composite_file, background=IR_file, mask=mask2plot, resolution=resolution, scpOutput=in_msg.scpOutput) # add title to image dc = DecoratorAGG(PIL_image) if in_msg.add_title: add_title(PIL_image, in_msg.title, rgb, 'MSG', sat_nr, in_msg.datetime, area, dc, in_msg.font_file, True, title_color=in_msg.title_color, title_y_line_nr=in_msg.title_y_line_nr ) # !!! needs change # save image as file outfile = time_slot.strftime(in_msg.outputDir+"/"+in_msg.outputFile).replace("%(rgb)s", rgb).replace("%(area)s", area).replace("%(model)s", in_msg.model), optimize=True) if isfile(outfile): print ("... create figure: display "+outfile+" &") chmod(outfile, 0777) plots_done[area].append(rgb) else: print ("*** Error: "+outfile+" could not be generated") quit() print('=================================') ############################################## ## potential other map setups ############################################## ############################################## ############################################## ## opera composite vs the prediction... but I think it'd be less confusing to only show the prediction ############################################## if 'OdyVsRr' in in_msg.plots[area]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(23.5, 5)) # will be switched to basemap once have new training set together plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default':'regular'}) # set up nn subplot m = map_plot(axis=axes[0],area=area)'precip detection based on mlp vs opera') v_pd=np.array([-0.5,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5,7.5]) cmap_pd, norm_pd = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd, colors=['darkgrey', '#984ea3','lightgrey','plum', '#377eb8', '#e41a1c','ivory','#ff7f00'], extend='neither') tick_label_pd_nr=np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) tick_label_pd=['sat: no','sat: yes','sat: no (rad unr)','sat: yes (rad unr)','hit','false alarm','correct reject','miss'] im=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,ver['mlp'],cmap=cmap_pd, norm=norm_pd, latlon=True) divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="4%", pad=0.05) cbar = fig.colorbar(im,cax=cax, ticks=tick_label_pd_nr, spacing='uniform'), fontsize=14) m = map_plot(axis=axes[1],area=area)'precip detection based on opera vs opera') v_pd=np.array([-0.5,0.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,6.5]) cmap_pd, norm_pd = from_levels_and_colors(v_pd, colors=['darkgrey','lightgrey','plum', '#377eb8','ivory'], extend='neither') tick_label_pd_nr=np.array([0,1.5,3,4,5.5]) tick_label_pd=['no rad','rad clutter: no','rad clutter: yes','rad: yes','rad: no'] im=m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,ver['ody'],cmap=cmap_pd,norm=norm_pd,latlon=True) divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="4%", pad=0.05) cbar = fig.colorbar(im,cax=cax,ticks=tick_label_pd_nr,spacing='uniform'),fontsize=14) outfile= 'test_%s' fig.savefig((in_msg.outputDir+ outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') print('... create figure: display ' + in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') + '.png') plots_done[area].append('OdyVsRr') ############################################## ## cth visualisation without parallax corr for a test ############################################## if 'CTH' in in_msg.plots[area]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(5, 3)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default':'regular'}) ## 1st subplot m = map_plot(axis=axes,area=area)'CTH (without parallax corr)') v_rr = np.arange(6000,12001,1000) cmap_rr,norm_rr=smart_colormap(v_rr,name='coolwarm',extend='neither') im4 = m.pcolormesh(lon,lat,data_cth['CTTH'].height,cmap=cmap_rr,norm=norm_rr,latlon=True) fig.colorbar(im4) data_cth['CTTH'].height outfile= 'CTH_without_parallax_%s' fig.savefig((in_msg.outputDir+ outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') print('... create figure: display ' + in_msg.outputDir+outfile %time_slot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') + '.png') plots_done[area].append('CTH') # end of area loop ## start postprocessing for area in in_msg.postprocessing_areas: postprocessing(in_msg, time_slot, int(sat_nr), area) # increase the time by a time delta time_slot += delta # end of time loop return plots_done
add_borders_and_rivers(PIL_image, cw, area_tuple, add_borders=in_msg.add_borders, border_color=in_msg.border_color, add_rivers=in_msg.add_rivers, river_color=in_msg.river_color, resolution=in_msg.resolution, verbose=in_msg.verbose) #if area.find("EuropeCanary") != -1 or area.find("ccs4") != -1: dc = DecoratorAGG(PIL_image) # add title to image if in_msg.add_title: add_title(PIL_image, rgb, int(data.number), dateS, hourS, minS, area, dc, in_msg.font_file, in_msg.verbose) # create output filename outputDir = format_name(in_msg.outputDir, data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat_nr=data.number) outputFile = outputDir + format_name( in_msg.outputFile + 'p' + str(it * delta_t).zfill(2) + '.png', data.time_slot, area=area, rgb=rgb, sat_nr=data.number) if not exists(outputDir):
if False: from plot_msg import add_title from pydecorate import DecoratorAGG if socket.gethostname()[0:5] == 'zueub': font_file = "/usr/openv/java/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterBold.ttf" elif socket.gethostname()[0:7] == 'keschln' or socket.gethostname( )[0:7] == "eschaln": font_file = "/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf" else: print("*** ERROR, unknown computer, unknown location of the ttf-file") quit() dc = DecoratorAGG(PIL_image) title = "Cloud Physical Properties (Roebeling, 2009), %Y-%m-%d %H:%MUTC, %(area)s\n%(rgb)s" add_title(PIL_image, title, chn, "cpp", "10", time_slot, area, dc, font_file, True, title_color='red')