Ejemplo n.º 1
    def draw_bar(self, coll):
        """Draw a collection of similar patches as a bar chart.

        After bars are sorted, an appropriate data dictionary must be created
        to tell plotly about this data. Just like draw_line or draw_markers,
        draw_bar translates patch/path information into something plotly

        Positional arguments:
        patch_coll -- a collection of patches to be drawn as a bar chart.

        tol = 1e-10
        trace = [mpltools.make_bar(**bar_props) for bar_props in coll]
        widths = [bar_props['x1'] - bar_props['x0'] for bar_props in trace]
        heights = [bar_props['y1'] - bar_props['y0'] for bar_props in trace]
        vertical = abs(
            sum(widths[0] - widths[iii] for iii in range(len(widths)))
        ) < tol
        horizontal = abs(
            sum(heights[0] - heights[iii] for iii in range(len(heights)))
        ) < tol
        if vertical and horizontal:
            # Check for monotonic x. Can't both be true!
            x_zeros = [bar_props['x0'] for bar_props in trace]
            if all((x_zeros[iii + 1] > x_zeros[iii]
                    for iii in range(len(x_zeros[:-1])))):
                orientation = 'v'
                orientation = 'h'
        elif vertical:
            orientation = 'v'
            orientation = 'h'
        if orientation == 'v':
            self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a vertical bar chart\n"
            old_heights = [bar_props['y1'] for bar_props in trace]
            for bar in trace:
                bar['y0'], bar['y1'] = 0, bar['y1'] - bar['y0']
            new_heights = [bar_props['y1'] for bar_props in trace]
            # check if we're stacked or not...
            for old, new in zip(old_heights, new_heights):
                if abs(old - new) > tol:
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['barmode'] = 'stack'
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'x'
            x = [bar['x0'] + (bar['x1'] - bar['x0']) / 2 for bar in trace]
            y = [bar['y1'] for bar in trace]
            bar_gap = mpltools.get_bar_gap([bar['x0'] for bar in trace],
                                           [bar['x1'] for bar in trace])
            if self.x_is_mpl_date:
                x = [bar['x0'] for bar in trace]
                formatter = (self.current_mpl_ax.get_xaxis()
                x = mpltools.mpl_dates_to_datestrings(x, formatter)
            self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a horizontal bar chart\n"
            old_rights = [bar_props['x1'] for bar_props in trace]
            for bar in trace:
                bar['x0'], bar['x1'] = 0, bar['x1'] - bar['x0']
            new_rights = [bar_props['x1'] for bar_props in trace]
            # check if we're stacked or not...
            for old, new in zip(old_rights, new_rights):
                if abs(old - new) > tol:
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['barmode'] = 'stack'
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'y'
            x = [bar['x1'] for bar in trace]
            y = [bar['y0'] + (bar['y1'] - bar['y0']) / 2 for bar in trace]
            bar_gap = mpltools.get_bar_gap([bar['y0'] for bar in trace],
                                           [bar['y1'] for bar in trace])
        bar = go.Bar(
            opacity=trace[0]['alpha'],  # TODO: get all alphas if array?
                color=trace[0]['facecolor'],  # TODO: get all
                line=dict(width=trace[0]['edgewidth'])))  # TODO ditto
        if len(bar['x']) > 1:
            self.msg += "    Heck yeah, I drew that bar chart\n"
            if bar_gap is not None:
                self.plotly_fig['layout']['bargap'] = bar_gap
            self.msg += "    Bar chart not drawn\n"
            warnings.warn('found box chart data with length <= 1, '
                          'assuming data redundancy, not plotting.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def draw_bar(self, coll):
        """Draw a collection of similar patches as a bar chart.

        After bars are sorted, an appropriate data dictionary must be created
        to tell plotly about this data. Just like draw_line or draw_markers,
        draw_bar translates patch/path information into something plotly

        Positional arguments:
        patch_coll -- a collection of patches to be drawn as a bar chart.

        tol = 1e-10
        trace = [mpltools.make_bar(**bar_props) for bar_props in coll]
        widths = [bar_props['x1'] - bar_props['x0'] for bar_props in trace]
        heights = [bar_props['y1'] - bar_props['y0'] for bar_props in trace]
        vertical = abs(
            sum(widths[0] - widths[iii] for iii in range(len(widths)))
        ) < tol
        horizontal = abs(
            sum(heights[0] - heights[iii] for iii in range(len(heights)))
        ) < tol
        if vertical and horizontal:
            # Check for monotonic x. Can't both be true!
            x_zeros = [bar_props['x0'] for bar_props in trace]
            if all((x_zeros[iii + 1] > x_zeros[iii]
                    for iii in range(len(x_zeros[:-1])))):
                orientation = 'v'
                orientation = 'h'
        elif vertical:
            orientation = 'v'
            orientation = 'h'
        if orientation == 'v':
            self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a vertical bar chart\n"
            old_heights = [bar_props['y1'] for bar_props in trace]
            for bar in trace:
                bar['y0'], bar['y1'] = 0, bar['y1'] - bar['y0']
            new_heights = [bar_props['y1'] for bar_props in trace]
            # check if we're stacked or not...
            for old, new in zip(old_heights, new_heights):
                if abs(old - new) > tol:
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['barmode'] = 'stack'
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'x'
            x = [bar['x0'] + (bar['x1'] - bar['x0']) / 2 for bar in trace]
            y = [bar['y1'] for bar in trace]
            bar_gap = mpltools.get_bar_gap([bar['x0'] for bar in trace],
                                           [bar['x1'] for bar in trace])
            if self.x_is_mpl_date:
                x = [bar['x0'] for bar in trace]
                formatter = (self.current_mpl_ax.get_xaxis()
                x = mpltools.mpl_dates_to_datestrings(x, formatter)
            self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a horizontal bar chart\n"
            old_rights = [bar_props['x1'] for bar_props in trace]
            for bar in trace:
                bar['x0'], bar['x1'] = 0, bar['x1'] - bar['x0']
            new_rights = [bar_props['x1'] for bar_props in trace]
            # check if we're stacked or not...
            for old, new in zip(old_rights, new_rights):
                if abs(old - new) > tol:
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['barmode'] = 'stack'
                    self.plotly_fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'y'
            x = [bar['x1'] for bar in trace]
            y = [bar['y0'] + (bar['y1'] - bar['y0']) / 2 for bar in trace]
            bar_gap = mpltools.get_bar_gap([bar['y0'] for bar in trace],
                                           [bar['y1'] for bar in trace])
        bar = go.Bar(
            opacity=trace[0]['alpha'],  # TODO: get all alphas if array?
                color=trace[0]['facecolor'],  # TODO: get all
                line=go.Line(width=trace[0]['edgewidth'])))  # TODO ditto
        if len(bar['x']) > 1:
            self.msg += "    Heck yeah, I drew that bar chart\n"
            self.plotly_fig['data'] += bar,
            if bar_gap is not None:
                self.plotly_fig['layout']['bargap'] = bar_gap
            self.msg += "    Bar chart not drawn\n"
            warnings.warn('found box chart data with length <= 1, '
                          'assuming data redundancy, not plotting.')