Ejemplo n.º 1
    pStar  = pStarFct(mat, states, a_r, b_r)
    pStarT = pStarTFct(mat, states, a_r, a_s, b_r, p)
    # Compute the log-likelihood to maximise
    logLik = logLikFct(var, p, pStar, pStarT)

    # Save parameters for later plotting (redundant wrt optimisation)
    vs[:, m] = var
    ps[:, m] = p
    llh[m] = logLik

# ============================================= #
# ===== Plotting ============================== #
# ============================================= #

if states == 2:
    pltm.plotDuo(range(sims), vs[0,:], vs[1,:], 'Var_1', 'Var_2', 'Trials', 'Variance')
    pltm.plotDuo(range(sims), ps[0,:], ps[3,:], 'p11', 'p22', 'Trials', 'Probability')
elif states == 3:
    pltm.plotTri(range(sims), vs[0,:], vs[1,:], vs[2,:], 'Trials', 'Var_1', 'Var_2', 'Var_3', 'Variance')
    pltm.plotTri(range(sims), ps[0,:], ps[4,:], ps[8,:], 'Trials', 'p11', 'p22', 'p33', 'Probability')
    pltm.plotUno(d, pStar[0,:], xLab = 'Time', yLab = 'p1', title = 'Smoothed State Probabilities')
    pltm.plotUno(d, pStar[1,:], xLab = 'Time', yLab = 'p2', title = 'Smoothed State Probabilities')
    pltm.plotUno(d, pStar[2,:], xLab = 'Time', yLab = 'p3', title = 'Smoothed State Probabilities')
elif states == 4:
    pltm.plotQuad(range(sims), vs[0,:], vs[1,:], vs[2,:], vs[3,:], 'Trials', 'Var_1', 'Var_2', 'Var_3', 'Var_4', 'Variance')
    pltm.plotQuad(range(sims), ps[0,:], ps[5,:], ps[10,:], ps[15,:], 'Trials', 'p11', 'p22', 'p33', 'p44', 'Probability')

pltm.plotUno(range(sims), llh, yLab = 'log-likelihood value')
Ejemplo n.º 2
z = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=mat)
u = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=mat)

state = (u > p) * 1 + (u < p) * 0
vol = [1] * mat
ret = [0] * mat
for t in range(1, mat):
    vol[t] = (s_h**2 +
              a_h * ret[t - 1]**2) if state[t] else (s_l**2 +
                                                     a_l * ret[t - 1]**2)
    ret[t] = vol[t]**.5 * z[t]

x = np.arange(0, mat)
pltm.plotDuo(x = x, y1 = ret, y2 = state, \
            yLab1 = 'Returns', yLab2 = 'State', \
            yLab = 'Returns', xLab = 'Time')

# Compare with old model
returns = ((u > p) * s_h + (u < p) * s_l) * z
pltm.plotDuo(x = x, y1 = returns, y2 = state, \
            yLab1 = 'Returns', yLab2 = 'State', \
            yLab = 'Returns', xLab = 'Time')

# s ~ Markov chain
" Two-state hidden Markov volatility model "

p11 = 0.95
p22 = 0.90

state_ms = np.repeat(0, mat)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import scipy.stats as ss  # Distribution functions
import plotsModule as pltm  # Custom plotting
import likelihoodModule as llm  # Likelihood functions

np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)  # Disable scientific notation

# First exercise 1.5
x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)
y = ss.norm.pdf(x)
z = ss.t.pdf(x, 3)

             'Standard Normal PDF',
             "Student's t (v=3)",
             "Comparison between PDF's",
             loc='upper right')

tArch = tsm.tArchFct(1., 0.8, 3, 10000)

sig2 = 1.0
alpha = 0.8
periods = 100

n = 10000
scores = np.zeros(n)
for i in np.arange(n):
    tArch = tsm.tArchFct(sig2, alpha, 3, periods)
Ejemplo n.º 4
s1, s2, p = 1.0, 0.5, 0.3

# Compute initial pStar given initial parameters
f1 = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s1) * np.exp(-0.5 * y**2 / s1)
f2 = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s2) * np.exp(-0.5 * y**2 / s2)
pStar = p * f1 / (p * f1 + (1 - p) * f2)

for m in range(rep):
    # Reevaluate parameters given pStar
    s1 = sum(pStar * y**2) / sum(pStar)
    s2 = sum((1 - pStar) * y**2) / sum(1 - pStar)
    p = sum(pStar) / mat

    # Update pStar given new parameters
    f1 = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s1) * np.exp(-0.5 * y**2 / s1)
    f2 = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s2) * np.exp(-0.5 * y**2 / s2)
    pStar = p * f1 / (p * f1 + (1 - p) * f2)  # Compute new pStar

    # Compute the log-likelihood to maximise
    logLik = pStar * np.log(f1 * p) + (1 - pStar) * np.log(f2 * (1 - p))
    sVol = pStar * s1 + (1 - pStar) * s2

    # Save parameters for later plotting (redundant wrt optimisation)
    par[0, m], par[1, m], par[2, m] = s1, s2, p
    llh[m] = sum(logLik)

pltm.plotDuo(range(rep), par[0, :], par[1, :], 'Sigma_h', 'Sigma_l', 'Time',
pltm.plotUno(range(rep), par[2, :])
pltm.plotUno(range(rep), llh)
Ejemplo n.º 5
a[0, 0], a[1, 0] = f1[0] / mat, f2[0] / mat

for t in range(1, mat):
    a[0, t] = f1[t] * (p11 * a[0, t - 1] + p21 * a[1, t - 1]
                       )  # Has to end in state 1
    a[1, t] = f2[t] * (p12 * a[0, t - 1] + p22 * a[1, t - 1]
                       )  # Has to end in state 2
    # a[0, t] = f1[t] * sum([p11, p21] * a[:, t-1]) <-- Slightly more dynamic

for t in range(mat - 2, -1, -1):
    b[0, t] = f1[t + 1] * b[0, t + 1] * p11 + f2[t + 1] * b[1, t + 1] * p12
    b[1, t] = f1[t + 1] * b[0, t + 1] * p21 + f2[t + 1] * b[1, t + 1] * p22

# We note, that there is a problem because of extremely small values of a, b.
pltm.plotDuo(range(mat), a[0, :], a[1, :], 'State 1', 'State 2', 'Time',
pltm.plotDuo(range(mat), b[0, :], b[1, :], 'State 1', 'State 2', 'Time',

# Because of these extremely small values, stable solutions are not found, and
# for this reason we skip the computation of probabilities.

# To fix the problem of scale, we rescale a, b to find stable solutions.

# ============================================= #
# ===== Rescaled EM algorithm ================= #
# ============================================= #

# A. Forward algorithm
a_s = np.ones(mat)  # a_scale
a_r = np.ones(states * mat).reshape(states, mat)  # a_rescale