Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _send_to_plpy(self, level, text, exception=None):
        # exception might also be a tuple generated by sys.exc_info
        if exception:
            if isinstance(exception, tuple) and len(exception) > 1:
                exception = exception[1]
            exception_message = '. Exception: {}'.format(exception)
            exception_message = ''

        # Adding trace breaks tests
        # trace = traceback.format_exc(15)
        # message = '{}{}. Trace: {}'.format(text, exception_message, trace)
        message = '{}{}'.format(text, exception_message)

        if self._check_plpy():
            if level == 'debug':
            elif level == 'info':
            elif level == 'warning':
            elif level == 'error':
                # Plpy.error and fatal raises exceptions and we only want to
                # log an error, exceptions should be raise explicitly
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mount_csv(in_file_name, out_table_name, sep=";", header=True, column_types = None, **kwargs):
    import plpy

    if sep != None:
        with open(in_file_name, "r") as fp:
            columns = fp.readline().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").split(sep)
        columns = ["value"]
    if header == False:
        columns = ["COL%d" %d for d in range(len(columns))]
    elif type(header) == list:
        columns = header
        header = False
    columns = map(lambda x: x.lower(), columns)
    if not column_types:
        column_types = ["text"] * len(columns)
        plpy.execute("""CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS file_fdw;CREATE SERVER csv_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw;""")
    if out_table_name.find(".") > 0:
        plpy.execute("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS %s;" %out_table_name.split(".")[0])
    plpy.execute("DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS %s;" %out_table_name)
    cmd = """CREATE FOREIGN TABLE %s (%s) SERVER csv_server OPTIONS (filename '%s', format 'csv', \
    header '%s' %s);""" %(out_table_name, ",".join(["%s %s" %(columns[c], column_types[c]) for c in range(len(columns))]),
          in_file_name, "true" if header else "false", ", delimiter '%s'" %sep if sep != None else "")
    ret = plpy.execute(cmd)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hba_heuristic(source, target, tablename='vertex', col_geom='geom', col_id='id'):
  if heuristic_plan == -1:
    global heuristic_plan
    heuristic_plan = plpy.prepare('select st_distance(a.' + col_geom + ', b.' + col_geom + ') as cost from ' + tablename + ' as a, ' + tablename + ' as b where a.' + col_id + ' = $2 and b.' + col_id + ' = $3', ['text', 'integer', 'integer', 'text', 'text'])
    return plpy.execute(heuristic_plan, [col_geom, source, target, tablename, col_id], 1)[0]['cost']
    plpy.info("No heuristic distance. This is a bug, probably.")
    return float('inf')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def hba_process_y(adj, p, cat, d, ol, cl, x, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge, already_processed=[], distance='Infinity'):
#  plpy.info("hba_process_y", cat[0])
  cat_array = cat
  cat_array[0] = cat_array[0] + 1 
  categories = [hba_process_vertex(y, p, cat_array, d, ol, cl, x, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge, already_processed, distance) for y in adj]
  cat = cat_array
#  plpy.info("Salimos del hba_process_y con ", cat[0])
  if len(already_processed) == 0 and len(adj) > 0:
   plpy.info("Bajando nivel desde ", cat[0])
   cat[0] = 10 
   hba_process_y(adj, p, cat, d, ol, cl, x, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge, already_processed, distance)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _send_to_plpy(self, level, text):
     if self._check_plpy():
         if level == 'debug':
         elif level == 'info':
         elif level == 'warning':
         elif level == 'error':
             # Plpy.error and fatal raises exceptions and we only want to
             # log an error, exceptions should be raise explicitly
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _send_to_plpy(self, level, text):
     if self._check_plpy():
         if level == 'debug':
         elif level == 'info':
         elif level == 'warning':
         elif level == 'error':
             # Plpy.error and fatal raises exceptions and we only want to
             # log an error, exceptions should be raise explicitly
Ejemplo n.º 7
def hba_buildPath(ps, pt, m, source, target, olf, olb):
    #Return variable
    res = []

    current = m

    if m == 0:
        m = hba_bestNext(olf)
    if m == -1:
        m = hba_bestNext(olb)


        while current != source:
            #     plpy.info("Current-s: ", ps[current][0])
            current = int(ps[current][0])
            #     res.append([int(ps[current][1]['id']), ps[current][1]['geom'], "name", ps[current][1]['cost']])
                int(ps[current][1]['id']), ps[current][1]['geom'],
                ps[current][1]['name'], ps[current][1]['cost']


    current = m

        while current != target:
            current = int(pt[current][0])
            #     res.append([int(pt[current][1]['id']), pt[current][1]['geom'], "name", pt[current][1]['cost']])
                int(pt[current][1]['id']), pt[current][1]['geom'],
                pt[current][1]['name'], pt[current][1]['cost']

    plpy.info("Path: ", len(res))  #, res)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 8
def hba_heuristic(source,
    if heuristic_plan == -1:
        global heuristic_plan
        heuristic_plan = plpy.prepare(
            'select st_distance(a.' + col_geom + ', b.' + col_geom +
            ') as cost from ' + tablename + ' as a, ' + tablename +
            ' as b where a.' + col_id + ' = $2 and b.' + col_id + ' = $3',
            ['text', 'integer', 'integer', 'text', 'text'])
        return plpy.execute(heuristic_plan,
                            [col_geom, source, target, tablename, col_id],
        plpy.info("No heuristic distance. This is a bug, probably.")
        return float('inf')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def hba_buildPath(ps, pt, m, source, target, olf, olb):
  #Return variable
  res = []

  current = m

  if m ==  0:
    m = hba_bestNext(olf)
  if m == -1:
    m = hba_bestNext(olb)

 # plpy.info(m)

    while current != source:
#     plpy.info("Current-s: ", ps[current][0])
     current = int(ps[current][0])
#     res.append([int(ps[current][1]['id']), ps[current][1]['geom'], "name", ps[current][1]['cost']])
     res.append([int(ps[current][1]['id']), ps[current][1]['geom'], ps[current][1]['name'], ps[current][1]['cost']])


#  plpy.info("weee")


    while current != target:
#     plpy.info("Current-t: ", pt[current][0])
     current = int(pt[current][0])
#     res.append([int(pt[current][1]['id']), pt[current][1]['geom'], "name", pt[current][1]['cost']])
     res.append([int(pt[current][1]['id']), pt[current][1]['geom'], pt[current][1]['name'], pt[current][1]['cost']])

  plpy.info("Path: ", len(res)) #, res)

  return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
def hba_astar(source, target, ol, cl, cl2, cat, d, p, tablename='routing', col_geom='geom', col_edge='id', col_cost='cost', col_revc='reverse_cost', col_source='source', col_target='target', vertex_tablename='vertex', col_cat='category', col_vertex_geom='geom', col_name='name', col_rule='rule'):
  #If we don't have open candidates...
  if len(ol) == 0:
    return 0
  if len(ol) > 0:
    #x <- node with smallest f-value
    x = hba_bestNext(ol)

    #We move through the next best option:
    del ol[x]

    #Have we just found the middle point?
    if (x == target or x in cl2):
      return x

    #Next candidates
    # If we are in the initialization buffer, use hba_adj_initialization
    if distance_plan == -1:
        global distance_plan
        distance_plan = plpy.prepare('\n\
            ' + 'SELECT st_distance_sphere(v1.geom, v2.geom) as dist from vertex v1, vertex v2 where v1.id = $1 and v2.id = $2',
        ['Integer', 'Integer'])
    distance =plpy.execute(distance_plan, [source, x])[0]["dist"]
    plpy.info("Distance from origin=" + str(distance)) 
    if (distance <= distance_buffer):
      plpy.info("Using hba_adj_buffer")
      adj = hba_adj_buffer(x, target, p,tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_cost, col_source, col_target, col_revc, col_cat, col_name, col_rule)
      plpy.info("Using hba_adj")
      adj = hba_adj(cat, x, target, p,tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_cost, col_source, col_target, col_revc, col_cat, col_name, col_rule)
    #plpy.info("Obtained adjacents for node " + str(x) + " with category cat >= " + str(cat) + ". " + str(adj.nrows()) + " nodes.")

    #Forever alone
    if adj is None:
      plpy.error("This vertex is alone")

    #For each candidate
    hba_process_y(adj, p, cat, d, ol, cl, x, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge, [],  distance)
  #Return false, we still have to loop more
  return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _flush_to_newline(self):
     pos = self.buf.rfind("\n")
     if pos == -1:
     self.buf = self.buf[(pos + 1) :]
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def flush(self):
     if len(self.buf) > 0:
     self.buf = ""
Ejemplo n.º 13
def hba_star_pl(source,

    #Closed Lists (backward and forward)
    clf = []
    clb = []

    #Open Lists (backward and forward)
    #Candidate nodes from which we want to continue calculating
    #Every node (key) contains (value) its estimated (heuristic) cost till the target
    olf = {}
    olb = {}

    #Total cost (backward and forward)
    #For every node, globally, its lowest cost from source/target
    d = {}
    d[target] = 0
    d[source] = 0

    #Predecessor array (backward and forward)
    #For every node, which is its previous node (related to d[])
    ps = {}
    pt = {}

    #Current category of search (backward and forward)
    catf = [10]
    catb = [10]

    #Initial values
    olf[source] = d[source] + hba_heuristic(source, target, vertex_tablename,
                                            col_vertex_geom, col_edge)
    olb[target] = d[target] + hba_heuristic(target, source, vertex_tablename,
                                            col_vertex_geom, col_edge)

    global adj_plan
    global adj_plan_rev
    global central_node_plan

    adj_plan_rev = plpy.prepare(
        'select a.*, ' + 'CASE WHEN a.name = $4 AND a.category <= 3 THEN \n\
		(a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * (a.category + 1) \n\
	WHEN a.name = b.name THEN \n\
                a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom) \n\
	ELSE \n\
		(a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * ' +
        str(heuristic_constant) + ' * (a.category + 1) \n\
	END as heuristic \n\
	from ((select  \n\
        ' + col_geom + ' as geom, \n\
        ' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
        ' + col_cost + ' as cost,\n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' +
        col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
        ' + col_target + ' as source, \n\
        ' + col_source + ' as target, \n\
        ' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
        ' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + '\n\
        ) union all (select  \n\
        st_reverse(' + col_geom + ') as geom, \n\
        ' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
        ' + col_revc + ' as cost, \n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' +
        col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
        ' + col_source + ' as source,\n\
        ' + col_target + ' as target, \n\
        ' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
        ' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + ' )\n\
        ) a, (select st_startpoint(' + col_geom + ')  as geom from ' +
        tablename + ' where ' + col_source + ' = $3 or ' + col_target +
        ' = $3 limit 1) b \n\
                where source = $1 and category >= 0\n\
                and cost <> \'Infinity\''

        #Turn restrictions:
        + 'and ' + col_edge + ' not in (SELECT ' + col_edge + ' from ' +
        tablename + ' r where r.' + col_rule + ' = $2)',
        ['Integer', 'Integer', 'Integer', 'text', 'Integer'])

    adj_plan = plpy.prepare(
    select a.*,' + 'CASE WHEN a.name = $4 AND a.category <= 3 THEN \n\
                (a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom))  * (a.category + 1) \n\
        WHEN a.name = b.name THEN \n\
                a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom) \n\
        ELSE \n\
                (a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * '
        + str(heuristic_constant) + ' * (a.category + 1) \n\
        END as heuristic \n\
        from ((select  \n\
	st_reverse(' + col_geom + ') as geom, \n\
	' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
	' + col_revc + ' as cost,\n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' +
        col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
	' + col_target + ' as source, \n\
	' + col_source + ' as target, \n\
	' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
	' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + '\n\
	) union all (select  \n\
	' + col_geom + ' as geom, \n\
	' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
	' + col_cost + ' as cost, \n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' +
        col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
	' + col_source + ' as source,\n\
	' + col_target + ' as target, \n\
	' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
	' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + ' )\n\
	) a, (select st_startpoint(' + col_geom + ')  as geom  from ' + tablename +
        ' where ' + col_source + ' = $3 or ' + col_target +
        ' = $3 limit 1) b \n\
		where source = $1 and category >= 0\n\
		and cost <> \'Infinity\''

        #Turn restrictions:
        + 'and ' + col_edge + ' not in (SELECT ' + col_rule + ' from ' +
        tablename + ' r where r.' + col_edge + ' = $2 and ' + col_rule +
        ' is not null)',
        ['Integer', 'Integer', 'Integer', 'text', 'Integer'])

    central_node_plan = plpy.prepare(
        'SELECT 1 WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ' + tablename + ' WHERE ' +
        col_edge + ' = $2 and ' + col_rule + ' = $1)', ['Integer', 'Integer'])

    #Star two-sided A* search

    m = -1
    m1 = 0
    m2 = 0

    #We try A* step by step until the two paths collided
    while not m1 and not m2 and (len(olf) > 0 and len(olb) > 0):
        m1 = hba_astar(source, target, olf, clf, clb, catf, d, ps, tablename,
                       col_geom, col_edge, col_cost, col_revc, col_source,
                       col_target, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom,
                       col_name, col_rule)
        m2 = hba_astar(target, source, olb, clb, clf, catb, d, pt, tablename,
                       col_geom, col_edge, col_revc, col_cost, col_target,
                       col_source, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom,
                       col_name, col_rule)

    m = m1
    if m <= 0:
        m = m2

    plpy.info("cl:", len(clf) + len(clb))

    if m == 0:
        plpy.info("No path found. Inferring path")

    #Now, get the result
    return hba_buildPath(ps, pt, m, source, target, olf, olb)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def hba_star_pl(source, target, tablename='routing', col_edge='id', col_cost='cost', col_revc='reverse_cost', col_rule='rule', col_source='source', col_target='target', col_geom='the_geom', col_name='name', col_cat='category', vertex_tablename='vertex', col_vertex_geom='geom'):
  plpy.info("hba_star_pl(" + str(source) + ", " + str(target) + ")")

  #Closed Lists (backward and forward)
  clf = []
  clb = []

  #Open Lists (backward and forward)
  #Candidate nodes from which we want to continue calculating
  #Every node (key) contains (value) its estimated (heuristic) cost till the target
  olf = {}
  olb = {}
  #Total cost (backward and forward)
  #For every node, globally, its lowest cost from source/target
  d = {}
  d[target] = 0
  d[source] = 0

  #Predecessor array (backward and forward)
  #For every node, which is its previous node (related to d[])
  ps = {}
  pt = {}

  #Current category of search (backward and forward)
  catf = [10]
  catb = [10]

  #Initial values
  olf[source] = d[source] + hba_heuristic(source, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge)
  olb[target] = d[target] + hba_heuristic(target, source, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge)

  #Star two-sided A* search

  m = -1
  m1 = 0
  m2 = 0

  #We try A* step by step until the two paths collided
  while not m1 and not m2 and (len(olf) > 0 and len(olb) > 0):
    m1 = hba_astar(source, target, olf, clf, clb, catf, d, ps, tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_cost, col_revc, col_source, col_target, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom, col_name, col_rule)
    m2 = hba_astar(target, source, olb, clb, clf, catb, d, pt, tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_revc, col_cost, col_target, col_source, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom, col_name, col_rule)

  plpy.info("Finished calculation")

  m = m1
  if m <= 0 :
    m = m2

  plpy.info("cl:", len(clf) + len(clb))


  if m == 0:
    plpy.info("No path found. Inferring path")

  #Now, get the result
  return hba_buildPath(ps, pt, m, source, target, olf, olb)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def flush(self):
     if len(self.buf) > 0:
     self.buf = ""
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _flush_to_newline(self):
     pos = self.buf.rfind("\n")
     if pos == -1:
     self.buf = self.buf[(pos + 1):]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def hba_star_pl(source, target, tablename='routing', col_edge='id', col_cost='cost', col_revc='reverse_cost', col_rule='rule', col_source='source', col_target='target', col_geom='the_geom', col_name='name', col_cat='category', vertex_tablename='vertex', col_vertex_geom='geom'):
  #Closed Lists (backward and forward)
  clf = []
  clb = []

  #Open Lists (backward and forward)
  #Candidate nodes from which we want to continue calculating
  #Every node (key) contains (value) its estimated (heuristic) cost till the target
  olf = {}
  olb = {}
  #Total cost (backward and forward)
  #For every node, globally, its lowest cost from source/target
  d = {}
  d[target] = 0
  d[source] = 0

  #Predecessor array (backward and forward)
  #For every node, which is its previous node (related to d[])
  ps = {}
  pt = {}

  #Current category of search (backward and forward)
  catf = [10]
  catb = [10]

  #Initial values
  olf[source] = d[source] + hba_heuristic(source, target, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge)
  olb[target] = d[target] + hba_heuristic(target, source, vertex_tablename, col_vertex_geom, col_edge)

  global adj_plan
  global adj_plan_rev
  global central_node_plan
  adj_plan_rev = plpy.prepare('select a.*, '
	+ 'CASE WHEN a.name = $4 AND a.category <= 3 THEN \n\
		(a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * (a.category + 1) \n\
	WHEN a.name = b.name THEN \n\
                a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom) \n\
	ELSE \n\
		(a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * ' + str(heuristic_constant) + ' * (a.category + 1) \n\
	END as heuristic \n\
	from ((select  \n\
        ' + col_geom + ' as geom, \n\
        ' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
        ' + col_cost + ' as cost,\n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' + col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
        ' + col_target + ' as source, \n\
        ' + col_source + ' as target, \n\
        ' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
        ' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + '\n\
        ) union all (select  \n\
        st_reverse(' + col_geom + ') as geom, \n\
        ' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
        ' + col_revc + ' as cost, \n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' + col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
        ' + col_source + ' as source,\n\
        ' + col_target + ' as target, \n\
        ' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
        ' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + ' )\n\
        ) a, (select st_startpoint(' + col_geom + ')  as geom from ' + tablename + ' where ' + col_source + ' = $3 or ' + col_target + ' = $3 limit 1) b \n\
                where source = $1 and category >= 0\n\
                and cost <> \'Infinity\''
             #Turn restrictions:
        + 'and ' + col_edge + ' not in (SELECT ' + col_edge + ' from ' + tablename + ' r where r.' + col_rule + ' = $2)'
       , ['Integer', 'Integer', 'Integer', 'text', 'Integer'])

  adj_plan = plpy.prepare('\n\
    select a.*,'
        + 'CASE WHEN a.name = $4 AND a.category <= 3 THEN \n\
                (a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom))  * (a.category + 1) \n\
        WHEN a.name = b.name THEN \n\
                a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom) \n\
        ELSE \n\
                (a.length + st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(a.geom), b.geom)) * ' + str(heuristic_constant) + ' * (a.category + 1) \n\
        END as heuristic \n\
        from ((select  \n\
	st_reverse(' + col_geom + ') as geom, \n\
	' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
	' + col_revc + ' as cost,\n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' + col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
	' + col_target + ' as source, \n\
	' + col_source + ' as target, \n\
	' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
	' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + '\n\
	) union all (select  \n\
	' + col_geom + ' as geom, \n\
	' + col_edge + ' as id, \n\
	' + col_cost + ' as cost, \n\
        st_distance_sphere(st_startpoint(' + col_geom + '), st_endpoint(' + col_geom + ')) as length,\n\
	' + col_source + ' as source,\n\
	' + col_target + ' as target, \n\
	' + col_cat + ' as category, \n\
	' + col_name + ' as name from ' + tablename + ' )\n\
	) a, (select st_startpoint(' + col_geom + ')  as geom  from ' + tablename + ' where ' + col_source + ' = $3 or ' + col_target + ' = $3 limit 1) b \n\
		where source = $1 and category >= 0\n\
		and cost <> \'Infinity\''
             #Turn restrictions:
	+ 'and ' + col_edge + ' not in (SELECT ' + col_rule + ' from ' + tablename + ' r where r.' + col_edge + ' = $2 and ' + col_rule + ' is not null)'
       , ['Integer', 'Integer', 'Integer', 'text', 'Integer'])
  central_node_plan = plpy.prepare('SELECT 1 WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ' + tablename + ' WHERE ' + col_edge + ' = $2 and ' + col_rule + ' = $1)', ['Integer', 'Integer'])

  #Star two-sided A* search

  m = -1
  m1 = 0
  m2 = 0

  #We try A* step by step until the two paths collided
  while not m1 and not m2 and (len(olf) > 0 and len(olb) > 0):
    m1 = hba_astar(source, target, olf, clf, clb, catf, d, ps, tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_cost, col_revc, col_source, col_target, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom, col_name, col_rule)
    m2 = hba_astar(target, source, olb, clb, clf, catb, d, pt, tablename, col_geom, col_edge, col_revc, col_cost, col_target, col_source, vertex_tablename, col_cat, col_vertex_geom, col_name, col_rule)

  m = m1
  if m <= 0 :
    m = m2

  plpy.info("cl:", len(clf) + len(clb))

  if m == 0:
    plpy.info("No path found. Inferring path")

  #Now, get the result
  return hba_buildPath(ps, pt, m, source, target, olf, olb)