Ejemplo n.º 1
class Jinja2(Plugin):
    """Plugin to translate jinja2 templates to html files."""

    extensions = ['jinja2', 'j2']

    def __init__(self):
            kwargs = {
                'loader': FileSystemLoader(self['sitepath']),
                'auto_reload': self['siteconfig'].get('jinja2.auto_reload',
                'cache_size': self['siteconfig'].get('jinja2.cache_size', 50),
                'extensions': self['siteconfig'].get('jinja2.extensions', ()),
            self.env = Environment(**kwargs)
        except NameError:
            self.env = None

    def render(self, page):
        tmpl = self._get_template(page.templatefile)
        return tmpl.render(page.context) if tmpl != None else ''

    def _get_template(self, template_name, globals=None):
        if self.env != None:
            return self.env.get_template(template_name, globals=globals)
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ExpressionPy( Plugin ):
    """Plugin evaluates python expression, converts the result into
    string and supplies escape filtering like url-encode, xml-encode, 
    html-encode, stripping whitespaces on expression substitution."""

    implements( ITayraExpression )

    def eval( self, mach, text, globals_, locals_ ):
        """:meth:`tayra.interfaces.ITayraExpression.eval` interface 
        return str( eval( text, globals_, locals_ ))

    def filter( self, mach, name, text ):
        """:meth:`tayra.interfaces.ITayraExpression.filter` interface 
        handler = getattr( self, name, self.default )
        return handler( mach, text )

    def u( self, mach, text ):
        """Assume text as url and quote using urllib.parse.quote()"""
        return urllib.parse.quote( text )

    xmlescapes = {
        '&' : '&',
        '>' : '>', 
        '<' : '&lt;', 
        '"' : '&#34;',
        "'" : '&#39;',
    def x( self, mach, text ):
        """Assume text as XML, and apply escape encoding."""
        return re.sub( r'([&<"\'>])', 
                       lambda m: self.xmlescapes[m.group()], text )

    def h( self, mach, text ):
        """Assume text as HTML and apply html.escape( quote=True )"""
        return html.escape( text, quote=True )

    def t( self, mach, text ):
        """Strip whitespaces before and after text using strip()"""
        return text.strip()

    def default( self, mach, text ):
        """Default handler. Return ``None`` so that runtime will try other
        plugins implementing the filter."""
        return None

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 3
class StaticView( Plugin ):
    """Plugin to serve static files over HTTP."""
    implements( IHTTPView )

    def __init__( self, viewname, view ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPView.__init__` interface
        self.viewname = viewname
        self.view = view

    def __call__( self, request, c ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPView.__call__` interface
        resp = request.response
        assetpath = h.abspath_from_asset_spec( self.view['rootloc'] )
        docfile = join( assetpath, request.matchdict['path'] )

        if docfile and isfile( docfile ) :
            # Collect information about the document, for response.
            resp.set_status( b'200' )
            stat = os.stat( docfile )
            (typ, enc) = mimetypes.guess_type( docfile )
            if typ :
                resp.media_type = typ
            if enc :
                resp.content_coding = enc
            # Populate the context
            c.etag['body'] = open( docfile, 'rb' ).read()
            c['last_modified'] = h.http_fromdate( stat.st_mtime )
            cc = ('public,max-age=%s' % str(self['max_age']) ).encode('utf-8')
            resp.set_header( 'cache_control', cc )
            # Send Response
            resp.write( c['body'] )
            resp.flush( finishing=True )
        else :
            resp.pa.logwarn( "Not found %r" % docfile )
            resp.set_status( b'404' )
            resp.flush( finishing=True )

    def onfinish( self, request ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPView.__call__` interface

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        sett['max_age'] = h.asint( sett['max_age'] )
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ExpressionEvalPy(Plugin):
    """Plugin evaluates python expression and discards the resulting
    value. Doesn't supply any filtering rules."""


    def eval(self, mach, text, globals_, locals_):
        """:meth:`tayra.interfaces.ITayraExpression.eval` interface 
        eval(text, globals_, locals_)
        return ''
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Pandoc(Plugin):
    """Plugin that can translate different content formats into html
    format. Under development, contributions are welcome.

    Make sure that pandoc tool is installed and available through shell
    command line interface. Supports reStructuredText and Markdown content

    def __init__(self):
        self.cmd = join(os.environ['HOME'], '.cabal', 'bin', 'pandoc')

    #---- IContent interface methods.

    def articles(self, page):
        if not isfile(self.cmd):
            raise Exception('Not found %r' % self.cmd)

        articles = []
        for fpath in page.contentfiles:
            if not isfile(fpath): continue
            _, ext = splitext(fpath)
            ftype = page.context.get('filetype', ext.lstrip('.'))
            metadata, content = self.parsers[ftype](self, fpath)
            articles.append((fpath, metadata, content))
        return articles

    def rst2html(self, fpath):
        return self.pandoc(self.cmd, fpath, 'rst', 'html')

    def md2html(self, fpath):
        return self.pandoc(self.cmd, fpath, 'markdown', 'html')

    def pandoc(self, cmd, fpath, fromm, to):
        fd, tfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.system(cmd + ' --highlight-style kate -f %s -t %s -o "%s" "%s"' %
                  (fromm, to, tfile, fpath))
        return {}, open(fd).read()

    parsers = {
        'rst': rst2html,
        'markdown': md2html,
        'mdown': md2html,
        'mkdn': md2html,
        'md': md2html,
        'mkd': md2html,
        'mdwn': md2html,
        'mdtxt': md2html,
        'mdtext': md2html,
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Hg(Plugin):
    """Plugin to fetch page's context from Hg, if available, and compose them
    into a dictionary of page's metadata.

    cmd = [
        "hg", "log",
        '--template "{author|person} ; {author|email} ; {date|age}\n"'

    def fetch(self, page):
        """Provides the following context from git repository log for the

        .. code-block:: python

            { 'author' : <string>,
              'email' : <string>,
              'createdon' : <date-string>,
              'last_modified' : <date-string>

        - `author` will be original author who created the file.
        - `email` will be email-id of the original author,
        - `date-string` will be of the format 'Mon Jun 10, 2013' and will
          refer to author's local-time.
        scale = page.context.get('age_scale')
        for fpath in page.contentfiles:
                logs = subprocess.check_output(self.cmd + [fpath],
                logs = logs.splitlines()
                _, _, last_modified = logs[0].decode('utf-8').split(" ; ")
                author, email, createdon = logs[-1].decode('utf-8').split(
                    " ; ")
                author, email, createdon, last_modified = '', '', '', ''

        author, email = author.strip(' "\''), email.strip(' "\''),
        createdon, last_modified = createdon.strip(), last_modified.strip()
        createdon = age(int(createdon), scale=scale) if createdon else ''
        last_modified = age( int(last_modified), scale=scale ) \
                                    if last_modified else ''
        return {
            'author': author,
            'email': email,
            'createdon': createdon,
            'last_modified': last_modified
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Gen( Singleton ):
    """Sub-command plugin to generate static web site at the given target
    directory. If a target directory is not specified, it uses layout's
    default target directory. For more information refer to corresponding
    layout plugin's documentation.
    implements( ICommand )

    cmd = 'gen'
    description = 'Generate a static site for the give layout and content'

    #---- ICommand API
    def subparser( self, parser, subparsers ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method.
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 
                                self.cmd, description=self.description )
        self.subparser.set_defaults( handler=self.handle )
                '-g', '--config-path',
                dest='configfile', default='config.json',
                help='The configuration used to generate the site')
                '-t', '--build-target', dest='buildtarget',
                help="Location of target site that contains generated html.")
                '-r', '--regen', dest='regen',
                action='store_true', default=False,
                help='Regenerate all site pages.')
        return parser

    def handle( self, args ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method.

        Instantiate a layout plugin and apply generate() method on the
        instantiated plugin. ``sitepath`` and ``siteconfig`` references willbe
        passed as settings dictionary.
        siteconfig = join( args.sitepath, args.configfile )
        siteconfig = json2dict( siteconfig )
        layoutname = siteconfig.get( 'layout', args.layout )
        sett = { 'sitepath'   : args.sitepath,
                 'siteconfig' : siteconfig
        layout = self.qp( ILayout, layoutname, settings=sett )
            "Generating site at [%s] with layout [%s] ..." %
            (args.sitepath, layoutname))
        layout.generate( abspath(args.buildtarget), regen=args.regen )
        self.pa.loginfo("... complete")
Ejemplo n.º 8
class UnitTest(Singleton):
    """Sub-command to run available unittests."""

    description = "Run one or more unittest."
    cmd = 'unittest'

    #---- ICommand methods

    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method."""
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method."""
        tl = unittest.TestLoader()
        tr = unittest.TestResult()
        v = 2 if args.verbosity else 1
        runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=v)
        if args.module == 'all':
            suite = tl.discover(TESTDIR)
        elif args.module:
            suite = tl.loadTestsFromName('pluggdapps.tests.' + args.module)

    def _arguments(self, parser):
        parser.add_argument('module', help='unittest module')
                            help="Verbosity for running test cases")
        return parser

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Tayra(Plugin):
    """Plugin to translate tayra templates to html files."""

    extensions = ['ttl', 'tayra', 'tmpl']  # default template

    def __init__(self):
        setts = h.settingsfor('tayra.ttlcompiler.', self['siteconfig'])
        setts.update(helpers=['pagd.h'], debug=True)
        self.ttlplugin = self.qp(pluggdapps.interfaces.ITemplate,

    def render(self, page):
        return self.ttlplugin.render(page.context, file=page.templatefile)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Mako(Plugin):
    """Plugin to translate mako templates to html files."""

    extensions = ['mako']

    def __init__(self):
        self.kwargs = {
            'module_directory' : \
                    self['siteconfig'].get('mako.module_directory', None),

    def render(self, page):
            mytemplate = Template(page.templatefile, **self.kwargs)
            buf = io.StringIO()
            mytemplate.render_context(Context(buf, **page.context))
            return buf.getvalue()
        except NameError:
            return ''
Ejemplo n.º 11
class NewPage(Singleton):
    """Sub-command plugin to generate a new content page under

    cmd = 'newpage'
    description = 'Create a new content page.'

    #---- ICommand API
    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method.
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,
            help='The configuration used to generate the site')
            help='File name, extension not provided defaults to rst')
        return parser

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method.
        Instantiate a layout plugin and apply newpage() method on the
        instantiated plugin. ``sitepath`` and ``siteconfig`` references willbe
        passed as settings dictionary.
        siteconfig = join(args.sitepath, args.configfile)
        sett = {'sitepath': args.sitepath, 'siteconfig': siteconfig}
        layout = self.qp(ILayout, layoutname, settings=sett)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Native(Plugin):
    """Plugin that can translate different content formats into html
    format using python native modules. Uses function APIs defined under
    :mod:`pagd.contents` module, except for ttl2html.

    Supports reStructuredText, Markdown, plain-text, plain-html,
    tayra-templates text.

    Note that in case of a TTL file, it is interpreted as page content and not
    as template for this or any other page-contents.

    def __init__(self):
        setts = h.settingsfor('tayra.ttlcompiler.', self['siteconfig'])
        self.ttlplugin = \
            self.qp( pluggdapps.interfaces.ITemplate, 'tayra.TTLCompiler',
                     settings=setts )

    #---- IContent interface methods.

    def articles(self, page):
        """For ``page``, an instance of :class:`Page` class, using its
        ``contentfiles`` attribute, translate each file's text to html and
        return a corresponding list of articles. Where each element in the
        article is a tuple of, ::

            ( article's fpath, dictionary-of-metadata, html-text )

        articles = []
        for fpath in page.contentfiles:
            if not isfile(fpath): continue
            _, ext = splitext(fpath)
            ftype = page.context.get('filetype', ext.lstrip('.'))
            metadata, html = self.parsers[ftype](self, fpath, page)
            articles.append((fpath, metadata, html))
        return articles

    def rst2html(self, fpath, page):
        from pagd.contents import rst2html
        return rst2html(fpath, page)

    def md2html(self, fpath, page):
        from pagd.contents import md2html
        return md2html(fpath, page)

    def html2html(self, fpath, page):
        from pagd.contents import html2html
        return html2html(fpath, page)

    def text2html(self, fpath, page):
        from pagd.contents import text2html
        return text2html(fpath, page)

    def ttl2html(self, fpath, page):
        """``fpath`` is identified as a file containing tayra template text. If
        generated html contains <meta> tag elements, it will be used as source
        of meta-data information.

        And return a tuple of (metadata, content). Content is HTML text."""
        from pagd.contents import html2metadata
        html = self.ttlplugin.render(page.context, file=fpath)
        metadata = html2metadata(html)
        return metadata, html

    parsers = {
        'rst': rst2html,
        'markdown': md2html,
        'mdown': md2html,
        'mkdn': md2html,
        'md': md2html,
        'mkd': md2html,
        'mdwn': md2html,
        'mdtxt': md2html,
        'mdtext': md2html,
        'txt': text2html,
        'text': text2html,
        'html': html2html,
        'htm': html2html,
        'ttl': ttl2html,
Ejemplo n.º 13
class GZipOutBound(Plugin):
    """Out-bound transformer to compress response entity using gzip
    compression technology. Performs gzip encoding if,
    * b'gzip' is in ``content_encoding`` response header.
    * if type in ``content_type`` response header is `text` or `application`.
    * if ``content_type`` response header do not indicate that ``data`` is
      already compressed variant.

    If ``data`` successfully gets gzipped, then ``etag`` response header value
    is suffixed with b';gzip'.
    If gzip encoding is not applied on ``data``, it is made sure that 
    content_encoding response header does not contain b'gzip' value,


    #---- IHTTPOutBound method APIs

    def transform(self, request, data, finishing=True):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPOutBound.transform` interface 
        resp = request.response
        ctype = resp.headers.get('content_type', b'')
        cenc = resp.headers.get('content_encoding', b'')
        etag = resp.headers.get('etag', b'')

        # Compress only if content-type is 'text/*' or 'application/*'
        if self._is_gzip(data, cenc, ctype, resp.statuscode):
            data = self._gzip(data)
            # etag is always double-quoted.
            resp.set_header('etag', etag[:-1] + b';gzip"') if etag else None
            enc = cenc.replace(b'gzip', b'')
            resp.set_header('content_encoding', enc)
        return data

    #-- local methods

    def _is_gzip(self, data, enc, typ, status):
        return (bool(data) and b'gzip' in enc and
                (typ.startswith(b'text/') or typ.startswith(b'application/'))
                and b'zip' not in typ)

    def _gzip(self, data):
        buf = BytesIO()
        gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb',
        data = buf.getvalue()
        return data

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        sett['level'] = h.asint(sett['level'])
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Ls(Singleton):
    """Sub-command plugin for pa-script to list internal state of pluggdapps'
    virtual environment. Instead of using this command, use `sh` sub-command
    to start a shell and introspect pluggdapps environment.

    description = 'list various information about Pluggdapps environment.'
    cmd = 'ls'

    #---- ICommand API
    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method.
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,
                                    help="Plugin name")
                                    help="Interface name")
                                    help="Summary of pluggdapps environment")
                                    help="list settings")
                                    help="List plugins defined")
                                    help="List interfaces defined")
                                    help="List of pluggdapps packages loaded")
            help="List all web application and its mount configuration")
            help="list of interfaces and their plugins")
            help="list of plugins and interfaces they implement")
        return parser

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method."""

        opts = [
            '_ls_summary', '_ls_settings', '_ls_plugins', '_ls_interfaces',
            '_ls_webapps', '_ls_packages', '_ls_implementers',

        for opt in opts:
            if getattr(args, opt, False):
                getattr(self, opt)(args)
            if args.interface:
            elif args.plugin:

    #---- Internal functions
    def _ls_summary(self, args):
        import pluggdapps

        webapps_ = webapps()
        print("Pluggdapps environment")
        print("  Configuration file : %s" % self.pa.inifile)
        print("  Erlang Port        : %s" % (self.pa.erlport or None))
        print("  Loaded packages    : %s" % len(pluggdapps.papackages))
        print("  Interfaces defined : %s" % len(PluginMeta._interfmap))
        print("  Plugins loaded     : %s" % len(PluginMeta._pluginmap))
        print("  Applications loaded: %s" % len(webapps_))
        print("Web-application instances")
        pprint(webapps_, indent=2)

    def _ls_settings(self, args):
        sett = deepcopy(self.pa.settings)
        if args._ls_settings.startswith('spec'):
            print("Special sections")
            pprint({k: sett.pop(k, {})
                    for k in SPECIAL_SECS + ['DEFAULT']},
        elif args._ls_settings.startswith('plug'):
            print("Plugin sections")
            pprint({k: sett[k]
                    for k in sett if h.is_plugin_section(k)},
        elif args._ls_settings.startswith('wa') and args.plugin:
            for instkey, webapp in getattr(self.pa, 'webapps', {}).items():
                appsec, netpath, instconfig = instkey
                if h.sec2plugin(appsec) == args.plugin:
                    print("Settings for %r" % (instkey, ))
                    pprint(webapp.appsettings, indent=2)
        elif args._ls_settings.startswith('def') and args.plugin:
            print("Default settings for plugin %r" % args.plugin)
            defaultsett = pa.defaultsettings()
            pprint(defaultsett().get(h.plugin2sec(args.plugin), {}), indent=2)

    def _ls_plugins(self, args):
        l = sorted(list(PluginMeta._pluginmap.items()))
        for pname, info in l:
            print(("  %-15s in %r" % (pname, info['file'])))

    def _ls_interfaces(self, args):
        l = sorted(list(PluginMeta._interfmap.items()))
        for iname, info in l:
            print(("  %-15s in %r" % (iname, info['assetspec'])))

    def _ls_interface(self, args):
        nm = args.interface
        info = PluginMeta._interfmap.get(nm, None)
        if info == None:
            print("Interface %r not defined" % nm)
            print("\nAttribute dictionary : ")
            pprint(info['attributes'], indent=4)
            print("\nMethod dictionary : ")
            pprint(info['methods'], indent=4)
            print("\nPlugins implementing interface")
            plugins = PluginMeta._implementers.get(info['cls'], {})
            pprint(plugins, indent=4)

    def _ls_plugin(self, args):
        from pluggdapps.web.webapp import WebApp
        for instkey, webapp in self.pa.webapps.items():
            appsec, netpath, config = instkey
            if h.sec2plugin(appsec) == args.plugin:
                print("Mounted app %r" % appsec)
                print("  Instkey   : ", end='')
                pprint(webapp.instkey, indent=4)
                print("  Subdomain : ", webapp.netpath)
                print("  Router    : ", webapp.router)
                print("Application settings")
                pprint(webapp.appsettings, indent=4)

    def _ls_webapps(self, args):
        pprint(self.pa.webapps, indent=2)
        print("\nWeb-apps mounted")
        pprint(list(self.pa.webapps.keys()), indent=2)

    def _ls_packages(self, args):
        import pluggdapps
        print("List of loaded packages")
        pprint(pluggdapps.papackages, indent=2, width=70)

    def _ls_implementers(self, args):
        print("List of interfaces and plugins implementing them")
        for i, pmap in PluginMeta._implementers.items():
            print("  %-15s" % i.__name__, end='')
            pprint(list(pmap.keys()), indent=8)

    def _ls_implementers_r(self, args):
        print("List of plugins and interfaces implemented by them")
        for name, info in PluginMeta._pluginmap.items():
            intrfs = list(
                sorted(map(lambda x: x.__name__, info['cls']._interfs)))
            print("  %-20s" % name, end='')
            pprint(intrfs, indent=8, width=60)

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 15
class TTLCompiler(Plugin):
    """Tayra compiler. Implemented as plugin to leverage on pluggdapps
    configuration system. Also implement :class:`ITemplate`. Creating a
    plugin instance can be a costly operation, to avoid this instantiate this
    plugin once and use :meth:`_init` to initialize it for subsequent uses.


    _memcache = {}

    ttlloc = None
    """TemplateLookup object. Encapsulates location information for template
    file and its intermediate python file."""

    ttlfile = ''
    """Absolute file path pointing to .ttl template script file in."""

    ttltext = ''
    """String of template script either read from the template file or
    received directly."""

    pyfile = ''
    """If present, absolute file path pointing to compiled template script,
    .py file."""

    pytext = ''
    """String of python script translated from template script."""

    encoding = ''
    """Character encoding of original template script file."""

    ttlparser = None
    """:class:`tayra.parser.TTLParser` object."""

    igen = None
    """:class:`tayra.codegen.InstrGen` object."""

    mach = None
    """:class:`tayra.runtime.StackMachine` object."""
    def __init__(self):
        from tayra.parser import TTLParser
        from tayra.codegen import InstrGen
        from tayra.runtime import StackMachine

        self.ttlparser = TTLParser(self)
        self.igen = InstrGen(self)
        self.mach = StackMachine(self)  # Stack machine

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        """Clone a plugin with the same settings as this one. settings can
        also be overriden by passing ``settings`` key-word argument as a
        settings = {}
        settings.update({k: self[k] for k in self})
        settings.update(kwargs.pop('settings', {}))
        kwargs['settings'] = settings
        return self.qp(ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', **kwargs)

    def _init(self, file=None, text=None):
        """Reinitialize the compiler object to compile a different template
        from pluggdapps import papackages
        self.ttlloc = TemplateLookup(self, file, text)
        self.encoding = self.ttlloc.encoding
        self.ttlfile = self.ttlloc.ttlfile
        self.ttltext = self.ttlloc.ttltext
        self.pyfile = self.ttlloc.pyfile

        # Compute the module name from ttlfile.
        asset = h.asset_spec_from_abspath(self.ttlfile, papackages)
        if asset:
            n = '.'.join(asset.split(':', 1)[1].split(os.path.sep))
            self.modulename = n[:-4] if n.endswith('.ttl') else n
            n = '.'.join(self.ttlfile.split(os.path.sep))
            self.modulename = n[:-4] if n.endswith('.ttl') else n


        # Check whether pyfile is older than the ttl file. In debug mode is is
        # always re-generated.
        self.pytext = ''
        if self['debug'] == False:
            if self.ttlfile and isfile(self.ttlfile):
                if self.pyfile and isfile(self.pyfile):
                    m1 = os.stat(self.ttlfile).st_mtime
                    m2 = os.stat(self.pyfile).st_mtime
                    if m1 <= m2:
                        self.pytext = open(self.pyfile).read()

    def toast(self, ttltext=None):
        """Convert template text into abstract-syntax-tree. Return the root
        node :class:`tayra.ast.Template`."""
        ttltext = ttltext or self.ttltext
        self.ast = self.ttlparser.parse(ttltext, ttlfile=self.ttlfile)
        return self.ast

    def topy(self, ast, *args, **kwargs):
        """Generate intermediate python text from ``ast`` obtained from
        :meth:`toast` method. If configuration settings allow for persisting
        the generated python text, then this method will save the intermediate
        python text in file pointed by :attr:`pyfile`."""
        ast.headpass1(self.igen)  # Head pass, phase 1
        ast.headpass2(self.igen)  # Head pass, phase 2
        ast.generate(self.igen, *args, **kwargs)  # Generation
        ast.tailpass(self.igen)  # Tail pass
        pytext = self.igen.codetext()
        if self.pyfile and isdir(dirname(self.pyfile)):
            open(self.pyfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(pytext)
        return pytext

    def compilettl(self, file=None, text=None, args=[], kwargs={}):
        """Translate a template script text or template script file into 
        intermediate python text. Compile the python text and return the code
        object. If ``memcache`` configuration is enable, compile code is
        cached in memory using a hash value generated from template text.
        ``args`` and ``kwargs``,
            position arguments and keyword arguments to use during
            AST.generate() pass.
        self._init(file=file, text=text) if (file or text) else None
        code = self._memcache.get(self.ttlloc.ttlhash, None)
        if not code:
            if not self.pytext:
                self.pytext = self.topy(self.toast(), *args, **kwargs)
            code = compile(self.pytext, self.pyfile, 'exec')
        if self['memcache']:
            self._memcache.setdefault(self.ttlloc.ttlhash, code)
        return code

    def load(self, code, context={}):
        """Using an optional ``context``, a dictionary of key-value pairs, and
        the code object obtained from :meth:`compilettl` method, create a new
        module instance populating it with ``context`` and some standard
        from tayra.runtime import Namespace
        import tayra.h as tmplh

        # Module instance for the ttl file
        module = imp.new_module(self.modulename)

        # Create helper module
        helper = imp.new_module('template_helper')
        filterfn = lambda k, v: callable(v)
            for m in [tmplh] + self['helpers']
        ctxt = {
            self.igen.machname: self.mach,
            '_compiler': self,
            'this': Namespace(None, module),
            'local': module,
            'parent': None,
            'next': None,
            'h': helper,
            '__file__': self.pyfile,
            '_ttlfile': self.ttlfile,
            '_ttlhash': self.ttlloc.ttlhash,
        ctxt['_context'] = ctxt
        # Execute the code in module's context
        sys.modules.setdefault(self.modulename, module)
        exec(code, module.__dict__, module.__dict__)
        return module

    def generatehtml(self, module, context={}):
        """Using the ``module`` object obtained from :meth:`load` method, and
        a context dictionary, call the template module's entry point to 
        generate HTMl text and return the same.
            entry = getattr(module.this, self['entry_function'])
            args = context.get('_bodyargs', [])
            kwargs = context.get('_bodykwargs', {})
            html = entry(*args, **kwargs) if callable(entry) else ''
                from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
                if self['beautify_html']:
                    html = BeautifulSoup(html).prettify()
            return html
            if self['debug']: raise
            return ''

    def importlib(self, this, context, file):
        """Import library ttl files inside the main script's context"""
        compiler = self()
        context['_compiler'] = compiler
        context['this'] = this
        return compiler.load(compiler.compilettl(file=file), context=context)

    #---- ITemplate interface methods

    def render(self, context, **kwargs):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ITemplate.render` interface 
        method. Generate HTML string from template script passed either via 
        ``ttext`` or via ``tfile``.

            Location of Tayra template file, either as relative directory or as
            asset specification.

            Tayra template text string.
        file, text = kwargs.get('file', None), kwargs.get('text', None)
        code = self.compilettl(file=file, text=text)
        module = self.load(code, context=context)
        html = self.generatehtml(module, context)
        return html

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _defaultsettings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        sett['nocache'] = h.asbool(sett['nocache'])
        sett['optimize'] = h.asint(sett['optimize'])
        sett['lex_debug'] = h.asint(sett['lex_debug'])
        sett['yacc_debug'] = h.asint(sett['yacc_debug'])
        sett['strict_undefined'] = h.asbool(sett['strict_undefined'])
        sett['directories'] = h.parsecsvlines(sett['directories'])
        sett['tag.plugins'] = h.parsecsvlines(sett['tag.plugins'])
        sett['beautify_html'] = h.asbool(sett['beautify_html'])
        sett['memcache'] = h.asbool(sett['memcache'])
        sett['helpers'] = h.parsecsv(sett['helpers'])
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 16
class MatchRouter( Plugin ):
    """Plugin to resolve HTTP request to a view-callable by matching patterns
    on request-URL. Refer to :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter`
    interface spec. to understand the general intent and purpose of this
    plugin. On top of that, this plugin also supports server side HTTP content
    When creating a web application using pluggdapps, developers must
    implement a router class, a plugin, implementing
    :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter` interfaces. The general
    thumb rule is to derive their router class from one of the base routers
    defined under :mod:`pluggdapps.web` package. :class:`MatchRouter` is one
    such base class. When an application derives its router from this base
    class, it can override :meth:`onboot` method and call :meth:`add_view` to
    add view representations for matching resource.

    This router plugin adheres to HTTP concepts like resource, representation
    and views. As per the nomenclature, a resource is always identified by
    request-URL and same resource can have any number of representation. View
    is a callable entity that is capable of generating the desired
    representation. Note that a web page that is encoded with `gzip`
    compression is a different representation of the same resource that does
    not use `gzip` compression.

    Instead of programmatically configuring URL routing, it is possible to
    configure them using a mapper file. Which is a python file containing a
    list of dictionaries where each dictionary element will be converted to
    add_view() method call during onboot().
    **map file specification,**

    .. code-block:: python

        [ { 'name'             : <variant-name as string>,
            'pattern'          : <regex pattern-to-match-with-request-URL>,
            'view'             : <view-callable as string>,
            'resource'         : <resource-name as string>,
            'attr'             : <attribute on view callable, as string>,
            'method'           : <HTTP request method as byte string>,
            'media_type'       : <content-type as string>,
            'language'         : <language-string as string>,
            'charset'          : <charset-string as string>,
            'content_coding'   : <content-coding as comma separated values>,
            'cache_control'    : <response header value>,
            'rootloc'          : <path to root location for static documents>,

    implements( IHTTPRouter )

    views = {}
    """Dictionary of view-names to view-callables and its predicates,
    typically added via add_view() interface method."""

    viewlist = []
    """same as views.items() except that this list will maintain the order in
    which the views where added. The same order will be used while resolving
    the request to view-callable."""

    negotiator = None
    """:class:`pluggdapps.web.interface.IHTTPNegotiator` plugin to handle HTTP

    def onboot( self ):
        """:meth:`pluggapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.onboot` interface
        method. Deriving class must override this method and use
        :meth:`add_view` to create router mapping."""
        self.views = {}
        self.viewlist = []
        self.negotiator = None
        if self['IHTTPNegotiator'] :
            self.negotiator = self.qp(IHTTPNegotiator, self['IHTTPNegotiator'])
        self['defaultview'] = h.string_import( self['defaultview'] )

        # Route mapping file is configured, populate view-callables from the
        # file.
        mapfile = self['routemapper']
        if mapfile and isfile( mapfile ) :
            for kwargs in eval( open( mapfile ).read() ) :
                name = kwargs.pop('name')
                pattern = kwargs.pop('pattern')
                self.add_view( name, pattern, **kwargs )

        elif mapfile :
            msg = "Wrong configuration for routemapper : %r" % mapfile
            raise Exception( msg )

    def add_view( self, name, pattern, **kwargs ):
        """Add a router mapping rule.
            The name of the route. This attribute is required and it must be
            unique among all defined routes in a given web-application.

            The pattern of the route. This argument is required. If pattern
            doesn't match the current URL, route matching continues.

        For EG,

        .. code-block:: python

            self.add_view( 'article', 'blog/{year}/{month}/{date}' )

        Optional key-word arguments,

            A plugin name or plugin instance implementing :class:`IHTTPView`
            interface, or just a plain python callable or a string that
            imports a callable object. What ever the case, please do go 
            through the :class:`IHTTPView` interface specification before 
            authoring a view-callable.

            A plugin name or plugin instance implementing
            :class:`IHTTPResource` interface, or just a plain python callable.
            What ever the case, please do go through the :class:`IHTTPResource`
            interface specification before authoring a resource-callable.

            If view-callable is a method on ``view`` object then supply this
            argument with a valid method name.

            Request predicate. HTTP-method as byte string to be matched with
            incoming request.

            Request predicate. Media type/subtype string specifying the
            resource variant. If unspecified, will be automatically detected
            using heuristics.

            Request predicate. Language-range string specifying the resource
            variant. If unspecified, assumes webapp['language'] from
            configuration settings.

            Request predicate. Charset string specifying the resource variant.
            If unspecified, assumes webapp['encoding'] from configuration

            Comma separated list of content coding that will be applied, in
            the same order as given, on the resource variant. Defaults to 

            Cache-Control response header value to be used for the resource's

            To add views for static files, use this attribute. Specifies the
            root location where static files are located. Note that when using
            this option, ``pattern`` argument must end with ``*path``.

        ``media_type``, ``language``, ``content_coding`` and ``charset``
        kwargs, if supplied, will be used during content negotiation.
        # Positional arguments.
        self.views[ name ] = view = {}
        view['name'] = name
        view['pattern'] = pattern
        regex, tmpl, redict = self._compile_pattern( pattern )
        view['compiled_pattern'] = re.compile( regex )
        view['path_template'] = tmpl
        view['match_segments'] = redict

        # Supported key-word arguments
        view['view'] = kwargs.pop( 'view', None )
        view['resource'] = kwargs.pop( 'resource', None )
        view['attr'] = kwargs.pop( 'attr', None )
        view['method'] = h.strof( kwargs.pop( 'method', None ))
        # Content Negotiation attributes
        view['media_type']=kwargs.pop('media_type', 'application/octet-stream')
        view['content_coding'] = kwargs.pop('content_coding',CONTENT_IDENTITY)
        view['language'] = kwargs.pop( 'language', self.webapp['language'] )
        view['charset'] = kwargs.pop( 'charset', self.webapp['encoding'] )
        # Content Negotiation attributes
        view.update( kwargs )
        self.viewlist.append( (name, view) )

    def route( self, request ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.route` interface

        Three phases of request resolution to view-callable,

        * From configured list of views, filter out views that maps to same
        * From the previous list, filter the variants that match with request
        * If content negotiation is enable, apply server-side negotiation
          algorithm to single out a resource variant.

        If than one variant remains at the end of all three phases, then pick
        the first one in the list. And that is why the sequence in which
        :meth:`add_view` is called for each view representation is important.

        If ``resource`` attribute is configured on a view, it will be called
        with ``request`` plugin and ``context`` dictionary. Resource-callable
        can populate the context with relavant data that will subsequently 
        be used by the view callable, view-template etc. Additionally, if a
        resource callable populates the context dictionary, it automatically
        generates the etag for data that was populated through ``c.etag``
        dictionary. Populates context with special key `etag` and clears
        ``c.etag`` before sending the context to view-callable.
        resp = request.response
        c = resp.context

        # Three phases of request resolution to view-callable
        matches = self._match_url( request, self.viewlist )
        variants = self._match_predicates( request, matches )
        if self.negotiator :
            variant = self.negotiator.negotiate( request, variants )
        elif variants :     # First come first served.
            variant = variants[0]
        else :
            variant = None

        if variant :        # If a variant is resolved
            name, viewd, m = variant['name'], variant, variant['_regexmatch']
            resp.media_type = viewd['media_type']
            resp.charset = viewd['charset']
            resp.language = viewd['language']
            resp.content_coding = viewd['content_coding']
            request.matchdict = m.groupdict()

            # Call IHTTPResource plugin configured for this view callable.
            resource = self._resourceof( request, viewd )
            resource( request, c ) if resource else None

            # If etag is available, compute and subsequently clear them.
            etag = c.etag.hashout( prefix='res-' )
            c.setdefault( 'etag', etag ) if etag else None

            request.view = self._viewof( request, name, viewd )

        elif matches :
            from pluggdapps.web.views import HTTPNotAcceptable
            request.view = HTTPNotAcceptable

        else :
            request.view = self['defaultview']

        if callable( request.view ) :   # Call the view-callable
            c['h'] = h
            request.view( request, c )

    def urlpath( self, request, name, **matchdict ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.route` interface
        Generate url path for request using view-patterns. Return a string of
        URL-path, with query and anchore elements.

            Name of the view pattern to use for generating this url

            A dictionary of variables in url-patterns and their corresponding
            value string. Every route definition will have variable (aka
            dynamic components in path segments) that will be matched with
            url. If matchdict contains the following keys,

            `_query`, its value, which must be a dictionary similar to 
            :attr:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.getparams`, will be
            interpreted as query parameters and encoded to query string.

            `_anchor`, its value will be attached at the end of the url as
        view = self.views[ name ]
        query = matchdict.pop( '_query', None )
        fragment = matchdict.pop( '_anchor', None )
        path = view['path_template'].format( **matchdict )
        return h.make_url( None, path, query, fragment )

    def onfinish( self, request ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRouter.onfinish` interface

    #-- Local methods.

    def _viewof( self, request, name, viewd ):
        """For resolved view ``viewd``, fetch the view-callable."""
        v = viewd['view']
        self.pa.logdebug( "%r view callable: %r " % (request.uri, v) )
        if isinstance(v, str) and isplugin(v) :
            view = self.qp( IHTTPView, v, name, viewd )
        elif isinstance( v, str ):
            view = h.string_import( v )
        else :
            view = v
        return getattr( view, viewd['attr'] ) if viewd['attr'] else view

    def _resourceof( self, request, viewd ):
        """For resolved view ``viewd``, fetch the resource-callable."""
        res = viewd['resource']
        self.pa.logdebug( "%r resource callable: %r " % (request.uri, res) )
        if isinstance( res, str ) and isplugin( res ) :
            return self.qp( IHTTPResource, res )
        elif isinstance( res, str ) :
            return h.string_import( res )
        else :
            return res

    def _match_url( self, request, viewlist ):
        """Match view pattern with request url and filter out views with
        matching urls."""
        matches = []
        for name, viewd in viewlist :  # Match urls.
            m = viewd['compiled_pattern'].match( request.uriparts['path'] )
            if m :
                viewd = dict( viewd.items() )
                viewd['_regexmatch'] = m
                matches.append( viewd )
        return matches

    def _match_predicates( self, request, matches ):
        """Filter matching views, whose pattern matches with request-url,
        based on view-predicates. 
        TODO: More predicates to be added."""
        variants = []
        for viewd in matches :
            x = True
            if viewd['method'] != None :
                x = x and viewd['method'] == h.strof( request.method )
            variants.append( viewd ) if x else None

        return variants

    def _compile_pattern( self, pattern ):
        """`pattern` is URL routing pattern.

        This method compiles the pattern in three different ways and returns
        them as a tuple of (regex, tmpl, redict)

            A regular expression string that can be used to match incoming
            request-url to resolve view-callable.

            A template formating string that can be used to generate URLs by

            A dictionary of variable components in path segment and optional
            regular expression that must match its value. This can be used for
            validation during URL generation.
        regex, tmpl, redict = r'^', '', {}
        segs = list( filter( None, pattern.split( URLSEP )))
        while segs :
            regex += URLSEP
            tmpl += URLSEP
            part = segs.pop(0)
            if not part : continue
            if part[0] == '*' :
                part = URLSEP.join( [part] + segs )
                prefx, name, reg, sufx = None, part[1:], r'.*', None
                segs = []
            else :
                prefx, interp, sufx = re_patt.match( part ).groups()
                if interp :
                    try : name, reg = interp[1:-1].split(',', 1)
                    except : name, reg = interp[1:-1], None
                else :
                    name, reg = None, None

            regex += prefx if prefx else r''
            if name and reg and sufx :
                regex += r'(?P<%s>%s(?=%s))%s' % (name, reg, sufx, sufx)
            elif name and reg :
                regex += r'(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, reg)
            elif name and sufx :
                regex += r'(?P<%s>.+(?=%s))%s' % (name, sufx, sufx)
            elif name :
                regex += r'(?P<%s>.+)' % (name,)
            elif sufx :
                regex += sufx
            tmpl += prefx if prefx else ''
            tmpl += '{' + name + '}' if name else ''
            tmpl += sufx if sufx else ''
            redict[ name ] = reg
        regex += '$'
        return regex, tmpl, redict

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        x = sett['routemapper'].strip() 
        sett['routemapper'] = h.abspath_from_asset_spec(x) if x else x
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Tags( Plugin ):
    """Base class for all plugins wanting to handle template tags. Since the
    base class declares that it implements :class:`tayra.interfaces.ITayraTags`
    interface, deriving plugins need not do the same. 

    - provides standard specifier syntax for common tag attributes.
    - gracefully handles undefined tags.
    implements( ITayraTags )

    general_toks = {
      # global attributes
      'edit'         : ' contenteditable="true"',
      'noedit'       : ' contenteditable="false"',
      'dragcopy'     : ' draggable="true" dragzone="copy"',
      'dragmove'     : ' draggable="true" dragzone="move"',
      'draglink'     : ' draggable="true" dragzone="link"',
      'nodrag'       : ' draggable="false"',
      'hidden'       : ' hidden',
      'spellcheck'   : ' spellcheck="true"',
      'nospellcheck' : ' spellcheck="false"',
      # dir
      'ltr'          : ' dir="ltr"',
      'rtl'          : ' dir="rtl"',
      # atoms
      'disabled'     : ' disabled="disabled"',
      'checked'      : ' checked="checked"',
      'readonly'     : ' readonly="readonly"',
      'selected'     : ' selected="selected"',
      'multiple'     : ' multiple="multiple"',
      'defer'        : ' defer="defer"',

    token_shortcuts = {
        '#' : lambda tok : \
                    ' id="%s"' % tok[1:],
        '.' : lambda tok : \
                    ' class="%s"' % ' '.join( filter( None, tok.split('.') )),
        ':' : lambda tok : \
                    ' name="%s"' % tok[1:],

    #---- ITayraTags interface methods

    def handle( self, mach, tagname, tokens, styles, attributes, content ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        This method is expected to be overriden by the deriving plugin
        class, only for undefined template tags this method will be called,
        after trying with other plugins in the list of ``tag.plugins``."""
        attrs, remtoks = self.parse_specs( tokens, styles, attributes )
        l = len(content) - len(content.rstrip())
        content, nl = (content[:-l], content[-l:]) if l else (content, '')
        return ('<%s %s>%s</%s>' % (tagname, attrs, content, tagname)) + nl

    def parse_specs( self, tokens, styles, attributes ):
        """The base class provides standard set of tokens and specifiers that
        are common to most HTML tags. To parse these tokens into
        tag-attributes, deriving plugins can use this method."""
        tagattrs, remtoks = self.parse_tokens( tokens )
        tagattrs += (' style="%s"' % ';'.join( styles )) if styles else ''
        tagattrs += (' ' + ' '.join( attributes )) if attributes else ''
        return tagattrs, remtoks

    #-- Local methods.

    def parse_tokens( self, tokens ):
        tagattrs, remtoks = '', []
        for tok in tokens :
            attr = self.token_shortcuts.get( tok[0], lambda tok : tok )( tok )
            attr = self.general_toks.get( attr, attr )
            if tok == attr :
                remtoks.append( tok )
            else :
                tagattrs += attr
        return tagattrs, remtoks

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Commands( Singleton ):
    """Subcommand plugin for pa-script to list all available sub-commands 
    along with a short description. Like,
    .. code-block:: bash
        $ pagd commands


    implements( ICommand )

    description = 'list of script commands and their short description.'
    cmd = 'commands'

    #---- ICommand API
    def subparser( self, parser, subparsers ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method.
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 
                                self.cmd, description=self.description )
        self.subparser.set_defaults( handler=self.handle )

    def handle( self, args ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method."""
        commands = self.qpr(ICommand, 'pagd.*')
        commands = sorted( commands, key=lambda x : x.caname )
        for command in commands :
            name = command.caname.split('.', 1)[1]
            rows = self._formatdescr( name, command.description )
            for r in rows : print(r)

    #---- Internal & local functions
    def _formatdescr( self, name, description ):
        fmtstr = '%-' + str(self['command_width']) + 's %s'
        l = self['description_width']

        rows, line = [], ''
        words = ' '.join( description.strip().splitlines() ).split(' ')
        while words :
            word = words.pop(0)
            if len(line) + len(word) >= l : 
                rows.append( fmtstr % (name, line) )
                line, name = word, ''
            else :
                line = ' '.join([ x for x in [line,word] if x ])
        rows.append( fmtstr % (name, line) ) if line else None
        return rows

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, settings ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        settings['description_width'] = h.asint(settings['description_width'])
        settings['command_width'] = h.asint(settings['command_width'])
        return settings
Ejemplo n.º 19
class HTTPNegotiator(Plugin):
    """Plugin handle server side negotiation. Gather client side negotiable
    information using following rules,

    * Use ``accept`` header from http request. If not available assume that any
      type of media encoding is acceptable by client.
    * Use ``accept_charset`` from http request. If not available assume that
      any character encoding is acceptable by client.
    * Use ``accept_encoding`` from http request. If not available assume
      `identity` coding.
    * Use ``accept_language`` from http request. If not available assume any
      language is acceptable by client.

    If a configured variant matches any of the combination supported by
    client, pick that variant and return the same. Otherwise return None.

    #---- IHTTPNegotiator interface methods

    def negotiate(self, request, variants):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface

        cltbl = self._compile_client_negotiation(request)
        variants_ = []
        for viewd in variants:
            q = max(cltbl.get(k, 0.0) for k in viewd['_http_negotiator'])
            variants_.append((viewd, q)) if q else None
        variants_ = sorted(variants_, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        return variants_[0][0] if variants_ else None

    #-- local methods.

    def _variant_keys(self, viewd):
        if '_http_negotiator' not in viewd:
            fn = lambda x: (x, )
            typ, subtype = viewd['media_type'].split('/', 1)
            keys = [(viewd['media_type'], ), ('%s/*' % typ, ), ('*/*', )]
            keys = [
                x + y for x in keys for y in map(fn, [viewd['charset'], '*'])
            keys = [
                x + y for x in keys
                for y in map(fn, [viewd['content_coding'], CONTENT_IDENTITY])
            keys = [
                x + y for x in keys for y in map(fn, [viewd['language'], '*'])
            viewd['_http_negotiator'] = keys
        return viewd['_http_negotiator']

    def _compile_client_negotiation(self, request):
        hs = [
            request.headers.get('accept', b''),
            request.headers.get('accept_charset', b''),
            request.headers.get('accept_encoding', b''),
            request.headers.get('accept_language', b''),
        accept = h.parse_accept(hs[0]) or [('*/*', 1.0, b'')]
        accchr = h.parse_accept_charset(hs[1]) or [('*', 1.0)]
        accenc = h.parse_accept_encoding(hs[2]) or [(CONTENT_IDENTITY, 1.0)]
        acclan = h.parse_accept_language(hs[3]) or [('*', 1.0)]

        ad = {mt: q for mt, q, params in accept}
        bd = {(a, ch): aq * q for ch, q in accchr for a, aq in ad.items()}
        cd = {b + (enc, ): bq * q for enc, q in accenc for b, bq in bd.items()}
        tbl = {}
        for ln, q in acclan:
            zd, yd = {}, deepcopy(cd)
            for part in ln.split('-'):
                yd = {k + (part, ): cq for k, cq in yd.items()}
            tbl.update({k: cq * q for k, cq in zd.items()})
        return tbl

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 20
class CatchAndDebug(Plugin):
    """An exception collector that finds traceback information plus
    supplements. Produces a data structure that can be used by formatters to
    render them as an interactive web page.

    Magic variables:

    If you define one of these variables in your local scope, you can
    add information to tracebacks that happen in that context.  This
    allows applications to add all sorts of extra information about
    the context of the error, including URLs, environmental variables,
    users, hostnames, etc.  These are the variables we look for:

        String. This information is added to the traceback, usually fairly

        Boolean or String.
        True, this indicates that the frame should be hidden from abbreviated
        tracebacks.  This way you can hide some of the complexity of the
        larger framework and let the user focus on their own errors.

        'before', all frames before this one will be thrown away.  By setting
        it to ``'after'`` then all frames after this will be thrown away until
        ``'reset'`` is found. In each case the frame where it is set is
        included, unless you append ``'_and_this'`` to the value (e.g.,

        Note that formatters will ignore this entirely if the frame
        that contains the error wouldn't normally be shown according
        to these rules.

        Callable. Takes frames, a list of ExceptionFrame object, modifies them
        inplace or return an entirely new object. What ever be the case, it is
        expected to return a list of frames.  This gives the object the
        ability to manipulate the traceback arbitrarily.

    The actually interpretation of these values is largely up to the
    reporters and formatters or the rendering template.
    The list of frames goes innermost first.  Each frame has these
    attributes; some values may be None if they could not be
    determined. Each frame is an instance of :class:`ExceptionFrame`.

    Note that all attributes are optional, and under certain
    circumstances may be None or may not exist at all -- the collector
    can only do a best effort, but must avoid creating any exceptions

    Formatters may want to use ``__traceback_hide__`` as a hint to
    hide frames that are part of the 'framework' or underlying system.
    There are a variety of rules about special values for this
    variables that formatters should be aware of.

    More attributes in __traceback_supplement__?  Maybe an attribute
    that gives a list of local variables that should also be
    collected?  Also, attributes that would be explicitly meant for
    the entire request, not just a single frame.  Right now some of
    the fixed set of attributes (e.g., source_url) are meant for this
    use, but there's no explicit way for the supplement to indicate
    new values, e.g., logged-in user, HTTP referrer, environment, etc.
    Also, the attributes that do exist are Zope/Web oriented.

    More information on frames?  cgitb, for instance, produces
    extensive information on local variables.  There exists the
    possibility that getting this information may cause side effects,
    which can make debugging more difficult; but it also provides
    fodder for post-mortem debugging.  However, the collector is not
    meant to be configurable, but to capture everything it can and let
    the formatters be configurable.  Maybe this would have to be a
    configuration value, or maybe it could be indicated by another
    magical variable (which would probably mean 'show all local
    variables below this frame')

    frame_index = {}  # { <identification-code> : ( globals, locals ) ... }:
    """Each frame has its own globals() and locals() context. To support
    browser based debugging, expressions need to be evaluated under these

    #---- IHTTPLiveDebug method APIs

    def render(self, request, etype, value, tb):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPLiveDebug.render` interface 
        response = request.response
        c = self.collectException(request, etype, value, tb)
        weba = self.pa.findapp(appname='pluggdapps.webadmin')
        c['url_jquery'] = \
            weba.pathfor( request, 'staticfiles', path='jquery-1.8.3.min.js')
        c['url_css'] = \
            weba.pathfor( request, 'staticfiles', path='errorpage.css' )
        c['url_palogo150'] = \
            weba.pathfor( request, 'staticfiles', path='palogo.150.png' )

        html = ''
        if self['html'] and self['template']:
            # Must be enable in the configuration and a template_file available
            html = response.render(request, c, file=self['template'])
        return html

    #---- Local methods

    def getRevision(self, globals):
        if self['show_revision'] == False: return None
        rev = globals.get('__revision__', globals.get('__version__', None))
        if rev is not None:
                rev = str(rev).strip()
                rev = '???'
        return rev

    def collectFrame(self, request, tb, extra_data):
        """Collect a dictionary of information about a traceback frame."""
        if isinstance(tb, tuple):
            filename, lineno = tb
            name, globals_, locals_ = '', {}, {}
            tbid = None
            fr = tb.tb_frame
            code = fr.f_code
            filename, lineno = code.co_filename, tb.tb_lineno
            name, globals_, locals_ = code.co_name, fr.f_globals, fr.f_locals
            tbid = id(tb)

        if not isinstance(locals_, dict):
            # Something weird about this frame; it's not a real dict
            name = globals_.get('__name__', 'unknown')
            msg = "Frame %s has an invalid locals(): %r" % (name, locals_)
            locals_ = {}

            linetext = open(filename).readlines()[lineno - 1]
            linetext = ''

        data = {
            'modname': globals_.get('__name__', None),
            'filename': filename,
            'lineno': lineno,
            'linetext': linetext,
            'revision': self.getRevision(globals_),
            'name': name,
            'tbid': tbid,
            # Following are populated further done.
            'traceback_info': '',
            'traceback_hide': None,
            'traceback_decorator': None,
            'url_eval': '',

        tbi = locals_.get('__traceback_info__', None)
        if tbi is not None:
            data['traceback_info'] = str(tbi)

        for name in ('__traceback_hide__', '__traceback_decorator__'):
            value = locals_.get(name, globals_.get(name, None))
            data.update({name[2:-2]: value})

        frameid = md5(str(data).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        self.frame_index[frameid] = (globals_, locals_)
        if request:
            weba = self.pa.findapp(appname='pluggdapps.webadmin')
            data['url_eval'] = \
                weba.urlfor( request, 'framedebug', frameid=frameid )
        return data

    def collectException(self, request, etype, value, tb, limit=None):
        """``collectException( request, *sys.exc_info() )`` will return an
        instance of :class:`CollectedException`. Attibutes of this object can
        be used to render traceback.
        Use like::

              blah blah
              exc_data = plugin.collectException(*sys.exc_info())
        # The next line provides a way to detect recursion.
        __exception_formatter__ = 1
        limit = limit or self['limit'] or getattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit', None)
        frames, ident_data, extra_data = [], [], {}

        # Collect all the frames in sys.exc_info's trace-back.
        n, tbs = 0, []
        while tb is not None and (limit is None or n < limit):
            if tb.tb_frame.f_locals.get('__exception_formatter__'):
                # Stop recursion. @@: should make a fake ExceptionFrame
                frames.append('(Recursive formatException() stopped)\n')
            ef = ExceptionFrame(**self.collectFrame(request, tb, extra_data))
            if bool(ef.traceback_hide) == False and ef.filename:
            n += 1
            tb = tb.tb_next

        if hasattr(value, 'filename'):
            tb = (value.filename, value.lineno)
        elif value.__traceback__ not in tbs:
            tb = value.__traceback__
            tb = None

        if tb:
            ef = ExceptionFrame(**self.collectFrame(request, tb, extra_data))
            if bool(ef.traceback_hide) == False and ef.filename:

        decorators = []
        for frame in frames:
            ident_data.extend([frame.modname or '?', frame.name or '?'])

        ident = hash_identifier(' '.join(ident_data),

        for decorator in filter(None, decorators):
            frames = decorator(frames)

        kwargs = {
            '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)),

        result = CollectedException(**kwargs)
        if etype is ImportError:
            extra_data[('important', 'sys.path')] = [sys.path]

        return result

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        sett['limit'] = h.asint(sett['limit'])
        sett['show_revision'] = h.asbool(sett['show_revision'])
        sett['html'] = h.asbool(sett['html'])
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 21
class MyBlog( Plugin ):
    """A layout plugin to generate personal blog sites. Support create, gen,
    newpage interfaces APIs for corresponding sub-commands.

    layoutpath = join( dirname(__file__), 'myblog')

    def __init__( self ):
        self.sitepath = self['sitepath']
        if isinstance(self['siteconfig'], dict) :
            self.siteconfig = self['siteconfig']
        else :
            self.siteconfig = json2dict( join( self['siteconfig'] ))
        self.plugins = self._plugins( self.sitepath, self.siteconfig )

    #---- ILayout interface methods

    def is_exist(self):
        """:meth:`padg.interfaces.ILayout.is_exist` interface method."""

        xs = [ 'configfile', 'contentdir', 'templatedir' ]
        x, y, z = [join(self.sitepath, self[x]) for x in xs]
        return isfile(x) and isdir(y) and isdir(z)

    def create(self, **kwargs) :
        """Creates a new layout under ``sitepath``. Uses the directory tree
        under `pagd:layouts/myblog` as a template for the new layout. Accepts
        the following variable while creating,

            directory-path under which the new layout had to be created.
        if not isdir( self['sitepath'] ) :
            os.makedirs( self['sitepath'], exist_ok=True )
        _vars = { 'sitepath' : self.sitepath, }
        overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False)
        h.template_to_source( self.layoutpath, self.sitepath, _vars,
                              overwrite=overwrite, verbose=True )

    def generate(self, buildtarget, **kwargs) :
        """Generate a static, personal blog site from the layout under
        ``sitepath``. Note that previously a new-layout must have been created
        using this plugin and available under `sitepath`.
        This method,

        - iterates over each page availabe under the source-layout,
        - gathers page contexts.
        - translates page content into html.
        - locate a template for the page and generate the html for page.

        Refer to :meth:`pages` method to know how pages are located under
        layout's content-directory.
        regen = kwargs.get('regen', True)
        srcfile = kwargs.get('srcfile', None)
        for page in self.pages() :
            path = abspath( join( buildtarget, page.relpath ))
            fname = page.pagename + '.html'
            self.pa.loginfo("    Generating `%r`" % join(page.relpath, fname) )

            # Gather page context
            page.context.update( self.pagecontext( page ))

            # Gather page content
            page.articles = self.pagecontent( page )

            # page content can also have context, in the form of metadata
            # IMPORTANT : myblog will always have one article only.
            for fpath, metadata, content in page.articles :
                page.context.update( metadata )
                    self._fetch_xc( metadata.get('_xcontext', ''), page ))

            # If skip_context is present then apply them,
            page = self._skip_context( page )

            # Find a template for this page.
            page.templatefile = self.pagetemplate(page) # Locate the templage
            if isinstance(page.templatefile, str) :
                _, ext = splitext(page.templatefile)
                ttype = page.context.get('templatetype', ext.lstrip('.'))
                # generate page's html
                html = self._tmpl2plugin( self.plugins, ttype ).render( page )
                os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) if not isdir(path) else None
                open( abspath( join( path, fname )), 'w' ).write(html)

    SPECIALPAGES = ['_context.json']
    def pages(self):
        """Individual pages are picked based on the relative directory path
        along with filenames. Note that file extensions are not used to
        differentite pages, they are only used to detect the file type and
        apply corresponding translation algorithm to get page's html.
        contentdir = join( self.sitepath, *self['contentdir'].split('/') )
        site = Site()
        site.sitepath = self.sitepath
        site.siteconfig = self.siteconfig
        for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(contentdir):
            files = sorted(files)
            [ files.remove(f) for f in self.SPECIALPAGES if f in files ]
            while files :
                pagename, contentfiles, files = \
                        pagd( join(contentdir, dirpath), files )
                page = Page()
                page.site = site
                page.pagename = pagename
                page.relpath = relpath(dirpath, contentdir)
                page.urlpath = join( relpath(dirpath, contentdir), pagename)
                page.urlpath = '/'.join( page.urlpath.split( os.sep ))
                page.contentfiles = contentfiles
                page.context = self.config2context( self.siteconfig )
                    'site'    : page.site,
                    'page'    : page,
                    'title'   : page.pagename,
                    'summary' : '',
                    'layout'  : self.caname,
                    'author'  : None,
                    'email'   : None,
                    'createdon'     : None,
                    'last_modified' : None,
                    'date'  : None,
                page.articles = []
                yield page

    def pagecontext( self, page ):
        """Gathers default context for page.

        Default context is specified by one or more JSON files by name
        `_context.json` that is located under every sub-directory that
        leads to the page-content under layout's content-directory.
        `_context.json` found one level deeper under content directory will
        override `_context.json` found in the upper levels.

        Also, if a pagename has a corresponding JSON file, for eg,
        ``<layout>/_contents/path/hello-world.rst`` file has a corresponding
        ``<layout>/_contents/path/hello-world.json``, it will be interepreted
        as the page's context. This context will override all the default

        If `_xcontext` attribute is found in a default context file, it
        will be interpreted as plugin name implementing :class:`IXContext`
        interface. The plugin will be queried, instantiated, to fetch context
        information from external sources like database.

        Finally ``last_modified`` time will be gathered from content-file's
        mtime statistics.
        contentdir = join( self.sitepath, *self['contentdir'].split('/') )
        contexts = self.default_context(contentdir, page)

        # Page's context, if available.
        page_context_file = join(page.relpath, page.pagename) + '.json'
        c = json2dict(page_context_file) if isfile(page_context_file) else None
        contexts.append(c) if c else None

        context = {}
        # From the list of context dictionaries in `contexts` check for
        # `_xcontext` attribute and fetch the context from external source.
        for c in contexts :
            context.update( self._fetch_xc( c.get('_xcontext', ''), page ))
        return context

    def pagecontent( self, page ):
        """Pages are located based on filename, and the file extension is not
        used to differential pages. Hence there can be more than one file by
        same filename, like, ``_contents/hello-world.rst``,
        ``_contents/hello-world.md``. In such cases, all files will be
        considered as part of same page and translated to html based on the
        extension type.

        Return a single element list of articles, each article as tuple.
        Refer to :class:``Page`` class and its ``articles`` attribute to know
        its data-structure."""

        n = page.context.get('IContent', self['IContent'])
        name = n if n in self.plugins else _default_settings['IContent']
        icont = self.plugins.get( name, None )
        articles = icont.articles(page) if icont else []
        return articles

    def pagetemplate( self, page ):
        """For every page that :meth:`pages` method iterates, a corresponding
        template file should be located. It is located by following steps.

        - if page's context contain a ``template`` attribute, then its value
          is interpreted as the template file for page in asset specification
        - join the relative path of the page with ``_template`` sub-directory
          under the layout, and check whether a template file by pagename is
          available. For eg, if pagename is ``hello-world`` and its relative
          path is ``blog/2010``, then a template file
          ``_templates/blog/2010/hello-world`` will be lookup. Note that the
          extensio of the template file is immaterial.
        - If both above steps have failed then will lookup for a ``_default``
          template under each sub-directory leading to
        tmplpath = join( self.sitepath, *self['templatedir'].split('/') )
        tmplfile = None
        dr = abspath( join( tmplpath, page.relpath ))
        if page.context.get('template', None) == False :
            tmplfile = False
        if tmplfile == None and 'template' in page.context :
            tmplfile = asset_spec_to_abspath( page.context['template'] )
            tmplfile = tmplfile if tmplfile and isfile(tmplfile) else None
        if tmplfile == None and isdir(dr) :
            tmplfile = findtemplate(dr, pagename=page.pagename)
            tmplfile = tmplfile if tmplfile and isfile(tmplfile) else None
        if tmplfile == None :
            path = page.relpath
            while tmplfile == None and path :
                d = join( tmplpath, path )
                if isdir(d) :
                    tmplfile = findtemplate(d, default=self['default_template'])
                    tmplfile = tmplfile \
                                    if tmplfile and isfile(tmplfile) else None
                path, _ = split( path )
        return tmplfile

    def newpage(self, pagename):
        contentdir = join( self.sitepath, *self['contentdir'].split('/') )
        try     : _, ext = splitext(pagename)
        except  : ext = '.rst'
        filepath = join( self.sitepath, contentdir, pagename+'.rst' )
        os.makedirs( dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True )
        open(filepath, 'w').write()
        self.pa.loginfo("New page create - %r", filepath)

    #---- Local functions
    def default_context( self, contentdir, page ):
        """Return a list of context dictionaries from default-context under each
        sub-directory of content-page's path."""
        path = page.relpath.strip(os.sep)
        contexts = []
        fname = self['default_context']
        while path :
            f = join(contentdir, path, fname)
            contexts.insert(0, json2dict(f)) if isfile(f) else None
            path, _ = split( path )
        return contexts

    def config2context( self, siteconfig ):
        xd = { x : siteconfig[x] 
               for x in [ 'disqus', 'show_email', 'social_sharing', 'copyright',
                          'google_webfonts', 'style', 'age_scale', ]
        return xd

    def _plugins( self, sitepath, siteconfig ):
        """Instantiate plugins available for :class:`ITemplate`,
        :class:`IXContext` and :class:`IContent` interfaces.
        siteconfig and sitepath will be passed as plugin-settings for all
        instantiated plugins. 
        sett = { 'sitepath'   : sitepath, 'siteconfig' : siteconfig }
        plugins = self.qps( ITemplate, settings=sett ) + \
                  self.qps( IXContext, settings=sett ) + \
                  self.qps( IContent, settings=sett )
        return { p.caname : p for p in plugins }

    def _tmpl2plugin( self, plugins, tmpl ):
        """For file type ``tmpl`` return the template plugin."""
        for p in plugins.values() :
            if tmpl in getattr(p, 'extensions', []) : return p
        else :
            return None

    def _skip_context(self, page):
        attrs = h.parsecsv( page.site.siteconfig.get( 'skip_context', '' )) + \
                h.parsecsv( page.context.get( 'skip_context', '' ))
        [ page.context.update(attr=None) for attr in attrs ]
        return page

    def _fetch_xc(self, _xc, page) :
        ps = h.parsecsv( _xc )
        context = {}
        for s in ps :
            p = self.plugins.get(s, None)
            context.update( p.fetch(page) ) if p else None
        return context

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, settings ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        return settings
Ejemplo n.º 22
class HTTPRequest(Plugin):
    """Plugin encapsulates HTTP request. Refer to 
    :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest` interface spec. to
    understand the general intent and purpose of this plugin.


    content_type = ''
    """Parsed content type as return from :meth:`parse_content_type`."""

    # IHTTPRequest interface methods and attributes
    def __init__(self, httpconn, method, uri, uriparts, version, headers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.__init__` interface
        self.router = self.cookie = None
        self.response = self.session = None

        self.httpconn = httpconn
        self.method, self.uri, self.uriparts, self.version = \
                method, uri, uriparts, version
        self.headers = headers

        # Initialize request handler attributes, these attributes will be
        # valid only after a call to handle() method.
        self.body = b''
        self.chunks = []
        self.trailers = {}
        self.cookies = {}

        # Only in case of POST and PUT method.
        self.postparams = {}
        self.multiparts = {}
        self.files = {}

        # Initialize
        self.params = {}
        self.getparams = {
            h.strof(k): list(map(h.strof, vs))
            for k, vs in self.uriparts['query'].items()

        self.content_type = \
                h.parse_content_type( headers.get( 'content_type', None ))

        self.view = None
        self.receivedat = time.time()
        self.finishedat = None

    def supports_http_1_1(self):
        interface method."""
        return self.version == b"HTTP/1.1"

    def get_ssl_certificate(self):
        interface method."""
        return self.httpconn.get_ssl_certificate()

    def get_cookie(self, name, default=None):
        interface method."""
        return self.cookies[name].value if name in self.cookies else default

    def get_secure_cookie(self, name, value=None):
        interface method."""
        if value is None:
            value = self.get_cookie(name)
        return self.cookie.decode_signed_value(name, value)

    def has_finished(self):
        interface method."""
        return self.response.has_finished() if self.response else True

    def ischunked(self):
        interface method."""
        x = h.parse_transfer_encoding(
            self.headers.get('transfer_encoding', b''))
        return (x[0][0] == 'chunked') if x else False

    def handle(self, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None):
        interface method."""
        self.cookies = self.cookie.parse_cookies(self.headers)

        # In case of `chunked` encoding, check whether this is the last chunk.
        finishing = body or (chunk and trailers and chunk[0] == 0)

        # Apply IHTTPInBound transformers on this request.
        data = body if body != None else (chunk[2] if chunk else b'')
        for tr in self.webapp.in_transformers:
            data = tr.transform(self, data, finishing=finishing)

        # Update the request plugin with attributes.
        if body:
            self.body = data
        elif chunk:
            self.chunks.append((chunk[0], chunk[1], data))
        self.trailers = trailers or self.trailers

        # Process POST and PUT request interpreting multipart content.
        if self.method in (b'POST', b'PUT'):
            self.postparams, self.multiparts = \
                    h.parse_formbody( self.content_type, self.body )
            self.postparams = {
                h.strof(k): list(map(h.strof, vs))
                for k, vs in self.postparams.items()
                self.params.setdefault(name, []).extend(value)
                for name, value in self.postparams.items()
                self.params.setdefault(name, []).extend(value)
                for name, value in self.multiparts.items()
                self.files.setdefault(name, []).extend(
                    (f['filename'], f['value']))
                for name, value in self.multiparts.items()

    def onfinish(self):
        interface method."""
        # Will be callbe by response.onfinish() callback.
        self.view.onfinish(self) if hasattr(self.view, 'onfinish') else None
        self.finishedat = time.time()

    def urlfor(self, name, **matchdict):
        interface method."""
        return self.webapp.urlfor(self, name, **matchdict)

    def pathfor(self, name, **matchdict):
        interface method."""
        return self.webapp.pathfor(self, name, **matchdict)

    def appurl(self, webapp, name, **matchdict):
        interface method."""
        return webapp.urlfor(self, name, **matchdict)

    def __repr__(self):
        attrs = ("uriparts", "address", "body")
        args = ", ".join("%s=%r" % (n, getattr(self, n, None)) for n in attrs)
        return "%s(%s, headers=%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, args,
                                       dict(getattr(self, 'headers', {})))

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Serve(Singleton):
    """Sub-command for starting native web server. Configuring this plugin
    does not control the web server, instead refer to the corresponding web
    server plugin. By default it uses :class:`HTTPEPollServer`, a single
    threaded / single process epoll based server.

    For automatic server restart, when a module or configuration file is
    modified, pass ``-m`` switch to main script and ``-r`` switch to this
    sub-command. Typically used in development mode,
    .. code-block:: bash

        $ pa -w -m -c <master.ini> serve -r

    .. code-block:: text

        fork ---> child ------> poll-thread
          |        |      |
          *--------*      |
           monitor        *---> pluggdapps-thread



    description = "Start epoll based http server."
    cmd = 'serve'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.module_mtimes = {}

    #---- ICommand API methods

    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface 
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,
                                    help="Monitor and reload modules")
        return parser

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method."""
        self.fork_and_monitor(args) if args.monitor else self.gemini(args)

    #---- Local function.

    def gemini(self, args):
        """Start a poll thread and then start pluggdapps platform."""
        server = self.qp('pluggdapps.IHTTPServer', self['IHTTPServer'])
        if args.mreload:
            # Launch a thread to poll and then start serving http
            t = threading.Thread(target=self.pollthread,
                                 args=(args, server))

        time.sleep(0.5)  # To allow the poll-thread to execute first.
        self.pa.start()  # Start pluggdapps
        server.start()  # Blocking call

        # use os._exit() here and not sys.exit() since within a
        # thread sys.exit() just closes the given thread and
        # won't kill the process; note os._exit does not call
        # any atexit callbacks, nor does it do finally blocks,
        # flush open files, etc.  In otherwords, it is rude.

    def fork_and_monitor(self, args):
        """Fork a child process with same command line arguments except the
        ``-m`` switch. Monitor and reload the child process until normal
        while True:
            self.pa.logdebug("Forking monitor ...")
            pid = os.fork()
            if pid == 0:  # child process
                cmdargs = sys.argv[:]
                os.execlpe(sys.argv[0], *cmdargs)

            else:  # parent
                    pid, status = os.wait()
                    if status & 0xFF00 != 0x300:
                except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def pollthread(self, args, server):
        """Thread (daemon) to monitor for changing files."""
        self.pa.logdebug("Periodic poll started for module reloader ...")
        while True:
            if self.pollthread_checkfiles(args) == True:

    def pollthread_checkfiles(self, args):
        """Check whether any of the module files have modified after loading
        this platform. If so, return True else False."""
        from pluggdapps import papackages
        modfiles = {}
        for mod in sys.modules.values():
            if hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
                modfiles.setdefault(getattr(mod, '__file__'), mod)

        inifiles = self.inifiles() if self['reload.config'] else []
        files = list(modfiles.keys()) + self.ttlfiles() + inifiles

        for filename in files:
            stat = os.stat(filename)
            mtime = stat.st_mtime if stat else 0

            if filename.endswith('.pyc') and os.path.exists(filename[:-1]):
                mtime = max(os.stat(filename[:-1]).st_mtime, mtime)
            elif filename.endswith('$py.class') and \
                    os.path.exists(filename[:-9] + '.py'):
                mtime = max(os.stat(filename[:-9] + '.py').st_mtime, mtime)

            if filename not in self.module_mtimes:
                self.module_mtimes[filename] = mtime
            elif self.module_mtimes[filename] < mtime:
                self.pa.logdebug("%r changed, reloading ...\n" % filename)
                return True
        return False

    def inifiles(self):
        """Return a list of .ini files that are related to this
        if self.pa.inifile:
            inifiles = [abspath(self.pa.inifile)]
            inifiles.extend(map(lambda x: x[2], self.pa.webapps.keys()))
            inifiles = []
        return inifiles

    def ttlfiles(self):
        """Return a list of ttlfile related to this environment."""
        from pluggdapps import papackages
        ttlfiles = h.flatten([
            list(map(h.abspath_from_asset_spec, n.get('ttlplugins', [])))
            for nm, n in papackages.items()
        return ttlfiles + self.pa._monitoredfiles

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        sett['reload.config'] = h.asbool(sett['reload.config'])
        sett['reload.poll_interval'] = h.asint(sett['reload.poll_interval'])
        return sett

    #---- An alternate implementation for linux platforms. But incomplete !!
    #---- Only directories can be watched and sub-directories had to be walked
    #---- and added programmatically.

    def _watch_handler(signum, frame):
        # log.info("file changed; reloading...")

        # use os._exit() here and not sys.exit() since within a thread
        # sys.exit() just closes the given thread and won't kill the process;
        # note os._exit does not call any atexit callbacks, nor does it do
        # finally blocks, flush open files, etc.  In otherwords, it is rude.

    def _watch_files(self, args):
        if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
            log.info("Not supported on `darwin`")
            _watch_flag = fcntl.DN_MODIFY | fcntl.DN_CREATE | fcntl.DN_MULTISHOT

        filenames = [args.config] if args.config else []
            getattr(mod, '__file__', None) for mod in sys.modules.values())
        filenames = filter(None, filenames)
        for filename in filenames:
            fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY)
            fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETSIG, 0)
            fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_NOTIFY, self._watch_flag)
Ejemplo n.º 24
class HTTPCookie(Plugin):
    """Cookie handling plugin. This plugin uses python standard library's
    http.cookies module to process request and response cookies. Refer to
    :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPCookie` interface spec. to
    understand the general intent and purpose this plugin."""


    #-- IHTTPCookie interface methods.

    def parse_cookies(self, headers):
        interface method."""
        cookies = SimpleCookie()
        cookie = headers.get('cookie', '')
            return cookies
        except CookieError:
            self.pa.logwarn("Unable to parse cookie: %s" % cookie)
            return None

    def set_cookie(self, cookies, name, value, **kwargs):
        interface method."""
        if re.search(r"[\x00-\x20]", name + value):
            # Don't let us accidentally inject bad stuff
            raise ValueError("Invalid cookie %r: %r" % (name, value))

        if name in cookies: del cookies[name]

        cookies[name] = value
        morsel = cookies[name]

        domain = kwargs.pop('domain', None)
        if domain:
            morsel["domain"] = domain

        expires_days = kwargs.pop('expires_days', None)
        expires = kwargs.pop('expires', None)
        if expires_days is not None and not expires:
            expires = dt.datetime.utcnow() + dt.timedelta(days=expires_days)
        if expires:
            timestamp = calendar.timegm(expires.utctimetuple())
            morsel["expires"] = \
                email.utils.formatdate(timestamp, localtime=False, usegmt=True)

        path = kwargs.pop('path', '/')
        if path:
            morsel["path"] = path

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            morsel[k.replace('_', '-')] = v
        return cookies

    def create_signed_value(self, name, value):
        interface method."""
        parts = [self['secret'], name, value, str(int(time.time()))]
        parts = [x.encode('utf-8') for x in parts]
        parts[2] = base64.b64encode(parts[2])
        signature = self._create_signature(*parts).encode('utf-8')
        signedval = b"|".join([parts[2], parts[3], signature])
        return signedval.decode(self['value_encoding'])

    def decode_signed_value(self, name, signedval):
        interface method."""
        if not signedval: return None

        secret = self['secret'].encode('utf-8')
        name = name.encode('utf-8')

        value = signedval.encode(self['value_encoding'])
        parts = value.split(b"|")
            val64, timestamp, signature = parts
            return None

        args = [name, val64, timestamp]
        signature_ = self._create_signature(secret, *args)
        signature_ = signature_.encode('utf-8')

        if not self._time_independent_equals(signature, signature_):
            self.pa.logwarn("Invalid cookie signature %r" % value)
            return None

        timestamp_val = int(timestamp)
        if timestamp_val < (time.time() - self['max_age_seconds']):
            self.pa.logwarn("Expired cookie %r" % value)
            return None

        if timestamp_val > (time.time() + self['max_age_seconds']):
            # _cookie_signature does not hash a delimiter between the
            # parts of the cookie, so an attacker could transfer trailing
            # digits from the payload to the timestamp without altering the
            # signature.  For backwards compatibility, sanity-check timestamp
            # here instead of modifying _cookie_signature.
            self.pa.logwarn("Cookie timestamp in future %r" % value)
            return None

        if timestamp.startswith(b"0"):
            self.pa.logwarn("Tampered cookie %r" % value)
            return base64.b64decode(val64).decode('utf-8')
        except Exception:
            return None

    def _create_signature(self, secret, *parts):
        hash = hmac.new(secret, digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
        [hash.update(part) for part in parts]
        return hash.hexdigest()

    def _time_independent_equals(self, a, b):
        if len(a) != len(b): return False
        result = 0
        for x, y in zip(a, b):
            if x != y: return False
            return True

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings interface
        sett['max_age_seconds'] = h.asint(sett['max_age_seconds'])
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 25
class Create(Singleton):
    """Sub-command plugin to create a new layout at the given sitepath. For
    .. code-block:: bash

        pagd -l 'pagd.myblog' create

    uses ``pagd.myblog`` plugin to create a source layout.

    cmd = 'create'
    description = 'Create a source layout.'

    #---- ICommand API
    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface method.

        * -g switch can be used to supply a configuration file for layout.
        * -f switch will overwrite if ``sitepath`` already contains a layout.
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,
            help='The configuration used to generate the site')
            help='Overwrite the source layout if it exists')
        return parser

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method.
        Instantiate a layout plugin and apply create() method on the
        instantiated plugin. ``sitepath`` and ``siteconfig`` references willbe
        passed as settings dictionary.
        siteconfig = join(args.sitepath, args.configfile)
        sett = {
            'sitepath': args.sitepath,
            'siteconfig': siteconfig,
        layout = self.qp(ILayout, args.layout, settings=sett)
        if not layout:
            raise Exception(
                "The given layout is invalid. Please check if you have the "
                "`layout` in the right place and the environment variable "
                "has been setup properly if you are using custom path for "
        self.pa.loginfo("Creating site at [%s] with layout [%s] ..." %
                        (args.sitepath, args.layout))
        self.pa.loginfo("... complete")
Ejemplo n.º 26
class PViews( Singleton ):
    """Pluggdapps can host many application, and application instances, in the
    same environment and each application can have any number of view-callables
    mapped onto url-paths. Use this sub-command, ``pviews``, to print a summary
    of matching routes and views for a given URL-path
    Note that the main script must be invoked using `webapps` platform, the
    ``-w`` switch.

    .. code-block:: text

        $ pa -w pviews <url-path>

        mountat = <netpath>
        urlpath = <url-path>


        mountat = <netpath>
        urlpath = <url-path>


    Typically, for the same application instance, there can be many views mapped
    to same url-path, but differentiated by HTTP request methods and/or
    modifiers. If that is the case you will be getting more than one list for
    the same url-path.

    **netpath** tells the url-prefix (subdomain / host / script-path) on which
    the application is mounted. By default, if no other sub-command option is
    specified, matching views will be listed for all mounted application
    including every instance of the same application. This is useful when each
    application instance has its router configuration different from one

    There are couple of options that can filter or expand the view listing
    based on netpath.

    - **-a** option takes a plugin-name and lists matching views for all
      instance of application specified by the plugin-name.
    - **-n** option takes a netpath and lists matching views for
      application instance mounted onto that netpath.

    Each view listing might include following information,

    * route-name, route-pattern, route-path, route-predicates.
    * view-callable, view-predicates. View-predicates shall include
      authorisation and authentication.


    implements( ICommand )

    description = "List matching views for url-path"
    cmd = 'pviews'

    #---- ICommand API methods

    def subparser( self, parser, subparsers ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 
                                self.cmd, description=self.description )
        self.subparser.set_defaults( handler=self.handle )
            "-n", dest="netpath",
            help="List view for application mounted on <netpath>" )
            "-a", dest="appname",
            help="List view for all instance of application <appname>" )
        return parser

    def handle( self, args ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface method."""
        print( 'hello world' )

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface 
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface 
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 27
class Env(Plugin):
    """Sub-command plugin to generate scaffolding logic for pluggdapps
    development environment. Can be invoked from pa-script and meant for
    upstream authors."""

    implements(IScaffold, ICommand)

    description = ("Scaffolding logic to create a new pluggdapps environment")

    #---- IScaffold API methods.

    def query_cmdline(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.query_cmdline` interface
        if not self['target_dir']:
            self['target_dir'] = input(
                "Enter target directory to create environment :")
        if not self['host_name']:
            self['host_name'] = input("Enter host name for the environment :")

    def generate(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.generate` interface
        _vars = {'host_name': self['host_name']}
        target_dir = abspath(self['target_dir'])
        host_name = abspath(self['host_name'])
        os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)

    def printhelp(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IScaffold.printhelp` interface
        sett = self.default_settings()
        for name, d in sett.specifications().items():
            print("  %20s [%s]" % (name, d['default']))
            pprint(d['help'], indent=4)

    #---- ICommand attributes and methods

    description = "Scaffolding logic to create a new pluggdapps environment."
    cmd = 'env'

    def subparser(self, parser, subparsers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.subparser` interface
        self.subparser = subparsers.add_parser(self.cmd,
                                    help="Host name")
            help="Target directory location for web application")
        return parser

    def handle(self, args):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.ICommand.handle` interface
        sett = {
            'target_dir': args.target_dir or os.getcwd(),
            'host_name': args.host_name,
        scaff = self.qp(IScaffold, 'pluggdapps.Env', settings=sett)
        print("Generating pluggdapps environment.")

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 28
class FilterBlockPy( Plugin ):
    """Handle python code blocks.

    Follows indentation rules as defined by python language. To maintain
    consistency, it is better to indent the entire python code block by 2
    spaces. Each line will be interpreted as a python statement and substituted
    as is while compiling them into an intermediate .py text.
    - If filter block is defined inside ``@def`` or ``@interface`` definition,
      then the filter block will inherit the same local scope and context as
      applicable to the function/interface definition.
    - Otherwise, it will be considered as local to the implicitly defined
      body() function.
    - To define python code blocks that are global to entire template module,
      define them outside template tags.

    .. code-block:: ttl

            print( "hello world" )
    implements( ITayraFilterBlock )

    def headpass1( self, igen, node ):
        self.filteropen = node.FILTEROPEN.dump(None) + node.NEWLINES1.dump(None)
        return None

    def headpass2( self, igen, node, result ):
        return result

    def generate( self, igen, node, result, *args, **kwargs ):   # Inline
        self.localfunc = kwargs.get( 'localfunc', False )
        self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs
        if self.localfunc :
            self.genlines( igen, node, *args, **kwargs )
        return result

    def tailpass( self, igen, node, result ):
        if self.localfunc == False :
            self.genlines( igen, node, *self.args, **self.kwargs )
        return result

    def genlines( self, igen, node, *args, **kwargs ):
        indent = len( self.filteropen.rsplit(os.linesep, 1)[-1] )
        prefix = ''
        filtertext = node.filtertext[:]
        while filtertext :
            TERM = filtertext.pop(0)
            term = TERM.dump(None)
            igen.comment( "lineno:%s" % TERM.lineno )
            igen.putstatement( prefix + term.rstrip(' \t') )
            prefix = term.rsplit( os.linesep, 1 )[-1][indent:]
        node.NEWLINES2.generate( igen, *args, **kwargs )

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings( cls, sett ):
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 29
class ConfigSqlite3DB(Plugin):
    """Backend interface to persist configuration information in sqlite3
    Settings are stored in tables, one table for each mounted application.
    ``netpath`` name (contains subdomain-hostname / script), on which
    application is mounted, will be used as table-name. Table structure,

    <netpath> table :

        |   section         |   settings                    |
        |  section-name     | JSON string of settings       |


    * section-name can be `special section` or plugin section that starts with
      ``plugin:`` prefix.
    * JSON string contains key,value pairs of configuration settings only for
      those parameters that were updated using web-frontend.
    * along with netpaths, a special table called ``platform`` will be created.
      Platform wide settings, overriden by settings from master-ini file, will
      be stored in this table.
    * special sections will be present only in case of ``platform`` table.
      For other `netpath` tables, other that ``[DEFAULT]`` section, no special
      section will be stored.


    def __init__(self):
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self['url']) if self['url'] else None

    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IConfigDB.connect` interface method."""
        if self.conn == None and self['url']:
            self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self['url'])

    def dbinit(self, netpaths=[]):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IConfigDB.dbinit` interface method.
        Optional key-word argument,

            list of web-application mount points. A database table will be
            created for each netpath.
        if self.conn == None: return None

        c = self.conn.cursor()
        # Create the `platform` table if it does not exist.
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS platform "
                  "(section TEXT PRIMARY KEY ASC, settings TEXT);")

        for netpath in netpaths:
            sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%s' "
                        "(section TEXT PRIMARY KEY ASC, settings TEXT);" ) %\

    def config(self, **kwargs):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IConfigDB.config` interface method.

        Keyword arguments,

            Netpath, including subdomain-hostname and script-path, on which
            web-application is mounted. Optional.

            Section name to get or set config parameter. Optional.

            Configuration name to get or set for ``section``. Optional.

            If present, this method was invoked for setting configuration
            ``name`` under ``section``. Optional.

        - if netpath, section, name and value kwargs are supplied, will update
          config-parameter `name` under webapp's `section` with `value`.
          Return the updated value.
        - if netpath, section, name kwargs are supplied, will return
          configuration `value` for `name` under webapp's `section`.
        - if netpath, section kwargs are supplied, will return dictionary of 
          all configuration parameters under webapp's section.
        - if netpath is supplied, will return the entire table as dictionary
          of sections and settings.
        - if netpath is not supplied, will use `section`, `name` and `value`
          arguments in the context of ``platform`` table.
        if self.conn == None: return None

        netpath = kwargs.get('netpath', 'platform')
        section = kwargs.get('section', None)
        name = kwargs.get('name', None)
        value = kwargs.get('value', None)

        c = self.conn.cursor()
        if section:
            c.execute("SELECT * FROM '%s' WHERE section='%s'" %
                      (netpath, section))
            result = list(c)
            secsetts = h.json_decode(result[0][1]) if result else {}
            if name and value:
                secsetts[name] = value
                secsetts = h.json_encode(secsetts)
                c.execute("DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE section='%s'" %
                          (netpath, section))
                c.execute("INSERT INTO '%s' VALUES ('%s', '%s')" %
                          (netpath, section, secsetts))
                rc = value
            elif name:
                rc = secsetts[name]
                rc = secsetts
            c.execute("SELECT * FROM '%s'" % (netpath, ))
            rc = {section: h.json_decode(setts) for section, setts in list(c)}
        return rc

    def close(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IConfigDB.close` interface method."""
        if self.conn:

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 30
class WebApp(Plugin):
    """Base class for all web applications plugins. Implements
    :class:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApp` interface, refer to interface
    specification to understand the general intent and purpose of
    web-application plugins.
    Every http request enters the application through this plugin class.
    A comprehensive set of configuration settings are made available by this


    def startapp(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.startapp` interface method."""
        # Initialize plugins required to handle http request.
        self.router = self.qp(IHTTPRouter, self['IHTTPRouter'])
        self.cookie = self.qp(IHTTPCookie, self['IHTTPCookie'])
        self.in_transformers = [
            self.qp(IHTTPInBound, name) for name in self['IHTTPInBound']
        self.out_transformers = [
            self.qp(IHTTPOutBound, name) for name in self['IHTTPOutBound']

        # Live debug.
        if self['debug']:
            self.livedebug = self.qp(IHTTPLiveDebug, self['IHTTPLiveDebug'])
            self.livedebug = None

        # Initialize plugins.

    def dorequest(self, request, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.dorequest` interface method."""
            "[%s] %s %s" %
            (request.method, request.uri, request.httpconn.address))

            # Initialize framework attributes
            request.router = self.router
            request.cookie = self.cookie
            # TODO : Initialize session attribute here.
            request.response = response = \
              self.qp( IHTTPResponse, self['IHTTPResponse'], request )
            request.handle(body=body, chunk=chunk, trailers=trailers)
            response.set_header('content_type', b'text/html')
            if self['debug']:
                data = self.livedebug.render(request, *sys.exc_info())
                data = ("An error occurred.  See the error logs for more "
                        "information. (Turn debug on to display exception "
                        "reports here)")

    def dochunk(self, request, chunk=None, trailers=None):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.dochunk` interface method."""
        request.handle(chunk=chunk, trailers=trailers)

    def onfinish(self, request):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.onfinish` interface method."""

    def shutdown(self):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.shutdown` interface method."""
        self.router = None
        self.cookie = None
        self.livedebug = None
        self.in_transformers = []
        self.out_transformers = []

    def urlfor(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.urlfor` interface method."""
        return urljoin(self.baseurl, self.pathfor(request, *args, **kwargs))

    def pathfor(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.interfaces.IWebApps.pathfor` interface method."""
        path = self.router.urlpath(request, *args, **kwargs)
        if path.startswith(URLSEP):  # Prefix uriparts['script']
            if request.uriparts['script']:
                path = request.uriparts['script'] + path
        return path
        return self.router.urlpath(request, *args, **kwargs)

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.default_settings` interface
        return _default_settings

    def normalize_settings(cls, sett):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.plugin.ISettings.normalize_settings` interface
        sett['encoding'] = sett['encoding'].lower()
        sett['IHTTPInBound'] = h.parsecsvlines(sett['IHTTPInBound'])
        sett['IHTTPOutBound'] = h.parsecsvlines(sett['IHTTPOutBound'])
        return sett