Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_load_setuptools_instantiation(monkeypatch, pm: PluginManager) -> None:
    class EntryPoint:
        name = "myname"
        group = "hello"
        value = "myname:foo"

        def load(self):
            class PseudoPlugin:
                x = 42

            return PseudoPlugin()

    class Distribution:
        entry_points = (EntryPoint(), )

    dist = Distribution()

    def my_distributions():
        return (dist, )

    monkeypatch.setattr(importlib_metadata, "distributions", my_distributions)
    num = pm.load_setuptools_entrypoints("hello")
    assert num == 1
    plugin = pm.get_plugin("myname")
    assert plugin is not None
    assert plugin.x == 42
    ret = pm.list_plugin_distinfo()
    # poor man's `assert ret == [(plugin, mock.ANY)]`
    assert len(ret) == 1
    assert len(ret[0]) == 2
    assert ret[0][0] == plugin
    assert ret[0][1]._dist == dist  # type: ignore[comparison-overlap]
    num = pm.load_setuptools_entrypoints("hello")
    assert num == 0  # no plugin loaded by this call
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_pm_name(pm: PluginManager) -> None:
    class A:

    a1 = A()
    name = pm.register(a1, name="hello")
    assert name == "hello"
    assert pm.get_plugin("hello") is None
    assert not pm.is_registered(a1)
    assert not pm.get_plugins()
    name2 = pm.register(a1, name="hello")
    assert name2 == name
    assert pm.get_plugin("hello") is None
    assert not pm.is_registered(a1)
    assert not pm.get_plugins()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_plugin_getattr_raises_errors():
    """Pluggy must be able to handle plugins which raise weird exceptions
    when getattr() gets called (#11).
    class DontTouchMe(object):
        def __getattr__(self, x):
            raise Exception('cant touch me')

    class Module(object):

    module = Module()
    module.x = DontTouchMe()

    pm = PluginManager(hookspec.project_name)
    # register() would raise an error
    pm.register(module, 'donttouch')
    assert pm.get_plugin('donttouch') is module
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_plugin_getattr_raises_errors():
    """Pluggy must be able to handle plugins which raise weird exceptions
    when getattr() gets called (#11).
    class DontTouchMe:
        def __getattr__(self, x):
            raise Exception('cant touch me')

    class Module:

    module = Module()
    module.x = DontTouchMe()

    pm = PluginManager(hookspec.project_name)
    # register() would raise an error
    pm.register(module, 'donttouch')
    assert pm.get_plugin('donttouch') is module
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_plugin_getattr_raises_errors() -> None:
    """Pluggy must be able to handle plugins which raise weird exceptions
    when getattr() gets called (#11).
    class DontTouchMe:
        def __getattr__(self, x):
            raise Exception("can't touch me")

    class Module:

    module = Module()
    module.x = DontTouchMe()  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    pm = PluginManager(hookspec.project_name)
    # register() would raise an error
    pm.register(module, "donttouch")
    assert pm.get_plugin("donttouch") is module
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_pm(pm: PluginManager) -> None:
    """Basic registration with objects"""
    class A:

    a1, a2 = A(), A()
    assert pm.is_registered(a1)
    pm.register(a2, "hello")
    assert pm.is_registered(a2)
    out = pm.get_plugins()
    assert a1 in out
    assert a2 in out
    assert pm.get_plugin("hello") == a2
    assert pm.unregister(a1) == a1
    assert not pm.is_registered(a1)

    out2 = pm.list_name_plugin()
    assert len(out2) == 1
    assert out2 == [("hello", a2)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_register_unknown_hooks(pm: PluginManager) -> None:
    class Plugin1:
        def he_method1(self, arg):
            return arg + 1

    pname = pm.register(Plugin1())
    assert pname is not None

    class Hooks:
        def he_method1(self, arg):

    # assert not pm._unverified_hooks
    assert pm.hook.he_method1(arg=1) == [2]
    hookcallers = pm.get_hookcallers(pm.get_plugin(pname))
    assert hookcallers is not None
    assert len(hookcallers) == 1