Ejemplo n.º 1
 def transform_atom( self, a, doc):
   out = doc.createElement( 'atom')
     atom = self.CML_atom( cml=a)
   except cml_exception, detail:
     # problems converting cml to atom
     raise plugin.import_exception( detail)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def transform_bond( self, b, doc):
   out = doc.createElement( 'bond')
     bond = self.CML_bond( cml=b)
   except cml_exception, detail:
     # problems converting cml to bond
     raise plugin.import_exception( str( detail))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def transform_CML_bond( self, bond, doc):
   """called by transform_bond in order to do the transform from CML_bond instance to CDML"""
   if bond.not_enough_data():
     # bond does not have sufficient data to be safely converted to cdml
     raise plugin.import_exception( "missing "+str( bond.not_enough_data())+" in bond specification")
   out = doc.createElement( 'bond')
   type = (bond.stereo.lower() or 'n') + str( bond.order)
   dom_ext.setAttributes( out,  (('type', type),
                                 ('start', bond.atom1),
                                 ('end', bond.atom2)))
   return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
class CML_importer( plugin.importer):
  """Imports a CML (Chemical Markup Language) document, uses version 1.0 of the CML standard."""
  doc_string = _("Imports a CML (Chemical Markup Language) document, uses version 1.0 of the CML standard.")

  def __init__( self):
    # this makes implementing CML2 much easier - just supply different CML_atom and CML_bond
    self.CML_atom = CML_atom
    self.CML_bond = CML_bond

    self.xs = []
    self.ys = []

  def on_begin( self):
    self.xs = []
    self.ys = []
    self.atoms = []
    return 1

  def get_cdml_dom( self, file_name):
    tree = dom.parse( file_name)
    out = dom.Document()
    root = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'cdml', (('version','0.11'),))
    for m in tree.getElementsByTagName( 'molecule'):
      out_m = self.transform_molecule( m, out)
      if out_m:
        root.appendChild( out_m)
    view = self.on_end_set_viewport()
    if view:
      viewport = out.createElement( 'viewport')
      viewport.setAttribute( 'viewport', '%f %f %f %f' % view)
      root.insertBefore( viewport, root.firstChild)
    return root

  def transform_molecule( self, mol, doc):
    out = doc.createElement( 'molecule')
    for a in mol.getElementsByTagName( 'atom'):
      out_a = self.transform_atom( a, doc)
      if out_a:
        out.appendChild( out_a)
    # bonds
    ar = mol.getElementsByTagName( 'bondArray')
    if ar:
      ar = ar[0]
      for b in ar.getElementsByTagName( 'bond'):
        out_b = self.transform_bond( b, doc)
        if out_b:
          out.appendChild( out_b)
      for b in self.add_nonexisting_bonds():
        out.appendChild( b)
    return out

  def transform_atom( self, a, doc):
    out = doc.createElement( 'atom')
      atom = self.CML_atom( cml=a)
    except cml_exception, detail:
      # problems converting cml to atom
      raise plugin.import_exception( detail)
    if atom.not_enough_data():
      # atom does not have sufficient data to be safely converted to cdml
      raise plugin.import_exception( "missing "+str( atom.not_enough_data())+" in atom specification")
    self.atoms.append( atom)
    dom_ext.setAttributes( out, (('name', atom.symbol),
                                 ('id', atom.id)))
    pnt = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'point', (('x', str( atom.x)),
                                               ('y', str( atom.y))))
    if atom.z != None:
      pnt.setAttribute( 'z', str( atom.z))
    self.xs.append( atom.x)
    self.ys.append( atom.y)
    return out