Ejemplo n.º 1
def flexget(runnow=False):
    print('Running flexget!')
    db = db_get_raw()
    settings = query(db, 'select * from settings_new where id="flexget"', parse=True)
    if not 'flexget' in settings:
        print('ERROR: Cannot find flexget path!')
    devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    subprocess.Popen([settings['flexget'], '-c', os.path.join(app_folder, 'tmp', 'testconfig.yml'), '-L', 'verbose', '--cron', 'execute', '-v'],
                     stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, close_fds=True)
    if not runnow and sess.mysched is not None and len(sess.mysched.get_jobs()) == 1 and 'email' in settings:  # Last call ?!
        time.sleep(60)  # allow flexget to do its thing
        show_list = sess.myep.get_dayShows('today')
        ignore_list = [s[0] for s in query(db, 'select name from shows where ignore="1"')]
        missing_shows = ""
        for show in show_list:
            if show['aquired'] or show['showname'] in ignore_list:
            missing_shows += '- ' + show['showname'] + '\n'
        if missing_shows:
            missing_shows = "Missing Shows:\n" + missing_shows
            missing_shows = "All shows downloaded :)\n"
        msg = 'echo "Scheduler Done...\n\n ' + missing_shows + '" | mailx -s "MyFlexget" %s' % settings['email']
        print('Sending "scheduler done"  mail!')
        subprocess.Popen(msg, shell=True, close_fds=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generateyml(day='tomorrow', sched=True, notify=True):
    show_list = sess.myep.get_dayShows(day=day)
    new_shows = 0
    mqtt_extra = ''

    db = db_get_raw()
    settings = query(db, 'select * from settings_new where id="flexget"', parse=True)
    schedule = query(db, 'select * from settings_new where id="schedule"', parse=True)

    if not 'rss' in settings or\
       not 'flexget' in settings or\
       not 'path' in settings or\
       not 'start' in schedule or\
       not 'end' in schedule:
            print('ERROR: generateyml: missing settings')

    if len(show_list) > 0:
        feed_names = {s['name']: s['feed_name'] for s in query(db, 'select name, feed_name from shows order by name')}
        ig_shows = [ss[0] for ss in query(db, 'select name from shows where ignore="1"')]
        mqtt_msg = ''
        shows = []
        first_show = 25  # invalid value, will be overwritten
        last_show = -1   # ---------------||----------------
        for show in show_list:
            if not show['aquired'] and show['showname'] not in ig_shows:
                if 'previous' not in show:
                    new_shows += 1
                    mqtt_msg += '- ' + show['showname'] + '\n'
                    airing = int(show['time'][:2])
                    first_show = airing if first_show > airing else first_show
                    last_show = airing if last_show < airing else last_show
                    mqtt_extra += '- ' + show['showname'] + '\n'
            #Rename shows in show_list to match feed_names, show_list is dumped to pickle later:
            show['showname'] = show['showname'] if not show['showname'] in feed_names else feed_names[show['showname']]

        # Problem with UTF-8 characters !?  :
        hq_shows = [sss[0] for sss in query(db, 'select name from shows where hq="1"')]    # high quality shows
        hq_shows = set(shows).intersection(hq_shows)                                  # --------||--------
        dq_shows = list(set(shows)-set(hq_shows))                                     # Default quality shows

        #Done with database:

        #Rename shows to feed_names:
        hq_shows = [x if not x in feed_names else feed_names[x] for x in hq_shows]
        dq_shows = [x if not x in feed_names else feed_names[x] for x in dq_shows]

        #Dump list WITH feed_names
        cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        pickle.dump(show_list, open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'shows.pickle'), 'wb'))

        f = open(os.path.join(app_folder, 'tmp', 'testconfig.yml'), 'w')

        f.write('  feed1:\n')
        f.write('    verify_ssl_certificates: no\n')
        f.write('    inputs:\n')
        for feed in settings['rss'].split(';'):
            f.write('      - rss: ' + feed + '\n')
        f.write('    series:\n')
        if dq_shows:
            f.write('      ' + settings['dq'] + ':\n')
            for show in dq_shows:
                f.write('        - "' + show + '"\n')
        if hq_shows and 'hq' in settings:
            f.write('      ' + settings['hq'] + ':\n')
            for show in hq_shows:
                f.write('        - "' + show + '"\n')
        #f.write('    download: ' + settings['path'] + '\n')
        if 'script_exec' in settings:
            f.write('    exec: ' + settings['script_exec'] + '\n')


        if sched and sess.mysched is not None:
            if not new_shows:
                print('No new shows, no scheduler')
                return True
            f_start = first_show + int(schedule['start'])
            f_end = last_show + int(schedule['start']) + int(schedule['end'])
            #if f_start > 23 or f_end > 23: # crossing midnight
            #    start = f_start if f_start < 24 else (f_start - 24)
            #    end   = f_end   if f_end   < 24 else (f_end   - 24)
            tomorrow = date.today() + timedelta(1)
            if day == 'today':
                tomorrow = date.today()
                if f_end <= datetime.now().hour:
                    print('Scheduler would never be runned')
            elif day == 'yesterday':
                print('Scheduler would never be runned')
            sess.mysched.add_job(flexget, 'cron', year=tomorrow.year, month=tomorrow.month, day=tomorrow.day, hour=str(f_start)+'-'+str(f_end))

    if new_shows == 0:
        mqtt_msg = 'No new episodes today  :(   '

    if 'mqtt_server' in settings:
        s = str(('TV shows (%s)\n%s' % (new_shows, mqtt_msg)).strip())
            publish.single('myflexget/shows', s, hostname=settings['mqtt_server'])
        except Exception as e:

    if sched and notify:
            if 'email' in settings:
                msg = mqtt_msg
                if mqtt_extra:
                    msg += "\n\nStill looking for:\n"+mqtt_extra
                msg = 'echo "'+msg+'" | mailx -s "Todays episodes '+str(new_shows)+'" '+settings['email']
                print('Sending sched mail!')
                subprocess.Popen(msg, shell=True, close_fds=True)
    return True