Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: crs4/ACTIVE
def extract_image_thumbnail(auth_params, func_params):
    This function is used to create a thumbnail for a image item.
    A cropped and resized portion of the original image is used as
    thumbnail for each digital item. The thumbnail image size is 256*256 pixels.

    @param auth_params: Input parameters of the function that generate this function call
    @param func_params: Output parameters of the function that generate this function call

    # construct start and final path for digital items
    file_path = os.path.join(get_media_root(), func_params['file'])
    thumb_path = os.path.join('/tmp', str(func_params['id']) + '_thumb.jpeg')
    # generate the thumbnail for the image
    cmd = 'ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -y -i "' + file_path + '" -vf "crop=min(iw\,ih):min(ih\,iw), scale=256:256" -vframes 1 ' + thumb_path
    subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
    token = auth_params['token']

    # check if the thumbnail has been created otherwise create a standard thumbnail
    if not os.path.exists(thumb_path):
        # create the default thumbnail, coping from a known directory
        default_thumb_path = os.path.join(get_media_root(), 'thumbnails', 'image.jpeg')
        shutil.copyfile(default_thumb_path, thumb_path)

    # send the thumbnail to the core
    res = set_thumbnail(func_params['id'], thumb_path, 'image/jpeg',token)

    # delete the temporary thumbnail from local filesystem

    if not res:
        raise Exception("Error on video thumbnail generation " + str(func_params['id']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: crs4/ACTIVE
def extract_audio_thumbnail(auth_params, func_params):
    This function is used to create a thumbnail for an audio item.
    A standard image is used as thumbnail for all audio files.

    @param auth_params: Input parameters of the function that generate this function call
    @param func_params: Output parameters of the function that generate this function call
    # construct a standard thumbnail for the audio file
    thumb_path = os.path.join('/tmp', str(func_params['id']) + '_thumb.jpeg')
    default_thumb_path = os.path.join(get_media_root(), 'thumbnails', 'audio.jpeg')
    shutil.copyfile(default_thumb_path, thumb_path)
    token = auth_params['token']

    # send the thumbnail to the core
    res = set_thumbnail(func_params['id'], thumb_path, 'image/jpeg',token)

    # delete the temporary thumbnail from local filesystem

    if not res:
        raise Exception("Error on thumbnail generation for audio item " + str(func_params['id']))