Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, executable):
        # Filter colors

        if self.PROGNAME is None:
            self.PROGNAME = os.path.basename(executable)
        elif isinstance(self.PROGNAME, colors._style):
            self.PROGNAME = self.PROGNAME | os.path.basename(executable)
        elif colors.filter(self.PROGNAME) == "":
            self.PROGNAME = colors.extract(
                self.PROGNAME) | os.path.basename(executable)
        if self.DESCRIPTION is None:
            self.DESCRIPTION = getdoc(self)

        # Allow None for the colors
        self.COLOR_GROUPS = defaultdict(
            lambda: colors.do_nothing,
            if type(self).COLOR_GROUPS is None else type(self).COLOR_GROUPS,

        self.COLOR_GROUP_TITLES = defaultdict(
            lambda: colors.do_nothing,
            self.COLOR_GROUPS if type(self).COLOR_GROUP_TITLES is None else
        if type(self).COLOR_USAGE is None:
            self.COLOR_USAGE = colors.do_nothing

        self.executable = executable
        self._switches_by_name = {}
        self._switches_by_func = {}
        self._switches_by_envar = {}
        self._subcommands = {}

        for cls in reversed(type(self).mro()):
            for obj in cls.__dict__.values():
                if isinstance(obj, Subcommand):
                    name = colors.filter(obj.name)
                    if name.startswith("-"):
                        raise SubcommandError(
                            T_("Sub-command names cannot start with '-'"))
                    # it's okay for child classes to override sub-commands set by their parents
                    self._subcommands[name] = obj

                swinfo = getattr(obj, "_switch_info", None)
                if not swinfo:
                for name in swinfo.names:
                    if name in self._unbound_switches:
                    if (name in self._switches_by_name
                            and not self._switches_by_name[name].overridable):
                        raise SwitchError(
                            T_("Switch {name} already defined and is not overridable"
                    self._switches_by_name[name] = swinfo
                    self._switches_by_func[swinfo.func] = swinfo
                    if swinfo.envname:
                        self._switches_by_envar[swinfo.envname] = swinfo
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, executable):
        # Filter colors

        if self.PROGNAME is None:
            self.PROGNAME = os.path.basename(executable)
        elif isinstance(self.PROGNAME, colors._style):
            self.PROGNAME = self.PROGNAME | os.path.basename(executable)
        elif colors.filter(self.PROGNAME) == '':
            self.PROGNAME = colors.extract(
                self.PROGNAME) | os.path.basename(executable)
        if self.DESCRIPTION is None:
            self.DESCRIPTION = getdoc(self)

        # Allow None for the colors
        self.COLOR_GROUPS = defaultdict(
            lambda: colors.do_nothing,
            if type(self).COLOR_GROUPS is None else type(self).COLOR_GROUPS)
        if type(self).COLOR_USAGE is None:
            self.COLOR_USAGE = colors.do_nothing

        self.executable = executable
        self._switches_by_name = {}
        self._switches_by_func = {}
        self._switches_by_envar = {}
        self._subcommands = {}

        for cls in reversed(type(self).mro()):
            for obj in cls.__dict__.values():
                if isinstance(obj, Subcommand):
                    name = colors.filter(obj.name)
                    if name.startswith("-"):
                        raise SubcommandError(
                            T_("Sub-command names cannot start with '-'"))
                    # it's okay for child classes to override sub-commands set by their parents
                    self._subcommands[name] = obj

                swinfo = getattr(obj, "_switch_info", None)
                if not swinfo:
                for name in swinfo.names:
                    if name in self._unbound_switches:
                    if name in self._switches_by_name and not self._switches_by_name[name].overridable:
                        raise SwitchError(
                            T_("Switch {name} already defined and is not overridable"
                    self._switches_by_name[name] = swinfo
                    self._switches_by_func[swinfo.func] = swinfo
                    if swinfo.envname:
                        self._switches_by_envar[swinfo.envname] = swinfo
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def help(self):  # @ReservedAssignment
        """Prints this help message and quits"""
        if self._get_prog_version():
        if self.DESCRIPTION:
            print(self.DESCRIPTION.strip() + '\n')

        def split_indentation(s):
            """Identifies the initial indentation (all spaces) of the string and returns the indentation as well
            as the remainder of the line.
            i = 0
            while i < len(s) and s[i] == ' ':
                i += 1
            return s[:i], s[i:]

        def paragraphs(text):
            """Yields each paragraph of text along with its initial and subsequent indentations to be used by

            Identifies list items from their first non-space character being one of bullets '-', '*', and '/'.
            However, bullet '/' is invisible and is removed from the list item.

            :param text: The text to separate into paragraphs

            paragraph = None
            initial_indent = ""
            subsequent_indent = ""

            def current():
                """Yields the current result if present.
                if paragraph:
                    yield paragraph, initial_indent, subsequent_indent

            for part in text.lstrip("\n").split("\n"):
                indent, line = split_indentation(part)

                if len(line) == 0:
                    # Starting a new paragraph
                    for item in current():
                        yield item
                    yield "", "", ""

                    paragraph = None
                    initial_indent = ""
                    subsequent_indent = ""
                    # Adding to current paragraph
                    def is_list_item(line):
                        """Returns true if the first element of 'line' is a bullet character.
                        bullets = ['-', '*', '/']
                        return line[0] in bullets

                    def has_invisible_bullet(line):
                        """Returns true if the first element of 'line' is the invisible bullet ('/').
                        return line[0] == '/'

                    if is_list_item(line):
                        # Done with current paragraph
                        for item in current():
                            yield item

                        if has_invisible_bullet(line):
                            line = line[1:]

                        paragraph = line
                        initial_indent = indent

                        # Calculate extra indentation for subsequent lines of this list item
                        i = 1
                        while i < len(line) and line[i] == ' ':
                            i += 1
                        subsequent_indent = indent + " " * i
                        if not paragraph:
                            # Start a new paragraph
                            paragraph = line
                            initial_indent = indent
                            subsequent_indent = indent
                            # Add to current paragraph
                            paragraph = paragraph + ' ' + line

            for item in current():
                yield item

        def wrapped_paragraphs(text, width):
            """Yields each line of each paragraph of text after wrapping them on 'width' number of columns.

            :param text: The text to yield wrapped lines of
            :param width: The width of the wrapped output
            if not text:

            width = max(width, 1)

            for paragraph, initial_indent, subsequent_indent in paragraphs(
                wrapper = TextWrapper(
                w = wrapper.wrap(paragraph)
                for line in w:
                    yield line
                if len(w) == 0:
                    yield ""

        cols, _ = get_terminal_size()
        for line in wrapped_paragraphs(self.DESCRIPTION_MORE, cols):

        m = six.getfullargspec(self.main)
        tailargs = m.args[1:]  # skip self
        if m.defaults:
            for i, d in enumerate(reversed(m.defaults)):
                tailargs[-i - 1] = "[{0}={1}]".format(tailargs[-i - 1], d)
        if m.varargs:
            tailargs.append("{0}...".format(m.varargs, ))
        tailargs = " ".join(tailargs)

        with self.COLOR_USAGE:
            if not self.USAGE:
                if self._subcommands:
                    self.USAGE = T_(
                        "    {progname} [SWITCHES] [SUBCOMMAND [SWITCHES]] {tailargs}\n"
                    self.USAGE = T_("    {progname} [SWITCHES] {tailargs}\n")
                progname=colors.filter(self.PROGNAME), tailargs=tailargs))

        by_groups = {}
        for si in self._switches_by_func.values():
            if si.group not in by_groups:
                by_groups[si.group] = []

        def switchs(by_groups, show_groups):
            for grp, swinfos in sorted(
                    by_groups.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]):
                if show_groups:
                    lgrp = T_(grp) if grp in _switch_groups else grp
                    print(self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp] | lgrp + ':')

                for si in sorted(swinfos, key=lambda si: si.names):
                    swnames = ", ".join(("-" if len(n) == 1 else "--") + n
                                        for n in si.names
                                        if n in self._switches_by_name
                                        and self._switches_by_name[n] == si)
                    if si.argtype:
                        if hasattr(si.argtype, '__name__'):
                            typename = si.argtype.__name__
                            typename = str(si.argtype)
                        argtype = " {0}:{1}".format(si.argname.upper(),
                        argtype = ""
                    prefix = swnames + argtype
                    yield si, prefix, self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp]

                if show_groups:

        sw_width = max(
            len(prefix) for si, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, False)) + 4
        description_indent = "    {0}{1}{2}"
        wrapper = TextWrapper(width=max(cols - min(sw_width, 60), 50) - 6)
        indentation = "\n" + " " * (cols - wrapper.width)

        for switch_info, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, True):
            help = switch_info.help  # @ReservedAssignment
            if switch_info.list:
                help += T_("; may be given multiple times")
            if switch_info.mandatory:
                help += T_("; required")
            if switch_info.requires:
                help += T_("; requires {0}").format(", ".join(
                    (("-" if len(switch) == 1 else "--") + switch)
                    for switch in switch_info.requires))
            if switch_info.excludes:
                help += T_("; excludes {0}").format(", ".join(
                    (("-" if len(switch) == 1 else "--") + switch)
                    for switch in switch_info.excludes))

            msg = indentation.join(
                wrapper.wrap(" ".join(l.strip() for l in help.splitlines())))

            if len(prefix) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                padding = indentation
                padding = " " * max(cols - wrapper.width - len(prefix) - 4, 1)
            print(description_indent.format(color | prefix, padding,
                                            color | msg))

        if self._subcommands:
            gc = self.COLOR_GROUPS["Subcommands"]
            print(gc | T_("Sub-commands:"))
            for name, subcls in sorted(self._subcommands.items()):
                with gc:
                    subapp = subcls.get()
                    doc = subapp.DESCRIPTION if subapp.DESCRIPTION else getdoc(
                    if self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG:
                        help = doc + "; " if doc else ""  # @ReservedAssignment
                        help += self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG.format(
                            parent=self.PROGNAME, sub=name)
                        help = doc if doc else ""  # @ReservedAssignment

                    msg = indentation.join(
                        wrapper.wrap(" ".join(
                            l.strip() for l in help.splitlines())))

                    if len(name) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                        padding = indentation
                        padding = " " * max(
                            cols - wrapper.width - len(name) - 4, 1)
                    if colors.contains_colors(subcls.name):
                        bodycolor = colors.extract(subcls.name)
                        bodycolor = gc

                        subcls.name, padding, bodycolor | colors.filter(msg)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def help(self):  # @ReservedAssignment
        """Prints this help message and quits"""
        if self._get_prog_version():
        if self.DESCRIPTION:
            print(self.DESCRIPTION.strip() + '\n')

        m = six.getfullargspec(self.main)
        tailargs = m.args[1:]  # skip self
        if m.defaults:
            for i, d in enumerate(reversed(m.defaults)):
                tailargs[-i - 1] = "[{0}={1}]".format(tailargs[-i - 1], d)
        if m.varargs:
            tailargs.append("{0}...".format(m.varargs, ))
        tailargs = " ".join(tailargs)

        with self.COLOR_USAGE:
            if not self.USAGE:
                if self._subcommands:
                    self.USAGE = T_(
                        "    {progname} [SWITCHES] [SUBCOMMAND [SWITCHES]] {tailargs}\n"
                    self.USAGE = T_("    {progname} [SWITCHES] {tailargs}\n")

        by_groups = {}
        for si in self._switches_by_func.values():
            if si.group not in by_groups:
                by_groups[si.group] = []

        def switchs(by_groups, show_groups):
            for grp, swinfos in sorted(by_groups.items(),
                                       key=lambda item: item[0]):
                if show_groups:
                    lgrp = T_(grp) if grp in _switch_groups else grp
                    print(self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp] | lgrp)

                for si in sorted(swinfos, key=lambda si: si.names):
                    swnames = ", ".join(("-" if len(n) == 1 else "--") + n
                                        for n in si.names
                                        if n in self._switches_by_name
                                        and self._switches_by_name[n] == si)
                    if si.argtype:
                        if hasattr(si.argtype, '__name__'):
                            typename = si.argtype.__name__
                            typename = str(si.argtype)
                        argtype = " {0}:{1}".format(si.argname.upper(),
                        argtype = ""
                    prefix = swnames + argtype
                    yield si, prefix, self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp]

                if show_groups:

        sw_width = max(
            len(prefix) for si, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, False)) + 4
        cols, _ = get_terminal_size()
        description_indent = "    {0}{1}{2}"
        wrapper = TextWrapper(width=max(cols - min(sw_width, 60), 50) - 6)
        indentation = "\n" + " " * (cols - wrapper.width)

        for switch_info, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, True):
            help = switch_info.help  # @ReservedAssignment
            if switch_info.list:
                help += T_("; may be given multiple times")
            if switch_info.mandatory:
                help += T_("; required")
            if switch_info.requires:
                help += T_("; requires {0}").format(", ".join(
                    (("-" if len(switch) == 1 else "--") + switch)
                    for switch in switch_info.requires))
            if switch_info.excludes:
                help += T_("; excludes {0}").format(", ".join(
                    (("-" if len(switch) == 1 else "--") + switch)
                    for switch in switch_info.excludes))

            msg = indentation.join(
                wrapper.wrap(" ".join(l.strip() for l in help.splitlines())))

            if len(prefix) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                padding = indentation
                padding = " " * max(cols - wrapper.width - len(prefix) - 4, 1)
                description_indent.format(color | prefix, padding,
                                          color | msg))

        if self._subcommands:
            gc = self.COLOR_GROUPS["Subcommands"]
            print(gc | T_("Subcommands:"))
            for name, subcls in sorted(self._subcommands.items()):
                with gc:
                    subapp = subcls.get()
                    doc = subapp.DESCRIPTION if subapp.DESCRIPTION else getdoc(
                    if self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG:
                        help = doc + "; " if doc else ""  # @ReservedAssignment
                        help += self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG.format(
                            parent=self.PROGNAME, sub=name)
                        help = doc if doc else ""  # @ReservedAssignment

                    msg = indentation.join(
                        wrapper.wrap(" ".join(l.strip()
                                              for l in help.splitlines())))

                    if len(name) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                        padding = indentation
                        padding = " " * max(
                            cols - wrapper.width - len(name) - 4, 1)
                    if colors.contains_colors(subcls.name):
                        bodycolor = colors.extract(subcls.name)
                        bodycolor = gc

                            subcls.name, padding,
                            bodycolor | colors.filter(msg)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def help(self):  # @ReservedAssignment
        """Prints this help message and quits"""
        if self._get_prog_version():
        if self.DESCRIPTION:
            print(self.DESCRIPTION.strip() + '\n')

        m = six.getfullargspec(self.main)
        tailargs = m.args[1:]  # skip self
        if m.defaults:
            for i, d in enumerate(reversed(m.defaults)):
                tailargs[-i - 1] = "[%s=%r]" % (tailargs[-i - 1], d)
        if m.varargs:
            tailargs.append("%s..." % (m.varargs,))
        tailargs = " ".join(tailargs)

        with self.COLOR_USAGE:
            if not self.USAGE:
                if self._subcommands:
                    self.USAGE = "    %(progname)s [SWITCHES] [SUBCOMMAND [SWITCHES]] %(tailargs)s\n"
                    self.USAGE = "    %(progname)s [SWITCHES] %(tailargs)s\n"
            print(self.USAGE % {"progname": colors.filter(self.PROGNAME), "tailargs": tailargs})

        by_groups = {}
        for si in self._switches_by_func.values():
            if si.group not in by_groups:
                by_groups[si.group] = []

        def switchs(by_groups, show_groups):
            for grp, swinfos in sorted(by_groups.items(), key = lambda item: item[0]):
                if show_groups:
                    print(self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp] | grp)

                for si in sorted(swinfos, key = lambda si: si.names):
                    swnames = ", ".join(("-" if len(n) == 1 else "--") + n for n in si.names
                        if n in self._switches_by_name and self._switches_by_name[n] == si)
                    if si.argtype:
                        if isinstance(si.argtype, type):
                            typename = si.argtype.__name__
                            typename = str(si.argtype)
                        argtype = " %s:%s" % (si.argname.upper(), typename)
                        argtype = ""
                    prefix = swnames + argtype
                    yield si, prefix, self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp]

                if show_groups:

        sw_width = max(len(prefix) for si, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, False)) + 4
        cols, _ = get_terminal_size()
        description_indent = "    %s%s%s"
        wrapper = TextWrapper(width = max(cols - min(sw_width, 60), 50) - 6)
        indentation = "\n" + " " * (cols - wrapper.width)

        for si, prefix, color in switchs(by_groups, True):
            help = si.help  # @ReservedAssignment
            if si.list:
                help += "; may be given multiple times"
            if si.mandatory:
                help += "; required"
            if si.requires:
                help += "; requires %s" % (", ".join((("-" if len(s) == 1 else "--") + s) for s in si.requires))
            if si.excludes:
                help += "; excludes %s" % (", ".join((("-" if len(s) == 1 else "--") + s) for s in si.excludes))

            msg = indentation.join(wrapper.wrap(" ".join(l.strip() for l in help.splitlines())))

            if len(prefix) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                padding = indentation
                padding = " " * max(cols - wrapper.width - len(prefix) - 4, 1)
            print(description_indent % (color | prefix, padding, color | msg))

        if self._subcommands:
            gc = self.COLOR_GROUPS["Subcommands"]
            print(gc | "Subcommands:")
            for name, subcls in sorted(self._subcommands.items()):
                with gc:
                    subapp = subcls.get()
                    doc = subapp.DESCRIPTION if subapp.DESCRIPTION else getdoc(subapp)
                    if self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG:
                        help = doc + "; " if doc else ""  # @ReservedAssignment
                        help += self.SUBCOMMAND_HELPMSG.format(parent=self.PROGNAME, sub=name)
                        help = doc if doc else "" # @ReservedAssignment

                    msg = indentation.join(wrapper.wrap(" ".join(l.strip() for l in help.splitlines())))

                    if len(name) + wrapper.width >= cols:
                        padding = indentation
                        padding = " " * max(cols - wrapper.width - len(name) - 4, 1)
                    if colors.contains_colors(subcls.name):
                        bodycolor = colors.extract(subcls.name)
                        bodycolor = gc

                            % (subcls.name, padding,
                               bodycolor | colors.filter(msg)))