Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _assert_val_error(f, *args, **kwargs):
     # Legacy, didn't really assert anything. Bad news!
     # try:
     #     f(*args, **kwargs)
     #     return False
     # except ValueError:
     #     return True
     assert_raises(ValueError, f, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_more_elaborate():
    # show we can fit this with a non-zero order
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2), suppress_warnings=True).fit(y=hr)

    # can we fit this same arima with a made-up exogenous array?
    xreg = rs.rand(hr.shape[0], 4)
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2), suppress_warnings=True).fit(y=hr,

    # pickle this for the __get/setattr__ coverage.
    # since the only time this is tested is in parallel in auto.py,
    # this doesn't actually get any coverage proof...
    fl = 'some_temp_file.pkl'
    with open(fl, 'wb') as p:
        pickle.dump(arima, p)

    # show we can predict with this even though it's been pickled
    new_xreg = rs.rand(5, 4)
    _preds = arima.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=new_xreg)

    # now unpickle
    with open(fl, 'rb') as p:
        other = pickle.load(p)

    # show we can still predict, compare
    _other_preds = other.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=new_xreg)
    assert_array_almost_equal(_preds, _other_preds)

    # now clear the cache and remove the pickle file

    # now show that since we fit the ARIMA with an exogenous array,
    # we need to provide one for predictions otherwise it breaks.
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima.predict, n_periods=5, exogenous=None)

    # show that if we DO provide an exogenous and it's the wrong dims, we
    # also break things down.
                  exogenous=rs.rand(4, 4))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_with_oob():
    # show we can fit with CV (kinda)
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2),
    assert not np.isnan(arima.oob())  # show this works

    # show we can fit if ooss < 0 and oob will be nan
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2), suppress_warnings=True,
    assert np.isnan(arima.oob())

    # This will raise since n_steps is not an int
    assert_raises(TypeError, arima.predict, n_periods="5")

    # But that we CAN forecast with an int...
    _ = arima.predict(n_periods=5)  # noqa: F841

    # Show we fail if cv > n_samples
                  ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2), out_of_sample_size=1000).fit, hr)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_corner_cases():
    assert_raises(ValueError, auto_arima, wineind,

    # things that produce warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=False):

        # show a constant result will result in a quick fit
        auto_arima(np.ones(10), suppress_warnings=True)

        # show the same thing with return_all results in the ARIMA in a list
        fits = auto_arima(np.ones(10), suppress_warnings=True,
        assert hasattr(fits, '__iter__')

    # show we fail for n_iter < 0
    assert_raises(ValueError, auto_arima, np.ones(10), random=True, n_fits=-1)

    # show if max* < start* it breaks:
    assert_raises(ValueError, auto_arima, np.ones(10), start_p=5, max_p=0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_oob_for_issue_28():
    # Continuation of above: can we do one with an exogenous array, too?
    xreg = rs.rand(hr.shape[0], 4)
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2),
                  out_of_sample_size=10).fit(y=hr, exogenous=xreg)

    oob = arima.oob()
    assert not np.isnan(oob)

    # Assert that the endog shapes match. First is equal to the original,
    # and the second is the differenced array, with original shape - d.
    assert np.allclose(arima.arima_res_.data.endog, hr, rtol=1e-2)
    assert arima.arima_res_.model.endog.shape[0] == hr.shape[0] - 1

    # Now assert the same for exog
    assert np.allclose(arima.arima_res_.data.exog, xreg, rtol=1e-2)
    assert arima.arima_res_.model.exog.shape[0] == xreg.shape[0] - 1

    # Compare the OOB score to an equivalent fit on data - 10 obs, but
    # without any OOB scoring, and we'll show that the OOB scoring in the
    # first IS in fact only applied to the first (train - n_out_of_bag)
    # samples
    arima_no_oob = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2),
                                                   exogenous=xreg[:-10, :])

    scoring = get_callable(arima_no_oob.scoring, VALID_SCORING)
    preds = arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=10, exogenous=xreg[-10:, :])
    assert np.allclose(oob, scoring(hr[-10:], preds), rtol=1e-2)

    # Show that the model parameters are exactly the same
    xreg_test = rs.rand(5, 4)
    assert np.allclose(arima.params(), arima_no_oob.params(), rtol=1e-2)

    # Now assert on the forecast differences.
    with_oob_forecasts = arima.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test)
    no_oob_forecasts = arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test)

    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_array_almost_equal,
                  with_oob_forecasts, no_oob_forecasts)

    # But after we update the no_oob model with the latest data, we should
    # be producing the same exact forecasts

    # First, show we'll fail if we try to add observations with no exogenous
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],

    # Also show we'll fail if we try to add mis-matched shapes of data
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],

    # Show we fail if we try to add observations with a different dim exog
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],
                  xreg_test[:, :2])

    # Actually add them now, and compare the forecasts (should be the same)
    arima_no_oob.add_new_observations(hr[-10:], xreg[-10:, :])
    assert np.allclose(with_oob_forecasts,
                       arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test),