Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_notebook_writer_hello():
    path = get_test_file_path('ast', 'hello.json')
    ast = ASTPlugin().load(path)
    nb = NotebookWriter().write(ast)

    # Compare the notebooks.
    nb_expected = open_notebook(get_test_file_path('notebook', 'hello.ipynb'))
    # Ignore some fields when comparing the notebooks.
    NotebookPlugin().assert_equal(nb, nb_expected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_notebook_reader_notebook():
    # Open a test notebook with a code cell.
    path = get_test_file_path('notebook', 'notebook.ipynb')
    notebook = open_notebook(path)
    # Convert it to an AST.
    reader = NotebookReader()
    ast = reader.read(notebook)

    # Compare with the markdown version.
    path = get_test_file_path('markdown', 'notebook.md')
    markdown = load_text(path)
    assert_equal(MarkdownPlugin().write(ast), markdown)

    assert 'output_4_1.png' in reader.resources
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_extract_output():
    # Open a test notebook with a code cell containing an image.
    path = get_test_file_path('notebook', 'notebook.ipynb')
    notebook = open_notebook(path)
    cell = notebook.cells[4]
    mime_type, data = list(extract_output(cell.outputs[1]))
    filename = output_filename(mime_type, cell_index=4, output_index=1)
    assert filename == 'output_4_1.png'

    # Open the image file in the markdown directory.
    image_path = get_test_file_path('markdown', filename)
    with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:
        data_expected = f.read()

    # The two image contents should be identical.
    assert data == data_expected
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_notebook_writer_notebook():
    path = get_test_file_path('ast', 'notebook.json')
    ast = ASTPlugin().load(path)

    # Load the image.
    fn = get_test_file_path('markdown', 'output_4_1.png')
    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        img = f.read()
    resources = {op.basename(fn): img}
    # Convert the AST to a notebook.
    nb = NotebookWriter().write(ast, resources=resources)

    # Compare the notebooks.
    nb_expected = open_notebook(get_test_file_path('notebook',
    # Ignore some fields when comparing the notebooks.
    NotebookPlugin().assert_equal(nb, nb_expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_notebook_reader_hello():
    # Open a test notebook with just 1 Markdown cell.
    path = get_test_file_path('notebook', 'hello.ipynb')
    notebook = open_notebook(path)
    # Convert it to an AST.
    ast = NotebookReader().read(notebook)
    # Check that the AST is equal to the one of a simple Mardown line.
    ast_1 = MarkdownPlugin().read('hello *world*')
    assert ast == ast_1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_notebook_writer_notebook():
    path = get_test_file_path('ast', 'simplenb.json')
    ast = ASTPlugin().load(path)
    # TODO: save resource files in JSON serializer

    # Load the image.
    fn = get_test_file_path('markdown', 'simplenb_files/simplenb_4_1.png')
    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        img = f.read()
    # Convert the AST to a notebook.
    nb = NotebookWriter().write(ast,
                                    'resources': {
                                        op.basename(fn): img
                                    'path': path

    # Compare the notebooks.
    nb_expected = open_notebook(
        get_test_file_path('notebook', 'simplenb.ipynb'))
    # Ignore some fields when comparing the notebooks.
    assert nb == nb_expected
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_output_text(podoc):
    img_path = get_test_file_path('markdown',
    markdown = dedent('''

    ![Some text](%s)

    ''' % img_path)
    nb = podoc.convert_text(markdown, source='markdown', target='notebook')
    nb.cells[0].outputs[0].data['text/plain'] = 'Replaced text'
    md = podoc.convert_text(nb, source='notebook', target='markdown')
    assert 'Replaced' not in md
    assert 'Some text' in md