Ejemplo n.º 1
    def comments_count(self):
        if self._comments_count is not None:
            return self._comments_count

        if not self.id:
            raise PostNotFound(None)
        redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)

        cnt = redis.get('cmnt_cnt.%s' % unb26(self.id))
        if cnt is not None:
                self._comments_count = int(cnt)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                self._comments_count = 0
            return self._comments_count
            cnt = db.fetchone("SELECT count(comment_id)::int "
                              "FROM posts.comments "
                              "WHERE post_id=%s;",
        except IndexError:
            cnt = 0

        redis.set('cmnt_cnt.%s' % unb26(self.id), int(cnt))

            self._comments_count = int(cnt)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            self._comments_count = 0

        return self._comments_count
Ejemplo n.º 2
def login():
    key = sha1('%s%s' % (randint(1000000, 9999999),
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    redis.set('login:%s'%key, env.user.id)
    redis.expire('login:%s'%key, settings.login_key_expire)

    return 'https://%s/login/%s' % (settings.domain, key)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def login():
    key = sha1(
        '%s%s' %
        (randint(1000000, 9999999), datetime.now().isoformat())).hexdigest()
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    redis.set('login:%s' % key, env.user.id)
    redis.expire('login:%s' % key, settings.login_key_expire)

    return 'https://%s/login/%s' % (settings.domain, key)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cache_store(key, data, expire=None):
    log.debug('cache_store %s' % key)
    redis = RedisPool(settings.cache_socket)
    redis.set(key, json.dumps(data))
    if not expire:
            expire = settings.cache_expire_max
        except AttributeError:
            expire = 3600 * 24  # day
    redis.expire(key, expire)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cache_store(key, data, expire=None):
    log.debug("cache_store %s" % key)
    redis = RedisPool(settings.cache_socket)
    redis.set(key, json.dumps(data))
    if not expire:
            expire = settings.cache_expire_max
        except AttributeError:
            expire = 3600 * 24  # day
    redis.expire(key, expire)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gen_invite():
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    icnt = redis.decr('icnt:%s' % env.user.id)
    if icnt < 0:
        return 'Invitation limit exceeded'

    key = sha1('%s%s' % (randint(1000000, 9999999),

    redis.set('invite:%s' % key, 1)
    redis.expire('invite:%s' % key, 3600*48)

    return key
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen_invite():
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    icnt = redis.decr('icnt:%s' % env.user.id)
    if icnt < 0:
        return 'Invitation limit exceeded'

    key = sha1(
        '%s%s' %
        (randint(1000000, 9999999), datetime.now().isoformat())).hexdigest()

    redis.set('invite:%s' % key, 1)
    redis.expire('invite:%s' % key, 3600 * 48)

    return key
Ejemplo n.º 8
def request_password(user):
    if not user.id:
        raise UserNotFound

    address = user.get_active_account('xmpp')

    if not address:
        raise AddressNotFound

    code = sha256('%s%s' % (datetime.now(), randint(1000000, 9999999))).hexdigest()
    key = 'reset-password:%s' % code
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    redis.set(key, user.id)
    redis.expire(key, 60 * 60 * 24)
    publish('remember', {'type': 'xmpp', 'address': address, 'code': code})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def request_password(user):
    if not user.id:
        raise UserNotFound

    address = user.get_active_account('xmpp')

    if not address:
        raise AddressNotFound

    code = sha256('%s%s' % (datetime.now(), randint(1000000, 9999999))).hexdigest()
    key = 'reset-password:%s' % code
    redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
    redis.set(key, user.id)
    redis.expire(key, 60 * 60 * 24)
    publish('remember', {'type': 'xmpp', 'address': address, 'code': code})
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def last_published(self, ts=None):
        if not self.id:
            return None

        redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
        key = "feed:last_published:%s" % self.id
        if ts is None:
            if not self.id:
                if not self._posts:
                    return None

                ts = max([p.created for p in self._posts])
                redis.set(key, ts.isoformat())

                return ts

            ts = redis.get(key)
            if ts:
                return dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT max(created) FROM posts.posts "
                "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])
            if not res or not res[0]:
                return None

            redis.set(key, res[0].isoformat())
            return res[0]

        redis.set(key, ts.isoformat())
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def last_published(self, ts=None):
        if not self.id:
            return None

        redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
        key = "feed:last_published:%s" % self.id
        if ts is None:
            if not self.id:
                if not self._posts:
                    return None

                ts = max([ p.created for p in self._posts ])
                redis.set(key, ts.isoformat())

                return ts

            ts = redis.get(key)
            if ts:
                return dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT max(created) FROM posts.posts "
                              "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])
            if not res or not res[0]:
                return None

            redis.set(key, res[0].isoformat())
            return res[0]

        redis.set(key, ts.isoformat())
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def save(self, update=False):
        if not self.post.id:
            raise PostNotFound
        if isinstance(self.author, AnonymousUser):
            anon_login = self.author.login
            anon_login = None

        if not self.created:
            self.created = datetime.now()

        if isinstance(self.text, str):
            self.text = self.text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')

        if update:
            res = db.perform(
                UPDATE posts.comments SET (text, updated) = (%s, now())
                WHERE post_id = %s AND comment_id = %s;
                """, [
                    unb26(self.post.id) if isinstance(self.post.id, basestring)
                    else self.post.id, self.id
            comment_id = self.id
            if self.archive and self.id:
                comment_id = self.id
                res = db.fetchone(
                    "INSERT INTO posts.comments "
                    "(post_id, comment_id, author, created,"
                    "to_comment_id, anon_login, text, files) "
                    "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) "
                    "RETURNING comment_id;", [
                        unb26(self.post.id), self.id, self.author.id,
                        self.created, self.to_comment_id, anon_login,
                        self.text, self.files
                redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
                for n in xrange(1000):
                        comment_id = redis.incr('cmnt.%s' % self.post.id)
                        res = db.fetchone(
                            "INSERT INTO posts.comments "
                            "(post_id, comment_id, author, created,"
                            "to_comment_id, anon_login, text, files) "
                            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) "
                            "RETURNING comment_id;", [
                                    self.post.id), comment_id, self.author.id,
                                self.created, self.to_comment_id, anon_login,
                                self.text, self.files
                    except IntegrityError:
                        nres = db.fetchone(
                            "SELECT max(comment_id) FROM posts.comments "
                            "WHERE post_id=%s;", [unb26(self.post.id)])
                        if nres:
                            num = nres[0]
                            num = 0
                        comment_id = redis.set('cmnt.%s' % self.post.id, num)

                if res:
                    redis.incr('cmnt_cnt.%s' % unb26(self.post.id))

        #    es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(host=settings.elasticsearch_host, port=settings.elasticsearch_port)
        #    es.index(index='point-comments',
        #             id='%s-%s' % (self.post.id, self.id),
        #             doc_type='post', body={
        #        'post_id': self.post.id,
        #        'comment_id': self.id,
        #        'post_type': self.post.type,
        #        'created': self.created,
        #        'private': self.post.private,
        #        'user_id': self.author.id,
        #        'login': self.author.login,
        #        'text': self.text,
        #    })
        #except elasticsearch.ConnectionError, e:
        #    log.error('Elasticsearch: %s' % e)

        self.id = comment_id

        return comment_id
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def comments(self, last=False, all=False, offset=None, limit=None,
        if last:
            lim = " LIMIT %d" % limit if limit else ''
            offset = 0
            order = ' DESC'
        elif all:
            lim = ''
            offset = 0
            order = ' ASC'
            if not offset:
                offset = 0
            lim = " LIMIT %d" % limit if limit else ''
            order = ' ASC'

        if isinstance(cuser, User) and cuser.id:
            res = db.fetchall("SELECT c.comment_id, c.to_comment_id,"
                              "c.author AS user_id, "
                              "CASE WHEN c.anon_login IS NOT NULL "
                                "THEN c.anon_login ELSE u1.login END AS login,"
                              "c.created at time zone %%s AS created, "
                              "c.text, c.files, "
                              "c.updated at time zone %%s AS updated, "
                              "CASE WHEN rc.comment_id IS NOT NULL "
                                "THEN true ELSE false END AS is_rec, "
                              "ur.user_id AS recommended, "
                              "ub.user_id AS bookmarked, "
                              "ui1.name, ui1.avatar "
                              "FROM posts.comments c "
                              "JOIN users.logins u1 ON c.author=u1.id "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info ui1 "
                                "ON ui1.id=c.author "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN posts.recommendations rc "
                                "ON rc.post_id=c.post_id "
                                "AND rc.rcid=c.comment_id "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN posts.recommendations ur "
                                "ON ur.user_id=%%s "
                                "AND ur.post_id=c.post_id "
                                "AND ur.comment_id=c.comment_id "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN posts.bookmarks ub "
                                "ON ub.user_id=%%s "
                                "AND ub.post_id=c.post_id "
                                "AND ub.comment_id=c.comment_id "
                              "WHERE c.post_id=%%s AND c.comment_id>=%%s "
                              "ORDER BY c.created%s%s;" % (order, lim),
                              [self.tz, self.tz, cuser.id, cuser.id, unb26(self.id),
            res = db.fetchall("SELECT c.comment_id, c.to_comment_id,"
                              "c.author AS user_id, ui1.name,"
                              "CASE WHEN c.anon_login IS NOT NULL "
                                "THEN c.anon_login ELSE u1.login END AS login,"
                              "c.created at time zone %%s AS created, "
                              "c.text, c.files, "
                              "c.updated at time zone %%s AS updated, "
                              "CASE WHEN rc.comment_id IS NOT NULL "
                                "THEN true ELSE false END AS is_rec, "
                              "false AS recommended, "
                              "false AS bookmarked, "
                              "ui1.avatar "
                              "FROM posts.comments c "
                              "JOIN users.logins u1 ON c.author=u1.id "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info ui1 "
                                "ON ui1.id=c.author "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN posts.recommendations rc "
                                "ON rc.post_id=c.post_id "
                                "AND rc.rcid=c.comment_id "
                              "WHERE c.post_id=%%s AND c.comment_id>=%%s "
                              "ORDER BY c.created%s%s;" % (order, lim),
                              [self.tz, self.tz, unb26(self.id), offset])
        if last:

        if cuser:
            unr = db.fetchall("SELECT comment_id FROM posts.unread_comments "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s AND post_id=%s;",
                              [cuser.id, unb26(self.id)])
            unread = { r['comment_id']: 1 for r in unr }
            unread = {}

        comments = []
        for c in res:
            author = User.from_data(c['user_id'], c['login'],
                     info={'name': c['name'], 'avatar': c['avatar']})

            unr = True if c['comment_id'] in unread else False
            comment = Comment.from_data(self, id=c['comment_id'],

        if not limit and not offset:
            redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)
            redis.set('cmnt_cnt.%s' % unb26(self.id), len(comments))

        return comments
Ejemplo n.º 14
class User(object):
    type = 'user'

    def __init__(self, field, value=None):
        self.id = None
        self.login = None
        self.accounts = []
        self.accounts_add = []
        self.accounts_del = []
        self.profile = {}
        self.profile_upd = {}
        self.info = {}
        self.info_upd = {}
        self.password = None
        self._private = None

        self.redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)

        if isinstance(field, (int, long)):
            self.id = field

            self.login = cache_get('login:%s' % field)
            if not self.login:
                res = db.fetchone(
                    "SELECT login FROM users.logins WHERE id=%s;", [field])
                if not res:
                    raise UserNotFound
                self.login = res[0]
                cache_store('login:%s' % field, self.login)

        if not value:
            #raise UserNotFound
            # empty user

        if field == 'login':
            r = cache_get('id_login:%s' % value.lower())
            if r:
                    self.id, self.login, self.type = r
                except ValueError:
                    self.id, self.login = r
                    self.type = 'user'
                res = db.fetchone(
                    "SELECT id, login, type FROM users.logins "
                    "WHERE lower(login)=%s;", [str(value).lower()])
                if not res:
                    raise UserNotFound(value)
                self.id, self.login, self.type = res
                cache_store('id_login:%s' % value.lower(),
                            [res[0], res[1], res[2]])

        r = cache_get('addr_id_login:%s' % value.lower())
        if r:
            self.id, self.login = r
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT u.id, u.login FROM users.accounts a "
                              "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=a.user_id "
                              "WHERE a.type=%s AND lower(a.address)=%s;",
                              [field, value.lower()])  #, _cache=3600)
            if res:
                self.id, self.login = res
                cache_store('addr_id_login:%s' % value.lower(),
                            [res[0], res[1]])

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<User: id=%s login=%s>" % (self.id, self.login)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, User):
            raise TypeError
        if not self.id or not other.id:
            return False
        return self.id - other.id

    def from_data(cls, id, login, **kwargs):
        self = cls(None, None)
        self.id = id
        self.login = login

        if 'accounts' in kwargs:
            for type, address in kwargs['accounts']:
                if type in ACCOUNT_TYPES and not parse_email(address):
                    raise ValueError(address)
            self.accounts = kwargs['accounts']
        if 'profile' in kwargs:
            self.profile = kwargs['profile']
        if 'info' in kwargs:
            self.info = kwargs['info']
        if 'password' in kwargs and kwargs['password']:

        #self.info = {}

        return self

    def _passhash(password):
        if password is None:
            return None

        phash = sha1(password).hexdigest().lower()
        return sha1('%s%s' % (settings.secret, phash)).hexdigest().lower()

    def authenticate(cls, login, password):
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT id FROM users.logins "
            "WHERE lower(login)=%s AND password=%s;",
            [login.lower(), cls._passhash(password)])
        if res:
            return cls(res[0], login)

        raise NotAuthorized

    def bind_ulogin(self,
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
                "INSERT INTO users.ulogin_accounts "
                "(id, network, uid, nickname, name, profile) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
                [self.id, network, uid, nickname, name, profile])
        #except IntegrityError:
        #    raise UserExists

    def unbind_ulogin(self, network, uid):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
            "DELETE FROM users.ulogin_accounts "
            "WHERE id=%s AND network=%s AND uid=%s;", [self.id, network, uid])

    def get_ulogin_accounts(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []
        return db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM users.ulogin_accounts WHERE id=%s;",

    def get_accounts(self, type):
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(type)
        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT address FROM users.accounts "
            "WHERE user_id=%s AND type=%s;", [self.id, type])
        return [r['address'] for r in res]

    def get_unconfirmed_accounts(self, type):
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(type)
        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT address FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
            "WHERE user_id=%s AND type=%s;", [self.id, type])
        return [r['address'] for r in res]

    def add_account(self, type, address):
        if type in ACCOUNT_TYPES and not parse_email(address):
            raise ValueError(address)

        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT id FROM users.accounts "
            "WHERE type=%s AND address=%s;", [type, address])
        if res:

        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT id FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
            "WHERE type=%s AND address=%s;", [type, address])
        if res:

        code = '%s%s%s%s' % (settings.secret, datetime.now(), type, address)
        code = sha1(code).hexdigest().lower()
        self.accounts_add.append((type, address, code))

        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % address)

        return code

    def confirm_account(self, code):
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT id, user_id, type, address, code "
            "FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
            "WHERE code=%s;", [code.lower()])
        if not res:
            return False

        if res['user_id'] != self.id or res['code'] != str(code).lower():
            return False

        db.perform("DELETE FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed WHERE id=%s;",

                "INSERT INTO users.accounts (user_id, type, address) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", [self.id, res['type'], res['address']])
        except IntegrityError:
            log.error("%s %s already exists" % (res['type'], res['address']))
            return False

        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % res['address'])

        return True

    def del_account(self, type, address):
        self.accounts_del.append((type, address))
        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % address)

    def set_active_account(self, type, address):
        if not self.id:
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
        self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id,
                           'type': type,
                           'addr': address

    def get_active_account(self, type=None):
        if not self.id:
            return None
        data = self.redis.get('active.%d' % self.id)
        if data:
            data = json.loads(data)
            _type = type if type else 'xmpp'
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT type, address FROM users.accounts WHERE "
                "user_id=%s AND type=%s;", [self.id, _type])
            if not res:
                self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id, '{}')
                self.redis.expire('active.%d' % self.id, 60)
                return None

            self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id,
                               'type': _type,
                               'addr': res['address']
            data = {'type': res['type'], 'addr': res['address']}

        if not type:
            return data
            if data['type'] == type:
                return data['addr']
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return None

    _profile_table = 'users.profile'
    _profile = {
        'private': {
            'type': 'bool',
            'default': False
        'lang': {
            'type': 'str',
            're': re.compile(r'^[a-z]{2}$'),
            'default': settings.lang
        'tz': {
            'type': 'int',
            'default': settings.timezone
        'deny_anonymous': {
            'type': 'bool',
            'default': False

    def set_profile(self, param, value):
        def check(p, param, value):
            if p[param]['type'] == 'bool':
                if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
                    if value.lower() in ['no', 'false', 'none', 'null', '0']:
                        value = False
                        value = True
                if param == 'private':
                    if self.get_profile('private') and not value:
                        self._private = False
                    elif not self.get_profile('private') and value:
                        self._private = True
            elif p[param]['type'] == 'str' and p[param]['re']:
                if not re.match(p[param]['re'], value):
                    raise ValueError
            return value

        if self.__class__ != User and param in self._profile:
            check(self._profile, param, value)
            table = self._profile_table
        elif param in User._profile:
            check(User._profile, param, value)
            table = User._profile_table
        elif param.find('.') > -1:
            table, param = param.split('.', 1)
            table = 'users.profile_%s' % table
            if param == 'id' or re.match(r'\W', param):
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

        if table not in self.profile:
            self.profile[table] = {}
        self.profile[table][param] = value
        if table not in self.profile_upd:
            self.profile_upd[table] = {}
        self.profile_upd[table][param] = value
        cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))

    def get_profile(self, param):
        def get(table, param):
                return self.profile[table][param]
            except KeyError:
                    # FIXME: profile models
                    db.perform("INSERT INTO %s (id) VALUES (%%s);" % \
                               table, [self.id])
                except IntegrityError:
                res = cache_get('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                if res:
                    self.profile[table] = res
                    res = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=%%s;" % \
                                     table, [self.id])
                    log.debug('RES %s %s' % (table, res))
                    if res:
                        self.profile[table] = dict(res)
                        cache_store('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id),
                        #    return cls._profile[param]['default']
                        #except KeyError:
                        #    return None
                        return None
                # FIXME: remove recursive call
                    return self.profile[table][param]
                except KeyError:
                    cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                    return get(table, param)
                #finally: pass

        if not self.id:
            return self.profile_defaults(param)

        if self.__class__ != User and param in self._profile:
            return get(self._profile_table, param)
        elif param in User._profile:
            return get(User._profile_table, param)
        elif param.find('.') > -1:
            table, param = param.split('.', 1)
            table = 'users.profile_%s' % table
            if param == 'id' or re.match(r'\W', param):
                raise KeyError
            return get(table, param)
            raise KeyError

    def profile_defaults(self, param=None):
        if not param:
            return {p: self._profile[p]['default'] for p in self._profile}

        cls = self.__class__
        while cls:
                return cls._profile[param]['default']
            except KeyError:
                cls = cls.__base__
            except AttributeError:
                return None

        return None

    def set_info(self, param, value):
        self.info[param] = value
        self.info_upd[param] = value

    def get_info(self, param=None):
        if not self.info:
            res = cache_get('userinfo:%s' % self.id)
            if res:
                for k in ('birthdate', 'created'):
                    res[k] = dateutil.parser.parse(res[k]) if res[k] else None
                self.info = res
                res = db.fetchone(
                    "SELECT name, email, xmpp, icq, skype, "
                    "about, avatar, gender, "
                    "birthdate, location, homepage, created "
                    "FROM users.info WHERE id=%s;", [self.id])
                if res:
                    self.info = dict(res)
                    res = dict(res)
                    for k in ('birthdate', 'created'):
                        res[k] = res[k].isoformat() if res[k] else None
                    cache_store('userinfo:%s' % self.id, res)

            if not self.info:
                return None

        if param:
                return self.info[param]
            except KeyError:
                return None
            return self.info

    def info_changed(self):
        return bool(self.info_upd)

    def check_password_set(self):
            return self._password_set
        except AttributeError:
        if not self.id:
            self._password_set = False
            return self._password_set
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT password FROM users.logins WHERE id=%s;",
        if not res:
            self._password_set = False
            return self._password_set
        self._password_set = bool(res['password'])
        return self._password_set

    def check_password(self, password):
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT password FROM users.logins "
                          "WHERE id=%s;", [self.id])
        if not res:
            return False

        if res[0] != self._passhash(password):
            return False

        return True

    def set_password(self, password):
        self.password = self._passhash(password)

    def save(self):
        if not self.login:
            raise UserError("Cannot save anonymous user")

        is_new = False

        # create user
        if not self.id:
            if not self.login or not validate_nickname(self.login):
                raise UserError('Invalid Login: "******"' % self.login)
            self.id = db.fetchone(
                "INSERT INTO users.logins (login, type) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING id;", [self.login, self.type])[0]
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.info (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, self.login])
                "INSERT INTO users.profile (id, private, lang) "
                "VALUES (%s, false, 'en');", [self.id])

            self.accounts_add = self.accounts
            is_new = True

        if not is_new:
                if self._private == True:
                elif self._private == False:
            except AttributeError:

        # save accounts
        for acc in self.accounts_add:
                if len(acc) == 3:
                        "INSERT INTO users.accounts_unconfirmed "
                        "(user_id, type, address, code) "
                        "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);",
                        [self.id, acc[0], acc[1], acc[2]])
                        "INSERT INTO users.accounts "
                        "(user_id, type, address) "
                        "VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", [self.id, acc[0], acc[1]])

            except IntegrityError:
                log.error("%s %s already exists" % (acc[0], acc[1]))

        self.accounts_add = []

        for type, address in self.accounts_del:
                "DELETE FROM users.accounts WHERE "
                "user_id=%s AND type=%s AND address=%s;",
                [self.id, type, address])

                "DELETE FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed WHERE "
                "user_id=%s AND type=%s AND address=%s;",
                [self.id, type, address])

        self.accounts_del = []

        # save profile
        if self.profile_upd:
            for table in self.profile_upd:
                f = []
                for k in self.profile_upd[table]:
                    f.append("%s=%%(%s)s" % (k, k))
                        db.perform("INSERT INTO %s (id) VALUES (%%s);" % \
                                   table, [self.id])
                    except IntegrityError:
                    db.perform("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE id=%s;" % \
                               (table, ','.join(f), self.id),
                    cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                except ProgrammingError:
                    raise KeyError
                except DataError:
                    raise ValueError
            self.profile_upd = {}

        if self.info_upd:
            f = []
            for k in self.info_upd:
                #if not self.info_upd[k]:
                #    self.info_upd[k] = None
                f.append("%s=%%(%s)s" % (k, k))
            db.perform("UPDATE users.info SET %s WHERE id=%s;" % \
                       (','.join(f), self.id),
            self.info_upd = {}
            cache_del('userinfo:%s' % self.id)

        if self.password:
            db.perform("UPDATE users.logins SET password=%s WHERE id=%s;",
                       (self.password, self.id))

    def _set_private(self):
        res = [u['id'] for u in \
            db.fetchall("SELECT user_id AS id FROM subs.users "
                        "WHERE to_user_id=%(id)s "
                        "EXCEPT "
                        "SELECT to_user_id AS id FROM users.whitelist "
                        "WHERE user_id=%(id)s;", {'id': self.id})]
            "DELETE FROM subs.users "
            "WHERE user_id=ANY(%s) AND to_user_id=%s;", [res, self.id])
        db.batch("INSERT INTO subs.requests VALUES(%(u)s, %(to)s);",
                     'u': u,
                     'to': self.id
                 } for u in res])
            "DELETE FROM subs.posts s USING posts.posts p "
            "WHERE s.post_id=p.id "
            "AND s.user_id=ANY(%s) AND p.author=%s;", [res, self.id])
            "DELETE FROM subs.tags_user "
            "WHERE to_user_id=%s AND user_id=ANY(%s);", [self.id, res])

    def _set_public(self):
        res = [u['user_id'] for u in \
                db.fetchall("DELETE FROM subs.requests "
                            "WHERE to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
        db.batch("INSERT INTO subs.users VALUES(%(u)s, %(to)s);",
                     'u': u,
                     'to': self.id
                 } for u in res])

    def is_authorized(self):
        return bool(self.id)

    def subscribe(self, obj):
        """Subscribe to anything
           obj - subscriptable object

    def add_subscriber(self, user):
                "INSERT INTO subs.users (user_id, to_user_id) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s);", [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadySubscribed

    def add_rec_subscriber(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO subs.recommendations VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadySubscribed

    def check_subscriber(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM subs.users WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_rec_subscriber(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM subs.recommendations WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_subscribe_to_user(self, login):
        user = User('login', login)
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM subs.users WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_subscribe_to_user_rec(self, login):
        user = User('login', login)
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM subs.recommendations WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def incoming_subscription_requests(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
            "FROM subs.requests s "
            "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.user_id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.user_id "
            "WHERE s.to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']
        return users

    def outgoing_subscription_requests(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
            "FROM subs.requests s "
            "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.to_user_id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.to_user_id "
            "WHERE s.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']
        return users

    def add_subscription_request(self, user):
        if self.check_subscriber(user):
            raise AlreadySubscribed

        if not self.get_profile('private'):
            return True

        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM users.blacklist WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        if res:
            raise SubscribeError

        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM users.whitelist WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        if res:
            return True

            db.perform("INSERT INTO subs.requests "
                       "VALUES (%s, %s);", [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadyRequested

        return False

    def unsubscribe(self, obj):
        """Unsubscribe from anything
           obj - subscriptable object

    def del_subscriber(self, user):
        retval = bool(user.check_subscriber(env.user))

            "DELETE FROM subs.users WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
            "DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])

        return retval

    def del_rec_subscriber(self, user):
            "DELETE FROM subs.recommendations WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])

    def whitelist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
            "FROM users.whitelist w "
            "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=w.to_user_id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=w.to_user_id "
            "WHERE w.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def add_to_whitelist(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.whitelist VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, user.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            return False

        res = db.fetchone(
            "DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s "
            "RETURNING user_id;", [user.id, self.id])
        if res:
        return True

    def del_from_whitelist(self, user):
        res = db.fetchone(
            "DELETE FROM users.whitelist WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
            [self.id, user.id])
        if self.get_profile('private'):

        return bool(res)

    def check_whitelist(self, user):
        if self.id == user.id or not self.id:
            return True
        if not user.id:
            return False

        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM users.whitelist "
            "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def blacklist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
            "FROM users.blacklist b "
            "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=b.to_user_id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=b.to_user_id "
            "WHERE b.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def add_to_blacklist(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.blacklist VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, user.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            return False
            "DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return True

    def del_from_blacklist(self, user):
        res = db.fetchone(
            "DELETE FROM users.blacklist WHERE "
            "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
            [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_blacklist(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id FROM users.blacklist "
            "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def posts_count(self):
        c = cache_get('posts_count:%s' % self.id)
        if c:
            return c
            c = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT count(id) FROM posts.posts "
                "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('posts_count:%s' % self.id, c, 30)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def comments_count(self):
        c = cache_get('comments_count:%s' % self.id)
        if c:
            return c
            c = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT count(id) FROM posts.comments "
                "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('comments_count:%s' % self.id, c, 30)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def unread_posts_count(self, ptype=None):
        if not self.id:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(self, '_unread_posts'):
            self._unread_posts = {}

        if not self._unread_posts:
            res = db.fetchall(
                "SELECT type, count(post_id) AS cnt "
                "FROM posts.unread_posts "
                "WHERE user_id=%s GROUP BY type;", [self.id])
            self._unread_posts = {c['type']: c['cnt'] for c in res}

        if ptype:
                return self._unread_posts[ptype]
            except KeyError:
                return 0
            return reduce(lambda memo, cnt: memo + cnt,
                          self._unread_posts.values(), 0)

    def unread_comments_count(self, ptype=None):
        if not self.id:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(self, '_unread_comments'):
            self._unread_comments = {}

        if not self._unread_comments:
            res = db.fetchall(
                "SELECT type, count(post_id) AS cnt "
                "FROM posts.unread_comments "
                "WHERE user_id=%s GROUP BY type;", [self.id])
            self._unread_comments = {c['type']: c['cnt'] for c in res}

        if ptype:
                return self._unread_comments[ptype]
            except KeyError:
                return 0
            return reduce(lambda memo, cnt: memo + cnt,
                          self._unread_comments.values(), 0)

    def subs_count(self, cache=True):
        if not cache:
            c = cache_get('subs_count:%s' % self.id)
            if c:
                return c
            c = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT count(user_id) FROM subs.users "
                "WHERE user_id=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('subs_count:%s' % self.id, c)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def subscriptions(self, type=None):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        key = "subs:%s:%s" % (self.id, type or 'all')
        res = cache_get(key)

        if not res:
            values = [self.id]

            if type:
                type_filter = " AND u.type=%s"
                type_filter = ''

            res = db.fetchall(
                "SELECT u.id, u.login, u.type, "
                "i.name, i.gender, i.avatar, i.homepage "
                "FROM subs.users s "
                "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.to_user_id "
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i "
                "ON i.id=s.to_user_id "
                "WHERE s.user_id=%%s %s;" % type_filter, values)
            cache_store(res, 120)

        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar'],
                                   'homepage': r['homepage']

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def readers_count(self, cache=True):
        if not cache:
            c = cache_get('readers_count:%s' % self.id)
            if c:
                return c
            c = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT count(user_id) FROM subs.users "
                "WHERE to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('readers_count:%s' % self.id, c)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def subscribers(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
            "FROM subs.users s "
            "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.user_id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.user_id "
            "WHERE s.to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def blacklisters(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar
            FROM users.blacklist AS bl
            INNER JOIN users.logins AS u ON bl.user_id = u.id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info AS i ON i.id = bl.user_id
            WHERE bl.to_user_id=%s;
            """, [self.id])

        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'],
                                   'name': r['name'],
                                   'gender': r['gender'],
                                   'avatar': r['avatar']

        users.sort(key=lambda u: u.login.lower())
        return users

    def tags(self, limit=None, sort_by_name=False, all=False):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        key = 'user_tags:%d:%s' % (self.id, (limit or 'all'))

        if not all:
            tags = cache_get(key)
            if tags:
                return tags

        order = 'tag ASC' if sort_by_name else 'cnt DESC'
        limit = ("LIMIT %d" % limit) if limit else ''

        tags = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT tag, count(post_id) AS cnt "
            "FROM posts.tags WHERE user_id=%%s "
            "GROUP BY tag ORDER BY %s "
            "%s;" % (order, limit), [self.id])

        cache_store(key, [dict(t) for t in tags], 60)

        return tags

    def tag_subscriptions(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT t.to_user_id AS user_id, "
            "COALESCE(u.login, '') AS login, "
            "array_agg(t.tag) AS tags "
            "FROM subs.tags t "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.logins u ON t.to_user_id=u.id "
            "WHERE t.user_id=%s "
            "GROUP BY t.to_user_id, u.login;", [self.id])
        return res

    def check_post_subscribed(self, post):
        """Check for user subscription to post.
        Return True, if subscribed, otherwise False
        res = db.fetchone(
            "SELECT user_id, post_id FROM subs.posts "
            "WHERE user_id=%s AND post_id=%s;", [self.id, unb26(post)])
        return bool(res)

    def check_tag_subscribed(self, tag, user=None):
        if user:
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT 1 FROM subs.tags_user "
                "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                [self.id, user.id, tag])
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT 1 FROM subs.tags_global "
                "WHERE user_id=%s AND tag=%s;", [self.id, tag])
        return bool(res)

    def tag_blacklist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall(
            "SELECT t.to_user_id AS user_id, "
            "COALESCE(u.login, '') AS login, "
            "array_agg(t.tag) AS tags "
            "FROM posts.tags_blacklist t "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.logins u ON t.to_user_id=u.id "
            "WHERE t.user_id=%s "
            "GROUP BY t.to_user_id, u.login;", [self.id])
        return res

    def check_tag_blacklisted(self, tag, user=None):
        if user:
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT 1 FROM posts.tags_blacklist_user "
                "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                [self.id, user.id, tag])
            res = db.fetchone(
                "SELECT 1 FROM posts.tags_blacklist_global "
                "WHERE user_id=%s AND tag=%s;", [self.id, tag])
        return bool(res)

    def rename(self, login):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
        if cache_get('renamed:%s' % self.id):
            raise RenameError

        if not validate_nickname(login):
            raise UserLoginError

        old_login = self.login
        self.login = login

            db.perform("UPDATE users.logins SET login=%s WHERE id=%s;",
                       [login, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise UserExists

        cache_store('renamed:%s' % self.id, 1, settings.user_rename_timeout)
        cache_del('id_login:%s' % old_login.lower())

        for t in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            for addr in self.get_accounts(t):
                cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % addr)

    def is_renamed(self):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
        return bool(cache_get('renamed:%s' % self.id))

    def todict(self):
        #self.info = {}
        return {
            "id": self.id,
            "login": self.login,
            "name": self.get_info("name"),
            "avatar": self.get_info("avatar")
Ejemplo n.º 15
class User(object):
    type = 'user'

    def __init__(self, field, value=None):
        self.id = None
        self.login = None
        self.accounts = []
        self.accounts_add = []
        self.accounts_del = []
        self.profile = {}
        self.profile_upd = {}
        self.info = {}
        self.info_upd = {}
        self.password = None
        self._private = None

        self.redis = RedisPool(settings.storage_socket)

        if isinstance(field, (int, long)):
            self.id = field

            self.login = cache_get('login:%s' % field)
            if not self.login:
                res = db.fetchone("SELECT login FROM users.logins WHERE id=%s;",
                if not res:
                    raise UserNotFound
                self.login = res[0]
                cache_store('login:%s' % field, self.login)

        if not value:
            #raise UserNotFound
            # empty user

        if field == 'login':
            r = cache_get('id_login:%s' % value.lower())
            if r:
                    self.id, self.login, self.type = r
                except ValueError:
                    self.id, self.login = r
                    self.type = 'user'
                res = db.fetchone("SELECT id, login, type FROM users.logins "
                                  "WHERE lower(login)=%s;",
                if not res:
                    raise UserNotFound(value)
                self.id, self.login, self.type = res
                cache_store('id_login:%s' % value.lower(), [res[0], res[1], res[2]])

        r = cache_get('addr_id_login:%s' % value.lower())
        if r:
            self.id, self.login = r
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT u.id, u.login FROM users.accounts a "
                             "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=a.user_id "
                             "WHERE a.type=%s AND a.address=%s;",
                             [field, value]) #, _cache=3600)
            if res:
                self.id, self.login = res
                cache_store('addr_id_login:%s' % value.lower(),[res[0], res[1]])

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<User: id=%s login=%s>" % (self.id, self.login)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, User):
            raise TypeError
        if not self.id or not other.id:
            return False
        return self.id - other.id

    def from_data(cls, id, login, **kwargs):
        self = cls(None, None)
        self.id = id
        self.login = login

        if 'accounts' in kwargs:
            for type, address in kwargs['accounts']:
                if type in ACCOUNT_TYPES and not parse_email(address):
                    raise ValueError(address)
            self.accounts = kwargs['accounts']
        if 'profile' in kwargs:
            self.profile = kwargs['profile']
        if 'info' in kwargs:
            self.info = kwargs['info']
        if 'password' in kwargs and kwargs['password']:

        #self.info = {}

        return self

    def _passhash(password):
        phash = sha1(password).hexdigest().lower()
        return sha1('%s%s' % (settings.secret, phash)).hexdigest().lower()

    def authenticate(cls, login, password):
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT id FROM users.logins "
                         "WHERE lower(login)=%s AND password=%s;",
                         [login.lower(), cls._passhash(password)])
        if res:
            return cls(res[0], login)

        raise NotAuthorized

    def bind_ulogin(self, network, uid, nickname=None, name=None, profile=None):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.ulogin_accounts "
                       "(id, network, uid, nickname, name, profile) "
                       "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
                       [self.id, network, uid, nickname, name, profile])
        #except IntegrityError:
        #    raise UserExists
        finally: pass

    def unbind_ulogin(self, network, uid):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
        db.perform("DELETE FROM users.ulogin_accounts "
                   "WHERE id=%s AND network=%s AND uid=%s;",
                   [self.id, network, uid])

    def get_ulogin_accounts(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []
        return db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM users.ulogin_accounts WHERE id=%s;",

    def get_accounts(self, type):
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(type)
        res = db.fetchall("SELECT address FROM users.accounts "
                          "WHERE user_id=%s AND type=%s;",
                          [self.id, type])
        return [r['address'] for r in res]

    def get_unconfirmed_accounts(self, type):
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(type)
        res = db.fetchall("SELECT address FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
                          "WHERE user_id=%s AND type=%s;",
                          [self.id, type])
        return [r['address'] for r in res]

    def add_account(self, type, address):
        if type in ACCOUNT_TYPES and not parse_email(address):
            raise ValueError(address)

        res = db.fetchone("SELECT id FROM users.accounts "
                          "WHERE type=%s AND address=%s;",
                          [type, address])
        if res:

        res = db.fetchone("SELECT id FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
                          "WHERE type=%s AND address=%s;",
                          [type, address])
        if res:

        code = '%s%s%s%s' % (settings.secret, datetime.now(), type, address)
        code = sha1(code).hexdigest().lower()
        self.accounts_add.append((type, address, code))

        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % address)

        return code

    def confirm_account(self, code):
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT id, user_id, type, address, code "
                          "FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed "
                          "WHERE code=%s;",
        if not res:
            return False

        if res['user_id'] != self.id or res['code'] != str(code).lower():
            return False

        db.perform("DELETE FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed WHERE id=%s;",

            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.accounts (user_id, type, address) "
                       "VALUES (%s, %s, %s);",
                       [self.id, res['type'], res['address']])
        except IntegrityError:
            log.error("%s %s already exists" % (res['type'], res['address']))
            return False

        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % res['address'])

        return True

    def del_account(self, type, address):
        self.accounts_del.append((type, address))
        cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % address)

    def set_active_account(self, type, address):
        if not self.id:
        if type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
        self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id,
                  json.dumps({'type':type, 'addr': address}))

    def get_active_account(self, type=None):
        if not self.id:
            return None
        data = self.redis.get('active.%d' % self.id)
        if data:
            data = json.loads(data)
            _type = type if type else 'xmpp'
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT type, address FROM users.accounts WHERE "
                             "user_id=%s AND type=%s;", [self.id, _type])
            if not res:
                self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id, '{}')
                self.redis.expire('active.%d' % self.id, 60)
                return None

            self.redis.set('active.%d' % self.id,
                      json.dumps({'type': _type, 'addr': res['address']}))
            data = {'type': res['type'], 'addr': res['address']}

        if not type:
            return data
            if data['type'] == type:
                return data['addr']
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return None

    _profile_table = 'users.profile'
    _profile = {
        'private': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False},
        'lang': {'type': 'str', 're': re.compile(r'^[a-z]{2}$'),
        'tz': {'type': 'int', 'default': settings.timezone},
        'deny_anonymous': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False}

    def set_profile(self, param, value):
        def check(p, param, value):
            if p[param]['type'] == 'bool':
                if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
                    if value.lower() in ['no', 'false', 'none', 'null', '0']:
                        value = False
                        value = True
                if param == 'private':
                    if self.get_profile('private') and not value:
                        self._private = False
                    elif not self.get_profile('private') and value:
                        self._private = True
            elif p[param]['type'] == 'str' and p[param]['re']:
                if not re.match(p[param]['re'], value):
                    raise ValueError
            return value

        if self.__class__ != User and param in self._profile:
            check(self._profile, param, value)
            table = self._profile_table
        elif param in User._profile:
            check(User._profile, param, value)
            table = User._profile_table
        elif param.find('.') > -1:
            table, param = param.split('.', 1)
            table = 'users.profile_%s' % table
            if param == 'id' or re.match(r'\W', param):
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

        if table not in self.profile:
            self.profile[table] = {}
        self.profile[table][param] = value
        if table not in self.profile_upd:
            self.profile_upd[table] = {}
        self.profile_upd[table][param] = value
        cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))

    def get_profile(self, param):
        def get(table, param):
                return self.profile[table][param]
            except KeyError:
                    # FIXME: profile models
                    db.perform("INSERT INTO %s (id) VALUES (%%s);" % \
                               table, [self.id])
                except IntegrityError:
                res = cache_get('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                if res:
                    self.profile[table] = res
                    res = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=%%s;" % \
                                     table, [self.id])
                    log.debug('RES %s %s' % (table, res))
                    if res:
                        self.profile[table] = dict(res)
                        cache_store('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id),
                        #    return cls._profile[param]['default']
                        #except KeyError:
                        #    return None
                        return None
                # FIXME: remove recursive call
                    return self.profile[table][param]
                except KeyError:
                    cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                    return get(table, param)
                #finally: pass

        if not self.id:
            return self.profile_defaults(param)

        if self.__class__ != User and param in self._profile:
            return get(self._profile_table, param)
        elif param in User._profile:
            return get(User._profile_table, param)
        elif param.find('.') > -1:
            table, param = param.split('.', 1)
            table = 'users.profile_%s' % table
            if param == 'id' or re.match(r'\W', param):
                raise KeyError
            return get(table, param)
            raise KeyError

    def profile_defaults(self, param=None):
        if not param:
            return {p:self._profile[p]['default'] for p in self._profile}

        cls = self.__class__
        while cls:
                return cls._profile[param]['default']
            except KeyError:
                cls = cls.__base__
            except AttributeError:
                return None

        return None

    def set_info(self, param, value):
        self.info[param] = value
        self.info_upd[param] = value

    def get_info(self, param=None):
        if not self.info:
            res = cache_get('userinfo:%s' % self.id)
            if res:
                for k in ('birthdate', 'created'):
                    res[k] = dateutil.parser.parse(res[k]) if res[k] else None
                self.info = res
                res = db.fetchone("SELECT name, email, xmpp, icq, skype, "
                                 "about, avatar, gender, "
                                 "birthdate, location, homepage, created "
                                 "FROM users.info WHERE id=%s;", [self.id])
                if res:
                    self.info = dict(res)
                    res = dict(res)
                    for k in ('birthdate', 'created'):
                        res[k] = res[k].isoformat() if res[k] else None
                    cache_store('userinfo:%s' % self.id, res)

            if not self.info:
                return None

        if param:
                return self.info[param]
            except KeyError:
                return None
            return self.info

    def info_changed(self):
        return bool(self.info_upd)

    def check_password_set(self):
            return self._password_set
        except AttributeError:
        if not self.id:
            self._password_set = False
            return self._password_set
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT password FROM users.logins WHERE id=%s;",
        if not res:
            self._password_set = False
            return self._password_set
        self._password_set = bool(res['password'])
        return self._password_set

    def check_password(self, password):
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT password FROM users.logins "
                         "WHERE id=%s;", [self.id])
        if not res:
            return False

        if res[0] != self._passhash(password):
            return False

        return True

    def set_password(self, password):
        self.password = self._passhash(password)

    def save(self):
        if not self.login:
            raise UserError("Cannot save anonymous user")

        is_new = False

        # create user
        if not self.id:
            if not self.login or not validate_nickname(self.login):
                raise UserError('Invalid Login: "******"' % self.login)
            self.id = db.fetchone("INSERT INTO users.logins (login, type) "
                                 "VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING id;",
                                 [self.login, self.type])[0]
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.info (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, self.login])
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.profile (id, private, lang) "
                       "VALUES (%s, false, 'en');", [self.id])

            self.accounts_add = self.accounts
            is_new = True

        if not is_new:
                if self._private == True:
                elif self._private == False:
            except AttributeError:

        # save accounts
        for acc in self.accounts_add:
                if len(acc) == 3:
                    db.perform("INSERT INTO users.accounts_unconfirmed "
                               "(user_id, type, address, code) "
                               "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);",
                               [self.id, acc[0], acc[1], acc[2]])
                    db.perform("INSERT INTO users.accounts "
                               "(user_id, type, address) "
                               "VALUES (%s, %s, %s);",
                               [self.id, acc[0], acc[1]])

            except IntegrityError:
                log.error("%s %s already exists" % (acc[0], acc[1]))

        self.accounts_add = []

        for type, address in self.accounts_del:
            db.perform("DELETE FROM users.accounts WHERE "
                       "user_id=%s AND type=%s AND address=%s;",
                       [self.id, type, address])

            db.perform("DELETE FROM users.accounts_unconfirmed WHERE "
                       "user_id=%s AND type=%s AND address=%s;",
                       [self.id, type, address])

        self.accounts_del = []

        # save profile
        if self.profile_upd:
            for table in self.profile_upd:
                f = []
                for k in self.profile_upd[table]:
                    f.append("%s=%%(%s)s" % (k, k))
                        db.perform("INSERT INTO %s (id) VALUES (%%s);" % \
                                   table, [self.id])
                    except IntegrityError:
                    db.perform("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE id=%s;" % \
                               (table, ','.join(f), self.id),
                    cache_del('profile:%s:%s' % (table, self.id))
                except ProgrammingError:
                    raise KeyError
                except DataError:
                    raise ValueError
            self.profile_upd = {}

        if self.info_upd:
            f = []
            for k in self.info_upd:
                #if not self.info_upd[k]:
                #    self.info_upd[k] = None
                f.append("%s=%%(%s)s" % (k, k))
            db.perform("UPDATE users.info SET %s WHERE id=%s;" % \
                       (','.join(f), self.id),
            self.info_upd = {}
            cache_del('userinfo:%s' % self.id)

        if self.password:
            db.perform("UPDATE users.logins SET password=%s WHERE id=%s;",
                       (self.password, self.id))

    def _set_private(self):
        res = [u['id'] for u in \
            db.fetchall("SELECT user_id AS id FROM subs.users "
                        "WHERE to_user_id=%(id)s "
                        "EXCEPT "
                        "SELECT to_user_id AS id FROM users.whitelist "
                        "WHERE user_id=%(id)s;", {'id': self.id})]
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.users "
                   "WHERE user_id=ANY(%s) AND to_user_id=%s;",
                   [res, self.id])
        db.batch("INSERT INTO subs.requests VALUES(%(u)s, %(to)s);",
                 [{'u':u, 'to':self.id} for u in res])
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.posts s USING posts.posts p "
                   "WHERE s.post_id=p.id "
                   "AND s.user_id=ANY(%s) AND p.author=%s;",
                   [res, self.id])
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.tags_user "
                   "WHERE to_user_id=%s AND user_id=ANY(%s);",
                   [self.id, res])

    def _set_public(self):
        res = [u['user_id'] for u in \
                db.fetchall("DELETE FROM subs.requests "
                            "WHERE to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
        db.batch("INSERT INTO subs.users VALUES(%(u)s, %(to)s);",
                 [{'u':u, 'to':self.id} for u in res])

    def is_authorized(self):
        return bool(self.id)

    def subscribe(self, obj):
        """Subscribe to anything
           obj - subscriptable object

    def add_subscriber(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO subs.users (user_id, to_user_id) "
                       "VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadySubscribed

    def add_rec_subscriber(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO subs.recommendations VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadySubscribed

    def check_subscriber(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM subs.users WHERE "
                         "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_rec_subscriber(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM subs.recommendations WHERE "
                         "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return bool(res)

    def incoming_subscription_requests(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
                          "FROM subs.requests s "
                          "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.user_id "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.user_id "
                          "WHERE s.to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})
        return users

    def outgoing_subscription_requests(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
                          "FROM subs.requests s "
                          "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.to_user_id "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.to_user_id "
                          "WHERE s.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})
        return users

    def add_subscription_request(self, user):
        if self.check_subscriber(user):
            raise AlreadySubscribed

        if not self.get_profile('private'):
            return True

        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM users.blacklist WHERE "
                         "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        if res:
            raise SubscribeError

        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM users.whitelist WHERE "
                         "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [self.id, user.id])
        if res:
            return True

            db.perform("INSERT INTO subs.requests "
                       "VALUES (%s, %s);", [user.id, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise AlreadyRequested

        return False

    def unsubscribe(self, obj):
        """Unsubscribe from anything
           obj - subscriptable object

    def del_subscriber(self, user):
        retval = bool(user.check_subscriber(env.user))

        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.users WHERE "
                   "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
                   "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])

        return retval

    def del_rec_subscriber(self, user):
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.recommendations WHERE "
                   "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])

    def whitelist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
                          "FROM users.whitelist w "
                          "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=w.to_user_id "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=w.to_user_id "
                          "WHERE w.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def add_to_whitelist(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.whitelist VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, user.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            return False

        res = db.fetchone("DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
                          "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s "
                          "RETURNING user_id;", [user.id, self.id])
        if res:
        return True

    def del_from_whitelist(self, user):
        res = db.fetchone("DELETE FROM users.whitelist WHERE "
                          "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
                          [self.id, user.id])
        if self.get_profile('private'):

        return bool(res)

    def check_whitelist(self, user):
        if self.id == user.id or not self.id:
            return True
        if not user.id:
            return False

        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM users.whitelist "
                         "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;",
                         [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def blacklist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
                          "FROM users.blacklist b "
                          "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=b.to_user_id "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=b.to_user_id "
                          "WHERE b.user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def add_to_blacklist(self, user):
            db.perform("INSERT INTO users.blacklist VALUES (%s, %s);",
                       [self.id, user.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            return False
        db.perform("DELETE FROM subs.requests WHERE "
                   "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;", [user.id, self.id])
        return True

    def del_from_blacklist(self, user):
        res = db.fetchone("DELETE FROM users.blacklist WHERE "
                          "user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s RETURNING user_id;",
                          [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def check_blacklist(self, user):
        if self == user or not user or not self.id:
            return False
        res = db.fetchone("SELECT user_id FROM users.blacklist "
                         "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s;",
                         [self.id, user.id])
        return bool(res)

    def posts_count(self):
        c = cache_get('posts_count:%s' % self.id)
        if c:
            return c
            c = db.fetchone("SELECT count(id) FROM posts.posts "
                            "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('posts_count:%s' % self.id, c, 30)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def comments_count(self):
        c = cache_get('comments_count:%s' % self.id)
        if c:
            return c
            c = db.fetchone("SELECT count(id) FROM posts.comments "
                            "WHERE author=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('comments_count:%s' % self.id, c, 30)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def unread_posts_count(self, ptype=None):
        if not self.id:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(self, '_unread_posts'):
            self._unread_posts = {}

        if not self._unread_posts:
            res = db.fetchall("SELECT type, count(post_id) AS cnt "
                              "FROM posts.unread_posts "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s GROUP BY type;",
            self._unread_posts = { c['type']: c['cnt'] for c in res }

        if ptype:
                return self._unread_posts[ptype]
            except KeyError:
                return 0
            return reduce(lambda memo, cnt: memo + cnt,
                          self._unread_posts.values(), 0)

    def unread_comments_count(self, ptype=None):
        if not self.id:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(self, '_unread_comments'):
            self._unread_comments = {}

        if not self._unread_comments:
            res = db.fetchall("SELECT type, count(post_id) AS cnt "
                              "FROM posts.unread_comments "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s GROUP BY type;",
            self._unread_comments = { c['type']: c['cnt'] for c in res }

        if ptype:
                return self._unread_comments[ptype]
            except KeyError:
                return 0
            return reduce(lambda memo, cnt: memo + cnt,
                          self._unread_comments.values(), 0)

    def subs_count(self, cache=True):
        if not cache:
            c = cache_get('subs_count:%s' % self.id)
            if c:
                return c
            c = db.fetchone("SELECT count(user_id) FROM subs.users "
                            "WHERE user_id=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('subs_count:%s' % self.id, c)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def subscriptions(self, type=None):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        key = "subs:%s:%s" % (self.id, type or 'all')
        res = cache_get(key)

        if not res:
            values = [self.id]

            if type:
                type_filter = " AND u.type=%s"
                type_filter = ''

            res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, u.type, "
                              "i.name, i.gender, i.avatar, i.homepage "
                              "FROM subs.users s "
                              "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.to_user_id "
                              "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i "
                                "ON i.id=s.to_user_id "
                              "WHERE s.user_id=%%s %s;" % type_filter,
            cache_store(res, 120)

        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar'], 'homepage': r['homepage']})

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def readers_count(self, cache=True):
        if not cache:
            c = cache_get('readers_count:%s' % self.id)
            if c:
                return c
            c = db.fetchone("SELECT count(user_id) FROM subs.users "
                            "WHERE to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])[0]
            cache_store('readers_count:%s' % self.id, c)
            return c
        except IndexError:
            return 0

    def subscribers(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar "
                          "FROM subs.users s "
                          "JOIN users.logins u ON u.id=s.user_id "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info i ON i.id=s.user_id "
                          "WHERE s.to_user_id=%s;", [self.id])
        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})

        return sorted(users, key=lambda u: u.login.lower())

    def blacklisters(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("""
            SELECT u.id, u.login, i.name, i.gender, i.avatar
            FROM users.blacklist AS bl
            INNER JOIN users.logins AS u ON bl.user_id = u.id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN users.info AS i ON i.id = bl.user_id
            WHERE bl.to_user_id=%s;
            """, [self.id])

        users = []
        for r in res:
            u = User.from_data(r['id'], r['login'],
                    info={'name': r['name'], 'gender': r['gender'],
                          'avatar': r['avatar']})

        users.sort(key=lambda u: u.login.lower())
        return users

    def tags(self, limit=None, sort_by_name=False, all=False):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        key = 'user_tags:%d:%s' % (self.id, (limit or 'all'))

        if not all:
            tags = cache_get(key)
            if tags:
                return tags

        order = 'tag ASC' if sort_by_name else 'cnt DESC'
        limit = ("LIMIT %d" % limit) if limit else ''

        tags = db.fetchall("SELECT tag, count(post_id) AS cnt "
                           "FROM posts.tags WHERE user_id=%%s "
                           "GROUP BY tag ORDER BY %s "
                           "%s;" % (order, limit),

        cache_store(key, [dict(t) for t in tags], 60)

        return tags

    def tag_subscriptions(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT t.to_user_id AS user_id, "
                          "COALESCE(u.login, '') AS login, "
                          "array_agg(t.tag) AS tags "
                          "FROM subs.tags t "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.logins u ON t.to_user_id=u.id "
                          "WHERE t.user_id=%s "
                          "GROUP BY t.to_user_id, u.login;", [self.id])
        return res

    def check_tag_subscribed(self, tag, user=None):
        if user:
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT 1 FROM subs.tags_user "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                              [self.id, user.id, tag])
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT 1 FROM subs.tags_global "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                              [self.id, tag])
        return bool(res)

    def tag_blacklist(self):
        if not self.id:
            return []

        res = db.fetchall("SELECT t.to_user_id AS user_id, "
                          "COALESCE(u.login, '') AS login, "
                          "array_agg(t.tag) AS tags "
                          "FROM posts.tags_blacklist t "
                          "LEFT OUTER JOIN users.logins u ON t.to_user_id=u.id "
                          "WHERE t.user_id=%s "
                          "GROUP BY t.to_user_id, u.login;", [self.id])
        return res

    def check_tag_blacklisted(self, tag, user=None):
        if user:
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT 1 FROM posts.tags_blacklist_user "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s AND to_user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                              [self.id, user.id, tag])
            res = db.fetchone("SELECT 1 FROM posts.tags_blacklist_global "
                              "WHERE user_id=%s AND tag=%s;",
                              [self.id, tag])
        return bool(res)

    def rename(self, login):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
        if cache_get('renamed:%s' % self.id):
            raise RenameError

        if not validate_nickname(login):
            raise UserLoginError

        old_login = self.login
        self.login = login

            db.perform("UPDATE users.logins SET login=%s WHERE id=%s;",
                       [login, self.id])
        except IntegrityError:
            raise UserExists

        cache_store('renamed:%s' % self.id, 1, settings.user_rename_timeout)
        cache_del('id_login:%s' % old_login.lower())

        for t in ACCOUNT_TYPES:
            for addr in self.get_accounts(t):
                cache_del("addr_id_login:%s" % addr)

    def is_renamed(self):
        if not self.id:
            raise NotAuthorized
        return bool(cache_get('renamed:%s' % self.id))

    def todict(self):
        #self.info = {}
        return {
            "id": self.id,
            "login": self.login,
            "name": self.get_info("name"),
            "avatar": self.get_info("avatar")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def save_sessions(user, sessions):
    redis = RedisPool(settings.session_socket)
    redis.set(_sessions_key(user.id), json.dumps(sessions))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def save_sessions(user, sessions):
    redis = RedisPool(settings.session_socket)
    redis.set(_sessions_key(user.id), json.dumps(sessions))