def test_unpack_sample_width1_shouldpass():
    sample_width = 1
    value = '\x48'
    expected = 0x48
    actual = pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
    assert expected == actual
def test_unpack_sample_mismatched_sizes_throws_exception():
    sample_width = 1
    value = '\x00\xff'
    # Should throw exception because sample width and size of value are mismatched.
    actual = pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
def test_unpack_sample_sample_width3_shouldFail():
    sample_width = 3
    value = '\x30\x40\x50'
    # Should throw exception because sample width of 3 isn't supported.
    pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
def test_unpack_sample_width2_shouldfail():
    sample_width = 2
    value = '\x30\x40'
    incorrect_result = 0x3040
    actual = pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
    assert incorrect_result != actual
def test_unpack_sample_width2_shouldpass():
    sample_width = 2
    value = '\x40\x30'
    expected = 0x3040
    actual = pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
    assert expected == actual
def test_unpack_sample_width1_shouldfail():
    sample_width = 1
    value = '\x48'
    incorrect_result = 0x84
    actual = pcm.unpack_sample(value, sample_width)
    assert incorrect_result != actual