Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_poll(self, title, user, **kwargs):
        Creates a poll with the parameters Title : User
        if title in self.poll_list:
            return "The poll already exist, remove it before"

        poll = Poll(title, user)
        self.poll_list[title] = poll

        poll.question = kwargs["question"]

        #set basic choices
        poll.choices = [":+1:",":-1:"]

        return "The poll \""+title+"\" has been created"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def poll(self, *args):
        Start a poll
        if len(args) == 0:
            return "text", POLL_HELP_MSG

        if args[0] == "help":
            return "text", POLL_HELP_MSG

        choices = [
            phrase.strip() for phrase in self._user_msg.content.split(";")

            expiry_str = (choices.pop(-1) if "ends in" in choices[-1].lower()
                          else "ends in 1 hour")

        except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError):
            return "text", POLL_HELP_MSG

        words = expiry_str.split(" ")

            poll = Poll(
                time_length=TimeLength(unit=words[3], amount_of_time=words[2]))
        except ValueError:
            return "text", POLL_HELP_MSG

        poll.prompt = choices.pop(0)
        poll.choices = choices
        poll.channel_id = self._channel.id
        poll.votes = {idx: [] for idx in range(len(poll.choices))}


        return_str = f"```{poll.prompt} ({expiry_str})\n\n"
        for choice_num in range(len(poll.choices)):
            return_str += f"{choice_num+1}.\t{poll.choices[choice_num]}\n"

        return_str += (f'\n\nType or DM me "!vote {poll.poll_id} '
                       '<choice number>" to vote```')

        return "text", return_str