Ejemplo n.º 1
    def region_rotation_test(self):
        p = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)])
        p1 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)])
        p2 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.Ab2[:, 0:2], self.Ab2[:, 2])])
        p3 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.Ab3[:, 0:2], self.Ab3[:, 2])])
        p4 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.Ab4[:, 0:2], self.Ab4[:, 2])])

        p = p.rotation(0, 1, np.pi / 2)
        assert (p == p2)
        assert (not p == p3)
        assert (not p == p4)
        assert (not p == p1)
        assert_allclose(p.chebXc, [-0.5, 0.5])

        p = p.rotation(0, 1, np.pi / 2)
        assert (p == p3)
        assert_allclose(p.chebXc, [-0.5, -0.5])

        p = p.rotation(0, 1, np.pi / 2)
        assert (p == p4)
        assert_allclose(p.chebXc, [0.5, -0.5])

        p = p.rotation(0, 1, np.pi / 2)
        assert (p == p1)
        assert_allclose(p.chebXc, [0.5, 0.5])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def comparison_test(self):
        p = pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)
        p2 = pc.Polytope(self.A, 2*self.b)

        assert(p <= p2)
        assert(not p2 <= p)
        assert(not p2 == p)

        r = pc.Region([p])
        r2 = pc.Region([p2])

        assert(r <= r2)
        assert(not r2 <= r)
        assert(not r2 == r)

        # test H-rep -> V-rep -> H-rep
        v = pc.extreme(p)
        p3 = pc.qhull(v)
        assert(p3 == p)

        # test V-rep -> H-rep with d+1 points
        p4 = pc.qhull(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]]))
        assert(p4 == pc.Polytope(
            np.array([[1, 1], [0, -1], [0, -1]]),
            np.array([1, 0, 0])))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def region_translation_test(self):
        p = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)])
        p1 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)])
        p2 = pc.Region([pc.Polytope(self.Ab2[:, 0:2], self.Ab2[:, 2])])

        p = p.translation([-1, 0])
        assert (p == p2)
        assert (not p == p1)
        p = p.translation([1, 0])
        assert (p == p1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def region_full_dim_test(self):
        assert not pc.is_fulldim(pc.Region())

        p1 = pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b)
        p2 = pc.Polytope(self.Ab2[:, 0:2], self.Ab2[:, 2])
        reg = pc.Region([p1, p2])
        assert pc.is_fulldim(reg)

        # Adding empty polytopes should not affect the
        # full-dimensional status of this region.
        assert pc.is_fulldim(reg)
        reg.list_poly.append(pc.Polytope(self.A, self.b - 1e3))
        assert pc.is_fulldim(reg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def erode(poly, eps):
    Given a polytope compute eps erosion and give polytope under approximation

    For a given polytope a polytopic under approximation of the $eps$-eroded set is computed.
    An e-eroded Pe set of P is defined as:
        Pe = {x |x+n in P forall n in Ball(e)}
    where Ball(e) is the epsilon neighborhood with norm |n|<e

    The current implementation shifts hyper-planes  with eps over there normal,
    / / / / / / / | +   |
     / / / / / / /| eps |
     / / / / / / /| +   |
     / / / / / / /| eps |
     / / / / / / /| +   |

    :param poly: original polytope
    :param eps: positive scalar value with which the polytope is eroded
    :return: polytope
    if isinstance(poly, polytope.Region):
        er_reg = []
        for pol in poly.list_poly:
            assert isinstance(pol, polytope.Polytope)
            er_reg += [erode(pol, eps)]
        return polytope.Region(er_reg)

    A = poly.A
    b = poly.b
    b_e = []
    for A_i, b_i in itertools.product(A, b):
        b_e += [[b_i - eps * np.linalg.norm(A_i, 2)]]

    return polytope.Polytope(A, np.array(b_e))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def part2convex(ppp):
    """This function takes a proposition preserving partition and generates
    another proposition preserving partition such that each part in the new
    partition is a convex polytope

    @type ppp: L{PropPreservingPartition}

    @return: refinement into convex polytopes and
        map from new to old Regions
    @rtype: (L{PropPreservingPartition}, list)
    cvxpart = PropPreservingPartition(domain=copy.deepcopy(ppp.domain),
    new2old = []
    for i in xrange(len(ppp.regions)):
        simplified_reg = pc.union(ppp.regions[i],

        for j in xrange(len(simplified_reg)):
            region_now = pc.Region([simplified_reg[j]], ppp.regions[i].props)
            new2old += [i]

    cvxpart.adj = pc.find_adjacent_regions(cvxpart).copy()

    return (cvxpart, new2old)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setUp(self):
     self.A1 = np.eye(2)
     self.A2 = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
     self.B1 = np.array([[0] ,[1]])
     self.B2 = np.array([[1], [0]])
     self.poly1 = pc.Polytope.from_box([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
     self.poly2 = pc.Polytope.from_box([[1, 2], [0, 1]])
     self.total_box = pc.Region(list_poly=[self.poly1, self.poly2])
     self.Uset = pc.Polytope.from_box([[0, 1]])
     self.env_labels = ('hi', 'hello')
     self.sys_labels = ('mode1',)
     self.disc_domain_size = (2, 1)
     self.LTI1 = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A=self.A1, B=self.B1,
                                  Uset=self.Uset, domain=self.poly1,
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.LTI2 = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A=self.A2, B=self.B2,
                                  Uset=self.Uset, domain=self.poly2,
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.LTI3 = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A=self.A1, B=self.B1,
                                  Uset=self.Uset, domain=self.poly2,
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.LTI4 = hybrid.LtiSysDyn(A=self.A2, B=self.B2,
                                  Uset=self.Uset, domain=self.poly1,
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.PWA1 = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(list_subsys=[self.LTI1, self.LTI2],
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.PWA2 = hybrid.PwaSysDyn(list_subsys=[self.LTI3, self.LTI4],
                                  time_semantics='sampled', timestep=.1)
     self.dynamics1 = {(self.env_labels[0], self.sys_labels[0]): self.PWA1,
                       (self.env_labels[1], self.sys_labels[0]): self.PWA2}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _solve_closed_loop_bounded_horizon(
        P1, P2, ssys, N, trans_set=None):
    """Under-approximate states in P1 that can reach P2 in <= N steps.

    See docstring of function `_solve_closed_loop_fixed_horizon`
    for details.
    p1 = P1.copy()  # initial set
    p2 = P2.copy()  # terminal set
    if trans_set is None:
        pinit = p1
        pinit = trans_set
    # backwards in time
    s = pc.Region()
    for i in xrange(N, 0, -1):
        # first step from P1
        if i == 1:
            pinit = p1
        p2 = solve_open_loop(pinit, p2, ssys, 1, trans_set)
        p2 = pc.reduce(p2)
        # running union
        s = s.union(p2, check_convex=True)
        s = pc.reduce(s)
        # empty target polytope ?
        if not pc.is_fulldim(p2):
    if not pc.is_fulldim(s):
        return pc.Polytope()
    s = pc.reduce(s)
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def region_empty_test(self):
     # Note that as of commit a037b555758ed9ee736fa7cb324d300b8d622fb4
     # Region.__init__ deletes empty polytopes from
     # the given list of polytopes at instantiation.
     reg = pc.Region()
     reg.list_poly = [pc.Polytope(), pc.Polytope()]
     assert len(reg) > 0
     assert pc.is_empty(reg)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def setUp(self):
     self.A1 = np.eye(2)
     self.A2 = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
     self.B1 = np.array([[0] ,[1]])
     self.B2 = np.array([[1], [0]])
     self.poly1 = pc.Polytope.from_box([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
     self.poly2 = pc.Polytope.from_box([[1, 2], [0, 1]])
     self.total_box = pc.Region(list_poly=[self.poly1, self.poly2])
     self.Uset = pc.Polytope.from_box([[0, 1]])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def shrinkRegion(origRegion, epsilon):
    """Returns a region where all polytopes in the Region
	origRegion have been shrunk a distance 'epsilon'"""
    list_poly = copy.deepcopy(origRegion.list_poly)
    props = copy.deepcopy(origRegion.props)
    lengthie = len(list_poly)
    for i in range(lengthie):
        list_poly[i] = shrinkPoly(list_poly[i], epsilon)
    return pc.Region(list_poly=list_poly, props=props)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _import_region(node):

	# Get the polytope list and import the polytopes
	polytope_list = node.findall(N_POLYLIST)[0]

	# Import the polytopes
	list_poly = _import_xml(polytope_list)

	return polytope.Region(list_poly=list_poly)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def is_inside_test(self):
     box = [[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 2.0]]
     p = pc.Polytope.from_box(box)
     point = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
     abs_tol = 0.01
     assert pc.is_inside(p, point)
     assert pc.is_inside(p, point, abs_tol)
     region = pc.Region([p])
     assert pc.is_inside(region, point)
     assert pc.is_inside(region, point, abs_tol)
     point = np.array([2.0, 0.0])
     assert not pc.is_inside(p, point)
     assert not pc.is_inside(p, point, abs_tol)
     region = pc.Region([p])
     assert not pc.is_inside(region, point)
     assert not pc.is_inside(region, point, abs_tol)
     abs_tol = 1.2
     assert pc.is_inside(p, point, abs_tol)
     assert pc.is_inside(region, point, abs_tol)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def unit_polytope(self, i):
         return self._unit_polytope[i]
     except KeyError:
         r = self.unit_region[i]
         if isinstance(r, pt.Region):
             if isinstance(r, (tuple, list)):
                 r = pt.box2poly(list(zip(*r)))
                 self._unit_polytope[i] = r
             r = pt.Region([r])
         return r
Ejemplo n.º 15
def prop2part_test():
    state_space = pc.Polytope.from_box(np.array([[0., 2.],[0., 2.]]))

    cont_props = []
    A = []
    b = []

    A.append(np.array([[1., 0.],
                       [-1., 0.],
                       [0., 1.],
                       [0., -1.]]))
    b.append(np.array([[.5, 0., .5, 0.]]).T)
    cont_props.append(pc.Polytope(A[0], b[0]))

    A.append(np.array([[1., 0.],
                       [-1., 0.],
                       [0., 1.],
                       [0., -1.]]))
    b.append(np.array([[2., -1.5, 2., -1.5]]).T)
    cont_props.append(pc.Polytope(A[1], b[1]))

    cont_props_dict = {"C"+str(i) : pc.Polytope(A[i], b[i]) for i in range(2)}

    mypartition = prop2part(state_space, cont_props_dict)

    ref_adjacency = np.array([[1,0,1],[0,1,1],[1,1,1]])
    assert np.all(mypartition.adj.todense() == ref_adjacency)

    assert len(mypartition.regions) == 3

    for reg in mypartition.regions[0:2]:
        assert len(reg.props) == 1
        assert len(reg) == 1

        assert cont_props_dict == mypartition.prop_regions

    assert len(mypartition.regions[2].props) == 0

    assert len(mypartition.regions[2]) == 3
    dum = state_space.copy()
    for reg in mypartition.regions[0:2]:
        dum = dum.diff(reg)
    assert pc.is_empty(dum.diff(mypartition.regions[2]) )
    assert pc.is_empty(mypartition.regions[2].diff(dum) )


    # invalidate it
    mypartition.regions += [pc.Region([pc.Polytope(A[0], b[0])], {})]
    assert(not mypartition.preserves_predicates())
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def is_cover(self):
        """Return True if Regions cover domain
        union = pc.Region()
        for region in self.regions:
            union += region

        if not self.domain <= union:
            msg = 'partition does not cover domain.'
            return False
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
def volumes_for_reachability(part, max_num_poly):
    if len(part) <= max_num_poly:
        return part
    vol_list = np.zeros(len(part) )
    for i in xrange(len(part) ):
        vol_list[i] = part[i].volume
    ind = np.argsort(-vol_list)
    temp = []
    for i in ind[range(max_num_poly) ]:
        temp.append(part[i] )
    part = pc.Region(temp, [])
    return part
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def region_contains_test(self):
     A = np.array([[1.0], [-1.0]])
     b = np.array([1.0, 0.0])
     poly = pc.Polytope(A, b)
     polys = [poly]
     reg = pc.Region(polys)
     assert 0.5 in reg
     # small positive tolerance (includes boundary)
     points = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]])
     c = reg.contains(points)
     c_ = np.array([[False, True, True, True, False]], dtype=bool)
     # zero tolerance (excludes boundary)
     points = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]])
     c = reg.contains(points, abs_tol=0)
     c_ = np.array([[False, False, True, False, False]], dtype=bool)
     assert np.all(c == c_), c
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get_bounded_region(self, in_c, in_b):
        coefficients = numpy.zeros(
            [len(self.domain.real_vars) * 2 + 1,
        b = numpy.zeros(len(self.domain.real_vars) * 2 + 1)
        for i in range(len(self.domain.real_vars)):
            coefficients[2 * i, i] = -1
            coefficients[2 * i + 1, i] = 1

            lb, ub = self.domain.var_domains[self.domain.real_vars[i]]
            b[2 * i] = -lb
            b[2 * i + 1] = ub

        coefficients[-1, :] = in_c
        b[-1] = in_b

        return pc.Region([pc.Polytope(coefficients, b)])
Ejemplo n.º 20
def dilate(poly, eps):
    The function dilates a polytope.

    For a given polytope a polytopic over apoproximation of the $eps$-dilated set is computed.
    An e-dilated Pe set of P is defined as:
        Pe = {x+n|x in P ^ n in Ball(e)}
    where Ball(e) is the epsilon neighborhood with norm |n|<e

    The current implementation is quite crude, hyper-boxes are placed over the original vertices
    and the returned polytope is a qhull of these new vertices.
    :param poly: original polytope
    :param eps: positive scalar value with which the polytope is dilated
    :return: polytope
    if isinstance(poly, polytope.Region):
        dil_reg = []
        for pol in poly.list_poly:
            assert isinstance(pol, polytope.Polytope)
            dil_reg += [dilate(pol, eps)]
        return polytope.Region(dil_reg)

    vertices = extreme(poly)
    dim = len(vertices[0])  # this is the dimensionality of the space
    dil_eps = dim * [[-eps, eps]]
    dil_eps_v = [np.array(n) for n in itertools.product(*dil_eps)
                 ]  # vectors with (+- eps,+- eps, +- eps,...)

    new_vertices = []
    for v, d in itertools.product(vertices, dil_eps_v):

        new_vertices += [[np.array(v).flatten() + np.array(d).flatten()]]

        # make box
        # print("add vertices part:", np.array(v).flatten() +  np.array(d).flatten())
    VV = np.concatenate(new_vertices)
    # print("V", VV)
    return qhull(VV)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def solve_closed_loop(
    P1, P2, ssys, N,
    use_all_horizon=False, trans_set=None
    """Compute S0 \subseteq P1 from which P2 is closed-loop N-reachable.
    @type P1: C{Polytope} or C{Region}
    @type P2: C{Polytope} or C{Region}
    @param ssys: system dynamics
    @param N: horizon length
    @type N: int > 0
    @param use_all_horizon:
        - if True, then take union of S0 sets
        - Otherwise, chain S0 sets (funnel-like)
    @type use_all_horizon: bool
    @param trans_set: If provided,
        then intermediate steps are allowed
        to be in trans_set.
        Otherwise, P1 is used.
    if use_all_horizon:
        raise ValueError('solve_closed_loop() with use_all_horizon=True '
                         'is still under development\nand currently '

    p1 = P1.copy() # Initial set
    p2 = P2.copy() # Terminal set
    if trans_set is not None:
        Pinit = trans_set
        Pinit = p1
    # backwards in time
    s0 = pc.Region()
    reached = False
    for i in xrange(N, 0, -1):
        # first step from P1
        if i == 1:
            Pinit = p1
        p2 = solve_open_loop(Pinit, p2, ssys, 1, trans_set)
        s0 = s0.union(p2, check_convex=True)
        s0 = pc.reduce(s0)
        # empty target polytope ?
        if not pc.is_fulldim(p2):
        old_reached = reached
        # overlaps initial set ?
        if p1.intersect(p2):
            s0 = s0.union(p2, check_convex=True)
            s0 = pc.reduce(s0)
        # we went past it -> don't continue
        if old_reached is True and reached is False:
            logger.info('stopped intersecting si')
        if reached is True:
    if not pc.is_fulldim(s0):
        return pc.Polytope()
    s0 = pc.reduce(s0)
    return s0
Ejemplo n.º 22
def pwa_shrunk_partition(pwa_sys, ppp, eps, abs_tol=1e-5):
    """This function takes:
      - a piecewise affine system C{pwa_sys} and
      - a proposition-preserving partition C{ppp}
          whose domain is a subset of the domain of C{pwa_sys}
      - a shrinkage factor C{eps}
    and returns a *refined* proposition preserving partition
    where in each region a unique subsystem of pwa_sys is active
    and pwa_sys domains are shrunk to account for estimation 

    See Also
    @type pwa_sys: L{hybrid.PwaSysDyn}
    @type ppp: L{PropPreservingPartition}
    @return: new partition and associated maps:
        - new partition C{new_ppp}
        - map of C{new_ppp.regions} to C{pwa_sys.list_subsys}
        - map of C{new_ppp.regions} to C{ppp.regions}
    @rtype: C{(L{PropPreservingPartition}, list, list)}

    new_list = []
    subsys_list = []
    parents = []
    for i, subsys in enumerate(pwa_sys.list_subsys):
        dom = shrinkPoly(subsys.domain, eps)
        for j, region in enumerate(ppp.regions):
            isect = pc.reduce(region.intersect(dom))

            if pc.is_fulldim(isect):
                rc, xc = pc.cheby_ball(isect)

                if rc < abs_tol:
                    msg = 'One of the regions in the refined PPP is '
                    msg += 'too small, this may cause numerical problems'

                # not Region yet, but Polytope ?
                if len(isect) == 0:
                    isect = pc.Region([isect])

                # label with AP
                isect.props = region.props.copy()

                # store new Region

                # keep track of original Region in ppp.regions

                # index of subsystem active within isect

    # compute spatial adjacency matrix
    n = len(new_list)
    adj = sp.lil_matrix((n, n), dtype=np.int8)
    for i, ri in enumerate(new_list):
        pi = parents[i]
        for j, rj in enumerate(new_list[0:i]):
            pj = parents[j]

            if (ppp.adj[pi, pj] == 1) or (pi == pj):
                # account for shrinkage in adjacency check
                if pc.is_adjacent(ri, rj, 2 * eps):
                    adj[i, j] = 1
                    adj[j, i] = 1
        adj[i, i] = 1

    new_ppp = PropPreservingPartition(domain=ppp.domain,
    return (new_ppp, subsys_list, parents)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def infer_srtesseler_density(cells, volume_weighted=True, rank=0, **kwargs):
    2D particle density estimation inspired by:

        SR-Tesseler: a method to segment and quantify localization-based
        super-resolution microscopy data.
        Levet, F., Hosy, E., Kechkar, A., Butler, C., Beghin, A., Choquet, C.,
        Sibarita, J.B.
        Nature Methods 2015; 12 (11); 1065-1071.

    This (much) simplified implementation borrows from the above reference the
    same general principle:

    * a Voronoi tessellation is made out of all particle locations (one
      location = one Voronoi cell)
    * for each Voronoi cell (or particle location), the cell may be extended to
      merge with its neighbors (see argument `rank`)
    * the local density is estimated classically as the number of points (of
      merged cells) divided by the total surface area of the merged cells

    points = cells.locations
    is_densest_tessellation = isinstance(
        cells.tessellation, Voronoi
    ) and cells.number_of_cells == len(points)
    if is_densest_tessellation:
        tessellation = cells.tessellation
        partition = cells
        tessellation = Voronoi()
        # TODO: try 3D
        # coords = [ col for col in 'xyz' if col in points.columns ]
        if "z" in points.columns:
            import warnings

            warnings.warn("ignoring coordinate 'z'")
        tessellation.tessellate(points[["x", "y"]])
        partition = Partition(points, tessellation)
    # estimate the density at each point
    polygons_required = not is_densest_tessellation and volume_weighted
    indices, surface_areas, polygons = [], [], []
    for i in range(tessellation.number_of_cells):
        hull = convex_hull(partition=partition, cell_index=i)
        if hull is None:
        surface_area = hull.volume
        if polygons_required:
                p.Polytope(hull.equations[:, [0, 1]], -hull.equations[:, 2])
    indices, surface_areas = np.array(indices), np.array(surface_areas)
    if rank:
        if 1 < rank:
            raise NotImplementedError("rank > 1")
        index_map = np.full(tessellation.number_of_cells, len(indices))
        index_map[indices] = indices
        extended_areas = np.array(surface_areas)  # copy
        ncells = np.ones_like(surface_areas)
        regions = [[p] for p in polygons]
        for i in indices:
            for j in tessellation.neighbours(i):
                j = index_map[j]
                    extended_areas[i] += surface_areas[j]
                    ncells[i] += 1
                    if polygons_required:
                except IndexError:
        polygons = [p.Region(ps) for ps in regions]
        local_density = ncells / extended_areas
        local_density = 1.0 / surface_areas
    local_density = pd.Series(index=indices, data=local_density)
    # sum the estimates within each spatial bin
    if is_densest_tessellation:
        density = local_density
        if isinstance(cells.cell_index, tuple):
            pt_ids, cell_ids = cells.cell_index
        indices, densities = [], []
        for i in range(cells.number_of_cells):
            if isinstance(cells.cell_index, tuple):
                polygons_i = pt_ids[cell_ids == i]
                if polygons_i.size == 0:
                assigned = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=bool)
                assigned[polygons_i] = True
                assigned = cells.cell_index == i
                if not np.any(assigned):
                (polygons_i,) = np.nonzero(assigned)
            average_density = local_density[polygons_i].mean()
        density = pd.Series(index=indices, data=densities)
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(density=density))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def half_space(self):
     regions = []
     for face in self.faces:
     return pt.Region(regions)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def prop2part(state_space, cont_props_dict):
    """Main function that takes a domain (state_space) and a list of
    propositions (cont_props), and returns a proposition preserving
    partition of the state space.

    See Also

    @param state_space: problem domain
    @type state_space: C{polytope.Polytope}

    @param cont_props_dict: propositions
    @type cont_props_dict: dict of C{polytope.Polytope}

    @return: state space quotient partition induced by propositions
    @rtype: L{PropPreservingPartition}
    first_poly = []  #Initial Region's polytopes

    regions = [pc.Region(first_poly)]

    for cur_prop in cont_props_dict:
        cur_prop_poly = cont_props_dict[cur_prop]

        num_reg = len(regions)
        prop_holds_reg = []

        for i in xrange(num_reg):  #i region counter
            region_now = regions[i].copy()
            #loop for prop holds

            prop_now = regions[i].props.copy()

            dummy = region_now.intersect(cur_prop_poly)

            # does cur_prop hold in dummy ?
            if pc.is_fulldim(dummy):
                dum_prop = prop_now.copy()

                # is dummy a Polytope ?
                if len(dummy) == 0:
                    regions[i] = pc.Region([dummy], dum_prop)
                    # dummy is a Region
                    dummy.props = dum_prop.copy()
                    regions[i] = dummy.copy()
                prop_holds_reg[-1] = 1
                #does not hold in the whole region
                # (-> no need for the 2nd loop)

            #loop for prop does not hold
            regions.append(pc.Region([], props=prop_now))
            dummy = region_now.diff(cur_prop_poly)

            if pc.is_fulldim(dummy):
                dum_prop = prop_now.copy()

                # is dummy a Polytope ?
                if len(dummy) == 0:
                    regions[-1] = pc.Region([pc.reduce(dummy)], dum_prop)
                    # dummy is a Region
                    dummy.props = dum_prop.copy()
                    regions[-1] = dummy.copy()

        count = 0
        for hold_count in xrange(len(prop_holds_reg)):
            if prop_holds_reg[hold_count] == 0:
                regions.pop(hold_count - count)
                count += 1

    mypartition = PropPreservingPartition(

    mypartition.adj = pc.find_adjacent_regions(mypartition).copy()

    return mypartition
Ejemplo n.º 26
def add_grid(ppp, grid_size=None, num_grid_pnts=None, abs_tol=1e-10):
    """ This function takes a proposition preserving partition ppp and the size
    of the grid or the number of grids, and returns a refined proposition
    preserving partition with grids.


      - `ppp`: a L{PropPreservingPartition} object
      - `grid_size`: the size of the grid,
          type: float or list of float
      - `num_grid_pnts`: the number of grids for each dimension,
          type: integer or list of integer


      - A L{PropPreservingPartition} object with grids

    Note: There could be numerical instabilities when the continuous
    propositions in ppp do not align well with the grid resulting in very small
    regions. Performace significantly degrades without glpk.
    if (grid_size != None) & (num_grid_pnts != None):
        raise Exception("add_grid: Only one of the grid size or number of \
                        grid points parameters is allowed to be given.")
    if (grid_size == None) & (num_grid_pnts == None):
        raise Exception("add_grid: At least one of the grid size or number of \
                         grid points parameters must be given.")

    dim = len(ppp.domain.A[0])
    domain_bb = ppp.domain.bounding_box
    size_list = list()
    if grid_size != None:
        if isinstance(grid_size, list):
            if len(grid_size) == dim:
                size_list = grid_size
                raise Exception(
                    "add_grid: grid_size isn't given in a correct format.")
        elif isinstance(grid_size, float):
            for i in xrange(dim):
            raise Exception("add_grid: "
                            "grid_size isn't given in a correct format.")
        if isinstance(num_grid_pnts, list):
            if len(num_grid_pnts) == dim:
                for i in xrange(dim):
                    if isinstance(num_grid_pnts[i], int):
                        grid_size = (float(domain_bb[1][i]) -
                                     float(domain_bb[0][i])) / num_grid_pnts[i]
                        raise Exception(
                            "add_grid: "
                            "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")
                raise Exception(
                    "add_grid: "
                    "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")
        elif isinstance(num_grid_pnts, int):
            for i in xrange(dim):
                grid_size = (float(domain_bb[1][i]) -
                             float(domain_bb[0][i])) / num_grid_pnts
            raise Exception("add_grid: "
                            "num_grid_pnts isn't given in a correct format.")

    j = 0
    list_grid = dict()

    while j < dim:
        list_grid[j] = compute_interval(float(domain_bb[0][j]),
                                        float(domain_bb[1][j]), size_list[j],
        if j > 0:
            if j == 1:
                re_list = list_grid[j - 1]
                re_list = product_interval(re_list, list_grid[j])
                re_list = product_interval(re_list, list_grid[j])
        j += 1

    new_list = []
    parent = []
    for i in xrange(len(re_list)):
        temp_list = list()
        j = 0
        while j < dim * 2:
            temp_list.append([re_list[i][j], re_list[i][j + 1]])
            j = j + 2
        for j in xrange(len(ppp.regions)):
            tmp = pc.box2poly(temp_list)
            isect = tmp.intersect(ppp.regions[j], abs_tol)

            #if pc.is_fulldim(isect):
            rc, xc = pc.cheby_ball(isect)
            if rc > abs_tol / 2:
                if rc < abs_tol:
                    print("Warning: "
                          "One of the regions in the refined PPP is too small"
                          ", this may cause numerical problems")
                if len(isect) == 0:
                    isect = pc.Region([isect], [])
                isect.props = ppp.regions[j].props.copy()

    adj = sp.lil_matrix((len(new_list), len(new_list)), dtype=np.int8)
    for i in xrange(len(new_list)):
        adj[i, i] = 1
        for j in xrange(i + 1, len(new_list)):
            if (ppp.adj[parent[i], parent[j]] == 1) or \
                    (parent[i] == parent[j]):
                if pc.is_adjacent(new_list[i], new_list[j]):
                    adj[i, j] = 1
                    adj[j, i] = 1

    return PropPreservingPartition(domain=ppp.domain,
Ejemplo n.º 27
def pwa_partition(pwa_sys, ppp, abs_tol=1e-5):
    """This function takes:

      - a piecewise affine system C{pwa_sys} and
      - a proposition-preserving partition C{ppp}
          whose domain is a subset of the domain of C{pwa_sys}

    and returns a *refined* proposition preserving partition
    where in each region a unique subsystem of pwa_sys is active.

    Modified from Petter Nilsson's code
    implementing merge algorithm in:

    Nilsson et al.
    `Temporal Logic Control of Switched Affine Systems with an
    Application in Fuel Balancing`, ACC 2012.

    See Also

    @type pwa_sys: L{hybrid.PwaSysDyn}
    @type ppp: L{PropPreservingPartition}

    @return: new partition and associated maps:

        - new partition C{new_ppp}
        - map of C{new_ppp.regions} to C{pwa_sys.list_subsys}
        - map of C{new_ppp.regions} to C{ppp.regions}

    @rtype: C{(L{PropPreservingPartition}, list, list)}
    if pc.is_fulldim(ppp.domain.diff(pwa_sys.domain)):
        raise Exception('pwa system is not defined everywhere ' +
                        'in state space')

    # for each subsystem's domain, cut it into pieces
    # each piece is the intersection with
    # a unique Region in ppp.regions
    new_list = []
    subsys_list = []
    parents = []
    for i, subsys in enumerate(pwa_sys.list_subsys):
        for j, region in enumerate(ppp.regions):
            isect = region.intersect(subsys.domain)

            if pc.is_fulldim(isect):
                rc, xc = pc.cheby_ball(isect)

                if rc < abs_tol:
                    msg = 'One of the regions in the refined PPP is '
                    msg += 'too small, this may cause numerical problems'

                # not Region yet, but Polytope ?
                if len(isect) == 0:
                    isect = pc.Region([isect])

                # label with AP
                isect.props = region.props.copy()

                # store new Region

                # keep track of original Region in ppp.regions

                # index of subsystem active within isect

    # compute spatial adjacency matrix
    n = len(new_list)
    adj = sp.lil_matrix((n, n), dtype=np.int8)
    for i, ri in enumerate(new_list):
        pi = parents[i]
        for j, rj in enumerate(new_list[0:i]):
            pj = parents[j]

            if (ppp.adj[pi, pj] == 1) or (pi == pj):
                if pc.is_adjacent(ri, rj):
                    adj[i, j] = 1
                    adj[j, i] = 1
        adj[i, i] = 1

    new_ppp = PropPreservingPartition(domain=ppp.domain,
    return (new_ppp, subsys_list, parents)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def add_collection(self, unit_regions, label=None):
     # check if already existing
     if label in self.index:
         if 1 < len(self.index):
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'cannot overwrite a collection if other collections have already been defined'
     i0 = len(self.unit_region)
     self.unit_region += list(unit_regions)
     # first group overlapping unit regions in the collection
     current_index = max(self.group.keys()) + 1 if self.group else 0
     not_an_index = -1
     n = len(unit_regions)
     assignment = np.full(n, not_an_index, dtype=int)
     groups = dict()
     for i in range(n):
         region_i = unit_regions[i]
         if isinstance(region_i, pt.Polytope):
             region_i = pt.Region([region_i])
             _min_i = _max_i = None
         elif isinstance(region_i, pt.Region):
             _min_i = _max_i = None
         else:  #if isinstance(region_i, (tuple, list)):
             _min_i, _max_i = region_i
             region_i = None
         group_with = set()
         if assignment[i] == not_an_index:
             group_index = current_index
             group = set([i0 + i])
             group_index = assignment[i]
             group = groups[group_index]
             assert i0 + i in group
         for j in range(i + 1, n):
             if i0 + j in group:
             region_j = unit_regions[j]
             if isinstance(region_j, (pt.Polytope, pt.Region)):
                 if region_i is None:
                     region_i = pt.box2poly(list(zip(_min_i, _max_i)))
                     self._unit_polytope[i0 + i] = region_i
                 i_and_j_are_adjacent = pt.is_adjacent(region_i, region_j)
             else:  #if isinstance(region_j, (tuple, list)):
                 _min_j, _max_j = region_j
                 if _min_i is None:
                     region_j = pt.box2poly(list(zip(_min_j, _max_j)))
                     self._unit_polytope[i0 + j] = region_j
                     i_and_j_are_adjacent = pt.is_adjacent(
                         region_i, region_j)
                     i_and_j_are_adjacent = np.all(
                         _min_i <= _max_j) and np.all(_min_j <= _max_i)
             if i_and_j_are_adjacent:
                 if assignment[j] == not_an_index:
                     group.add(i0 + j)
                     other_group_index = assignment[j]
                     group |= groups.pop(other_group_index)
         if group_with:
             group_index = min(group_with)
             current_index += 1
         groups[group_index] = group
         group = np.array(list(group)) - i0  # indices in `assignment`
         assignment[group] = group_index
     # merge the new and existing groups together
     for g in list(groups.keys()):
         adjacent = set()
         for h in self.group:
             g_and_h_are_adjacent = False
             for i in groups[g]:
                 for j in self.group[h]:
                     if self.adjacent(i, j):
                         g_and_h_are_adjacent = True
                 if g_and_h_are_adjacent:
         if adjacent:
             h = min(adjacent)
             for i in adjacent - {h}:
                 self.group[h] |= self.group.pop(i)
             self.group[h] |= groups.pop(g)
             assignment[assignment == g] = h
     if groups:
     if label is None:
         label = ''
     self.index[label] = assignment
     self.reverse_index = np.c_[
                             ), [len(self.index[s]) for s in self.index]),
                         for s in self.index])]