Ejemplo n.º 1
class ModelWrapper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.model = HiddenMarkovModel()

    def add_state(self, distribution, name):
        state = State(distribution, name=name)
        return state

    def bake(self):

    def viterbi(self, seq):
        return self.model.viterbi(seq)

    def add_transition(self, states, next_state_data):
        for state in states:
            for next_data in next_state_data:
                self.model.add_transition(state, next_data[0], next_data[1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
print "Algorithms On Infinite Model"
sequence = [4.8, 5.6, 24.1, 25.8, 14.3, 26.5, 15.9, 5.5, 5.1]
print "Forward"
print model.forward(sequence)

print "\n".join(state.name for state in model.states)
print "Backward"
print model.backward(sequence)

print "Forward-Backward"
trans, emissions = model.forward_backward(sequence)
print trans
print emissions

print "Viterbi"
prob, states = model.viterbi(sequence)
print "Prob: {}".format(prob)
print "\n".join(state[1].name for state in states)
print "MAP"
prob, states = model.maximum_a_posteriori(sequence)
print "Prob: {}".format(prob)
print "\n".join(state[1].name for state in states)

print "Showing that sampling can reproduce the original transition probs."
print "Should produce a matrix close to the following: "
print " [ [ 0.60, 0.10, 0.30 ] "
print "   [ 0.40, 0.40, 0.20 ] "
print "   [ 0.05, 0.15, 0.80 ] ] "
print "Tranition Matrix From 100000 Samples:"
    def build_dis_classifier(self):
        skf = StratifiedKFold(self.full_labels, n_folds=self.folds)
        classifier_array = []
        stats_array = []
        num_class = len(self.full_data[0])
        print (num_class)
        for cl in range(0, num_class):
            lel = -1
            tp_total = 0.0
            tn_total = 0.0
            fp_total = 0.0
            fn_total = 0.0
            tests = 0
            for train_index, test_index in skf:
                if lel > 0:
                    lel -= 1
                stats = []
                distros = []
                hmm_states = []
                state_names = ['swing', 'stance']
                swings = 0
                stances = 0
                for i in range(0, 2):
                    dis = MGD.from_samples(self.class_data[i])
                    st = State(dis, name=state_names[i])

                model = HMM()
                model.add_transition(model.start, hmm_states[0], 0.5)
                model.add_transition(model.start, hmm_states[1], 0.5)
                model.add_transition(hmm_states[1], model.end, 0.000000000000000001)
                model.add_transition(hmm_states[0], model.end, 0.000000000000000001)

                for i in range(0, 2):
                    for j in range(0, 2):
                        model.add_transition(hmm_states[i], hmm_states[j], self.t[i][j])

                tp = 0.0
                tn = 0.0
                fp = 0.0
                fn = 0.0

                train_data = self.full_data[train_index, cl]
                train_class = self.full_labels[train_index, cl]
                test_data = self.full_data[test_index]
                test_class = self.full_labels[test_index]


                if (not np.isfinite(train_data.any())) or (not np.isfinite(test_data.any())) \
                        or (not np.isfinite(train_class.any())) or (not np.isfinite(test_data.any())):
                    rospy.logerr("NaN or Inf Detected")

                    rospy.logwarn("Training model #"+str(cl)+", fold #" + str(tests))
                    seq = np.array(train_data)
                    model.fit(seq, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose='True', n_jobs=8, max_iterations=150)

                except ValueError:
                    rospy.logwarn("Something went wrong, exiting")

                seq = []
                if self.batch_test == 1:
                    s = 0
                    # for s in range(0, len(test_data)):
                    while s < len(test_data):
                        k = 0
                        seq_entry = []
                        while k < 20 and s < len(test_data):
                            k += 1
                            s += 1
                    seq = np.array(test_data)

                if seq == [] or test_data == []:
                    rospy.logerr("Empty testing sequence")

                log, path = model.viterbi(test_data)
                if (len(path) - 2) != len(test_data):
                    rospy.logerr(path[len(path) - 1][1].name)

                tests += 1
                for i in range(0, len(path) - 2):
                    if path[i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-start' and path[i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-end':
                        if path[i + 1][1].name == 'swing':  # prediction is 0
                            swings += 1
                            if test_class[i] == 0:  # class is 0
                                tn += 1.0
                            elif test_class[i] == 1:
                                fn += 1.0  # class is 1

                        elif path[i + 1][1].name == 'stance':  # prediction is 1
                            stances += 1
                            if test_class[i] == 1:  # class is 1
                                tp += 1.0
                            elif test_class[i] == 0:  # class is 0
                                fp += 1.0
                print (swings)
                print (stances)
                if (tp + fn) != 0.0:
                    rospy.logwarn("Sensitivity : " + str(tp / (tp + fn)))
                    # sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
                    rospy.logwarn("Sensitivity : 0.0")
                    # sensitivity = 0.0
                if (tn + fp) != 0.0:
                    rospy.logwarn("Specificity : " + str(tn / (tn + fp)))
                    # specificity = tn_total / (tn_total + fp_total)
                    rospy.logwarn("Specificity : 0.0")
                    # specificity = 0.0
                if (tn + tp + fn + fp) != 0.0:
                    rospy.logwarn("Accuracy : " + str((tn + tp) / (tn + tp + fn + fp)))
                    # accuracy = (tn + tp) / (tn + tp + fn + fp)
                    rospy.logwarn("Accuracy : 0.0")
                    # accuracy = 0.0

                tn_total += tn
                tp_total += tp
                fn_total += fn
                fp_total += fp

            tp_total /= tests
            tn_total /= tests
            fp_total /= tests
            fn_total /= tests
            rospy.logerr("TP :" + str(tp_total))
            rospy.logerr("TN :" + str(tn_total))
            rospy.logerr("FP :" + str(fp_total))
            rospy.logerr("FN :" + str(fn_total))
            rospy.logerr("Tests :" + str(tests))
            if (tp_total + fn_total) != 0.0:
                sensitivity = tp_total / (tp_total + fn_total)
                sensitivity = 0.0
            if (tn_total + fp_total) != 0.0:
                specificity = tn_total / (tn_total + fp_total)
                specificity = 0.0
            if (tn_total + tp_total + fn_total + fp_total) != 0.0:
                accuracy = (tn_total + tp_total) / (tn_total + tp_total + fn_total + fp_total)
                accuracy = 0.0

            rospy.logerr("Total accuracy: " + str(accuracy))
            rospy.logerr("Total sensitivity: " + str(sensitivity))
            rospy.logerr("Total specificity: " + str(specificity))
            stats = [tn_total * tests, fn_total * tests, fp_total * tests, fn_total * tests, tests,
                     accuracy, sensitivity, specificity]

        pickle.dump(classifier_array, open(datafile + "distributed_classifiers.p", 'wb'))
        pickle.dump(stats_array, open(datafile + "distributed_stats.p", 'wb'))
        scio.savemat(datafile + "distributed_stats.mat", {'stats': stats_array})
print("         " + "".join(s.name.center(len(s.name)+6) for s in model.states))
for i in range(len(observations) + 1):
    print(" <start> " if i==0 else observations[i - 1].center(9), end="")
    print("".join("{:.0f}get_ipython().run_line_magic("".format(100", " * forward_matrix[i, j]).center(len(s.name) + 6)")
                  for j, s in enumerate(model.states)))

print("\nThe likelihood over all possible paths " + \
      "of this model producing the sequence {} is {:.2f}get_ipython().run_line_magic("\n\n"", "")
      .format(observations, 100 * probability_percentage))

# TODO: input a sequence of 'yes'/'no' values in the list below for testing
observations = ['yes', 'no', 'yes']

# TODO: use model.viterbi to find the sequence likelihood & the most likely path
viterbi_likelihood, viterbi_path = model.viterbi(observations)

print("The most likely weather sequence to have generated " + \
      "these observations is {} at {:.2f}get_ipython().run_line_magic("."", "")
      .format([s[1].name for s in viterbi_path[1:]], np.exp(viterbi_likelihood)*100)

from itertools import product

observations = ['no', 'no', 'yes']

p = {'Sunny': {'Sunny': np.log(.8), 'Rainy': np.log(.2)}, 'Rainy': {'Sunny': np.log(.4), 'Rainy': np.log(.6)}}
e = {'Sunny': {'yes': np.log(.1), 'no': np.log(.9)}, 'Rainy':{'yes':np.log(.8), 'no':np.log(.2)}}
o = observations
k = []
Ejemplo n.º 5
        while s < len(test_data):
            k = 0
            seq_entry = []
            while k < 20 and s < len(test_data):
                k += 1
        seq = test_data

    if seq == [] or test_data == []:
        rospy.logerr("Empty testing sequence")

    rospy.logwarn("Start Viterbi")
    log, path = model.viterbi(seq)
    rospy.logwarn("Viterbi Done")
    # rospy.logwarn(len(path))
    sum_ = 0.0
    for i in range(0, len(path) - 1):
        if path[i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-start' and path[
                i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-end':
            if path[i + 1][1].name == state_names[test_class[i]]:
                sum_ += 1.0
    acc = sum_ / float(str(len(test_data)))
    if acc > max_acc:
        max_acc = acc
        classifier = model
    stats.append(sum_ / float(str(len(test_data))))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    start_state_dict[k] = (v / start_sum)

for k, v in end_prob.items():
    end_state_dict[k] = (v / start_sum)

example = emission_hash['NOUN']
model = HiddenMarkovModel('example')

# add emmission states P(W|T)
model.add_states([val for val in emission_hash.values()])

# add start states P(T|S)
for k in start_state_dict:
    model.add_transition(model.start, emission_hash[k], start_state_dict[k])

# add end states P(T|E)
for k in end_state_dict:
    model.add_transition(emission_hash[k], model.end, end_state_dict[k])

# finally add P(T|T^-1)
for k in bigram_hash:
    evidence, prior = k.split()[0], k.split()[1]
    model.add_transition(emission_hash[evidence], emission_hash[prior],


res = model.viterbi(["The", "big", "brown", "dog", "bark", "at", "my", "fox"])

for i, r in res[1]:
    print(i, r.name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    for j in range(0, n_classes):
        model.add_transition(hmm_states[i], hmm_states[j], t[i][j])


seq = list([ff[:limit]])

# print model
model.fit(seq, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose='True')
# model.fit(seq, algorithm='viterbi', verbose='True')

logp, path = model.viterbi(list(ff[limit:]))
print len(path)
sum_ = 0.0
for i in range(0, len(path)):
    if path[i][1].name != 'Gait-start':
        if path[i][1].name == state_names[labels[i + limit - 1]]:
            sum_ += 1.0
print(str(sum_) + "/" + str(len(list(ff[limit:limit]))))
print(sum_ / float(len(list(ff[limit:]))))

counter = 0
stream = []
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    counter += 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    param_vec = []
    rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
    if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
        print("Missing the prefix argument.")
        prefix = sys.argv[1]
    use_measurements = np.zeros(3)

    # patient = rospy.get_param('~patient', 'None')
    # if prefix == 'None':
    #     rospy.logerr("No filename given ,exiting")
    #     exit()

    phase_pub = rospy.Publisher('/phase', Int32, queue_size=10)
    packpath = rospack.get_path('exo_gait_phase_det')
    datapath = packpath + "/log/mat_files/"
    rospy.logwarn("Patient: {}".format(prefix))
    print("Patient: {}".format(prefix))
    verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', False)
    """Print console output into text file"""
    # sys.stdout = open(packpath + "/log/results/intra-sub_" + prefix + ".txt", "w")
    """Data loading"""
    n_trials = 3
    data = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    for i in range(0, n_trials):
        data[i] = scio.loadmat(datapath + prefix + "_proc_data" + str(i + 1) +

    accel_x = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    accel_y = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    accel_z = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    gyro_x = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    gyro_y = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    gyro_z = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    time_array = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    labels = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    fs_fsr = []
    for i in range(0, n_trials):
        # accel_x[i] = data[i]["accel_x"][0]
        # accel_y[i] = data[i]["accel_y"][0]
        # accel_z[i] = data[i]["accel_z"][0]
        gyro_x[i] = data[i]["gyro_x"][0]
        gyro_y[i] = data[i]["gyro_y"][0]
        gyro_z[i] = data[i]["gyro_z"][0]
        time_array[i] = data[i]["time"][0]
        labels[i] = data[i]["labels"][0]
    """Feature extraction"""
    """First derivative"""
    # fder_gyro_x = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     der = []
    #     der.append(gyro_x[i][0])
    #     for j in range(1,len(gyro_x[i])-1):
    #         der.append((gyro_x[i][j+1]-gyro_x[i][j-1])/2)
    #     der.append(gyro_x[i][-1])
    #     fder_gyro_x.append(der)

    fder_gyro_y = []
    for i in range(n_trials):
        der = []
        for j in range(1, len(gyro_y[i]) - 1):
            der.append((gyro_y[i][j + 1] - gyro_y[i][j - 1]) / 2)

    # fder_gyro_z = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     der = []
    #     der.append(gyro_z[i][0])
    #     for j in range(1,len(gyro_z[i])-1):
    #         der.append((gyro_z[i][j+1]-gyro_z[i][j-1])/2)
    #     der.append(gyro_z[i][-1])
    #     fder_gyro_z.append(der)
    """Second derivative"""
    # sder_gyro_x = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     der = []
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_x[i][0])
    #     for j in range(1,len(fder_gyro_x[i])-1):
    #         der.append((fder_gyro_x[i][j+1]-fder_gyro_x[i][j-1])/2)
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_x[i][-1])
    #     sder_gyro_x.append(der)
    # sder_gyro_y = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     der = []
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_y[i][0])
    #     for j in range(1,len(fder_gyro_y[i])-1):
    #         der.append((fder_gyro_y[i][j+1]-fder_gyro_y[i][j-1])/2)
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_y[i][-1])
    #     sder_gyro_y.append(der)
    # sder_gyro_z = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     der = []
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_z[i][0])
    #     for j in range(1,len(fder_gyro_z[i])-1):
    #         der.append((fder_gyro_z[i][j+1]-fder_gyro_z[i][j-1])/2)
    #     der.append(fder_gyro_z[i][-1])
    #     sder_gyro_z.append(der)
    """Peak detector"""
    # window_wid = 15        # Window width should be odd
    # search_ratio = window_wid/2
    # pdet_gyro_x = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     pdet = []
    #     for j in range(len(gyro_x[i])):
    #         if j <= search_ratio:
    #             win = gyro_x[i][:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         elif j >= len(gyro_x[i])-search_ratio-1:
    #             win = gyro_x[i][j-search_ratio:]
    #         else:
    #             win = gyro_x[i][j-search_ratio:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         pdet.append(gyro_x[i][j]/max(win))
    #     pdet_gyro_x.append(pdet)

    # print len(gyro_x)
    # print len(pdet_gyro_x)
    # for i in range(3):
    #     print len(gyro_x[i])
    #     print len(pdet_gyro_x[i])

    # pdet_gyro_y = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     pdet = []
    #     for j in range(len(gyro_y[i])):
    #         if j <= search_ratio:
    #             win = gyro_y[i][:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         elif j >= len(gyro_y[i])-search_ratio-1:
    #             win = gyro_y[i][j-search_ratio:]
    #         else:
    #             win = gyro_y[i][j-search_ratio:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         pdet.append(gyro_y[i][j]/max(win))
    #     pdet_gyro_y.append(pdet)
    # pdet_gyro_z = []
    # for i in range(n_trials):
    #     pdet = []
    #     for j in range(len(gyro_z[i])):
    #         if j <= search_ratio:
    #             win = gyro_z[i][:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         elif j >= len(gyro_z[i])-search_ratio-1:
    #             win = gyro_z[i][j-search_ratio:]
    #         else:
    #             win = gyro_z[i][j-search_ratio:j+search_ratio+1]
    #         pdet.append(gyro_z[i][j]/max(win))
    #     pdet_gyro_z.append(pdet)
    """Create training and test data"""
    ff = [[] for x in range(0, n_trials)]
    for j in range(0, n_trials):
        for k in range(0, len(time_array[j])):
            f_ = []
            # f_.append(accel_x[j][k])
            # f_.append(accel_y[j][k])
            # f_.append(accel_z[j][k])
            # f_.append(gyro_x[j][k])
            # f_.append(fder_gyro_x[j][k])
            # f_.append(sder_gyro_x[j][k])
            # f_.append(pdet_gyro_x[j][k])
            # f_.append(sder_gyro_y[j][k])
            # f_.append(pdet_gyro_y[j][k])
            # f_.append(gyro_z[j][k])
            # f_.append(fder_gyro_z[j][k])
            # f_.append(sder_gyro_z[j][k])
            # f_.append(pdet_gyro_z[j][k])
    n_signals = len(ff[0][0])
    startprob = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    state_names = ['hs', 'ff', 'ho', 'sw']
    rospy.logwarn("""Intra-subject training""")
    print("""Intra-subject training""")
    # for leave_one_out in range(0, n_trials):
    for leave_one_out in range(1, 2):
        rospy.logwarn("-------TRIAL {}-------".format(leave_one_out + 1))
        print("-------TRIAL {}-------".format(leave_one_out + 1))
        """Transition matrix"""
        t = np.zeros((4, 4))  # Transition matrix
        prev = -1
        for i in range(0, len(labels[leave_one_out])):
            # data[i]._replace(label = correct_mapping[data[i].label])
            if prev == -1:
                prev = labels[leave_one_out][i]
            t[prev][labels[leave_one_out][i]] += 1.0
            prev = labels[leave_one_out][i]
        t = normalize(t, axis=1, norm='l1')
        if verbose: rospy.logwarn("TRANSITION MATRIX\n" + str(t))

        n_classes = 4
        class_data = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
        full_data = []
        full_labels = []
        for i in range(len(ff[leave_one_out])):
        # print full_data == ff[leave_one_out]
        # print full_labels == labels[leave_one_out]
        # print len(full_data) == len(full_labels)
        # for i in range(0,len(ff[leave_one_out-1])):
        #     full_data.append(ff[leave_one_out-1][i])
        #     full_labels.append(labels[leave_one_out-1][i])
        # for i in range(0,len(ff[(leave_one_out+1) % n_trials])):
        #     full_data.append(ff[(leave_one_out+1) % n_trials][i])
        #     full_labels.append(labels[(leave_one_out+1) % n_trials][i])

        # print len(full_data) == (len(ff[leave_one_out]) + len(ff[leave_one_out-1]) + len(ff[(leave_one_out+1) % n_trials]))
        # print full_data
        # print len(full_data)
        # print full_labels
        # print len(full_labels)

        for i in range(0, len(full_data)):
        """Multivariate Gaussian Distributions for each hidden state"""
        class_means = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)]
                       for i in range(n_classes)]
        class_vars = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
        class_std = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
        class_cov = []
        classifiers = []

        for i in range(0, n_classes):
            # cov = np.ma.cov(np.array(class_data[i]), rowvar=False)
            cov = np.cov(np.array(class_data[i]), rowvar=False)
            for j in range(0, n_signals):
                class_means[i][j] = np.array(
                    class_data[i][:])[:, [j]].mean(axis=0)
                class_vars[i][j] = np.array(class_data[i][:])[:,
                class_std[i][j] = np.array(class_data[i][:])[:,
        print "\n" + str(class_cov) + "\n"
        """Classifier initialization"""
        distros = []
        hmm_states = []
        for i in range(n_classes):
            dis = MGD\
            st = State(dis, name=state_names[i])
        model = HMM(name="Gait")

        """Initial transitions"""
        for i in range(0, n_classes):
            model.add_transition(model.start, hmm_states[i], startprob[i])
        """Left-right model"""
        for i in range(0, n_classes):
            for j in range(0, n_classes):
                model.add_transition(hmm_states[i], hmm_states[j], t[i][j])


        # print (model.name)
        # rospy.logwarn("N. observations: " + str(model.d))
        # print (model.edges)
        # rospy.logwarn("N. hidden states: " + str(model.silent_start))
        # print model
        # limit = int(len(ff1)*(8/10.0))    # 80% of data to test, 20% to train
        # x_train = list([ff1[:limit]])
        # x_train = list([ff1,ff2])
        # x_train = list([ff2])
        x_train = []
        for i in range(0, len(ff[leave_one_out - 1])):
            x_train.append(ff[leave_one_out - 1][i])
        for i in range(0, len(ff[(leave_one_out + 1) % n_trials])):
            x_train.append(ff[(leave_one_out + 1) % n_trials][i])
        x_train = list([x_train])
        model.fit(x_train, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=verbose)
        # model.fit(list([ff[leave_one_out-1]]), algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=verbose)
        # model.fit(list([ff[(leave_one_out+1) % n_trials]]), algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=verbose)
        # model.fit(seq, algorithm='viterbi', verbose='True')
        """Find most-likely sequence"""
        # logp, path = model.viterbi(ff[limit:])
        logp, path = model.viterbi(ff[leave_one_out])
        # print logp
        # print path
        class_labels = []
        for i in range(len(labels[leave_one_out])):
            path_phase = path[i][1].name
            for state in range(n_classes):
                if path_phase == state_names[state]:
        labels[leave_one_out] = list(labels[leave_one_out][1:])
        # Saving classifier labels into csv file
        # np.savetxt(packpath+"/log/intra_labels/"+prefix+"_labels"+str(leave_one_out+1)+".csv", class_labels, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')
        # rospy.logwarn("csv file with classifier labels was saved.")

        sum = 0.0
        true_pos = 0.0
        false_pos = 0.0
        true_neg = 0.0
        false_neg = 0.0
        tol = 6e-2  # Tolerance window of 60 ms
        tol_window = int((tol / 2) / (1 / float(fs_fsr[leave_one_out])))
        print "FSR freq: " + str(fs_fsr[leave_one_out])
        print "Tolerance win: " + str(tol_window)
        # print tol_window
        # # print type(tol_window)
        # for i in range(0, len(labels[leave_one_out])):
        #     """Tolerance window"""
        #     if i > tol_window+1 and i < len(labels[leave_one_out])-tol_window:
        #         # curr_tol = time_array[leave_one_out][i+tol_window]-time_array[leave_one_out][i-tol_window]
        #         # print curr_tol
        #         win = []
        #         for j in range(i-tol_window,i+tol_window+1):
        #             win.append(state_names[labels[leave_one_out][j]])
        #         if path[i][1].name in win:
        #             sum += 1.0
        #     else:
        #         if path[i][1].name == labels[leave_one_out][i]:
        #             sum += 1.0
        """Performance Evaluation"""
        rospy.logwarn("Calculating results...")
        time_error = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
        for phase in range(n_classes):
            for i in range(len(labels[leave_one_out])):
                """Tolerance window"""
                if i >= tol_window and i < len(
                        labels[leave_one_out]) - tol_window:
                    # curr_tol = time_array[leave_one_out][i+tol_window]-time_array[leave_one_out][i-tol_window]
                    # print curr_tol
                    win = []
                    for j in range(i - tol_window, i + tol_window + 1):
                    """Calculate time error with true positives"""
                    if class_labels[i] == phase:
                        if class_labels[i] in win:
                            for k in range(len(win)):
                                if win[k] == phase:
                                        (k - tol_window) /
                            true_pos += 1.0
                            if verbose:
                                print phase + ", " + state_names[labels[
                                    leave_one_out][i]] + ", " + class_labels[
                                        i] + ", true_pos"
                            false_pos += 1.0
                            if verbose:
                                print phase + ", " + state_names[labels[
                                    leave_one_out][i]] + ", " + class_labels[
                                        i] + ", false_pos"
                        if phase != labels[leave_one_out][i]:
                            # if phase not in win:
                            true_neg += 1.0
                            if verbose:
                                print phase + ", " + state_names[labels[
                                    leave_one_out][i]] + ", " + class_labels[
                                        i] + ", true_neg"
                            false_neg += 1.0
                            if verbose:
                                print phase + ", " + state_names[labels[
                                    leave_one_out][i]] + ", " + class_labels[
                                        i] + ", false_neg"
                    if class_labels[i] == phase:
                        if class_labels[i] == labels[leave_one_out][i]:
                            true_pos += 1.0
                            false_pos += 1.0
                        if phase != labels[leave_one_out][i]:
                            true_neg += 1.0
                            false_neg += 1.0

        rospy.logwarn("Timing error")
        print("Timing error")
        for phase in range(n_classes):
            rospy.logwarn("(" + state_names[phase] + ")")
            print "(" + state_names[phase] + ")"
            if len(time_error[phase]) > 0:
                    str(np.mean(time_error[phase])) + " + " +
                print str(np.mean(time_error[phase])) + " + " + str(
                rospy.logwarn("0.06 + 0")
                print "0.06 + 0"
        """Calculate mean time (MT) of stride and each gait phase and Coefficient of Variation (CoV)"""
        rospy.logwarn("Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)")
        print("Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)")
        n_group = 0
        for label_group in [class_labels, labels[leave_one_out]]:
            if n_group == 0:
                rospy.logwarn("Results for HMM:")
                print("Results for HMM:")
                rospy.logwarn("Results for FSR:")
                print("Results for FSR:")
            curr_label = -1
            count = 0
            n_phases = 0
            stride_samples = 0
            phases_time = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
            stride_time = []
            for label in label_group:
                # for label in class_labels:
                if curr_label != label:
                    n_phases += 1
                    stride_samples += count
                    if label == 0:  # Gait start: HS
                        if n_phases == 4:  # If a whole gait cycle has past
                            stride_time.append(stride_samples /
                        n_phases = 0
                        stride_samples = 0
                    phases_time[label - 1].append(count /
                    curr_label = label
                    count = 1
                    count += 1.0
            for phase in range(n_classes):
                mean_time = np.mean(phases_time[phase])
                phase_std = np.std(phases_time[phase])
                rospy.logwarn("(" + state_names[phase] + ")")
                print "(" + state_names[phase] + ")"
                rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " +
                print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
                rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std / mean_time * 100.0))
                print("CoV: " + str(phase_std / mean_time * 100.0))
            mean_time = np.mean(stride_time)
            phase_std = np.std(stride_time)
            print "(Stride)"
            rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " +
            print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
            rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std / mean_time * 100.0))
            print("CoV: " + str(phase_std / mean_time * 100.0))
            n_group += 1
        # acc = sum/len(labels[leave_one_out])
        if (true_neg + true_pos + false_neg + false_pos) != 0.0:
            acc = (true_neg + true_pos) / (true_neg + true_pos + false_neg +
            acc = 0.0
        """Sensitivity or True Positive Rate"""
        if true_pos + false_neg != 0:
            tpr = true_pos / (true_pos + false_neg)
            tpr = 0.0
        """Specificity or True Negative Rate"""
        if false_pos + true_neg != 0:
            tnr = true_neg / (false_pos + true_neg)
            tnr = 0.0
        # rospy.logwarn("Accuracy: {}%".format(acc*100))
        rospy.logwarn("Accuracy: {}%".format(acc * 100.0))
        # print("Accuracy: {}%".format(acc*100.0))
        rospy.logwarn("Sensitivity: {}%".format(tpr * 100.0))
        # print("Sensitivity: {}%".format(tpr*100.0))
        rospy.logwarn("Specificity: {}%".format(tnr * 100.0))
        # print("Specificity: {}%".format(tnr*100.0))
        """Goodness index"""
        G = np.sqrt((1 - tpr)**2 + (1 - tnr)**2)
        if G <= 0.25:
            rospy.logwarn("Optimum classifier (G = {} <= 0.25)".format(G))
            # print("Optimum classifier (G = {} <= 0.25)".format(G))
        elif G > 0.25 and G <= 0.7:
            rospy.logwarn("Good classifier (0.25 < G = {} <= 0.7)".format(G))
            # print("Good classifier (0.25 < G = {} <= 0.7)".format(G))
        elif G == 0.7:
            rospy.logwarn("Random classifier (G = 0.7)")
            # print("Random classifier (G = 0.7)")
            rospy.logwarn("Bad classifier (G = {} > 0.7)".format(G))
Ejemplo n.º 9
            print(hmm_states[i].name + "(" + str(i) + ")-> " +
                  hmm_states[j].name + "(" + str(j) + ") : " + str(t[i][j]))


    # seq = list([full_features[:limit]])
    # print skf[2]

    for train_index, test_index in skf:
        X_train = full_features[train_index]
        Y_train = full_labels[train_index]
        X_test = full_features[test_index]
        Y_test = full_labels[test_index]
        model.fit(list([X_train]), algorithm='viterbi', verbose='False')
        if batch == 0:
            logp, path = model.viterbi(list(X_test))
            sum_ = 0.0
            path = path[1:]

            for i in range(0, len(path)):
                # print path[i][1].name + " " + phase_labels[Y_test[i]]
                if path[i][1].name == phase_labels[Y_test[i]]:
                    sum_ += 1.0
            print(str(sum_) + "/" + str(len(Y_test)))
            print(sum_ / float(len(Y_test)))
            b = 0
            while b < len(X_test):
                bb = 0
                seq = []
# print model
limit = int(len(ff) * (8 / 10.0))  # 80% of data to test, 20% to train
# seq = list([ff[:limit]])
x_train = list([ff[limit:]])
print len(x_train)
# time_start = time.clock()
model.fit(x_train, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose='True')
# model.fit(x_train, algorithm='viterbi', verbose='True')
# time_elapsed = time.clock()- time_start
# rospy.logwarn("Training time: " + str(time_elapsed) + "s")
"""Find most-likely sequence"""
# logp, path = model.viterbi(ff[limit:])
x_test = ff[:limit]
logp, path = model.viterbi(x_test)
sum_ = 0.0
for i in range(0, len(path)):
    if path[i][1].name != 'Gait-start':
        # if path[i][1].name == state_names[labels[i+limit - 1]]:
        if path[i][1].name == state_names[labels[i - 1]]:
            # print path[i][1].name + " = " + state_names[labels[i+limit - 1]]
            sum_ += 1.0
        # else:
        #     print path[i][1].name + " != " + state_names[labels[i+limit - 1]]
# effect = sum_/float(len(ff[limit:]))
effect = sum_ / float(len(x_test))
rospy.logwarn("Effectiveness: {}%".format(effect * 100))
"""HMM from hmmlearn library"""
# # trellis = np.zeros((4, len(x_test)))
# # backpt = np.ones((4, len(x_test)))
Ejemplo n.º 11


hmmodel.add_transition(hmmodel.start, back_state, 1)
hmmodel.add_transition(back_state, back_state, 0.9)
hmmodel.add_transition(back_state, fixed_state, 0.1)
hmmodel.add_transition(fixed_state, fixed_state, 0.9)
hmmodel.add_transition(fixed_state, back_state, 0.1)


seq = list('acgtacgtaaaaccccaaa')

lopg, path = hmmodel.viterbi(seq)

print([x[1].name for x in path])


to_fit1 = list('acgtacacacacacacac')
to_fit2 = list('acgtacgtacgtacgtacgtacgtacgtcgt')
to_fit3 = list('aaaaacccccaaacc')
to_fit4 = list('aaaaaccgcccaaaccacgtacgtacgtacgtactacgggggg')

lopg, path = hmmodel.viterbi(to_fit4)

print([x[1].name for x in path])

hmmodel.fit([to_fit1, to_fit2, to_fit3, to_fit4])
            tag_state1, tag_state2,
            pair_tag_counts[(tag1, tag2)] / single_tag_counts[tag1])


#################### 7. MAKE PREDICTIONS ON TRAININING SET ####################
train_correct = 0  # number of correct predictions so far
train_count = 0  # number of predictions so far
print_i = 100

for words, true_tags in zip(data.training_set.X, data.training_set.Y):
        # Viterbi Path: most likely sequence of STATES that generated the sequence given
        _, viterbi_path = HMM_model.viterbi([w for w in words])
        predicted_tags = [state[1].name for state in viterbi_path[1:-1]]
        train_correct += sum(pred == true
                             for pred, true in zip(predicted_tags, true_tags))

        if print_i == 100:  # print a sample result
            print("Training Sentence: \n", words)
            print("Predicted Tags: \n", predicted_tags)
            print("True Tags: \n", true_tags)
            print_i += 1
    train_count += len(words)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    phase_pub = rospy.Publisher('/phase', Int32, queue_size=10)
    rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
    packpath = rospack.get_path('exo_control')
    datapath = packpath + "/log/mat_files/"
    verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', False)

    """Print console output into text file"""
    sys.stdout = open(packpath + "/log/results/leave-one-out_cross_validation.txt", "w")

    """Data loading"""
    n_trials = 3
    n_sub = 9
    healthy_subs = ["daniel", "erika", "felipe", "jonathan", "luis", "nathalia", "paula", "pedro", "tatiana"]
    patients = ["andres", "carlos", "carmen", "carolina", "catalina", "claudia", "emmanuel", "fabian", "gustavo"]
    study_subs = [healthy_subs, patients]

    dataset = [{} for x in range(len(study_subs))]
    for i in range(len(study_subs)):
        for sub in study_subs[i]:
            dataset[i][sub] = {"gyro_y": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "fder_gyro_y": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "time": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "labels": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "Fs_fsr": 0.0}

    for group in dataset:
        for sub,data in group.iteritems():
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                mat_file = scio.loadmat(datapath + sub + "_proc_data" + str(trial+1) + ".mat")
                for signal in data:
                    if signal not in ["pathol","fder_gyro_y"]:
                        if signal == "Fs_fsr":
                            data[signal] = mat_file[signal][0][0]
                            data[signal][trial] = mat_file[signal][0]
    del mat_file

    """Feature extraction"""
    """First derivative"""
    for group in dataset:
        for sub,data in group.iteritems():
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                der = []
                gyro_y = data["gyro_y"][trial]
                for i in range(1,len(gyro_y)-1):
                data["fder_gyro_y"][trial] = der
    del der, sub, data

    """Global variables of cHMM"""
    startprob = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    state_names = ['hs', 'ff', 'ho', 'sw']
    n_classes = 4
    n_signals = 2
    tol = 6e-2       # Tolerance window of 60 ms

    # for pathology in range(len(dataset)):
    #     if pathology == 0:
    #         rospy.logwarn("**Leave-one-out cross validation with HEALTHY subjects**")
    #         print "**Leave-one-out cross validation with HEALTHY subjects**"
    #     else:
    #         rospy.logwarn("**Leave-one-out cross validation with PATIENTS**")
    #         print "**Leave-one-out cross validation with PATIENTS**"
    if True:
        # for lou_sub,lou_data in dataset[pathology].iteritems():       # Iterate through leave-one-out subject's data
        for lou_sub,lou_data in dataset[0].iteritems():       # Iterate through leave-one-out subject's data
            rospy.logwarn("Leave " + lou_sub + " out:")
            print "Leave " + lou_sub + " out:"

            t = np.zeros((4, 4))        # Transition matrix
            prev = -1
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                for label in lou_data["labels"][trial]:
                    if prev == -1:
                        prev = label
                    t[prev][label] += 1.0
                    prev = label
            t = normalize(t, axis=1, norm='l1')
            if verbose: rospy.logwarn("TRANSITION MATRIX\n" + str(t))

            class_data = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
            full_lou_data = []
            full_lou_labels = []
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                for sample in range(len(lou_data["gyro_y"][trial])):
                    d = [lou_data["gyro_y"][trial][sample], lou_data["fder_gyro_y"][trial][sample]]
                    l = lou_data["labels"][trial][sample]

            """Multivariate Gaussian Distributions for each hidden state"""
            class_means = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_vars = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_std = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_cov = []
            classifiers = []

            for state in range(n_classes):
                cov = np.ma.cov(np.array(class_data[state]), rowvar=False)
                for signal in range(n_signals):
                    class_means[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].mean(axis=0)
                    class_vars[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].var(axis=0)
                    class_std[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].std(axis=0)

            """Classifier initialization"""
            distros = []
            hmm_states = []
            for state in range(n_classes):
                dis = MGD\
                st = State(dis, name=state_names[state])
            model = HMM(name="Gait")

            """Initial transitions"""
            for state in range(n_classes):
                model.add_transition(model.start, hmm_states[state], startprob[state])
            """Left-right model"""
            for i in range(n_classes):
                for j in range(n_classes):
                    model.add_transition(hmm_states[i], hmm_states[j], t[i][j])


            """Create training and test data"""
            x_train = []
            x_test = []
            test_gyro_y = lou_data["gyro_y"][-1]
            test_fder_gyro_y = lou_data["fder_gyro_y"][-1]
            """Create test data with n-th trial of leave-one-out subject"""
            for sample in range(len(test_gyro_y)):
                x_test.append([test_gyro_y[sample], test_fder_gyro_y[sample]])
            """Create training data with n-1 trials of all subjects (patients group)"""
            # if pathology == 1:
            #     for trial in range(n_trials-1):
            #         train_gyro_y = lou_data["gyro_y"][trial]
            #         train_fder_gyro_y = lou_data["fder_gyro_y"][trial]
            #         for sample in range(len(train_gyro_y)):
            #             x_train.append([train_gyro_y[sample], train_fder_gyro_y[sample]])

            """Create training data with n-1 trials of the rest of subjects (healthy group)"""
            # for train_sub,train_data in dataset[pathology].iteritems():
            for train_sub,train_data in dataset[0].iteritems():
                # if lou_sub != train_sub:
                if True:
                    for trial in range(n_trials-1):
                        train_gyro_y = train_data["gyro_y"][trial]
                        train_fder_gyro_y = train_data["fder_gyro_y"][trial]
                        for sample in range(len(train_gyro_y)):
                            x_train.append([train_gyro_y[sample], train_fder_gyro_y[sample]])
            x_train = list([x_train])

            rospy.logwarn("Training HMM...")
            model.fit(x_train, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True)
            # model.fit(x_train, algorithm='viterbi', verbose='True')

            """Find most-likely sequence"""
            logp, path = model.viterbi(x_test)
            class_labels = []
            for i in range(len(lou_data["labels"][-1])):
                path_phase = path[i][1].name
                for state in range(n_classes):
                    if path_phase == state_names[state]:
            # Saving classifier labels into csv file
            np.savetxt(packpath+"/log/inter_labels/"+lou_sub+"_labels.csv", class_labels, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')
            rospy.logwarn("csv file with classifier labels was saved.")
            lou_data["labels"][-1] = lou_data["labels"][-1][1:]

            sum = 0.0
            true_pos = 0.0
            false_pos = 0.0
            true_neg = 0.0
            false_neg = 0.0
            tol_window = int((tol/2) / (1/float(lou_data["Fs_fsr"])))

            rospy.logwarn("Calculating results...")
            time_error = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
            for phase in range(n_classes):
                for i in range(len(lou_data["labels"][-1])):
                    """Tolerance window"""
                    if i >= tol_window and i < len(lou_data["labels"][-1])-tol_window:
                        win = []
                        for win_label in lou_data["labels"][-1][i-tol_window:i+tol_window+1]:
                        if class_labels[i] == phase:
                            if class_labels[i] in win:
                                for k in range(len(win)):
                                    if win[k] == phase:
                                true_pos += 1.0
                                if verbose: print phase + ", " + lou_data["labels"][-1][i] + ", " + class_labels[i] + ", true_pos"
                                false_pos += 1.0
                                if verbose: print phase + ", " + lou_data["labels"][-1][i] + ", " + class_labels[i] + ", false_pos"
                            if phase != lou_data["labels"][-1][i]:
                            # if phase not in win:
                                true_neg += 1.0
                                if verbose: print phase + ", " + lou_data["labels"][-1][i] + ", " + class_labels[i] + ", true_neg"
                                false_neg += 1.0
                                if verbose: print phase + ", " + lou_data["labels"][-1][i] + ", " + class_labels[i] + ", false_neg"
                        if class_labels[i] == phase:
                            if class_labels[i] == lou_data["labels"][-1][i]:
                                true_pos += 1.0
                                false_pos += 1.0
                            if phase != lou_data["labels"][-1][i]:
                                true_neg += 1.0
                                false_neg += 1.0

            rospy.logwarn("Timing error")
            print "Timing error"
            for phase in range(n_classes):
                rospy.logwarn("(" + state_names[phase] + ")")
                print "(" + state_names[phase] + ")"
                if len(time_error[phase]) > 0:
                    rospy.logwarn(str(np.mean(time_error[phase])) + " + " + str(np.std(time_error[phase])))
                    print str(np.mean(time_error[phase])) + " + " + str(np.std(time_error[phase]))
                    rospy.logwarn("0.06 + 0")
                    print "0.06 + 0"

            """Calculate mean time (MT) of stride and each gait phase and Coefficient of Variation (CoV)"""
            rospy.logwarn("Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)")
            print "Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)"
            n_group = 0
            for label_group in [class_labels, lou_data["labels"][-1]]:
                if n_group == 0:
                    rospy.logwarn("Results for HMM:")
                    print "Results for HMM:"
                    rospy.logwarn("Results for FSR:")
                    print "Results for FSR:"
                curr_label = -1
                count = 0
                n_phases = 0
                stride_samples = 0
                phases_time = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
                stride_time = []
                for label in label_group:
                # for label in class_labels:
                    if curr_label != label:
                        n_phases += 1
                        stride_samples += count
                        if label == 0:  # Gait start: HS
                            if n_phases == 4:   # If a whole gait cycle has past
                            n_phases = 0
                            stride_samples = 0
                        curr_label = label
                        count = 1
                        count += 1.0
                for phase in range(n_classes):
                    mean_time = np.mean(phases_time[phase])
                    phase_std = np.std(phases_time[phase])
                    rospy.logwarn("(" + state_names[phase] + ")")
                    print "(" + state_names[phase] + ")"
                    rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std))
                    print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
                    rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                    print("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                mean_time = np.mean(stride_time)
                phase_std = np.std(stride_time)
                print "(Stride)"
                rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std))
                print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
                rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                print("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                n_group += 1

            if (true_neg+true_pos+false_neg+false_pos) != 0.0:
                acc = (true_neg + true_pos)/(true_neg + true_pos + false_neg + false_pos)
                acc = 0.0
            """Sensitivity or True Positive Rate"""
            if true_pos+false_neg != 0:
                tpr = true_pos / (true_pos+false_neg)
                tpr = 0.0
            """Specificity or True Negative Rate"""
            if false_pos+true_neg != 0:
                tnr = true_neg / (false_pos+true_neg)
                tnr = 0.0
            rospy.logwarn("Accuracy: {}%".format(acc*100.0))
            print("Accuracy: {}%".format(acc*100.0))
            rospy.logwarn("Sensitivity: {}%".format(tpr*100.0))
            print("Sensitivity: {}%".format(tpr*100.0))
            rospy.logwarn("Specificity: {}%".format(tnr*100.0))
            print("Specificity: {}%".format(tnr*100.0))
            """Goodness index"""
            G = np.sqrt((1-tpr)**2 + (1-tnr)**2)
            if G <= 0.25:
                rospy.logwarn("Optimum classifier (G = {} <= 0.25)".format(G))
                print("Optimum classifier (G = {} <= 0.25)".format(G))
            elif G > 0.25 and G <= 0.7:
                rospy.logwarn("Good classifier (0.25 < G = {} <= 0.7)".format(G))
                print("Good classifier (0.25 < G = {} <= 0.7)".format(G))
            elif G == 0.7:
                rospy.logwarn("Random classifier (G = 0.7)")
                print("Random classifier (G = 0.7)")
                rospy.logwarn("Bad classifier (G = {} > 0.7)".format(G))
                print("Bad classifier (G = {} > 0.7)".format(G))

    del test_gyro_y, test_fder_gyro_y, train_gyro_y, train_fder_gyro_y, d, l
Ejemplo n.º 14
print("         " +
      "".join(s.name.center(len(s.name) + 6) for s in model.states))
for i in range(len(observations) + 1):
    print(" <start> " if i == 0 else observations[i - 1].center(9), end="")
        "{:.0f}%".format(100 * forward_matrix[i, j]).center(len(s.name) + 6)
        for j, s in enumerate(model.states)))

print("\nThe likelihood over all possible paths " + \
      "of this model producing the sequence {} is {:.2f}%\n\n"
      .format(observations, 100 * probability_percentage))
IMPLEMENTATION: Decoding the Most Likely Hidden State Sequence
The Viterbi algorithm calculates the single path with the highest likelihood to produce a specific observation sequence. Pomegranate provides the HMM.viterbi() method to calculate both the hidden state sequence and the corresponding likelihood of the viterbi path.

This is called "decoding" because we use the observation sequence to decode the corresponding hidden state sequence. In the part of speech tagging problem, the hidden states map to parts of speech and the observations map to sentences. Given a sentence, Viterbi decoding finds the most likely sequence of part of speech tags corresponding to the sentence.

Fill in the code in the next section with the same sample observation sequence you used above, and then use the model.viterbi() method to calculate the likelihood and most likely state sequence. Compare the Viterbi likelihood against the forward algorithm likelihood for the observation sequence.

# TODO: input a sequence of 'yes'/'no' values in the list below for testing
observations = ['yes', 'no', 'yes']

# TODO: use model.viterbi to find the sequence likelihood & the most likely path
viterbi_likelihood, viterbi_path = model.viterbi(observations)

print("The most likely weather sequence to have generated " + \
      "these observations is {} at {:.2f}%."
      .format([s[1].name for s in viterbi_path[1:]], np.exp(viterbi_likelihood)*100)
def main():
    phase_pub = rospy.Publisher('/phase', Int32, queue_size=10)
    rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
    packpath = rospack.get_path('exo_control')
    datapath = packpath + "/log/mat_files/"
    verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', False)

    """Print console output into text file"""
    sys.stdout = open(packpath + "/log/results/leave-one-out_cross_validation_cov.txt", "w")

    """Data loading"""
    n_trials = 3
    n_sub = 9
    healthy_subs = ["daniel", "erika", "felipe", "jonathan", "luis", "nathalia", "paula", "pedro", "tatiana"]
    patients = ["andres", "carlos", "carmen", "carolina", "catalina", "claudia", "emmanuel", "fabian", "gustavo"]
    study_subs = [healthy_subs, patients]

    dataset = [{} for x in range(len(study_subs))]
    for i in range(len(study_subs)):
        for sub in study_subs[i]:
            dataset[i][sub] = {"gyro_y": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "fder_gyro_y": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "time": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "labels": [[] for x in range(n_trials)],
                               "Fs_fsr": 0.0}

    for group in dataset:
        for sub,data in group.iteritems():
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                mat_file = scio.loadmat(datapath + sub + "_proc_data" + str(trial+1) + ".mat")
                for signal in data:
                    if signal not in ["pathol","fder_gyro_y"]:
                        if signal == "Fs_fsr":
                            data[signal] = mat_file[signal][0][0]
                            data[signal][trial] = mat_file[signal][0]
    del mat_file

    """Feature extraction"""
    """First derivative"""
    for group in dataset:
        for sub,data in group.iteritems():
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                der = []
                gyro_y = data["gyro_y"][trial]
                for i in range(1,len(gyro_y)-1):
                data["fder_gyro_y"][trial] = der
    del der, sub, data

    """Global variables of cHMM"""
    startprob = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    state_names = ['hs', 'ff', 'ho', 'sw']
    n_classes = 4
    n_signals = 2
    tol = 6e-2       # Tolerance window of 60 ms

    # pathology = 0
    for pathology in range(len(dataset)):
        if pathology == 0:
            rospy.logwarn("**Leave-one-out cross validation with HEALTHY subjects**")
            print "**Leave-one-out cross validation with HEALTHY subjects**"
            rospy.logwarn("**Leave-one-out cross validation with PATIENTS**")
            print "**Leave-one-out cross validation with PATIENTS**"
    # if True:
        for lou_sub,lou_data in dataset[pathology].iteritems():       # Iterate through leave-one-out subject's data
            rospy.logwarn("Leave " + lou_sub + " out:")
            print "Leave " + lou_sub + " out:"

            t = np.zeros((4, 4))        # Transition matrix
            prev = -1
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                for label in lou_data["labels"][trial]:
                    if prev == -1:
                        prev = label
                    t[prev][label] += 1.0
                    prev = label
            t = normalize(t, axis=1, norm='l1')
            if verbose: rospy.logwarn("TRANSITION MATRIX\n" + str(t))

            class_data = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
            # full_lou_data = []
            # full_lou_labels = []
            for trial in range(n_trials):
                for sample in range(len(lou_data["gyro_y"][trial])):
                    d = [lou_data["gyro_y"][trial][sample], lou_data["fder_gyro_y"][trial][sample]]
                    l = lou_data["labels"][trial][sample]
                    # full_lou_data.append(d)
                    # full_lou_labels.append(l)

            """Multivariate Gaussian Distributions for each hidden state"""
            class_means = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_vars = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_std = [[[] for x in range(n_signals)] for i in range(n_classes)]
            class_cov = []

            for state in range(n_classes):
                cov = np.ma.cov(np.array(class_data[state]), rowvar=False)
                for signal in range(n_signals):
                    class_means[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].mean(axis=0)
                    class_vars[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].var(axis=0)
                    class_std[state][signal] = np.array(class_data[state][:])[:, [signal]].std(axis=0)

            # lou_trial = 1
            # if True:
            for lou_trial in range(n_trials):
                rospy.logwarn("Trial {}".format(lou_trial+1))
                print("Trial {}".format(lou_trial+1))

                """Classifier initialization"""
                # distros = []
                hmm_states = []
                for state in range(n_classes):
                    dis = MGD\
                    st = State(dis, name=state_names[state])
                    # distros.append(dis)
                model = HMM(name="Gait")

                """Initial transitions"""
                for state in range(n_classes):
                    model.add_transition(model.start, hmm_states[state], startprob[state])
                """Left-right model"""
                for i in range(n_classes):
                    for j in range(n_classes):
                        model.add_transition(hmm_states[i], hmm_states[j], t[i][j])


                """Create training and test data"""
                x_train = []
                x_test = []
                test_gyro_y = lou_data["gyro_y"][lou_trial]
                test_fder_gyro_y = lou_data["fder_gyro_y"][lou_trial]
                """Create test data with n-th trial of leave-one-out subject"""
                for sample in range(len(test_gyro_y)):
                    x_test.append([test_gyro_y[sample], test_fder_gyro_y[sample]])

                """Create training data with n-1 trials of the rest of subjects (healthy group)"""
                for train_sub,train_data in dataset[0].iteritems():
                    count_trials = 0
                    if lou_sub != train_sub:
                    # if train_sub == "daniel":
                        for trial in range(n_trials):
                            if trial != lou_trial and count_trials < 1:
                                # rospy.logwarn(trial)
                                train_gyro_y = train_data["gyro_y"][trial]
                                train_fder_gyro_y = train_data["fder_gyro_y"][trial]
                                for sample in range(len(train_gyro_y)):
                                    x_train.append([train_gyro_y[sample], train_fder_gyro_y[sample]])
                                count_trials += 1
                x_train = list([x_train])

                rospy.logwarn("Training HMM...")
                model.fit(x_train, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True)
                # model.fit(x_train, algorithm='viterbi', verbose='True')

                """Find most-likely sequence"""
                rospy.logwarn("Finding most-likely sequence...")
                logp, path = model.viterbi(x_test)
                # rospy.logwarn(len(path))
                # rospy.logwarn(len(lou_data["labels"][lou_trial]))

                class_labels = []
                for i in range(len(lou_data["labels"][lou_trial])):
                    path_phase = path[i][1].name
                    for state in range(n_classes):
                        if path_phase == state_names[state]:
                '''Saving classifier labels into csv file'''
                # np.savetxt(packpath+"/log/inter_labels/"+lou_sub+"_labels.csv", class_labels, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')
                # rospy.logwarn("csv file with classifier labels was saved.")
                # lou_data["labels"][lou_trial] = lou_data["labels"][lou_trial][1:]

                """Calculate mean time (MT) of stride and each gait phase and Coefficient of Variation (CoV)"""
                rospy.logwarn("Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)")
                print "Mean time (MT) and Coefficient of Variance (CoV)"

                curr_label = -1
                count = 0
                n_phases = 0
                stride_samples = 0
                phases_time = [[] for x in range(n_classes)]
                stride_time = []
                for label in class_labels:
                    if curr_label != label:
                        n_phases += 1
                        stride_samples += count
                        if label == 0:  # Gait start: HS
                            if n_phases == 4:   # If a whole gait cycle has past
                            n_phases = 0
                            stride_samples = 0
                        curr_label = label
                        count = 1
                        count += 1.0
                for phase in range(n_classes):
                    mean_time = np.mean(phases_time[phase])
                    phase_std = np.std(phases_time[phase])
                    rospy.logwarn("(" + state_names[phase] + ")")
                    print "(" + state_names[phase] + ")"
                    rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std))
                    print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
                    rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                    print("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                mean_time = np.mean(stride_time)
                phase_std = np.std(stride_time)
                print "(Stride)"
                rospy.logwarn("Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std))
                print "Mean time: " + str(mean_time) + " + " + str(phase_std)
                rospy.logwarn("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
                print("CoV: " + str(phase_std/mean_time*100.0))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _segment(self, arr, components=2):

        nonzero = arr[arr > 0]
        idx = self.hampel_filter(np.log2(nonzero))
        filtered = nonzero[idx]

        log_gmm = self.get_states(np.log2(filtered))
        log_means, log_probs = log_gmm.means_.ravel(), log_gmm.weights_
        ln_gmm = self.get_states(filtered) # to improve the sensitivity
        ln_means, ln_probs = ln_gmm.means_.ravel(), ln_gmm.weights_
        if (len(log_means) == 1):
            means, probs = ln_means, ln_probs
            scale = 'linear'
            means, probs = log_means, log_probs
            scale = 'log'

        logger.info('Estimated HMM state number: {0} ({1} scale)'.format(len(means), scale))
        model = HiddenMarkovModel()
        # GMM emissions
        dists = []
        for m in means:
            tmp = []
            for i in range(components):
                e = m + (-1)**i * ((i+1)//2) * 0.5
                s = 0.5
                tmp.append(NormalDistribution(e, s))
            mixture = State(GeneralMixtureModel(tmp), name=str(m))
        # transition matrix
        for i in range(len(means)):
            for j in range(len(means)):
                if i==j:
                    model.add_transition(dists[i], dists[j], 0.8)
                    model.add_transition(dists[i], dists[j], 0.2/(len(means)-1))
        # starts and ends
        for i in range(len(means)):
            model.add_transition(model.start, dists[i], probs[i])

        # training sequences
        tmp = np.zeros(nonzero.size)
        tmp[idx] = filtered
        newarr = np.zeros(arr.size)
        newarr[arr > 0] = tmp

        if len(means) > 1:
            model.fit(self.pieces(newarr, scale=scale), algorithm='baum-welch', n_jobs=self.n_jobs,
                    max_iterations=5000, stop_threshold=2e-4)
            queue = newarr[newarr > 0]
            if scale=='log':
                seq = np.r_[[s.name for i, s in model.viterbi(np.log2(queue))[1][1:]]]
                seq = np.r_[[s.name for i, s in model.viterbi(queue)[1][1:]]]
            seg = self.assign_cnv(queue, seq)
            predicted = np.zeros(newarr.size)
            predicted[newarr > 0] = seg
            seg = self.call_intervals(predicted)
            seg = [(0, newarr.size)]
        return newarr, seg, scale
Ejemplo n.º 17

        # print np.array(seq)
        # print np.array(seq2)
        # seq = np.array(seq)
        seq2 = np.array(seq2)
        # rospy.logwarn(seq)
        cl.fit(seq, algorithm='baum-welch', verbose='True')
        # print(model)

        rospy.logwarn("Start Viterbi")
        log, path = cl.viterbi(seq)
        rospy.logwarn("Viterbi Done")
        # rospy.logwarn(len(path))
        sum_ = 0.0

        if (len(path) - 1) != len(test_data):
            print(path[len(path) - 1][1].name)

        tests += 1
        for i in range(0, len(path) - 1):
            if path[i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-start' and path[
                    i + 1][1].name != 'Gait-end':
Ejemplo n.º 18
print "Algorithms On Infinite Model"
sequence = [ 4.8, 5.6, 24.1, 25.8, 14.3, 26.5, 15.9, 5.5, 5.1 ]
print "Forward"
print model.forward( sequence )

print "\n".join( state.name for state in model.states )
print "Backward"
print model.backward( sequence )

print "Forward-Backward"
trans, emissions = model.forward_backward( sequence )
print trans
print emissions

print "Viterbi"
prob, states = model.viterbi( sequence )
print "Prob: {}".format( prob )
print "\n".join( state[1].name for state in states )
print "MAP"
prob, states = model.maximum_a_posteriori( sequence )
print "Prob: {}".format( prob )
print "\n".join( state[1].name for state in states )

print "Showing that sampling can reproduce the original transition probs."
print "Should produce a matrix close to the following: "
print " [ [ 0.60, 0.10, 0.30 ] "
print "   [ 0.40, 0.40, 0.20 ] "
print "   [ 0.05, 0.15, 0.80 ] ] "
print "Tranition Matrix From 100000 Samples:"