Ejemplo n.º 1
def testClassifier(classifierFilename, case):
    assert case == "lena" or case == "car", "case parameter should be lena or car"

    superPixelClassifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierFilename)
    print "\n*Loaded classifier [ ", type(
        superPixelClassifier), "] from:", classifierFilename

    image = None
    orientation = None

    if case == "car":
        print "*Loading MSRC car image::"
        image = pomio.msrc_loadImages(
        orientation = "lower"

    elif case == "lena":
        print "*Loading Lena.jpg"
        image = skimage.data.lena()
        orientation = "upper"

    print "*Predicting superpixel labels in image::"
    numberSuperPixels = 400
    superPixelCompactness = 10
     superPixelsMask] = predictSuperPixelLabels(superPixelClassifier, image,

    carSuperPixelLabels = getSuperPixelLabelledImage(image, superPixelsMask,

    plotSuperPixelImage(image, carSuperPixelLabels, orientation)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():

    classifierLocation = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/logisticRegression/superpixel/logReg_miniMSRC.pkl"

    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierLocation)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData, ["Images/" + carFile])[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt

    mask = superPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)

    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(
        classifier, car.m_img, 400, 10, True)[0]

    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(
        car.m_img, mask, spLabels)

    # save prediction to file

    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth, carFile)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t", results

    classResults = evaluateClassPerformance(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval class results::\n\t", classResults

    confusionResults = evaluateConfusionMatrix(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval confusion matrix results::\n\t", "Just sum up entries... ", np.sum(
def testClassifier(classifierFilename, case):
    assert case=="lena" or case=="car" , "case parameter should be lena or car"
    superPixelClassifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierFilename)
    print "\n*Loaded classifier [ " , type(superPixelClassifier) , "] from:" , classifierFilename
    image = None
    orientation = None
    if case == "car":
        print "*Loading MSRC car image::"
        image = pomio.msrc_loadImages("/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2", ['Images/7_3_s.bmp'] )[0].m_img
        orientation = "lower"

    elif case == "lena":
        print "*Loading Lena.jpg"
        image = skimage.data.lena()
        orientation = "upper"
    print "*Predicting superpixel labels in image::"
    numberSuperPixels = 400
    superPixelCompactness = 10
    [superPixelLabels, superPixelsMask] = predictSuperPixelLabels(superPixelClassifier, image,numberSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness)
    carSuperPixelLabels = getSuperPixelLabelledImage(image, superPixelsMask, superPixelLabels)
    plotSuperPixelImage(image, carSuperPixelLabels, orientation)
def test():
    # TODO use reference classifier
    classifierName = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/randomForest/superpixel/randyForest_superPixel_maxDepth15_0.6Data.pkl"
    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierName)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData, ["Images/" + carFile])[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt

    mask = SuperPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)

    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(
        classifier, car.m_img, 400, 10)[0]

    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(
        car.m_img, mask, spLabels)

    # save prediction to file
        prediction, "/home/amb/dev/eval/test/predict/testPrediction1.labels")

    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth)

    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t", results
def getAdjProbs(name):
    if name != None and len(name)>0:
        print 'Loading adjacency probs...'
        adjProbs = pomio.unpickleObject(name)
        # This is actually a bunch of counts.  Some will be zero, which is probably
        # a sampling error, so let's offset with some default number of counts.
        adjProbs += 10.0
        # Now turn it into normalised probabilities.
        # todo: hey but this is not normalised for default class probability!
        adjProbs /= adjProbs.sum()
        # transform
        adjProbs = -np.log( adjProbs )
        adjProbs = None
    return adjProbs
def getAdjProbs(name):
    if name != None and len(name) > 0:
        print 'Loading adjacency probs...'
        adjProbs = pomio.unpickleObject(name)
        # This is actually a bunch of counts.  Some will be zero, which is probably
        # a sampling error, so let's offset with some default number of counts.
        adjProbs += 10.0
        # Now turn it into normalised probabilities.
        # todo: hey but this is not normalised for default class probability!
        adjProbs /= adjProbs.sum()
        # transform
        adjProbs = -np.log(adjProbs)
        adjProbs = None
    return adjProbs
def test():
    # TODO use reference classifier
    classifierName = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/randomForest/superpixel/randyForest_superPixel_maxDepth15_0.6Data.pkl"
    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierName)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData , [ "Images/" + carFile ] )[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt
    mask = SuperPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)
    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(classifier, car.m_img,400,10)[0]
    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(car.m_img, mask, spLabels)
    # save prediction to file
    pomio.writeMatToCSV(prediction, "/home/amb/dev/eval/test/predict/testPrediction1.labels")
    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t" , results
Ejemplo n.º 8
parser.add_argument('--nshow', type=int, default=3,\
                      help='Max number of features to show at once on scatter plot grid')
parser.add_argument('--nstart', type=int, default=0,\
                      help='Index of feature to start at')

args = parser.parse_args()

import amntools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pomio


# Load the features and labels
if args.ftrs.endswith('.pkl'):
    ftrs = pomio.unpickleObject(args.ftrs)
    ftrs = pomio.readMatFromCSV(args.ftrs)
N = ftrs.shape[0]
D = ftrs.shape[1]
print '%d feature vectors of dimensionality = %d' % (N, D)

if args.labs == None:
    labs = None
    if args.labs.endswith('.pkl'):
        labs = pomio.unpickleObject(args.labs)
        labs = pomio.readMatFromCSV(args.labs).astype(np.int32)

# show labels
import pomio
import slic
import superPixels
import skimage
import isprs
import amntools

imgRGB = amntools.readImage(args.imagefile)

if len(args.spfile) == 0:
    numberSuperPixels = args.nbSuperPixels
    superPixelCompactness = args.superPixelCompactness
    # Turn image into superpixels.
    spix = superPixels.computeSuperPixelGraph(
        imgRGB, 'slic', [numberSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness])
elif args.spfile.endswith('.pkl'):
    superPixelInput = pomio.unpickleObject(args.spfile)
    spix = superPixelInput[0]
    classProbs = superPixelInput[1]
    colourMap = pomio.msrc_classToRGB
elif args.spfile.endswith('.mat'):
    spix, classProbs = isprs.loadISPRSResultFromMatlab(args.spfile)
    colourMap = isprs.colourMap
    assert False

# Display superpixel boundaries on image.
    superPixels.generateImageWithSuperPixelBoundaries(imgRGB, spix.m_labels))
    description='Apply superPixel classifier to an image.')
parser.add_argument('clfrFn', type=str, action='store', \
                        help='filename of pkl or csv superPixel classifier file')
parser.add_argument('infile', type=str, action='store', \
                        help='filename of input image to be classified')
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, action='store', \
                        help='filename of output image to be classified')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--nbSuperPixels', type=int, default=400, \
                        help='Desired number of super pixels in SLIC over-segmentation')
parser.add_argument('--superPixelCompactness', type=float, default=10.0, \
                        help='Super pixel compactness parameter for SLIC')
args = parser.parse_args()

clfrFn = args.clfrFn
clfr = pomio.unpickleObject(clfrFn)

infile = args.infile
outfile = args.outfile
numberSuperPixels = args.nbSuperPixels
superPixelCompactness = args.superPixelCompactness

if args.verbose:

print 'Classifying file ', args.infile
image = skimage.io.imread(args.infile)
[spClassPreds, spGraph
assert clfrType in ['logreg', 'randyforest'], \
    'Unknown classifier type ' + clfrType

# Check can write these files.
if outfile != None:
    f = open(outfile, 'w')

clfr = None
labs = None
ftrs = None

# Load the features and labels
if infileFtrs.endswith('.pkl'):
    ftrs = pomio.unpickleObject(infileFtrs)
    ftrs = pomio.readMatFromCSV(infileFtrs)
D = ftrs.shape[1]
print 'Feature dimensionality = ', D

if infileLabs.endswith('.pkl'):
    labs = pomio.unpickleObject(infileLabs)
    labs = pomio.readMatFromCSV(infileLabs).astype(np.int32)

n = len(labs)
assert n == ftrs.shape[0], 'Error: there are %d labels and %d training examples' \
    % ( n, ftrs.shape[0] )

assert np.all(np.isfinite(ftrs))
    #classProbs = classProbs[:,:, np.array([1,2,5,3,4])-1]
    # super-pixel probs
    spix, classProbsLUT = isprs.loadISPRSResultFromMatlab( args.matFn )
    classLabs = spix.m_labels
    # map the labels to HxWxC class probabilities matrix
    classProbs = np.zeros( classLabs.shape + (classProbsLUT.shape[1],) )
    for c in range( classProbsLUT.shape[1] ):
      # Get a mask of matching pixels
      classProbs[ :,:, c ] = classProbsLUT[ classLabs, c ]
  classNames = isprs.classLabels
  colourMap = isprs.colourMap
  print 'Computing class probabilities...'
  print 'Loading classifier...'
  clfr = pomio.unpickleObject(clfrFn)
  ftype = 'classic'
  classLabs, classProbs = classification.classifyImagePixels(imgRGB, clfr, \
                                                               ftype, True)
  print 'done.  result size = ', classProbs.shape

  print ' classes = ', clfr.classes_
  # Transform class probs to the correct sized matrix.
  nbRows = imgRGB.shape[0]
  nbCols = imgRGB.shape[1]
  nbClasses = pomio.getNumClasses()

  cpnew = np.zeros( (nbRows, nbCols, nbClasses) )
  for i in range( classProbs.shape[2] ):
      # stuff this set of probs to new label
      cpnew[:,:,clfr.classes_[i]] = classProbs[:,:,i] 
    'Unknown classifier type ' + clfrType

# Check can write these files.
if outfile != None:

clfr = None
labs = None
ftrs = None

# Load the features and labels
if infileFtrs.endswith('.pkl'):
    ftrs = pomio.unpickleObject( infileFtrs )
    ftrs = pomio.readMatFromCSV( infileFtrs )
D = ftrs.shape[1]
print 'Feature dimensionality = ', D

if infileLabs.endswith('.pkl'):
    labs = pomio.unpickleObject( infileLabs )
    labs = pomio.readMatFromCSV( infileLabs ).astype(np.int32)

n = len(labs)
assert n == ftrs.shape[0], 'Error: there are %d labels and %d training examples' \
    % ( n, ftrs.shape[0] )

assert np.all( np.isfinite( ftrs ) )
# Class vars
K = args.K
spix = None
classProbs = None
adjProbs = None

precomputedMode = args.infile.endswith('.pkl') or args.infile.endswith('.mat')

if precomputedMode == True:
    # If the input file is a pkl (not image) assume we've run necessary superpixel classifier, and input is class label probabilities
    # Input is assumed to be a tuple [superpixels, classProbs]

    print "Using pre-computed superpixels and class label probabilities"
    if args.infile.endswith('.pkl'):
      superPixelInput = pomio.unpickleObject(args.infile)
      spix = superPixelInput[0]
      classProbs = superPixelInput[1]
      colourMap = pomio.msrc_classToRGB
      spix, classProbs = isprs.loadISPRSResultFromMatlab( args.infile )
      colourMap = isprs.colourMap

    # Assume input image needs processing and classifying
    print "Superpixel generation mode"
    numberSuperPixels = args.nbSuperPixels
    superPixelCompactness = args.superPixelCompactness

parser.add_argument('--nshow', type=int, default=3,\
                      help='Max number of features to show at once on scatter plot grid')
parser.add_argument('--nstart', type=int, default=0,\
                      help='Index of feature to start at')

args = parser.parse_args()

import amntools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pomio


# Load the features and labels
if args.ftrs.endswith('.pkl'):
    ftrs = pomio.unpickleObject( args.ftrs )
    ftrs = pomio.readMatFromCSV( args.ftrs )
N = ftrs.shape[0]
D = ftrs.shape[1]
print '%d feature vectors of dimensionality = %d' % (N,D)

if args.labs == None:
  labs = None
  if args.labs.endswith('.pkl'):
      labs = pomio.unpickleObject( args.labs )
      labs = pomio.readMatFromCSV( args.labs ).astype(np.int32)

# Class vars
K = args.K
spix = None
classProbs = None
adjProbs = None

precomputedMode = args.infile.endswith('.pkl') or args.infile.endswith('.mat')

if precomputedMode == True:
    # If the input file is a pkl (not image) assume we've run necessary superpixel classifier, and input is class label probabilities
    # Input is assumed to be a tuple [superpixels, classProbs]

    print "Using pre-computed superpixels and class label probabilities"
    if args.infile.endswith('.pkl'):
        superPixelInput = pomio.unpickleObject(args.infile)
        spix = superPixelInput[0]
        classProbs = superPixelInput[1]
        colourMap = pomio.msrc_classToRGB
        spix, classProbs = isprs.loadISPRSResultFromMatlab(args.infile)
        colourMap = isprs.colourMap

    # Assume input image needs processing and classifying
    print "Superpixel generation mode"

    numberSuperPixels = args.nbSuperPixels
    superPixelCompactness = args.superPixelCompactness

    imgRGB = amntools.readImage(args.infile)
Ejemplo n.º 17
from matplotlib import cm
import pomio
import slic
import superPixels
import skimage
import isprs
import amntools

imgRGB = amntools.readImage(args.imagefile)

if len(args.spfile) == 0:
    numberSuperPixels = args.nbSuperPixels
    superPixelCompactness = args.superPixelCompactness
    # Turn image into superpixels.
    spix = superPixels.computeSuperPixelGraph(imgRGB, "slic", [numberSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness])
elif args.spfile.endswith(".pkl"):
    superPixelInput = pomio.unpickleObject(args.spfile)
    spix = superPixelInput[0]
    classProbs = superPixelInput[1]
    colourMap = pomio.msrc_classToRGB
elif args.spfile.endswith(".mat"):
    spix, classProbs = isprs.loadISPRSResultFromMatlab(args.spfile)
    colourMap = isprs.colourMap
    assert False

# Display superpixel boundaries on image.
plt.imshow(superPixels.generateImageWithSuperPixelBoundaries(imgRGB, spix.m_labels))