Ejemplo n.º 1
 def eval(elem, globals, locals=None):
     if locals is None: locals = {}
     not_found = object()
     old_values = []
     all_var_names = elem.var_names + ['for']
     for ass_names, _ in elem.assignments:
     for name in all_var_names:
         old_values.append(locals.get(name, not_found))
     result = []
     list = _eval(elem.code, globals, locals)
     if not list:
         if elem.else_: return elem.else_.eval(globals, locals)
         return ''
     for i, item in enumerate(list):
         if i and elem.separator:
             result.append(elem.separator.eval(globals, locals))
         for name, value in izip(elem.var_names, item):
             locals[name] = value
         locals['for'] = i, len(list)
         for _, code in elem.assignments:
             exec code in globals, locals
         result.append(elem.markup.eval(globals, locals))
     for name, old_value in izip(all_var_names, old_values):
         if old_value is not_found: del locals[name]
         else: locals[name] = old_value
     return elem.empty.join(result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _set_value(grid, value):
     rows = list(value)
     if len(rows) != len(grid._rows): raise TypeError('Incorrect row count')
     for i, row in enumerate(rows):
         if len(row) != len(grid.columns):
             raise TypeError('Incorrect col count in row %d: %d' % (i, len(row)))
     for i, row, values in enumerate(izip(grid._rows, rows)):
         for field, value in izip(row, values):
             if field is not None: field.value = value
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _set_value(grid, value):
     rows = list(value)
     if len(rows) != len(grid._rows): raise TypeError('Incorrect row count')
     for i, row in enumerate(rows):
         if len(row) != len(grid.columns):
             raise TypeError('Incorrect col count in row %d: %d' %
                             (i, len(row)))
     for i, row, values in enumerate(izip(grid._rows, rows)):
         for field, value in izip(row, values):
             if field is not None: field.value = value
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP(decompiler, length):
     keys = decompiler.stack.pop()
     assert isinstance(keys, ast.Const)
     keys = [ ast.Const(key) for key in keys.value ]
     values = decompiler.pop_items(length)
     pairs = list(izip(keys, values))
     return ast.Dict(pairs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def visitGenExprInner(self, node):
        # setup list

        stack = []
        for i, for_ in izip(range(len(node.quals)), node.quals):
            start, anchor, end = self.visit(for_)
            cont = None
            for if_ in for_.ifs:
                if cont is None:
                    cont = self.newBlock()
                self.visit(if_, cont)
            stack.insert(0, (start, cont, anchor, end))


        for start, cont, anchor, end in stack:
            if cont:
            self.emit('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', start)

        self.emit('LOAD_CONST', None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def are_comparable_types(t1, t2, op='=='):
    # types must be normalized already!
    tt1 = type(t1)
    tt2 = type(t2)
    if op in ('in', 'not in'):
        if tt2 is not SetType: return False
        op = '=='
        t2 = t2.item_type
        tt2 = type(t2)
    if op in ('is', 'is not'):
        return t1 is not None and t2 is NoneType
    if tt1 is tuple:
        if not tt2 is tuple: return False
        if len(t1) != len(t2): return False
        for item1, item2 in izip(t1, t2):
            if not are_comparable_types(item1, item2): return False
        return True
    if op in ('==', '<>', '!='):
        if t1 is NoneType and t2 is NoneType: return False
        if t1 is NoneType or t2 is NoneType: return True
        if t1 in primitive_types:
            if t1 is t2: return True
            if (t1, t2) in coercions: return True
            if tt1 is not type or tt2 is not type: return False
            if issubclass(t1, int_types) and issubclass(t2, basestring):
                return True
            if issubclass(t2, int_types) and issubclass(t1, basestring):
                return True
            return False
        if tt1.__name__ == tt2.__name__ == 'EntityMeta':
            return t1._root_ is t2._root_
        return False
    if t1 is t2 and t1 in comparable_types: return True
    return (t1, t2) in coercions
Ejemplo n.º 7
def isbn10_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 9:
        raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit * coef for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), xrange(10, 1, -1))) % 11
    if reminder == 1:
        return "X"
    return reminder and str(11 - reminder) or "0"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def isbn10_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 9: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(
        digit * coef
        for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), xrange(10, 1, -1))) % 11
    if reminder == 1: return 'X'
    return reminder and str(11 - reminder) or '0'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def invoke(url):
    if isinstance(url, str):
        try: url.decode('utf8')
        except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Http400BadRequest
    request = local.request
    response = local.response
    path, qlist = httputils.split_url(url)
    if path[:1] == ['static'] and len(path) > 1:
        return get_static_file(path[1:])
    if path[:2] == ['pony', 'static'] and len(path) > 2:
        return get_static_file(path[2:], pony_static_dir, 30*60)
    qdict = dict(qlist)
    routes = routing.get_routes(path, qdict, request.method, request.host, request.port)
    if routes: pass
    elif request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
        i = url.find('?')
        if i == -1: p, q = url, ''
        else: p, q = url[:i], url[i:]
        if p.endswith('/'): url2 = p[:-1] + q
        else: url2 = p + '/' + q
        path2, qlist = httputils.split_url(url2)
        routes = routing.get_routes(path2, qdict, request.method, request.host, request.port)
        if not routes: return get_static_file(path)
        script_name = request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
        url2 = script_name + url2 or '/'
        if url2 != script_name + url: raise HttpRedirect(url2)
        routes = routing.get_routes(path, qdict, 'GET', request.host, request.port)
        if routes: raise Http405MethodNotAllowed
        raise Http404NotFound

    route, args, kwargs = routes[0]

    if route.redirect:
        for alternative in route.func.routes:
            if not alternative.redirect:
                new_url = make_url(route.func, *args, **kwargs)
                status = '301 Moved Permanently'
                if isinstance(route.redirect, basestring): status = route.redirect
                elif isinstance(route.redirect, (int, long)) and 300 <= route.redirect < 400:
                    status = str(route.redirect)
                raise HttpRedirect(new_url, status)

    names, argsname, keyargsname, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
    params = request.params
    params.update(izip(names, args))

    middlewared_func = middleware.decorator_wrap(normalize_result_decorator(route.func))
    result = middlewared_func(*args, **kwargs)

    headers = response.headers
    headers.setdefault('Expires', '0')
    max_age = headers.pop('Max-Age', '2')
    cache_control = headers.get('Cache-Control')
    if not cache_control: headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % max_age
    headers.setdefault('Vary', 'Cookie')

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def BUILD_MAP(decompiler, length):
     if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
         return ast.Dict(())
     data = decompiler.pop_items(2 * length)  # [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...]
     it = iter(data)
     pairs = list(izip(it, it))  # [(key1, value1), (key2, value2), ...]
     return ast.Dict(tuple(pairs))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_params(key_params_list, key_lineno, lstr, lstr_lineno, lang_code):
    lstr_params_list = [ match.group() for match in param_re.finditer(lstr)
                                       if match.group() != '$$' ]
    if len(key_params_list) != len(lstr_params_list): raise I18nParseError(
        "Parameters count in line %d doesn't match with line %d" % (key_lineno, lstr_lineno))
    for a, b in izip(sorted(key_params_list), sorted(lstr_params_list)):
        if a != b: raise I18nParseError("Unknown parameter in line %d: %s (translation for %s)"
                                        % (lstr_lineno, b, lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def check_params(key_params_list, key_lineno, lstr, lstr_lineno, lang_code):
    lstr_params_list = [ match.group() for match in param_re.finditer(lstr)
                                       if match.group() != '$$' ]
    if len(key_params_list) != len(lstr_params_list): raise I18nParseError(
        "Parameters count in line %d doesn't match with line %d" % (key_lineno, lstr_lineno))
    for a, b in izip(sorted(key_params_list), sorted(lstr_params_list)):
        if a != b: raise I18nParseError("Unknown parameter in line %d: %s (translation for %s)"
                                        % (lstr_lineno, b, lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def decompile(x):
    cells = {}
    t = type(x)
    if t is types.CodeType: codeobject = x
    elif t is types.GeneratorType: codeobject = x.gi_frame.f_code
    elif t is types.FunctionType:
        codeobject = x.func_code if PY2 else x.__code__
        if PY2:
            if x.func_closure: cells = dict(izip(codeobject.co_freevars, x.func_closure))
            if x.__closure__: cells = dict(izip(codeobject.co_freevars, x.__closure__))
    else: throw(TypeError)
    key = get_codeobject_id(codeobject)
    result = ast_cache.get(key)
    if result is None:
        decompiler = Decompiler(codeobject)
        result = decompiler.ast, decompiler.external_names
        ast_cache[key] = result
    return result + (cells,)
def decompile(x):
    cells = {}
    t = type(x)
    if t is types.CodeType: codeobject = x
    elif t is types.GeneratorType: codeobject = x.gi_frame.f_code
    elif t is types.FunctionType:
        codeobject = x.func_code if PY2 else x.__code__
        if PY2:
            if x.func_closure: cells = dict(izip(codeobject.co_freevars, x.func_closure))
            if x.__closure__: cells = dict(izip(codeobject.co_freevars, x.__closure__))
    else: throw(TypeError)
    key = id(codeobject)
    result = ast_cache.get(key)
    if result is None:
        codeobjects[key] = codeobject
        decompiler = Decompiler(codeobject)
        result = decompiler.ast, decompiler.external_names
        ast_cache[key] = result
    return result + (cells,)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _set_value(composite, value):
     values = list(value)
     fields = [
         field for field in composite.fields
         if not isinstance(field, Submit)
     if len(fields) != len(values):
         raise TypeError('Expected sequence of %d values. Got: %d' %
                         (len(fields), len(values)))
     for field, value in izip(fields, values):
         field.value = value
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(decompiler, argc):
     if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
         return decompiler.CALL_FUNCTION(argc, star2=decompiler.stack.pop())
     keys = decompiler.stack.pop()
     assert isinstance(keys, ast.Const)
     keys = keys.value
     values = decompiler.pop_items(argc)
     assert len(keys) <= len(values)
     args = values[:-len(keys)]
     for key, value in izip(keys, values[-len(keys):]):
         args.append(ast.Keyword(key, value))
     return decompiler._call_function(args)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def tag(grid):
     result = [ Html('\n<table><tr>') ]
     for column in grid.columns:
         result.append(Html('<th>%s</th>') % column)
     for row, row_class in izip(grid._rows, cycle(('odd', 'even'))):
         result.append(Html('<tr class="%s">') % row_class)
         for field in row:
             if field is None: result.append(Html('<td>&nbsp;</td>'))
             else: result.append(Html('<td>%s</td>') % field.tag)
     return htmljoin(result)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def tag(grid):
     result = [Html('\n<table><tr>')]
     for column in grid.columns:
         result.append(Html('<th>%s</th>') % column)
     for row, row_class in izip(grid._rows, cycle(('odd', 'even'))):
         result.append(Html('<tr class="%s">') % row_class)
         for field in row:
             if field is None: result.append(Html('<td>&nbsp;</td>'))
             else: result.append(Html('<td>%s</td>') % field.tag)
     return htmljoin(result)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def read_phrases(lines):
   kstr, lstr_list = None, []
   for lineno, line in izip(count(1), lines):
       if not line or line.isspace() or line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue
       elif line[0].isspace():
           if kstr is None: raise I18nParseError(
               "Translation string found but key string was expected in line %d" % lineno)
           lstr_list.append((lineno, line))
       elif kstr is None: kstr = lineno, line  # assert lineno == 1
           yield kstr, lstr_list
           kstr, lstr_list = (lineno, line), []
   if kstr is not None:
       yield kstr, lstr_list
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def check(route):
     names, argsname, keyargsname, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
     if route.star and not argsname: raise TypeError(
         "Function %s does not accept arbitrary argument list" % route.func.__name__)
     args, kwargs = route.args, route.kwargs
     diff = len(names) - len(defaults)
     for i, name in enumerate(names[:diff]):
         if i not in args: raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %s' % name)
     for i, name, default in izip(xrange(diff, diff+len(defaults)), names[diff:], defaults):
         if default is __nodefault__ and i not in args:
             raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %s' % name)
     if args:
         for i in range(len(names), max(args)):
             if i not in args: raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %d' % (i+1))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def read_phrases(lines):
   kstr, lstr_list = None, []
   for lineno, line in izip(count(1), lines):
       if not line or line.isspace() or line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue
       elif line[0].isspace():
           if kstr is None: raise I18nParseError(
               "Translation string found but key string was expected in line %d" % lineno)
           lstr_list.append((lineno, line))
       elif kstr is None: kstr = lineno, line  # assert lineno == 1
           yield kstr, lstr_list
           kstr, lstr_list = (lineno, line), []
   if kstr is not None:
       yield kstr, lstr_list
 def eval(elem, globals, locals=None):
     if locals is None: locals = {}
     not_found = object()
     old_values = []
     all_var_names = elem.var_names + [ 'for' ]
     for ass_names, _ in elem.assignments: all_var_names.extend(ass_names)
     for name in all_var_names:
         old_values.append(locals.get(name, not_found))
     result = []
     list = _eval(elem.code, globals, locals)
     if not list:
         if elem.else_: return elem.else_.eval(globals, locals)
         return ''
     for i, item in enumerate(list):
         if i and elem.separator:
             result.append(elem.separator.eval(globals, locals))
         for name, value in izip(elem.var_names, item): locals[name] = value
         locals['for'] = i, len(list)
         for _, code in elem.assignments: exec code in globals, locals
         result.append(elem.markup.eval(globals, locals))
     for name, old_value in izip(all_var_names, old_values):
         if old_value is not_found: del locals[name]
         else: locals[name] = old_value
     return elem.empty.join(result)
def are_comparable_types(t1, t2, op="=="):
    # types must be normalized already!
    tt1 = type(t1)
    tt2 = type(t2)
    if op in ("in", "not in"):
        if tt2 is not SetType:
            return False
        op = "=="
        t2 = t2.item_type
        tt2 = type(t2)
    if op in ("is", "is not"):
        return t1 is not None and t2 is NoneType
    if tt1 is tuple:
        if not tt2 is tuple:
            return False
        if len(t1) != len(t2):
            return False
        for item1, item2 in izip(t1, t2):
            if not are_comparable_types(item1, item2):
                return False
        return True
    if op in ("==", "<>", "!="):
        if t1 is NoneType and t2 is NoneType:
            return False
        if t1 is NoneType or t2 is NoneType:
            return True
        if t1 in primitive_types:
            if t1 is t2:
                return True
            if (t1, t2) in coercions:
                return True
            if tt1 is not type or tt2 is not type:
                return False
            if issubclass(t1, int_types) and issubclass(t2, basestring):
                return True
            if issubclass(t2, int_types) and issubclass(t1, basestring):
                return True
            return False
        if tt1.__name__ == tt2.__name__ == "EntityMeta":
            return t1._root_ is t2._root_
        return False
    if t1 is t2 and t1 in comparable_types:
        return True
    return (t1, t2) in coercions
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def check(route):
     names, argsname, keyargsname, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
     if route.star and not argsname:
         raise TypeError(
             "Function %s does not accept arbitrary argument list" %
     args, kwargs = route.args, route.kwargs
     diff = len(names) - len(defaults)
     for i, name in enumerate(names[:diff]):
         if i not in args:
             raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %s' % name)
     for i, name, default in izip(xrange(diff, diff + len(defaults)),
                                  names[diff:], defaults):
         if default is __nodefault__ and i not in args:
             raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %s' % name)
     if args:
         for i in range(len(names), max(args)):
             if i not in args:
                 raise TypeError('Undefined path parameter: %d' % (i + 1))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def visitSetComp(self, node):
        # setup list
        self.emit('BUILD_SET', 0)

        stack = []
        for i, for_ in izip(range(len(node.quals)), node.quals):
            start, anchor = self.visit(for_)
            cont = None
            for if_ in for_.ifs:
                if cont is None:
                    cont = self.newBlock()
                self.visit(if_, cont)
            stack.insert(0, (start, cont, anchor))

        self.emit('SET_ADD', len(node.quals) + 1)

        for start, cont, anchor in stack:
            if cont:
            self.emit('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', start)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def isbn13_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 12: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit * coef
                   for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), (1, 3) * 6)) % 10
    return reminder and str(10 - reminder) or '0'
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_routes(path, qdict, method, host, port):
    # registry_lock.acquire()
    # try:
    variants = [ registry ]
    routes = []
    for i, component in enumerate(path):
        new_variants = []
        for d, list1, list2 in variants:
            variant = d.get(component)
            if variant: new_variants.append(variant)
            # if component:
            variant = d.get(None)
            if variant: new_variants.append(variant)
        variants = new_variants
    for d, list1, list2 in variants: routes.extend(list1)
    # finally: registry_lock.release()

    result = []
    not_found = object()
    for route in routes:
        args, kwargs = {}, {}
        priority = 0
        if route.host is not None:
            if route.host != host: continue
            priority += 8000
        if route.port is not None:
            if route.port != port: continue
            priority += 4000
        if method == route.method:
            if method is not None: priority += 2000
        elif route.method is None and method in ('HEAD', 'GET', 'POST'): pass
        elif route.method == 'GET' and method == 'HEAD': priority += 1000
        else: continue

        for i, (is_param, x) in enumerate(route.parsed_path):
            if not is_param:
                priority += 1
            value = path[i].decode('utf8')
            if isinstance(x, int): args[x] = value
            elif isinstance(x, basestring): kwargs[x] = value
            elif isinstance(x, list):
                match = x[1].match(value)
                if not match: break
                params = [ y for is_param, y in x[2:] if is_param ]
                groups = match.groups()
                n = len(x) - len(params)
                if not x[-1][0]: n += 1
                priority += n
                assert len(params) == len(groups)
                for param, value in izip(params, groups):
                    if isinstance(param, int): args[param] = value
                    elif isinstance(param, basestring): kwargs[param] = value
                    else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
            else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
            names, _, _, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
            diff = len(names) - len(defaults)
            non_used_query_params = set(qdict)
            for name, is_param, x in route.parsed_query:
                value = qdict.get(name, not_found)
                if value is not not_found: value = value.decode('utf8')
                if not is_param:
                    if value != x: break
                    priority += 1
                elif isinstance(x, int):
                    if value is not_found:
                        if diff <= x < len(names): continue
                        else: break
                    else: args[x] = value
                elif isinstance(x, basestring):
                    if value is not_found: break
                    kwargs[x] = value
                elif isinstance(x, list):
                    if value is not_found:
                        for is_param, y in x[2:]:
                            if not is_param: continue
                            if isinstance(y, int) and diff <= y < len(names): continue
                        else: continue
                    match = x[1].match(value)
                    if not match: break
                    params = [ y for is_param, y in x[2:] if is_param ]
                    groups = match.groups()
                    n = len(x) - len(params) - 2
                    if not x[-1][0]: n += 1
                    priority += n
                    assert len(params) == len(groups)
                    for param, value in izip(params, groups):
                        if isinstance(param, int): args[param] = value
                        elif isinstance(param, basestring):
                            kwargs[param] = value
                        else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
                else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
                arglist = [ None ] * len(names)
                arglist[diff:] = defaults
                for i, value in sorted(args.items()):
                    converter = converters.get(i)
                    if converter is not None:
                        try: value = converter(value)
                        except: break
                    try: arglist[i] = value
                    except IndexError:
                        assert i == len(arglist)
                    if __nodefault__ in arglist[diff:]: continue
                    if len(route.parsed_path) != len(path):
                        assert route.star
                    result.append((route, arglist, kwargs, priority, len(non_used_query_params)))
    if result:
        x = max(tup[3] for tup in result)
        result = [ tup for tup in result if tup[3] == x ]
        x = min(tup[4] for tup in result)
        result = [ tup[:3] for tup in result if tup[4] == x ]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 28
def invoke(url):
    if isinstance(url, str):
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise Http400BadRequest
    request = local.request
    response = local.response
    path, qlist = httputils.split_url(url)
    if path[:1] == ['static'] and len(path) > 1:
        return get_static_file(path[1:])
    if path[:2] == ['pony', 'static'] and len(path) > 2:
        return get_static_file(path[2:], pony_static_dir, 30 * 60)
    qdict = dict(qlist)
    routes = routing.get_routes(path, qdict, request.method, request.host,
    if routes: pass
    elif request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
        i = url.find('?')
        if i == -1: p, q = url, ''
        else: p, q = url[:i], url[i:]
        if p.endswith('/'): url2 = p[:-1] + q
        else: url2 = p + '/' + q
        path2, qlist = httputils.split_url(url2)
        routes = routing.get_routes(path2, qdict, request.method, request.host,
        if not routes: return get_static_file(path)
        script_name = request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
        url2 = script_name + url2 or '/'
        if url2 != script_name + url: raise HttpRedirect(url2)
        routes = routing.get_routes(path, qdict, 'GET', request.host,
        if routes: raise Http405MethodNotAllowed
        raise Http404NotFound

    route, args, kwargs = routes[0]

    if route.redirect:
        for alternative in route.func.routes:
            if not alternative.redirect:
                new_url = make_url(route.func, *args, **kwargs)
                status = '301 Moved Permanently'
                if isinstance(route.redirect, basestring):
                    status = route.redirect
                elif isinstance(route.redirect,
                                (int, long)) and 300 <= route.redirect < 400:
                    status = str(route.redirect)
                raise HttpRedirect(new_url, status)

    names, argsname, keyargsname, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
    params = request.params
    params.update(izip(names, args))

    middlewared_func = middleware.decorator_wrap(
    result = middlewared_func(*args, **kwargs)

    headers = response.headers
    headers.setdefault('Expires', '0')
    max_age = headers.pop('Max-Age', '2')
    cache_control = headers.get('Cache-Control')
    if not cache_control: headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % max_age
    headers.setdefault('Vary', 'Cookie')

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 29
def isbn13_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 12: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit*coef for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), (1, 3)*6)) % 10
    return reminder and str(10 - reminder) or '0'
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _set_value(composite, value):
     values = list(value)
     fields = [ field for field in composite.fields if not isinstance(field, Submit) ]
     if len(fields) != len(values): raise TypeError(
         'Expected sequence of %d values. Got: %d' % (len(fields), len(values)))
     for field, value in izip(fields, values): field.value = value
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def adapter(values):
     return dict(
         ('p%d' % param.id, value)
         for param, value in izip(params, convert(values, params)))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def get_routes(path, qdict, method, host, port):
    # registry_lock.acquire()
    # try:
    variants = [registry]
    routes = []
    for i, component in enumerate(path):
        new_variants = []
        for d, list1, list2 in variants:
            variant = d.get(component)
            if variant: new_variants.append(variant)
            # if component:
            variant = d.get(None)
            if variant: new_variants.append(variant)
        variants = new_variants
    for d, list1, list2 in variants:
    # finally: registry_lock.release()

    result = []
    not_found = object()
    for route in routes:
        args, kwargs = {}, {}
        priority = 0
        if route.host is not None:
            if route.host != host: continue
            priority += 8000
        if route.port is not None:
            if route.port != port: continue
            priority += 4000
        if method == route.method:
            if method is not None: priority += 2000
        elif route.method is None and method in ('HEAD', 'GET', 'POST'): pass
        elif route.method == 'GET' and method == 'HEAD': priority += 1000
        else: continue

        for i, (is_param, x) in enumerate(route.parsed_path):
            if not is_param:
                priority += 1
            value = path[i].decode('utf8')
            if isinstance(x, int): args[x] = value
            elif isinstance(x, basestring): kwargs[x] = value
            elif isinstance(x, list):
                match = x[1].match(value)
                if not match: break
                params = [y for is_param, y in x[2:] if is_param]
                groups = match.groups()
                n = len(x) - len(params)
                if not x[-1][0]: n += 1
                priority += n
                assert len(params) == len(groups)
                for param, value in izip(params, groups):
                    if isinstance(param, int): args[param] = value
                    elif isinstance(param, basestring): kwargs[param] = value
                    else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
            else: assert False  # pragma: no cover
            names, _, _, defaults, converters = route.func.argspec
            diff = len(names) - len(defaults)
            non_used_query_params = set(qdict)
            for name, is_param, x in route.parsed_query:
                value = qdict.get(name, not_found)
                if value is not not_found: value = value.decode('utf8')
                if not is_param:
                    if value != x: break
                    priority += 1
                elif isinstance(x, int):
                    if value is not_found:
                        if diff <= x < len(names): continue
                        else: break
                    else: args[x] = value
                elif isinstance(x, basestring):
                    if value is not_found: break
                    kwargs[x] = value
                elif isinstance(x, list):
                    if value is not_found:
                        for is_param, y in x[2:]:
                            if not is_param: continue
                            if isinstance(y, int) and diff <= y < len(names):
                    match = x[1].match(value)
                    if not match: break
                    params = [y for is_param, y in x[2:] if is_param]
                    groups = match.groups()
                    n = len(x) - len(params) - 2
                    if not x[-1][0]: n += 1
                    priority += n
                    assert len(params) == len(groups)
                    for param, value in izip(params, groups):
                        if isinstance(param, int): args[param] = value
                        elif isinstance(param, basestring):
                            kwargs[param] = value
                            assert False  # pragma: no cover
                    assert False  # pragma: no cover
                arglist = [None] * len(names)
                arglist[diff:] = defaults
                for i, value in sorted(args.items()):
                    converter = converters.get(i)
                    if converter is not None:
                            value = converter(value)
                        arglist[i] = value
                    except IndexError:
                        assert i == len(arglist)
                    if __nodefault__ in arglist[diff:]: continue
                    if len(route.parsed_path) != len(path):
                        assert route.star
                    result.append((route, arglist, kwargs, priority,
    if result:
        x = max(tup[3] for tup in result)
        result = [tup for tup in result if tup[3] == x]
        x = min(tup[4] for tup in result)
        result = [tup[:3] for tup in result if tup[4] == x]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def adapter(values):
     return dict(('p%d' % param.id, value) for param, value in izip(params, convert(values, params)))