Ejemplo n.º 1
 def is_route(self, uri):
     """Check if uri have any registered record."""
     uri = uni(uri)
     if re_filter.search(uri):
         r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
         return self.is_rroute(r_uri)
     return uri in self.__handlers
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def is_route(self, uri):
     """Check if uri have any registered record."""
     uri = uni(uri)
     if re_filter.search(uri):
         r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
         return self.is_rroute(r_uri)
     return uri in self.__handlers
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def pop_route(self, uri, method):
        """Pop handler for uri and method from handers table.

        Method must be define unique, so METHOD_GET_POST could not be use.
        If you want to remove handler for both methods, you must call pop route
        for each method state.
        uri = uni(uri)

        if re_filter.search(uri):
            r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
            return self.pop_rroute(r_uri, method)
            handlers = self.__handlers.get(uri, {})
            rv = handlers.pop(method)
            if not handlers:    # is empty
                self.__handlers.pop(uri, None)
            return rv
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def pop_route(self, uri, method):
        """Pop handler for uri and method from handers table.

        Method must be define unique, so METHOD_GET_POST could not be use.
        If you want to remove handler for both methods, you must call pop route
        for each method state.
        uri = uni(uri)

        if re_filter.search(uri):
            r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
            return self.pop_rroute(r_uri, method)
            handlers = self.__handlers.get(uri, {})
            rv = handlers.pop(method)
            if not handlers:    # is empty
                self.__handlers.pop(uri, None)
            return rv
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def set_route(self, uri, fn, method=METHOD_HEAD | METHOD_GET):
        """Set handler for uri and method.

        Another way to add fn as handler for uri. See Application.route
        documentation for details.

            app.set_route('/use/post', user_create, METHOD_POST)
        uri = uni(uri)

        if re_filter.search(uri):
            r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
            convertors = tuple((g[0], self.__convertor(g[1]))
                               for g in (m.groups()
                               for m in re_filter.finditer(uri)))
            self.set_rroute(r_uri, fn, method, convertors)
            if uri not in self.__handlers:
                self.__handlers[uri] = {}
            for m in methods.values():
                if method & m:
                    self.__handlers[uri][m] = fn
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_route(self, uri, fn, method=METHOD_HEAD | METHOD_GET):
        """Set handler for uri and method.

        Another way to add fn as handler for uri. See Application.route
        documentation for details.

            app.set_route('/use/post', user_create, METHOD_POST)
        uri = uni(uri)

        if re_filter.search(uri):
            r_uri = re_filter.sub(self.__regex, uri) + '$'
            convertors = tuple((g[0], self.__convertor(g[1]))
                               for g in (m.groups()
                               for m in re_filter.finditer(uri)))
            self.set_rroute(r_uri, fn, method, convertors)
            if uri not in self.__handlers:
                self.__handlers[uri] = {}
            for m in methods.values():
                if method & m:
                    self.__handlers[uri][m] = fn
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def uri(self):
     """The path portion of the URI."""
     return uni(self.__environ.get('PATH_INFO'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def handler_from_table(self, req):
        """Call right handler from handlers table (fill with route function).

        If no handler is fined, try to find directory or file if Document Root,
        resp. Document Index is set. Then try to call default handler for right
        method or call handler for status code 404 - not found.

        # static routes
        if req.uri in self.__handlers:
            if req.method_number in self.__handlers[req.uri]:
                handler = self.__handlers[req.uri][req.method_number]
                req.uri_rule = req.uri      # nice variable for pre handlers
                req.uri_handler = handler
                self.handler_from_pre(req)  # call pre handlers now
                retval = handler(req)       # call right handler now
                # return text is allowed
                if isinstance(retval, str) \
                        or (_unicode_exist and isinstance(retval, unicode)):
                    req.write(retval, 1)    # write data and flush
                    retval = DONE
                if retval != DECLINED:
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(retval or DONE)  # could be state.DONE
            # endif
        # endif

        # regular expression
        for ruri in self.__rhandlers.keys():
            match = ruri.match(req.uri)
            if match and req.method_number in self.__rhandlers[ruri]:
                handler, convertors = self.__rhandlers[ruri][req.method_number]
                req.uri_rule = ruri.pattern  # nice variable for pre handlers
                req.uri_handler = handler
                self.handler_from_pre(req)   # call pre handlers now
                if len(convertors):
                    # create OrderedDict from match insead of dict for
                    # convertors applying
                    req.groups = OrderedDict(
                        (g, c(v))for ((g, c), v) in zip(convertors,
                    retval = handler(req, *req.groups.values())
                    req.groups = match.groupdict()
                    retval = handler(req, *match.groups())
                # return text is allowed
                if isinstance(retval, str) \
                        or (_unicode_exist and isinstance(retval, unicode)):
                    req.write(retval, 1)    # write data and flush
                    retval = DONE
                if retval != DECLINED:
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(retval or DONE)  # could be state.DONE
            # endif - no METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED here
        # endfor

        # try file or index
        if req.document_root():
            rfile = "%s%s" % (uni(req.document_root()),
                              path.normpath("%s" % uni(req.uri)))

            if not path.exists(rfile):
                if req.debug and req.uri == '/debug-info':      # work if debug
                    req.uri_rule = '_debug_info_'
                    req.uri_handler = debug_info
                    self.handler_from_pre(req)  # call pre handlers now
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(debug_info(req, self))
                self.handler_from_default(req)                  # try default
                raise SERVER_RETURN(HTTP_NOT_FOUND)             # not found

            # return file
            if path.isfile(rfile) and access(rfile, R_OK):
                req.uri_rule = '_send_file_'
                req.uri_handler = send_file
                self.handler_from_pre(req)      # call pre handlers now
                req.log_error("Return file: %s" % req.uri, LOG_INFO)
                raise SERVER_RETURN(send_file(req, rfile))

            # return directory index
            if req.document_index and path.isdir(rfile) \
                    and access(rfile, R_OK):
                req.log_error("Return directory: %s" % req.uri, LOG_INFO)
                req.uri_rule = '_directory_index_'
                req.uri_handler = directory_index
                self.handler_from_pre(req)      # call pre handlers now
                raise SERVER_RETURN(directory_index(req, rfile))

        # endif

        if req.debug and req.uri == '/debug-info':
            req.uri_rule = '_debug_info_'
            req.uri_handler = debug_info
            self.handler_from_pre(req)          # call pre handlers now
            raise SERVER_RETURN(debug_info(req, self))


        req.log_error("404 Not Found: %s" % req.uri, LOG_ERR)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def handler_from_table(self, req):
        """Call right handler from handlers table (fill with route function).

        If no handler is fined, try to find directory or file if Document Root,
        resp. Document Index is set. Then try to call default handler for right
        method or call handler for status code 404 - not found.

        # static routes
        if req.uri in self.__handlers:
            if req.method_number in self.__handlers[req.uri]:
                handler = self.__handlers[req.uri][req.method_number]
                req.uri_rule = req.uri      # nice variable for pre handlers
                req.uri_handler = handler
                self.handler_from_pre(req)  # call pre handlers now
                retval = handler(req)       # call right handler now
                # return text is allowed
                if isinstance(retval, str) \
                        or (_unicode_exist and isinstance(retval, unicode)):
                    req.write(retval, 1)    # write data and flush
                    retval = DONE
                if retval != DECLINED:
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(retval or DONE)  # could be state.DONE
            # endif
        # endif

        # regular expression
        for ruri in self.__rhandlers.keys():
            match = ruri.match(req.uri)
            if match and req.method_number in self.__rhandlers[ruri]:
                handler, convertors = self.__rhandlers[ruri][req.method_number]
                req.uri_rule = ruri.pattern  # nice variable for pre handlers
                req.uri_handler = handler
                self.handler_from_pre(req)   # call pre handlers now
                if len(convertors):
                    # create OrderedDict from match insead of dict for
                    # convertors applying
                    req.groups = OrderedDict(
                        (g, c(v))for ((g, c), v) in zip(convertors,
                    retval = handler(req, *req.groups.values())
                    req.groups = match.groupdict()
                    retval = handler(req, *match.groups())
                # return text is allowed
                if isinstance(retval, str) \
                        or (_unicode_exist and isinstance(retval, unicode)):
                    req.write(retval, 1)    # write data and flush
                    retval = DONE
                if retval != DECLINED:
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(retval or DONE)  # could be state.DONE
            # endif - no METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED here
        # endfor

        # try file or index
        if req.document_root():
            rfile = "%s%s" % (uni(req.document_root()),
                              path.normpath("%s" % uni(req.uri)))

            if not path.exists(rfile):
                if req.debug and req.uri == '/debug-info':      # work if debug
                    req.uri_rule = '_debug_info_'
                    req.uri_handler = debug_info
                    self.handler_from_pre(req)  # call pre handlers now
                    raise SERVER_RETURN(debug_info(req, self))
                self.handler_from_default(req)                  # try default
                raise SERVER_RETURN(HTTP_NOT_FOUND)             # not found

            # return file
            if path.isfile(rfile) and access(rfile, R_OK):
                req.uri_rule = '_send_file_'
                req.uri_handler = send_file
                self.handler_from_pre(req)      # call pre handlers now
                req.log_error("Return file: %s" % req.uri, LOG_INFO)
                raise SERVER_RETURN(send_file(req, rfile))

            # return directory index
            if req.document_index and path.isdir(rfile) \
                    and access(rfile, R_OK):
                req.log_error("Return directory: %s" % req.uri, LOG_INFO)
                req.uri_rule = '_directory_index_'
                req.uri_handler = directory_index
                self.handler_from_pre(req)      # call pre handlers now
                raise SERVER_RETURN(directory_index(req, rfile))

        # endif

        if req.debug and req.uri == '/debug-info':
            req.uri_rule = '_debug_info_'
            req.uri_handler = debug_info
            self.handler_from_pre(req)          # call pre handlers now
            raise SERVER_RETURN(debug_info(req, self))


        req.log_error("404 Not Found: %s" % req.uri, LOG_ERR)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def uri(self):
     """The path portion of the URI."""
     return uni(self.__environ.get('PATH_INFO'))