Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: notz/pootle
def comment(request, unit):
    """Stores a new comment for the given ``unit``.

    :return: If the form validates, the cleaned comment is returned.
             An error message is returned otherwise.
    # Update current unit instance's attributes
    unit.commented_by = request.profile
    unit.commented_on = timezone.now()

    language = request.translation_project.language
    form = unit_comment_form_factory(language)(request.POST,

    if form.is_valid():

        context = {
            'comment': unit.translator_comment,
            'language': language,
            'submitter': request.profile,
        t = loader.get_template('unit/xhr-comment.html')
        c = RequestContext(request, context)

        json = {'comment': t.render(c)}
        rcode = 200
        json = {'msg': _("Comment submission failed.")}
        rcode = 400

    response = simplejson.dumps(json)

    return HttpResponse(response, status=rcode, mimetype="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def comment(request, unit):
    """Stores a new comment for the given ``unit``.

    :return: If the form validates, the cleaned comment is returned.
             An error message is returned otherwise.
    # Update current unit instance's attributes
    unit.commented_by = request.profile
    unit.commented_on = datetime.utcnow()

    language = request.translation_project.language
    form = unit_comment_form_factory(language)(request.POST, instance=unit,

    if form.is_valid():

        context = {
            'comment': unit.translator_comment,
            'language': language,
            'submitter': request.profile,
        t = loader.get_template('unit/xhr-comment.html')
        c = RequestContext(request, context)

        json = {'comment': t.render(c)}
        rcode = 200
        json = {'msg':  _("Comment submission failed.")}
        rcode = 400

    response = simplejson.dumps(json)

    return HttpResponse(response, status=rcode, mimetype="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: notz/pootle
def get_edit_unit(request, unit):
    """Given a store path ``pootle_path`` and unit id ``uid``, gathers all the
    necessary information to build the editing widget.

    :return: A templatised editing widget is returned within the ``editor``
             variable and paging information is also returned if the page
             number has changed.
    json = {}

    translation_project = request.translation_project
    language = translation_project.language

    if unit.hasplural():
        snplurals = len(unit.source.strings)
        snplurals = None

    form_class = unit_form_factory(language, snplurals, request)
    form = form_class(instance=unit)
    comment_form_class = unit_comment_form_factory(language)
    comment_form = comment_form_class({}, instance=unit)

    store = unit.store
    directory = store.parent
    profile = request.profile
    alt_src_langs = get_alt_src_langs(request, profile, translation_project)
    project = translation_project.project
    report_target = ensure_uri(project.report_target)

    suggestions = get_sugg_list(unit)
    template_vars = {
        'unit': unit,
        'form': form,
        'comment_form': comment_form,
        'store': store,
        'directory': directory,
        'profile': profile,
        'user': request.user,
        'language': language,
        'source_language': translation_project.project.source_language,
        'cantranslate': check_profile_permission(profile, "translate",
        'cansuggest': check_profile_permission(profile, "suggest", directory),
        'canreview': check_profile_permission(profile, "review", directory),
        'altsrcs': find_altsrcs(unit,
        'report_target': report_target,
        'suggestions': suggestions,

    if translation_project.project.is_terminology or store.is_terminology:
        t = loader.get_template('unit/term_edit.html')
        t = loader.get_template('unit/edit.html')
    c = RequestContext(request, template_vars)
    json['editor'] = t.render(c)

    rcode = 200

    # Return context rows if filtering is applied but
    # don't return any if the user has asked not to have it
    current_filter = request.GET.get('filter', 'all')
    show_ctx = request.COOKIES.get('ctxShow', 'true')

    if ((_is_filtered(request) or current_filter not in ('all', ))
            and show_ctx == 'true'):
        # TODO: review if this first 'if' branch makes sense
        if translation_project.project.is_terminology or store.is_terminology:
            json['ctx'] = _filter_ctx_units(store.units, unit, 0)
            ctx_qty = int(request.COOKIES.get('ctxQty', 1))
            json['ctx'] = _filter_ctx_units(store.units, unit, ctx_qty)
    response = jsonify(json)
    return HttpResponse(response, status=rcode, mimetype="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_edit_unit(request, unit):
    """Given a store path ``pootle_path`` and unit id ``uid``, gathers all the
    necessary information to build the editing widget.

    :return: A templatised editing widget is returned within the ``editor``
             variable and paging information is also returned if the page
             number has changed.
    json = {}

    translation_project = request.translation_project
    language = translation_project.language

    if unit.hasplural():
        snplurals = len(unit.source.strings)
        snplurals = None

    form_class = unit_form_factory(language, snplurals, request)
    form = form_class(instance=unit)
    comment_form_class = unit_comment_form_factory(language)
    comment_form = comment_form_class({}, instance=unit)

    store = unit.store
    directory = store.parent
    profile = request.profile
    alt_src_langs = get_alt_src_langs(request, profile, translation_project)
    project = translation_project.project
    report_target = ensure_uri(project.report_target)

    suggestions = get_sugg_list(unit)
    template_vars = {
        'unit': unit,
        'form': form,
        'comment_form': comment_form,
        'store': store,
        'directory': directory,
        'profile': profile,
        'user': request.user,
        'language': language,
        'source_language': translation_project.project.source_language,
        'cantranslate': check_profile_permission(profile, "translate",
        'cansuggest': check_profile_permission(profile, "suggest", directory),
        'canreview': check_profile_permission(profile, "review", directory),
        'altsrcs': find_altsrcs(unit, alt_src_langs, store=store,
        'report_target': report_target,
        'suggestions': suggestions,

    if translation_project.project.is_terminology or store.is_terminology:
        t = loader.get_template('unit/term_edit.html')
        t = loader.get_template('unit/edit.html')
    c = RequestContext(request, template_vars)
    json['editor'] = t.render(c)

    rcode = 200

    # Return context rows if filtering is applied but
    # don't return any if the user has asked not to have it
    current_filter = request.GET.get('filter', 'all')
    show_ctx = request.COOKIES.get('ctxShow', 'true')

    if ((_is_filtered(request) or current_filter not in ('all',)) and
        show_ctx == 'true'):
        # TODO: review if this first 'if' branch makes sense
        if translation_project.project.is_terminology or store.is_terminology:
            json['ctx'] = _filter_ctx_units(store.units, unit, 0)
            ctx_qty = int(request.COOKIES.get('ctxQty', 1))
            json['ctx'] = _filter_ctx_units(store.units, unit, ctx_qty)
    response = jsonify(json)
    return HttpResponse(response, status=rcode, mimetype="application/json")