Ejemplo n.º 1
def addMemory(patientId):
    cur = db.cursor()

    # sample input
    # {
    #	"keywords": [
    #		"a",
    #		"b"
    #	],
    #	"message": "keys on fridge!"
    # }

    data = request.data
    dataDirt = json.loads(data)

    #follow the JSON I gave out!
    message = dataDirt['message']

        #insert memory into memory table
            "INSERT INTO memory (patient_id, date_created, passage) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s)",
            (patientId, message))
        memory_last_id = cur.lastrowid
        for key in dataDirt['keywords']:
            #insert key words into keyword table
                "INSERT INTO keys_db (memory_id, word) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                (memory_last_id, key))
            key_last_id = cur.lastrowid
                "SELECT * FROM recall_db WHERE word = %s AND patient_id = %s",
                (key, patientId))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            #if this is the first entry
            if len(data) == 0:
                    "INSERT INTO recall_db (word, memory_id, patient_id, search_count, store_count) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                    (key, memory_last_id, patientId, 0, 1))
                print("creating first entry")
            #If an entry is already there
                    "SELECT store_count FROM recall_db WHERE word = %s AND patient_id = %s",
                    (key, patientId))
                data = cur.fetchall()
                count = 0
                #iterate the counter
                for row in data:
                    count = str(row[0])
                new_count = int(count) + 1
                    "UPDATE recall_db SET store_count = %s WHERE patient_id = %s AND word = %s",
                    (new_count, patientId, key))
    except Exception, e:
        return createErrorResponse("Something went wrong in post of memory.py",
                                   e, 500)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getMemory(patientId):
	#make sure to include ?search=something when using this
	cur = db.cursor()
		searchkeys = request.args.getlist("searchkeys")
		# search for all rows in recall_db where patientid = patientid and (word = searchkeys[i] OR word = searchkey[i+1])
		format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(searchkeys))		
		cur.execute("select distinct passage from keys_db left join memory using(memory_id) where patient_id = %s and word IN ({0}) order by date_created desc".format(format_strings), (patientId, tuple(searchkeys)))
		rows = cur.fetchall()
		memory_list = []
		for row in rows:
	except Exception, e:
		return createErrorResponse("Problem in the Get function of memory.py", e, 500)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def addMemory(patientId):
	cur = db.cursor()
	# sample input
	# {
	#	"keywords": [
	#		"a",
	#		"b"
	#	],
	#	"message": "keys on fridge!"
	# }
	data = request.data
	dataDirt = json.loads(data)

	#follow the JSON I gave out!
	message = dataDirt['message']

		#insert memory into memory table
		cur.execute("INSERT INTO memory (patient_id, date_created, passage) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s)", (patientId, message))
		memory_last_id = cur.lastrowid
		for key in dataDirt['keywords']:
			#insert key words into keyword table
			cur.execute("INSERT INTO keys_db (memory_id, word) VALUES (%s, %s)", (memory_last_id, key))
			key_last_id = cur.lastrowid
			cur.execute("SELECT * FROM recall_db WHERE word = %s AND patient_id = %s", (key, patientId))
			data = cur.fetchall()
			#if this is the first entry
			if len(data) == 0:
				cur.execute("INSERT INTO recall_db (word, memory_id, patient_id, search_count, store_count) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (key, memory_last_id, patientId, 0, 1))
				print("creating first entry")
			#If an entry is already there
				cur.execute("SELECT store_count FROM recall_db WHERE word = %s AND patient_id = %s", (key, patientId))
				data = cur.fetchall()
				count = 0
				#iterate the counter
				for row in data:
					 count = str(row[0])
				new_count = int(count) + 1
				cur.execute("UPDATE recall_db SET store_count = %s WHERE patient_id = %s AND word = %s", (new_count, patientId, key))
	except Exception, e:
		return createErrorResponse("Something went wrong in post of memory.py", e, 500)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getMemory(patientId):
    #make sure to include ?search=something when using this
    cur = db.cursor()
        searchkeys = request.args.getlist("searchkeys")

        # search for all rows in recall_db where patientid = patientid and (word = searchkeys[i] OR word = searchkey[i+1])
        format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(searchkeys))
            "select distinct passage from keys_db left join memory using(memory_id) where patient_id = %s and word IN ({0}) order by date_created desc"
            .format(format_strings), (patientId, tuple(searchkeys)))
        rows = cur.fetchall()

        memory_list = []
        for row in rows:
    except Exception, e:
        return createErrorResponse("Problem in the Get function of memory.py",
                                   e, 500)