Ejemplo n.º 1
 def matchandadd(self, ol, centrepose, spreadpose):
     """ matches the given occupiedlist ol by searching around the 
     centrepose a distance of spreadpose. If the match is successful the 
     occupied list is transfomred and combined with the current occupied 
     list. Returns the pose at which the occupied list ol was added."""
     # TODO add a threshold for deciding whether to merge
     # TODO add unit test for this
     # TODO add a ray trace clear?
     poses, overlaps = self.match(ol, centrepose, spreadpose)
     bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D(poses[np.argmax(overlaps), :])
     return bestpose
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _cost_min_scipy(objective_func, initialpose, args):
    import scipy.optimize as optimize
    initialpose = initialpose.getTuple()
    returns = optimize.fmin(objective_func,
    #returns = optimize.fmin_powell(objective_func, initialpose, args=args, disp=True, full_output=True)
    #returns = optimize.fmin_slsqp(objective_func, initialpose, args=args, full_output=True) # doesn't work?
    #initpose = np.asarray(initialpose)
    #delta = np.asarray((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
    #lower = initpose - delta
    #upper = initpose + delta
    #returns = optimize.anneal(objective_func, initialpose, args=args, lower=lower, upper=upper)
    bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D(X=returns[0])
    cost = returns[1]
    return bestpose, cost
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def align_points(self, xyzs, guess_pose, two_D=False, full_data=False):
        '''Align the point cloud xyzs with the data already contained in the 
        map, using the guess_pose as a seed to the optimisation. Returns the 
        pose that best fits the point cloud data to the map and the value of 
        the objective function at that pose.
        If the map is a multi-resolution structure, then the alignment will use 
        the data at the various resolutions to perform the alignment, which is 
        more expensive, but more robust. To force alignment at just a single 
        resolution, specify the level parameter.
        By default, the alignment is a 6DOF optimization. This can be 
        constrained to the XY plane by enabling the two_D parameter.'''

        xyzs = xyzs.points
        bestpose, cost = self.mrol.optimise_alignment(xyzs,
        bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D(bestpose)
        return bestpose, cost
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def matchbest(self, xyzs, centrepose, spreadpose):
     poses, overlaps = self.match(xyzs, centrepose, spreadpose)
     bestind = np.argmax(overlaps)
     bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D(poses[bestind, :])
     cost = overlaps[bestind]
     return bestpose, cost
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def match(self, xyzs, centrepose, spreadpose):
        """Does a global search of the specified pose space.
        Find the possible locations of the occupied list ol in the current 
        occupied list.  Takes an occupied list to match to the current one and 
        two poses."""
        debug = False

        # determines the orientation step size as it relates to occupancy list
        # resolution
        poses = None
        bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D()

        totaltime = time.time()
        lasttime = time.time()
        #for i in range(len(self.voxels)):
        # volumetric sample and each resolution equivalent to matching two
        # occupiedlists together but without the double quantisation error
        # TODO think about this number
        #xyzs = util.getsample(xyzs, 1000)

        levels = len(self.mapvoxels)
        table = np.zeros((levels + 2, 9), dtype=np.dtype('S8'))
        # header for the table of values of interest
            0, :] = "Res modal map    scan   pose  pose  Top     Time  Best".split(
            1, :] = "(m) Frac  voxels points count count overlap Taken pose".split(
        for i, mapol in enumerate(self.mapvoxels):
            tablerow = i + 2
            res = mapol.resolution
            deltaposition = res
            deltaorientation = res / self.feature_range  # 8
            if poses == None:
                poses = poseutil.uniformposes(centrepose, spreadpose,
                                              deltaposition, deltaorientation)
                poses = poseutil.refineposes(poses, deltaposition,

            # TODO remove poses outside search space this needs tidying up/thinking about
            #cparr = np.array(centrepose.get())
            #sparr = np.array(spreadpose.get())
            #D = np.array((deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaorientation, deltaorientation, deltaorientation))
            #maxpose = cparr + sparr + D
            #minpose = cparr - sparr - D
            #select = np.logical_and(np.all(poses <= maxpose, 1), np.all(poses >= minpose, 1))
            ##print 'Culling poses: ', len(poses), sum(select)
            #poses = poses[select]

            xyzs_sample = util.volumetricsample(xyzs, res)
            table[tablerow, :5] = (res, modalfractions[i], len(mapol),
                                   len(xyzs_sample), len(poses))

            # TODO TIME consuming line
            #overlaps = self.getoverlaps(ol, i, poses)
            overlaps = []
            for pose in poses:
                #overlap = np.sum(mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=True))
                overlap = mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=False)
                #overlaps.append(-self.objectivefuncMROL(pose, xyzs_sample))
            overlaps = np.asarray(overlaps)

            ind_max = np.argmax(overlaps)
            bestoverlap = overlaps[ind_max]
            #candidates = overlaps >= modalfractions[i] * bestoverlap
            # maybe just take the top n?
            if len(overlaps) > topn:
                candidates = overlaps.argsort()[-topn:]
                candidates = range(len(overlaps))
            timetaken = time.time() - lasttime
            lasttime = time.time()
                  5:] = (len(candidates), bestoverlap, timetaken, bestpose)
            printtable(table, width=9)
            print bestpose
            #scansize = ol.voxels[-1].shape[0]
            poses = poses[candidates]

        print "Total time: ", time.time() - totaltime
        overlaps = overlaps[candidates]
        return bestpose, bestoverlap
Ejemplo n.º 6
def cost_min(cost_func,
    if isinstance(initialpose, poseutil.Pose3D):
        bestpose = np.asarray(initialpose.getTuple())
        bestpose = np.asarray(initialpose)
    already_checked = {}
    # TODO use manhatten moves so no diagonal moves, can still move
    # diagonally but takes two steps however drastically cuts number of
    # adjacent poses to test from 2^6 to 2*6
    # each coord is plus or minus 1 individually all other are held the same
    # this is equivalent to partial differentiation and should only need 12
    # poses to check
    X = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    Y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    Z = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    if two_D:
        raise NotImplmented
        # TODO fix this as per below
        #mg = np.vstack((
        #(1.  , 0   , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0)   ,
        #(0   , 1.  , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0)   ,
        #(0   , 0   , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.)  ,
        #(-1. , 0   , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0)   ,
        #(0   , -1. , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0)   ,
        #(0   , 0   , 0 , 0 , 0 , -1.) ,
        # TODO Try parallel testing of these poses.
        #import pydb;pydb.set_trace()
        mg = np.vstack((np.identity(6), -np.identity(6)))
        x_ = np.hstack([np.vstack([X, X, X]), np.identity(3)])
        x__ = np.hstack([np.vstack([X, X, X]), -np.identity(3)])
        y_ = np.hstack([np.vstack([Y, Y, Y]), np.identity(3)])
        y__ = np.hstack([np.vstack([Y, Y, Y]), -np.identity(3)])
        z_ = np.hstack([np.vstack([Z, Z, Z]), np.identity(3)])
        z__ = np.hstack([np.vstack([Z, Z, Z]), -np.identity(3)])
        mg = np.vstack(
            [mg, x_, -x_, x__, -x__, y_, -y_, y__, -y__, z_, -z_, z__, -z__])

    mg[:, 0:3] *= dx
    mg[:, 3:6] *= dq
    initialoverlap = -cost_func(bestpose, args[0])
    previousmax = initialoverlap
    maxo = initialoverlap
    p_tup = poseutil.tuplepose(bestpose)
    already_checked[p_tup] = True
    called_count = 1
    iter_count = 0
    if verbosity > 1:
        print 'Scan voxel count, overlaps, max overlap'
    for i in range(max_iterations):
        iter_count += 1
        poses = bestpose + mg
        overlaps = []
        # check poses surrounding bestpose
        for p in poses:
            p_tup = poseutil.tuplepose(p)
            # optimization to save calculating the cost for poses which we have
            # previously calculated the cost for
            if already_checked.has_key(p_tup):
                already_checked[p_tup] = True
                cost = -cost_func(p, args[0])
                # negative because this is a maximiser
                called_count += 1
                if verbosity > 3:
                    print poseutil.Pose3D(p), cost
        assert len(
        ) != 0, "Already checked ALL of these poses: Some sort of circular minimisation error?"
        overlaps = np.array(overlaps)
        maxoi = np.argmax(overlaps)
        maxo = overlaps[maxoi]
        if sum(overlaps == maxo) > 1:
            print 'WARNING: multiple maxima'
        if verbosity > 2:
            print i, ':', overlaps, maxo
            #print 'Best pose:', poses[maxoi]
        # break if current pose is maximum in the case when alternative pose is
        # of equal overlap pick the previous pose
        if maxo <= previousmax:
            maxo = previousmax
            # re-assign for next loop
            bestpose = poses[maxoi]
            previousmax = maxo
        if verbosity > 1:
            print bestpose, maxo
    if iter_count >= max_iterations:
        print "WARNING: Maximum number of iterations reached. Solution did not reach convergence."

    if verbosity > 0:
        print 'cost function evaluated:', called_count, 'times over', iter_count, 'iterations'
        print len(args[0]), 'cost increase:', initialoverlap, '->', maxo
    return bestpose, -maxo  # -ve again because it is standard for the calling function to assume a minimisation.