[trustees, president],
sec_of_corp = pfile.Position("Secretary of the Corporation",

provost = pfile.Position("Provost",
evp = VP("Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer", "jmd11")
pma = VP("Provost for Medical Affairs", "amc562")
vdai = pfile.Position("Vice Dean for Academic Integration",
                    [provost, pma],
dean_med = pfile.Position("Dean of the Medical College", "amc562", [pma], [])
dean_as = Dean('Dean of Arts and Sciences', "gr72", search_in_progress=True)
dean_bus = Dean('Dean of Business', "ljt3", search_in_progress=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    title = "Fragment starting at Board of Trustees (blue dot).\n"
    title += "(Resize the window if this figure is hard to read.)"
    pfile.draw(trustees, figtitle=title)

# Create some Positions and keep them in plist
plist = []
branch_length = 6
for letter in 'ab':
    for i in range(branch_length):
        title = "Level" + str(i)
        holder = 3*letter + str(i)
        if i == 0:
            suplist = []
            suplist = [plist[-1]]
        new = pfile.Position(title, holder, suplist, [])
        if i > 0:
plist[3].search_in_progress = True
plist[3 + branch_length].search_in_progress = True
topdog = pfile.Position("Top Dog",
                        [plist[0], plist[branch_length]])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    title = "Scraggly example with Top Dog (blue dot) as supreme boss.\n"
    title += "(Resize the window if this figure is hard to read.)"
    pfile.draw(topdog, figtitle=title)