Ejemplo n.º 1
class CreativeTLD(ScannerPlugin):
    """ Reject clients with unofficial TLD in rdns """
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
                'description':'Action if sender uses invalid TLD',
                'default':'forged rDNS TLD',

        self.filelist=FileList(filename=None,strip=True, skip_empty=True, skip_comments=True,lowercase=True,minimum_time_between_reloads=86400)

    def examine(self,suspect):
        retaction,retmessage = DUNNO,''
        tlds = self.filelist.get_list()

        if revclient is None or revclient.strip()=='unknown' or '.' not in revclient:
            return DUNNO,''

        if tld not in tlds:

        return retaction,retmessage

    def lint(self):
        if retaction not in reasonable_actions:
            print "are you sure about action '%s' ?"%retaction
            print "I'd expect one of %s"%(",".join(reasonable_actions))

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print 'Error checking config'
            lint_ok = False

        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "Creative TLD"
Ejemplo n.º 2
class HELOTLDPlugin(ScannerPlugin):
    This plugin rejects messages if the HELO uses an invalid TLD
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
                'description':'filename containing official TLDs. Add a cronjob to dowload this.',
                'description':'additional tld file with local exceptions',
                'description':'Action to take if the TLD is invalid',
                'default':"""HELO ${helo_name} contains forged/unresolvable TLD '.${helo_tld}'"""

    def examine(self,suspect):


        if helo_name is None :
            self.logger.error('missing helo')
            return DUNNO


        #initialize loaders
        if self.tld_loader is None:

        if helo_tld in self.tld_loader.get_list():
            return DUNNO,''

        if self.exception_loader is None:

        if helo_tld in self.exception_loader.get_list():
            return DUNNO,''

        message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section,'messagetemplate'),suspect,dict(helo_tld=helo_tld))

        return action, message

    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not os.path.exists(tld_file):
            print("TLD file %s not found"%tld_file)
            lint_ok = False
        if not os.path.exists(exceptionfile):
            print("TLD exception file %s not found"%exceptionfile)
            lint_ok = False

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False

        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "HeloTLD"
Ejemplo n.º 3
class HELOTLDPlugin(ScannerPlugin):
    This plugin rejects messages if the HELO uses an invalid TLD
    def __init__(self, config, section=None):
        ScannerPlugin.__init__(self, config, section)
        self.logger = self._logger()

        self.requiredvars = {
            'tldfile': {
                'filename containing official TLDs. Add a cronjob to dowload this.',
            'exceptionfile': {
                'default': '/etc/mail/tlds-exceptions.txt',
                'description': 'additional tld file with local exceptions',
            'on_fail': {
                'default': 'REJECT',
                'description': 'Action to take if the TLD is invalid',
            'messagetemplate': {
                """HELO ${helo_name} contains forged/unresolvable TLD '.${helo_tld}'"""

        self.tld_loader = None
        self.exception_loader = None

    def examine(self, suspect):

        helo_name = suspect.get_value('helo_name')

        if helo_name is None:
            self.logger.error('missing helo')
            return DUNNO

        helo_tld = helo_name.split('.')[-1].lower()

        #initialize loaders
        tld_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'tldfile')
        if self.tld_loader is None:
            self.tld_loader = FileList(tld_file,

        if helo_tld in self.tld_loader.get_list():
            return DUNNO, ''

        exceptionfile = self.config.get(self.section, 'exceptionfile')
        if self.exception_loader is None:
            self.exception_loader = FileList(exceptionfile,

        if helo_tld in self.exception_loader.get_list():
            return DUNNO, ''

        message = apply_template(
            self.config.get(self.section, 'messagetemplate'), suspect,
        action = self.config.get(self.section, "on_fail")

        return action, message

    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        tld_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'tldfile')
        exceptionfile = self.config.get(self.section, 'exceptionfile')
        if not os.path.exists(tld_file):
            print("TLD file %s not found" % tld_file)
            lint_ok = False
        if not os.path.exists(exceptionfile):
            print("TLD exception file %s not found" % exceptionfile)
            lint_ok = False

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False

        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "HeloTLD"
Ejemplo n.º 4
class CreativeTLD(ScannerPlugin):
    """ Reject clients with unofficial TLD in rdns """
    def __init__(self, config, section=None):
        ScannerPlugin.__init__(self, config, section)
        self.logger = self._logger()
        self.requiredvars = {
            'action': {
                'default': 'REJECT',
                'description': 'Action if sender uses invalid TLD',
            'message': {
                'default': 'forged rDNS TLD',
            'tldfile': {
                'default': '/etc/mail/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt',

        self.filelist = FileList(filename=None,

    def examine(self, suspect):
        retaction, retmessage = DUNNO, ''
        revclient = suspect.get_value('reverse_client_name')
        self.filelist.filename = self.config.get(self.section, 'domainsfile')
        tlds = self.filelist.get_list()

        if revclient is None or revclient.strip(
        ) == 'unknown' or '.' not in revclient:
            return DUNNO, ''

        tld = revclient.split('.')[-1].lower()
        if tld not in tlds:
            retaction = self.config.get(self.section, 'action').strip()
            retmessage = self.config.get(self.section, 'message').strip()

        return retaction, retmessage

    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        retaction = self.config.get(self.section, 'action').strip().lower()
        reasonable_actions = [
        if retaction not in reasonable_actions:
            print("are you sure about action '%s' ?" % retaction)
            print("I'd expect one of %s" % (",".join(reasonable_actions)))
            lint_ok = False

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False

        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "Creative TLD"
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SPFPlugin(ScannerPlugin):
    """This plugin performs SPF validation using the pyspf module https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspf/
    by default, it just logs the result (test mode)

    to enable actual rejection of messages, add a config option on_<resulttype> with a valid postfix action. eg:

    on_fail = REJECT

    valid result types are: 'pass', 'permerror', 'fail', 'temperror', 'softfail', 'none', and 'neutral'
    def __init__(self, config, section=None):
        ScannerPlugin.__init__(self, config, section)
        self.logger = self._logger()

        self.requiredvars = {
            'ip_whitelist_file': {
                'file containing a list of ip adresses to be exempted from SPF checks. Supports CIDR notation if the netaddr module is installed. is always exempted',
            'domain_selective_spf_file': {
                'if this is non-empty, only sender domains in this file will be checked for SPF',
            'dbconnection': {
                'SQLAlchemy Connection string. Leave empty to disable SQL lookups',
            'domain_sql_query': {
                "SELECT check_spf from domain where domain_name=:domain",
                'get from sql database :domain will be replaced with the actual domain name. must return field check_spf',
            'on_fail': {
                'default': 'DUNNO',
                'description': 'Action for SPF fail.',
            'on_softfail': {
                'default': 'DUNNO',
                'description': 'Action for SPF softfail.',
            'messagetemplate': {
                'SPF ${result} for domain ${from_domain} from ${client_address} : ${explanation}'

        self.ip_whitelist_loader = None
        self.ip_whitelist = [
        ]  # either a list of plain ip adress strings or a list of IPNetwork if netaddr is available

        self.selective_domain_loader = None

    def check_this_domain(self, from_domain):
        global SETTINGSCACHE

        do_check = False
        selective_sender_domain_file = self.config.get(
            self.section, 'domain_selective_spf_file', '').strip()
        if selective_sender_domain_file != '' and os.path.exists(
            if self.selective_domain_loader is None:
                self.selective_domain_loader = FileList(
                    selective_sender_domain_file, lowercase=True)
            if from_domain.lower() in self.selective_domain_loader.get_list():
                do_check = True

        if not do_check:
            dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection',
            sqlquery = self.config.get(self.section, 'domain_sql_query')

            if dbconnection != '' and SQLALCHEMY_AVAILABLE:
                if SETTINGSCACHE is None:
                    SETTINGSCACHE = SettingsCache()
                do_check = get_domain_setting(from_domain, dbconnection,
                                              sqlquery, SETTINGSCACHE, False,

            elif dbconnection != '' and not SQLALCHEMY_AVAILABLE:
                    'dbconnection specified but sqlalchemy not available - skipping db lookup'

        return do_check

    def is_private_address(self, addr):
        if addr == '' or addr == '::1' or addr.startswith(
                '10.') or addr.startswith('192.168.') or addr.startswith(
            return True
        if not addr.startswith('172.'):
            return False
        for i in range(16, 32):
            if addr.startswith('172.%s' % i):
                return True
        return False

    def ip_whitelisted(self, addr):
        if self.is_private_address(addr):
            return True

        #check ip whitelist
        ip_whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'ip_whitelist_file',
        if ip_whitelist_file != '' and os.path.exists(ip_whitelist_file):
            plainlist = []
            if self.ip_whitelist_loader is None:
                self.ip_whitelist_loader = FileList(ip_whitelist_file,

            if self.ip_whitelist_loader.file_changed():
                plainlist = self.ip_whitelist_loader.get_list()

                if HAVE_NETADDR:
                    self.ip_whitelist = [IPNetwork(x) for x in plainlist]
                    self.ip_whitelist = plainlist

            if HAVE_NETADDR:
                checkaddr = IPAddress(addr)
                for net in self.ip_whitelist:
                    if checkaddr in net:
                        return True
                if addr in plainlist:
                    return True
        return False

    def examine(self, suspect):
        if not HAVE_SPF:
            return DUNNO

        client_address = suspect.get_value('client_address')
        helo_name = suspect.get_value('helo_name')
        sender = suspect.get_value('sender')
        if client_address is None or helo_name is None or sender is None:
            self.logger.error('missing client_address or helo or sender')
            return DUNNO

        if self.ip_whitelisted(client_address):
            self.logger.info("Client %s is whitelisted - no SPF check" %
            return DUNNO

        sender_email = strip_address(sender)
        if sender_email == '' or sender_email is None:
            return DUNNO

        sender_domain = extract_domain(sender_email)
        if sender_domain is None:
            self.logger.error('no domain found in sender address %s' %
            return DUNNO

        if not self.check_this_domain(sender_domain):
            self.logger.debug('skipping SPF check for %s' % sender_domain)
            return DUNNO

        result, explanation = spf.check2(client_address, sender_email,
        suspect.tags['spf'] = result
        if result != 'none':
                'SPF client=%s, sender=%s, h=%s result=%s : %s' %
                (client_address, sender_email, helo_name, result, explanation))

        action = DUNNO
        message = apply_template(
            self.config.get(self.section, 'messagetemplate'), suspect,
            dict(result=result, explanation=explanation))

        configopt = 'on_%s' % result
        if self.config.has_option(self.section, configopt):
            action = string_to_actioncode(
                self.config.get(self.section, configopt))

        return action, message

    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True

        if not HAVE_SPF:
            print 'pyspf or pydns module not installed - this plugin will do nothing'
            lint_ok = False

        if not HAVE_NETADDR:
            print 'WARNING: netaddr python module not installed - IP whitelist will not support CIDR notation'

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print 'Error checking config'
            lint_ok = False

        selective_sender_domain_file = self.config.get(
            self.section, 'domain_selective_spf_file', '').strip()
        if selective_sender_domain_file != '' and not os.path.exists(
            print "domain_selective_spf_file %s does not exist" % selective_sender_domain_file
            lint_ok = False

        ip_whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'ip_whitelist_file',
        if ip_whitelist_file != '' and os.path.exists(ip_whitelist_file):
            print "ip_whitelist_file %s does not exist - IP whitelist is disabled" % ip_whitelist_file
            lint_ok = False

        sqlquery = self.config.get(self.section, 'domain_sql_query')
        dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection',
        if not SQLALCHEMY_AVAILABLE and dbconnection != '':
            print 'SQLAlchemy not available, cannot use SQL backend'
            lint_ok = False
        elif dbconnection == '':
            print 'No DB connection defined. Disabling SQL backend'
            if not sqlquery.lower().startswith('select '):
                lint_ok = False
                print 'SQL statement must be a SELECT query'
            if lint_ok:
                    conn = get_session(dbconnection)
                    conn.execute(sqlquery, {'domain': 'example.com'})
                except Exception as e:
                    lint_ok = False
                    print str(e)

        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "SPF"
Ejemplo n.º 6
class EBLLookup(ScannerPlugin):
    def __init__(self, config, section=None):
        ScannerPlugin.__init__(self, config, section)
        self.logger = self._logger()

        self.whitelist = None

        self.requiredvars = {
            'whitelist_file': {
                'path to file containing whitelisted sender domains',
            'dnszone': {
                'default': 'ebl.msbl.org',
                'the DNS zone to query. defaults to ebl.msbl.org',
            'response': {
                'default': '',
                'description': 'expected response of zone query',
            'messagetemplate': {
                'default': '${sender} listed by ${dnszone} for ${message}'

    def _is_whitelisted(self, from_domain):
        whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'whitelist_file',
        if whitelist_file == '':
            return False

        whitelisted = False
        self.whitelist = FileList(whitelist_file, lowercase=True)
        if from_domain in self.whitelist.get_list():
            whitelisted = True

        return whitelisted

    def _email_normalise(self, address):
        if not '@' in address:
            self.logger.error('Not an email address: %s' % address)
            return address

        address = address.lower()

        lhs, domain = address.split('@', 1)
        domainparts = domain.split('.')

        if 'googlemail' in domainparts:  # replace googlemail with gmail
            tld = domainparts.split('.', 1)
            domainparts = 'gmail.%s' % tld

        if '+' in lhs:  # strip all + tags
            lhs = lhs.split('+')[0]

        if 'gmail' in domainparts:  # discard periods in gmail
            lhs = lhs.replace('.', '')

        if 'yahoo' in domainparts or 'ymail' in domainparts:  # strip - tags from yahoo
            lhs = lhs.split('-')[0]

        lhs = re.sub('^(envelope-from|id|r|receiver)=', '',
                     lhs)  # strip mail log prefixes

        return '%s@%s' % (lhs, domain)

    def _create_hash(self, value):
        myhash = sha1(value).hexdigest()
        return myhash

    def _ebl_lookup(self, addr_hash):
        listed = False
        message = None

        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone', '').strip()
        response = self.config.get(self.section, 'response', '').strip()
        query = '%s.%s' % (addr_hash, dnszone)
        result = lookup(query)
        if result is not None:
            for rec in result:
                if rec == response:
                    listed = True
                    result = lookup(query, qtype='TXT')
                    if result:
                        message = result[0]

        return listed, message

    def examine(self, suspect):
        if not HAVE_DNS:
            return DUNNO

        from_address = suspect.get_value('sender')
        if from_address is None:
            self.logger.warning('No FROM address found')
            return DEFER_IF_PERMIT, 'internal policy error (no from address)'

        from_address = strip_address(from_address)
        from_domain = extract_domain(from_address)

        if self._is_whitelisted(from_domain):
            return DUNNO

        from_address = self._email_normalise(from_address)
        addr_hash = self._create_hash(from_address)
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)

        if listed:
            values = {
                'dnszone': self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone',
                'message': message,
            message = apply_template(
                self.config.get(self.section, 'messagetemplate'), suspect,
            return REJECT, message
            return DUNNO

    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not self.checkConfig():
            print 'Error checking config'
            lint_ok = False

        if not HAVE_DNS:
            print "no DNS resolver library available - this plugin will do nothing"
            lint_ok = False

        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone', '').strip()
        print 'querying zone %s' % dnszone

        addr_hash = self._create_hash('*****@*****.**')
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)
        if not listed:
            lint_ok = False
            print 'test entry not found in dns zone'
            print 'test entry found in dns zone: %s' % message

        if lint_ok:
            whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'whitelist_file')
            if whitelist_file.strip() == '':
                print 'No whitelist defined'

        return lint_ok
Ejemplo n.º 7
class EBLLookup(ScannerPlugin):
    def __init__(self, config, section=None):
        ScannerPlugin.__init__(self, config, section)
        self.logger = self._logger()

        self.whitelist = None

        self.requiredvars = {
            'whitelist_file': {
                'path to file containing whitelisted sender domains',
            'dnszone': {
                'default': 'ebl.msbl.org',
                'the DNS zone to query. defaults to ebl.msbl.org',
            'hash': {
                'hash function used by DNS zone. Use one of sha1, md5'
            'response': {
                'default': '',
                'description': 'expected response of zone query',
            'messagetemplate': {
                'default': '${sender} listed by ${dnszone} for ${message}'
            'normalisation': {
                'type of normalisation to be applied to email addresses before hashing. choose one of ebl (full normalisation according to ebl.msbl.org standard), low (lowercase only)'
            'decode_srs': {
                'default': '0',
                'decode SRS encoded sender addresses before lookup'
            'check_srs_only': {
                'only check decoded SRS sender addresses against the blacklist zone'

    def _is_whitelisted(self, from_domain):
        whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section,
        if whitelist_file == '':
            return False

        whitelisted = False
        self.whitelist = FileList(whitelist_file, lowercase=True)
        if from_domain in self.whitelist.get_list():
            whitelisted = True

        return whitelisted

    def _email_normalise_ebl(self, address):
        if not '@' in address:
            self.logger.error('Not an email address: %s' % address)
            return address

        address = address.lower()

        lhs, domain = address.rsplit('@', 1)
        domainparts = domain.split('.')

        if 'googlemail' in domainparts:  # replace googlemail with gmail
            tld = '.'.join(domainparts[1:])
            domain = 'gmail.%s' % tld
            domainparts = ['gmail', tld]

        if '+' in lhs:  # strip all + tags
            lhs = lhs.split('+')[0]

        if 'gmail' in domainparts:  # discard periods in gmail
            lhs = lhs.replace('.', '')

        if 'yahoo' in domainparts or 'ymail' in domainparts:  # strip - tags from yahoo
            lhs = lhs.split('-')[0]

        lhs = re.sub('^(envelope-from|id|r|receiver)=', '',
                     lhs)  # strip mail log prefixes

        return '%s@%s' % (lhs, domain)

    def _email_normalise_low(self, address):
        address = address.lower()
        return address

    def _email_normalise(self, address):
        n = self.config.get(self.section, 'normalisation')
        if n == 'ebl':
            address = self._email_normalise_ebl(address)
        elif n == 'low':
            address = self._email_normalise_low(address)
        return address

    def _create_hash(self, value):
        hashtype = self.config.get(self.section, 'hash').lower()
        if hashtype == 'sha1':
            myhash = sha1(value.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        elif hashtype == 'md5':
            myhash = md5(value).hexdigest()
            myhash = ''
        return myhash

    def _ebl_lookup(self, addr_hash):
        listed = False
        message = None

        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone').strip()
        response = self.config.get(self.section, 'response').strip()
        query = '%s.%s' % (addr_hash, dnszone)
        result = lookup(query)
        if result is not None:
            for rec in result:
                if rec == response:
                    listed = True
                    result = lookup(query, qtype=QTYPE_TXT)
                    if result:
                        message = result[0]

        return listed, message

    def _is_srs(self, addr):
        if addr.startswith('SRS0=') or addr.startswith('SRS1='):
            return True
        return False

    def _decode_srs(self, addr):
        srs = SRSDecode()
        return srs.reverse(addr)

    def examine(self, suspect):
            return DUNNO

        from_address = suspect.get_value('sender')
        if from_address is None:
            self.logger.warning('No FROM address found')
            return DEFER_IF_PERMIT, 'internal policy error (no from address)'

        from_address = strip_address(from_address)
        if self.config.getboolean(
                'check_srs_only') and not self._is_srs(from_address):
            self.logger.info('skipping non SRS address %s' % from_address)
            return DUNNO

        if HAVE_SRS and self.config.getboolean(self.section, 'decode_srs'):
            from_address = self._decode_srs(from_address)

        from_domain = extract_domain(from_address)
        if self._is_whitelisted(from_domain):
            return DUNNO

        from_address = self._email_normalise(from_address)
        addr_hash = self._create_hash(from_address)
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)

        if listed:
            values = {
                'dnszone': self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone',
                'message': message,
            message = apply_template(
                self.config.get(self.section, 'messagetemplate'), suspect,
            return REJECT, message
            return DUNNO

    def lint(self):
        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section, 'dnszone', '').strip()
        print('querying zone %s' % dnszone)

        lint_ok = True
        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False

                "no DNS resolver library available - this plugin will do nothing"
            lint_ok = False

        if self.config.getboolean(self.section, 'decode_srs') and not HAVE_SRS:
            print('decode_srs enabled but SRS library is not available')
            lint_ok = False

        hashtype = self.config.get(self.section, 'hash').lower()
        if hashtype not in ['sha1', 'md5']:
            lint_ok = False
            print('unsupported hash type %s' % hashtype)

        normalisation = self.config.get(self.section, 'normalisation')
        if normalisation not in ['ebl', 'low']:
            lint_ok = False
            print('unsupported normalisation type %s' % normalisation)

        addr_hash = self._create_hash('*****@*****.**')
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)
        if not listed:
            lint_ok = False
            print('test entry not found in dns zone')
            print('test entry found in dns zone: %s' % message)

        if lint_ok:
            whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section, 'whitelist_file')
            if whitelist_file.strip() == '':
                print('No whitelist defined')

        return lint_ok
Ejemplo n.º 8
class SPFPlugin(ScannerPlugin):
    """This plugin performs SPF validation using the pyspf module https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspf/
    by default, it just logs the result (test mode)

    to enable actual rejection of messages, add a config option on_<resulttype> with a valid postfix action. eg:

    on_fail = REJECT

    valid result types are: 'pass', 'permerror', 'fail', 'temperror', 'softfail', 'none', and 'neutral'
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
                'description':'file containing a list of ip adresses to be exempted from SPF checks. Supports CIDR notation if the netaddr module is installed. is always exempted',
                'description':'if this is non-empty, only sender domains in this file will be checked for SPF',
                'description':'SQLAlchemy Connection string. Leave empty to disable SQL lookups',
                'default':"SELECT check_spf from domain where domain_name=:domain",
                'description':'get from sql database :domain will be replaced with the actual domain name. must return field check_spf',
                'description':'Action for SPF fail.',
                'description':'Action for SPF softfail.',
                'default':'SPF ${result} for domain ${from_domain} from ${client_address} : ${explanation}'
        if HAVE_NETADDR:
            self.private_nets = [
                IPNetwork(''), # private network
                IPNetwork(''), # localhost
                IPNetwork(''), # link local
                IPNetwork(''), # private network
                IPNetwork(''), # private network
                IPNetwork('fe80::/10'), # ipv6 link local
                IPNetwork('::1/128'), # localhost
            self.private_nets = None
        self.ip_whitelist=[] # either a list of plain ip adress strings or a list of IPNetwork if netaddr is available

    def check_this_domain(self, from_domain):
        do_check = False
        if selective_sender_domain_file != '' and os.path.exists(selective_sender_domain_file):
            if self.selective_domain_loader is None:
            if from_domain.lower() in self.selective_domain_loader.get_list():
                do_check = True
        if not do_check:
            dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection', '').strip()
            sqlquery = self.config.get(self.section, 'domain_sql_query')
            if dbconnection!='' and SQL_EXTENSION_ENABLED:
                cache = get_default_cache()
                do_check = get_domain_setting(from_domain, dbconnection, sqlquery, cache, self.section, False, self.logger)
            elif dbconnection!='' and not SQL_EXTENSION_ENABLED:
                self.logger.error('dbconnection specified but sqlalchemy not available - skipping db lookup')
        return do_check

    def is_private_address(self,addr):
        if HAVE_NETADDR:
            ipaddr = IPAddress(addr)
            private = False
            for net in self.private_nets:
                if ipaddr in net:
                    private = True
            return private
            if addr=='' or addr=='::1' or addr.startswith('10.') or addr.startswith('192.168.') or addr.startswith('fe80:'):
                return True
            if not addr.startswith('172.'):
                return False
            for i in range(16,32):
                if addr.startswith('172.%s'%i):
                    return True
        return False

    def ip_whitelisted(self,addr):
        if self.is_private_address(addr):
            return True

        #check ip whitelist
        ip_whitelist_file=self.config.get(self.section,'ip_whitelist_file', '').strip()
        if ip_whitelist_file != '' and os.path.exists(ip_whitelist_file):
            plainlist = []
            if self.ip_whitelist_loader is None:

            if self.ip_whitelist_loader.file_changed():

                if HAVE_NETADDR:
                    self.ip_whitelist=[IPNetwork(x) for x in plainlist]

            if HAVE_NETADDR:
                for net in self.ip_whitelist:
                    if checkaddr in net:
                        return True
                if addr in plainlist:
                    return True
        return False

    def examine(self,suspect):
        if not HAVE_SPF:
            return DUNNO
        if client_address is None or helo_name is None or sender is None:
            self.logger.error('missing client_address or helo or sender')
            return DUNNO

        if self.ip_whitelisted(client_address):
            self.logger.info("Client %s is whitelisted - no SPF check"%client_address)
            return DUNNO

        sender_email = strip_address(sender)
        if sender_email=='' or sender_email is None:
            return DUNNO
        sender_domain = extract_domain(sender_email)
        if sender_domain is None:
            self.logger.error('no domain found in sender address %s' % sender_email)
            return DUNNO
        if not self.check_this_domain(sender_domain):
            self.logger.debug('skipping SPF check for %s' % sender_domain)
            return DUNNO

        result, explanation = spf.check2(client_address, sender_email, helo_name)
        suspect.tags['spf'] = result
        if result != 'none':
            self.logger.info('SPF client=%s, sender=%s, h=%s result=%s : %s' % (client_address, sender_email, helo_name, result,explanation))
        action = DUNNO
        message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section, 'messagetemplate'), suspect, dict(result=result, explanation=explanation))

        configopt = 'on_%s' % result
        if self.config.has_option(self.section, configopt):
            action=string_to_actioncode(self.config.get(self.section, configopt))

        return action, message
    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not HAVE_SPF:
            print('pyspf or pydns module not installed - this plugin will do nothing')
            lint_ok = False
        if not HAVE_NETADDR:
            print('WARNING: netaddr python module not installed - IP whitelist will not support CIDR notation')

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False
        if selective_sender_domain_file != '' and not os.path.exists(selective_sender_domain_file):
            print("domain_selective_spf_file %s does not exist" % selective_sender_domain_file)
            lint_ok = False
        ip_whitelist_file=self.config.get(self.section,'ip_whitelist_file', '').strip()
        if ip_whitelist_file != '' and os.path.exists(ip_whitelist_file):
            print("ip_whitelist_file %s does not exist - IP whitelist is disabled" % ip_whitelist_file)
            lint_ok = False
        sqlquery = self.config.get(self.section, 'domain_sql_query')
        dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection', '').strip()
        if not SQL_EXTENSION_ENABLED and dbconnection != '':
            print('SQLAlchemy not available, cannot use SQL backend')
            lint_ok = False
        elif dbconnection == '':
            print('No DB connection defined. Disabling SQL backend')
            if not sqlquery.lower().startswith('select '):
                lint_ok = False
                print('SQL statement must be a SELECT query')
            if lint_ok:
                    conn.execute(sqlquery, {'domain':'example.com'})
                except Exception as e:
                    lint_ok = False
        return lint_ok
    def __str__(self):
        return "SPF"
Ejemplo n.º 9
class EBLLookup(ScannerPlugin):
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
        self.whitelist = None
                'description':'path to file containing whitelisted sender domains',
                'description':'the DNS zone to query. defaults to ebl.msbl.org',
            'hash': {
                'description':'hash function used by DNS zone. Use one of sha1, md5'
                'description':'expected response of zone query',
                'default':'${sender} listed by ${dnszone} for ${message}'
                'description':'type of normalisation to be applied to email addresses before hashing. choose one of ebl (full normalisation according to ebl.msbl.org standard), low (lowercase only)'
                'description':'decode SRS encoded sender addresses before lookup'
                'description':'only check decoded SRS sender addresses against the blacklist zone'

    def _is_whitelisted(self, from_domain):
        whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section,'whitelist_file').strip()
        if whitelist_file == '':
            return False
        whitelisted = False
        self.whitelist = FileList(whitelist_file,lowercase=True)
        if from_domain in self.whitelist.get_list():
            whitelisted = True
        return whitelisted
    def _email_normalise_ebl(self, address):
        if not '@' in address:
            self.logger.error('Not an email address: %s' % address)
            return address
        address = address.lower()
        lhs, domain = address.rsplit('@',1)
        domainparts = domain.split('.')
        if 'googlemail' in domainparts: # replace googlemail with gmail
            tld = '.'.join(domainparts[1:])
            domain = 'gmail.%s' % tld
            domainparts = ['gmail', tld]
        if '+' in lhs: # strip all + tags
            lhs = lhs.split('+')[0]
        if 'gmail' in domainparts: # discard periods in gmail
            lhs = lhs.replace('.', '')
        if 'yahoo' in domainparts or 'ymail' in domainparts: # strip - tags from yahoo
            lhs = lhs.split('-')[0]
        lhs = re.sub('^(envelope-from|id|r|receiver)=', '', lhs) # strip mail log prefixes
        return '%s@%s' % (lhs, domain)
    def _email_normalise_low(self, address):
        address = address.lower()
        return address
    def _email_normalise(self, address):
        n = self.config.get(self.section,'normalisation')
        if n == 'ebl':
            address = self._email_normalise_ebl(address)
        elif n == 'low':
            address = self._email_normalise_low(address)
        return address
    def _create_hash(self, value):
        hashtype = self.config.get(self.section,'hash').lower()
        if hashtype == 'sha1':
            myhash = sha1(value.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        elif hashtype == 'md5':
            myhash = md5(value).hexdigest()
            myhash = ''
        return myhash
    def _ebl_lookup(self, addr_hash):
        listed = False
        message = None
        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section,'dnszone').strip()
        response = self.config.get(self.section,'response').strip()
        query = '%s.%s' % (addr_hash, dnszone)
        result = lookup(query)
        if result is not None:
            for rec in result:
                if rec == response:
                    listed = True
                    result = lookup(query, qtype=QTYPE_TXT)
                    if result:
                        message = result[0]
        return listed, message
    def _is_srs(self, addr):
        if addr.startswith('SRS0=') or addr.startswith('SRS1='):
            return True
        return False
    def _decode_srs(self, addr):
        srs = SRSDecode()
        return srs.reverse(addr)
    def examine(self, suspect):
            return DUNNO
        if from_address is None:
            self.logger.warning('No FROM address found')
            return DEFER_IF_PERMIT,'internal policy error (no from address)'
        if self.config.getboolean(self.section,'check_srs_only') and not self._is_srs(from_address):
            self.logger.info('skipping non SRS address %s' % from_address)
            return DUNNO
        if HAVE_SRS and self.config.getboolean(self.section,'decode_srs'):
            from_address = self._decode_srs(from_address)

        if self._is_whitelisted(from_domain):
            return DUNNO
        from_address = self._email_normalise(from_address)
        addr_hash = self._create_hash(from_address)
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)
        if listed:
            values = {
                'dnszone': self.config.get(self.section,'dnszone','').strip(),
                'message': message,
            message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section,'messagetemplate'),suspect, values)
            return REJECT, message
            return DUNNO
    def lint(self):
        dnszone = self.config.get(self.section,'dnszone','').strip()
        print('querying zone %s' % dnszone)
        lint_ok = True
        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False
            print("no DNS resolver library available - this plugin will do nothing")
            lint_ok = False
        if self.config.getboolean(self.section,'decode_srs') and not HAVE_SRS:
            print('decode_srs enabled but SRS library is not available')
            lint_ok = False
        hashtype = self.config.get(self.section,'hash').lower()
        if hashtype not in ['sha1', 'md5']:
            lint_ok = False
            print('unsupported hash type %s' % hashtype)
        normalisation = self.config.get(self.section,'normalisation')
        if normalisation not in ['ebl', 'low']:
            lint_ok = False
            print('unsupported normalisation type %s' % normalisation)
        addr_hash = self._create_hash('*****@*****.**')
        listed, message = self._ebl_lookup(addr_hash)
        if not listed:
            lint_ok = False
            print('test entry not found in dns zone')
            print('test entry found in dns zone: %s' % message)
        if lint_ok:
            whitelist_file = self.config.get(self.section,'whitelist_file')
            if whitelist_file.strip() == '':
                print('No whitelist defined')
        return lint_ok
Ejemplo n.º 10
class EnforceTLS(ScannerPlugin):
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
        self.selective_domain_loader = None
                if this is empty, all recipient domains will be forced to use TLS
                txt:<filename> - get from simple textfile which lists one domain per line
                sql:<statement> - get from sql database :domain will be replaced with the actual domain name. must return field enforce_inbound_tls
                'description':'SQLAlchemy Connection string',
                'description':'Action if connection is not TLS encrypted. set to DUNNO, DEFER, REJECT',
                'default':'Unencrypted connection. This recipient requires TLS'

    def enforce_domain(self, to_domain):
        dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section,'dbconnection', '').strip()
        domainlist = self.config.get(self.section,'domainlist')
        enforce = False

        if domainlist.strip() == '':
            enforce = True

        elif domainlist.startswith('txt:'):
            domainfile = domainlist[4:]
            if self.selective_domain_loader is None:
                if to_domain in self.selective_domain_loader.get_list():
                    enforce = True

        elif domainlist.startswith('sql:') and dbconnection != '':
            cache = get_default_cache()
            sqlquery = domainlist[4:]
            enforce = get_domain_setting(to_domain, dbconnection, sqlquery, cache, self.section, False, self.logger)

        return enforce

    def examine(self, suspect):
        encryption_protocol = suspect.get_value('encryption_protocol')
        rcpt_email = strip_address(recipient)
        if rcpt_email=='' or rcpt_email is None:
            return DUNNO

        enforce = self.enforce_domain(extract_domain(rcpt_email))

        action = DUNNO
        message = None
        if enforce and encryption_protocol == '':
            action=string_to_actioncode(self.config.get(self.section, 'action'))
            message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section,'messagetemplate'),suspect)
        return action, message
    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False
        if lint_ok:
            domainlist = self.config.get(self.section,'domainlist')
            if domainlist.strip() == '':
                print('Enforcing TLS for all domains')
            elif domainlist.startswith('txt:'):
                domainfile = domainlist[4:]
                if not os.path.exists(domainfile):
                    print('Cannot find domain file %s' % domainfile)
                    lint_ok = False
            elif domainlist.startswith('sql:'):
                sqlquery = domainlist[4:]
                if not sqlquery.lower().startswith('select '):
                    lint_ok = False
                    print('SQL statement must be a SELECT query')
                if not SQL_EXTENSION_ENABLED:
                    print('SQLAlchemy not available, cannot use sql backend')
                if lint_ok:
                    dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection')
                        conn.execute(sqlquery, {'domain':'example.com'})
                    except Exception as e:
                        lint_ok = False
                lint_ok = False
                print('Could not determine domain list backend type')
        return lint_ok
    def __str__(self):
        return "EnforceTLS"
Ejemplo n.º 11
class EnforceTLS(ScannerPlugin):
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
        self.selective_domain_loader = None
                if this is empty, all recipient domains will be forced to use TLS
                txt:<filename> - get from simple textfile which lists one domain per line
                sql:<statement> - get from sql database :domain will be replaced with the actual domain name. must return field enforce_inbound_tls
                'description':'SQLAlchemy Connection string',
                'description':'Action if connection is not TLS encrypted. set to DUNNO, DEFER, REJECT',
                'default':'Unencrypted connection. This recipient requires TLS'

    def enforce_domain(self, to_domain):
        dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section,'dbconnection', '').strip()
        domainlist = self.config.get(self.section,'domainlist')
        enforce = False

        if domainlist.strip() == '':
            enforce = True

        elif domainlist.startswith('txt:'):
            domainfile = domainlist[4:]
            if self.selective_domain_loader is None:
                if to_domain in self.selective_domain_loader.get_list():
                    enforce = True

        elif domainlist.startswith('sql:') and dbconnection != '':
            cache = get_default_cache()
            sqlquery = domainlist[4:]
            enforce = get_domain_setting(to_domain, dbconnection, sqlquery, cache, self.section, False, self.logger)

        return enforce

    def examine(self, suspect):
        encryption_protocol = suspect.get_value('encryption_protocol')
        rcpt_email = strip_address(recipient)
        if rcpt_email=='' or rcpt_email is None:
            return DUNNO

        enforce = self.enforce_domain(extract_domain(rcpt_email))

        action = DUNNO
        message = None
        if enforce and encryption_protocol == '':
            action=string_to_actioncode(self.config.get(self.section, 'action'))
            message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section,'messagetemplate'),suspect)
        return action, message
    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not self.checkConfig():
            print('Error checking config')
            lint_ok = False
        if lint_ok:
            domainlist = self.config.get(self.section,'domainlist')
            if domainlist.strip() == '':
                print('Enforcing TLS for all domains')
            elif domainlist.startswith('txt:'):
                domainfile = domainlist[4:]
                if not os.path.exists(domainfile):
                    print('Cannot find domain file %s' % domainfile)
                    lint_ok = False
            elif domainlist.startswith('sql:'):
                sqlquery = domainlist[4:]
                if not sqlquery.lower().startswith('select '):
                    lint_ok = False
                    print('SQL statement must be a SELECT query')
                if not SQL_EXTENSION_ENABLED:
                    print('SQLAlchemy not available, cannot use sql backend')
                if lint_ok:
                    dbconnection = self.config.get(self.section, 'dbconnection')
                        conn.execute(sqlquery, {'domain':'example.com'})
                    except Exception as e:
                        lint_ok = False
                lint_ok = False
                print('Could not determine domain list backend type')
        return lint_ok
    def __str__(self):
        return "EnforceTLS"
Ejemplo n.º 12
class SPFPlugin(ScannerPlugin):
    """This plugin performs SPF validation using the pyspf module https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspf/
    by default, it just logs the result (test mode)

    to enable actual rejection of messages, add a config option on_<resulttype> with a valid postfix action. eg:

    on_fail = REJECT

    valid result types are: 'pass', 'permerror', 'fail', 'temperror', 'softfail', 'none', and 'neutral'
    def __init__(self,config,section=None):
                'description':'file containing a list of ip adresses to be exempted from SPF checks. Supports CIDR notation if the netaddr module is installed. is always exempted',
                'description':'if this is non-empty, only sender domains in this file will be checked for SPF',
                'description':'Action for SPF fail.',
                'description':'Action for SPF softfail.',
                'default':'SPF ${result} for domain ${from_domain} from ${client_address} : ${explanation}'
        self.ip_whitelist=[] # either a list of plain ip adress strings or a list of IPNetwork if netaddr is available


    def is_private_address(self,addr):
        if addr=='' or addr=='::1' or addr.startswith('10.') or addr.startswith('192.168.') or addr.startswith('fe80:'):
            return True
        if not addr.startswith('172.'):
            return False
        for i in range(16,32):
            if addr.startswith('172.%s'%i):
                return True
        return False

    def ip_whitelisted(self,addr):
        if self.is_private_address(addr):
            return True

        #check ip whitelist
        if ip_whitelist_file is not None:
            plainlist = []
            if self.ip_whitelist_loader is None:

            if self.ip_whitelist_loader.file_changed():

                if have_netaddr:
                    self.ip_whitelist=[IPNetwork(x) for x in plainlist]

            if have_netaddr:
                for net in self.ip_whitelist:
                    if checkaddr in net:
                        return True
                if addr in plainlist:
                    return True
        return False

    def examine(self,suspect):
        if not have_spf:
            return DUNNO
        if client_address is None or helo_name is None or sender is None:
            self.logger.error('missing client_address or helo or sender')
            return DUNNO

        if self.ip_whitelisted(client_address):
            self.logger.info("Client %s is whitelisted - no SPF check"%client_address)
            return DUNNO

        sender_email = strip_address(sender)
        if sender_email=='' or sender_email is None:
            return DUNNO

        if selective_sender_domain_file!='':
            if self.selective_domain_loader is None:
                sender_domain = extract_domain(sender_email)
                if sender_domain is None:
                    return DUNNO
            except ValueError as e:
                return DUNNO
            if not sender_domain.lower() in self.selective_domain_loader.get_list():
                return DUNNO

        result, explanation = spf.check2(client_address, sender_email, helo_name)
        if result!='none':
            self.logger.info('SPF client=%s, sender=%s, h=%s result=%s : %s' % (client_address, sender_email, helo_name, result,explanation))
        action = DUNNO
        message = apply_template(self.config.get(self.section,'messagetemplate'),suspect,dict(result=result,explanation=explanation))

        if self.config.has_option(self.section,configopt):

        return action, message
    def lint(self):
        lint_ok = True
        if not have_spf:
            print 'pyspf or pydns module not installed - this plugin will do nothing'
            lint_ok = False
        if not have_netaddr:
            print 'WARNING: netaddr python module not installed - IP whitelist will not support CIDR notation'

        if not self.checkConfig():
            print 'Error checking config'
            lint_ok = False
        return lint_ok

    def __str__(self):
        return "SPF"