Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_pot():
    #This class is hard it should test sooo many situations I'll list some
    #write tests for them as I go

    #1 player wins
    #1 player wins but one player that contributing to pot Folded
    #2 way split with 3 players
    #2 way split with 2 players
    #player is all in from posting small blind -wins/loses
    #player is all in from posting big blind -wins/loses
    #everyone folds PREFLOP
    #the winning player doesn't cover everyone
    #situation with 3 side pots. IE the player with the most chips has the worst hand, player with least chips has best hand. and etc for middle hand

    print("TESTING POT CLASS")
    stack = 100
    bet = 10
    p1 = Player("0", stack)
    p2 = Player("1", stack)
    p3 = Player("2", stack)

    players = [p1, p2, p3]

    print("testing 3 way split")
    pot = Pot()

    deck = Deck()

    board = []
    hand = deck.draw(2)

    #Note all 3 players are given the same hand which is not realistic but shouldn't matter
    p1.deal_new_hand(hand, 1)
    p2.deal_new_hand(hand, 1)
    p3.deal_new_hand(hand, 1)

    pot.add_to_pot(p1, bet)
    pot.add_to_pot(p2, bet)
    pot.add_to_pot(p3, bet)

    assert(p1.get_stack() == stack - bet)
    assert(p2.get_stack() == stack - bet)
    assert(p3.get_stack() == stack - bet)

    assert(pot.get_pot_size() == 3*bet)

    pot.payout(players, board)

    print(f"p1 stack: {p1.get_stack()}")

    assert(p1.get_stack() == stack)
    assert(p2.get_stack() == stack)
    assert(p3.get_stack() == stack)

    assert(pot.get_pot_size() == 0)

    print("Pot class: 8/8 tests passed")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Spin():
    def __init__(self,
        logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging_level)
        self.starting_stack = starting_stack
        self.blind_structure = blind_structure
        self.hands_per_level = hands_per_level

        self.players = [
            mcplayer("Alice", self.starting_stack),
            randomplayer("Bob", self.starting_stack),
            randomplayer("Chris", self.starting_stack)

        self.pm = PlayerManager(self.players)

        self.pot = Pot()
        self.deck = Deck()
        self.board = []

        self.blind_level = 1  #Uses 1 indexing not 0 indexing
        self.BIG_BLIND = self.blind_structure[self.blind_level - 1]
        self.SMALL_BLIND = self.blind_structure[self.blind_level - 1] // 2

        self.num_hands = 0
        self.game_state = {}

        self.players_in_hand = 0

    def start(self):

        #Play until there is only one player remaining IE 1 player has all the chips
        while len(self.players) > 1:
            #new hand

            if logging.root.level == logging.DEBUG:
                for i, player in enumerate(self.players):
                        f"Seat {i+1}: {player.get_name()} ({player.get_stack()} in chips)"

            )  #in a real game players post blinds first, it's a small formality that doesn't matter here
            )  #There's a bug that occurs here for some reason a player is folded and makes a bet (Bug is very unlikely 1/20000 games just to give an idea)




            self.pot.payout(self.players, self.board)

        return self.players[0]  #This is the winning player

    def remove_eliminated_players(self):
        self.players[:] = [x for x in self.players if x.get_stack() > 0]

    This method resets all variables to be able to start a new hand and does
    housekeeping of the button and blinds

    def __prepare_new_hand(self):
        self.game_state["street"] = Street.PREFLOP
        self.num_hands += 1
        self.players_in_hand = len(self.players)


        logging.debug(f"*** Hand #{self.num_hands} ***")

        if self.num_hands % self.hands_per_level == 0:

    shuffles the deck and deals a starting hand to each remaining player
    as well as the board even though it's not technically visible to the players yet

    This method also resets the player variables while we deal them a new hand
    seems like a weird place to have that but it's kind of like in order for a
    player to get a new hand they need to reset their hand status (variables)

    def __deal_new_hand(self):
        self.board = self.deck.draw(5)

        self.game_state["board"] = self.board

        #Deals 2 cards to each remaining player
        for i, player in enumerate(self.players):
            self.players[i].deal_new_hand(self.deck.draw(2), self.BIG_BLIND)

    def __post_blinds(self):
        self.pot.add_to_pot(self.pm.get_small_blind(), self.SMALL_BLIND)
            f"{self.pm.get_small_blind().get_name()}: posts small blind {self.SMALL_BLIND}"
        self.pot.add_to_pot(self.pm.get_big_blind(), self.BIG_BLIND)
            f"{self.pm.get_big_blind().get_name()}: posts big blind {self.BIG_BLIND}"

    def __increase_blinds(self):
        logging.debug(f"Blind level: {self.blind_level}")
        self.blind_level += 1
        self.BIG_BLIND = self.blind_structure[self.blind_level - 1]
        self.SMALL_BLIND = self.blind_structure[self.blind_level - 1] // 2
        logging.debug("Blinds went up")

    def __betting_round(self):

        if self.game_state["street"] == Street.PREFLOP:
            logging.debug(f"*** HOLE CARDS ***")
        elif self.game_state["street"] == Street.FLOP:
            logging.debug(f"*** FLOP ***")
        elif self.game_state["street"] == Street.TURN:
            logging.debug(f"*** TURN ***")
        elif self.game_state["street"] == Street.RIVER:
                f"*** RIVER *** {Card.print_pretty_cards(self.board)}")

        if logging.root.level == logging.DEBUG:
            for player in self.players:
                    f"Dealt to {player.get_name()} {Card.print_pretty_cards(player.get_hand())}"

        #keeps track of how many player actions were taken, it's used to ensure
        #that everyone gets at least 1 chance to act. Otherwise preflop when
        #everyone just calls the big blind doesn't get option to bet

        #There has to be more than 1 player that can act to continue
        can_act = self.__can_players_act()

        if can_act > 1:
            actions = 0
            acting_player = self.pm.first_to_act(self.game_state["street"])
            self.game_state["remain"] = can_act

            while (
                (not self.__is_betting_completed()) or
                (actions < len(self.players))) and (self.players_in_hand > 1):
                action, betsize = acting_player.get_action(self.game_state)
                self.__process_action(acting_player, action, betsize)
                acting_player = self.pm.next_player()
                actions += 1

            #After the betting round we reset the amount committed by players
            for player in self.players:

        #Once the betting round is over we can increment street

    This method checks that all the players for the current betting round are
    either folded, all in or have matched the required bet

    def __is_betting_completed(self):
        complete = True

        for player in self.players:
            if not (player.folded or player.allin or
                    (player.street_committed >= Player.street_max_committed)):
                complete = False

        return complete

    This method checks how many of the remaining players can take an action
    We have to check this because otherwise we enter into betting rounds when
    we shouldn't

    def __can_players_act(self):
        act_count = 0  #Number of players who can still take legal actions in given hand

        for player in self.players:
            if (not player.folded) and (not player.allin):
                act_count += 1

        return act_count

    def __next_street(self):
        self.game_state["street"] = (Street(self.game_state["street"] + 1))

    def __process_action(self, player, action, bet_size=0):
        #Folded or checked
        if action == Action.CHECK_FOLD:

            if player.can_check():
                logging.debug(f"Player {player.get_name()} checked.")

                logging.debug(f"Player {player.get_name()} folded.")
                player.folded = True
                self.players_in_hand -= 1

        elif action == Action.CALL:
            logging.debug(f"Player {player.get_name()} called ${bet_size}")
            self.pot.add_to_pot(player, bet_size)

        elif action == Action.BET_RAISE:
            logging.debug(f"Player {player.get_name()} bet/raised ${bet_size}")
            self.pot.add_to_pot(player, bet_size)