Ejemplo n.º 1
            pk_file = open('tiedie_kernel.pkl', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(diffuser, pk_file)

# Check to make sure the node universe matches the
k_labels = diffuser.getLabels()
if len(network_nodes) != len(k_labels) or len(
        network_nodes.intersection(k_labels)) != len(k_labels):
        "Error: the universe of gene/node labels in the network file doesn't match the supplied kernel file!\n"

sys.stderr.write("Diffusing Heats...\n")
# Separately perform diffusion for each input set
up_heats_diffused = diffuser.diffuse(up_heats, reverse=False)
down_heats_diffused = diffuser.diffuse(down_heats, reverse=True)

# Extract a subnetwork solution from the diffused heats, the set of nodes found, the Relevance score for this network solution
# and the heat scores for all linker genes
subnet_soln, subnet_soln_nodes, alpha_score, linker_scores = extractSubnetwork(
    up_heats, down_heats, up_heats_diffused, down_heats_diffused, size_control,

# Generate linker stats and output
out_degrees = getOutDegrees(subnet_soln)
sys.stderr.write("Writing network node stats to " + output_folder +
out_file = output_folder + "/node.stats"
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Diffusion Step:
#	Load the heat diffusion kernel and perform a kernel-multiply, or alternatively use supplied
# 	page-rank diffused vectors

print "Parsing Network File..."
network = parseNet(opts.network)
if opts.pagerank:
	diffuser = PPrDiffuser(network)
	print "Loading Heat Diffusion Kernel.."
	diffuser = Kernel(opts.kernel)

print "Diffusing Heats..."
up_heats_diffused = diffuser.diffuse(up_heats, reverse=False)
down_heats_diffused = diffuser.diffuse(down_heats, reverse=True)

if opts.size_select:

	# Search a number of network sizes to get a range with the highest significance. 
	# Somewhat slow. 
	search_space = []
	start, end = opts.size_select.split(":")
	start = int(start)
	end = int(end)
	for size in range(1, 20):
	for size in range(11, 20):
	for size in range(1, 15):