Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, player):
     def dict_return(pq): # required for python3
         return k[0]
     """Initialize the game session."""
     self.character = PQ_Character(self)
     self.player_name = player
     self.questlevel = 0
     self.dungeonlevel = 1
     self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
     self.quest = {}
     self.store = [
     self.whereareyou = "Town"
     self.shrinexp = 0
     self.shrinegp = 0
     self.combat = None
     self.puzzle = None
     self.gods = ["", ""]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, player):
     """Initialize the game session."""
     self.character = PQ_Character()
     self.player_name = player
     self.questlevel = 0
     self.dungeonlevel = 1
     self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
     self.quest = {}
     self.store = [
     self.whereareyou = "Town"
     self.shrinexp = 0
     self.shrinegp = 0
     self.combat = None
     self.puzzle = None
     self.gods = ["", ""]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, player):
     """Initialize the game session."""
     self.character = PQ_Character()
     self.player_name = player
     self.questlevel = 0
     self.dungeonlevel = 1
     self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
     self.quest = {}
     self.store = [
     self.whereareyou = "Town"
     self.shrinexp = 0
     self.shrinegp = 0
     self.combat = None
     self.puzzle = None
     self.gods = ["", ""]
Ejemplo n.º 4
class PQ_RPG(object):
    """RPG instance declaration"""

    def __init__(self, player):
        """Initialize the game session."""
        self.character = PQ_Character()
        self.player_name = player
        self.questlevel = 0
        self.dungeonlevel = 1
        self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
        self.quest = {}
        self.store = [
        self.whereareyou = "Town"
        self.shrinexp = 0
        self.shrinegp = 0
        self.combat = None
        self.puzzle = None
        self.gods = ["", ""]

    def new_char(self):
        """Re-initialize for a new character"""
        self.character.dead = 0
        self.questlevel = 0
        self.dungeonlevel = 1
        self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
        self.quest = {}
        self.character.queststatus = "inactive"
        self.store = [

    def destination(self, goto):
        """Set the destination of the character."""
        self.whereareyou = goto

    def check_backtrack(self):
        """Determine if the character successfully backtracks
        to the start of the level.
        Backtrack chance is 50% for Mind = dungeon level,
        asymptotic to 1/6 for Mind < dungeon level,
        asymptotic to 5/6 for Mind > dungeon level
        differential = self.character.stats[4] - self.dungeonlevel
        if differential < 0:
            cutoff = float(3 - differential) / float(6 - 6 * differential)
            cutoff = float(3 + 5 * differential) / float(6 + 6 * differential)
        return random.random() < cutoff

    def init_quest(self, level):
        """Initialize a Quest! With a Capital Q!"""
        self.quest = PQ_Quest()

    def addshopitem(self):
        """Add an item to the shop. Currently, 
        this algorithm makes the shop suck."""
        shop_items = pq_treasuregen(self.questlevel)
        for i in shop_items.keys():
            if shop_items[i] and i != "gp" and shop_items[i] not in self.store:

    def questhall(self):
        """The character enters the Questhall! It's super effective!"""
        if self.character.queststatus == "active":
            msg = (
                "As you enter the Questhall, Mayor Percival looks at you "
                "expectantly. " + color.BOLD + "'Did you collect the item "
                "and defeat the monster? No? Well, then, get back out there!"
                " I suggest you try Dungeon level " + str(self.questlevel) + ".'" + color.END
            print textwrap.fill(msg)
        self.questlevel += 1
        if self.character.queststatus == "inactive":
            msg1 = (
                "In the Questhall, Mayor Percival frets behind his desk. "
                + color.BOLD
                + "'"
                + self.character.name[0]
                + "! Just the "
                "person I was looking for. There's... something I need you "
                "to do. See, there are rumors of a horrible creature, "
                "called " + self.quest.name + ", roaming the dungeon. " + self.quest.description + "This monstrosity "
                "draws its power from "
                + self.quest.artifact[0]
                + ","
                + self.quest.artifact[1].lower()
                + " I need you to go into "
                "the dungeon, kill that beast, and bring back the artifact "
                "so my advisors can destroy it. The townspeople will be "
                "very grateful, and you'll receive a substantial reward! "
                "Now, get out of here and let me finish my paperwork.'" + color.END
            print textwrap.fill(msg1)
        elif self.character.queststatus == "complete":
            print "Mayor Percival looks up excitedly. " + color.BOLD + "'You have it! Well, thank my lucky stars. " "You're a True Hero, " + self.character.name[
            ] + "!'" + color.END
            exp = 5 * (self.questlevel - 1)
            gold = int(random.random() * 2 + 1) * exp
            print "You gain " + str(exp) + " experience and " + str(gold) + " gp!"
            self.character.complete_quest(exp, gold)
            if self.character.level[0] >= self.character.level[1] * 10:
            msg1 = (
                "Percival clears his throat hesitantly. "
                + color.BOLD
                + "'Since I have you here, there... have been rumors of "
                "another problem in the dungeon. "
            msg2 = self.quest.name + " is its name. " + self.quest.description
            msg3 = (
                " The source of its power is "
                + self.quest.artifact[0]
                + ", "
                + self.quest.artifact[1]
                + " Will you take this quest, "
                "same terms as last time (adjusting for inflation)? Yes? "
                "Wonderful! Now get out.'" + color.END
            print textwrap.fill(msg1 + msg2 + msg3)
        self.character.queststatus = "active"

    def godownstairs(self):
        """Head to the next lower dungeon level."""
        self.whereareyou = "start"
        self.dungeonlevel += 1
        if self.dungeonlevel > self.maxdungeonlevel:
            self.maxdungeonlevel = self.dungeonlevel
        print "You head down the stairs to level " + str(self.dungeonlevel)

    def explore(self):
        """Explore the dungeon!"""
        room = random.choice([random.randint(1, 20) for i in range(6)])
        self.whereareyou = "dungeon"
        if room <= 2:
            print "You find a flight of stairs, leading down! " "Go down, or Stay?"
            choice = choose_from_list(
                "Stairs> ",
                ["down", "go down", "stay"],
                allowed=["sheet", "help", "equip"],
            if choice != "stay":
                print "You decide to stick around on level " + str(self.dungeonlevel) + " a little while longer."
        elif room > 2 and room <= 5:
            msg = "You found a chest! "
            chest = pq_treasuregen(self.dungeonlevel)
            self.character.defeat_enemy(0, chest)
            loot = []
            for i in chest.keys():
                if chest[i]:
                    if i == "gp":
                        loot.append(str(chest[i]) + " gp")
                    elif i == "ring":
                        loot.append("a Ring of " + chest[i])
                        loot.append("a " + chest[i])
            if not loot:
                msg += "Sadly, it was empty."
                msg += "Inside, you find " + ", ".join(loot) + "."
            print msg
        elif room > 5 and room <= 8:
            msg = (
                "The room echoes with a hollow emptiness, and you "
                "reflect on the vagaries of living life alone... Then "
                "you eat" + sandgen() + ", and get ready to kill more things."
            print textwrap.fill(msg), "\nYou regain " + str(self.dungeonlevel) + " hp and sp!"
        elif room > 8 and room <= 10:
            self.whereareyou = "puzzle"
            self.puzzle = PQ_Puzzle(self.dungeonlevel, self.character)
        elif room > 10:
            msg = "You've stumbled on an enemy! It seems to be... "
            questcheck = self.maxdungeonlevel - self.questlevel
            cutoff = float(1 + questcheck) / float(10 + 2 * questcheck)
            if (
                self.dungeonlevel == self.questlevel
                and self.quest
                and self.character.queststatus == "active"
                and random.random() < cutoff
                self.combat = PQ_Combat(self.dungeonlevel, self.character, self.quest)
                msg += self.quest.name + "!"
                self.combat = PQ_Combat(self.dungeonlevel, self.character, None)
                if self.dungeonlevel >= 10:
                    msg += self.combat.enemy.name + "!"
                    msg += "a " + self.combat.enemy.name + "!"
            if self.combat.turnorder[0] == "player":
                msg += " You get the jump on it."
                msg += " It gets the jump on you."
            print msg
            self.whereareyou = "combat"
            self.combat = None

    def visit_shop(self):
        """Wrapper for shopping"""
        print "The shopkeep greets you cheerfully. 'Welcome, hero! " "What can I do for you?'"

    def transactions(self):
        """Handle transactions with the shop."""
        msg1 = "His current inventory is: "
        inventory = display_itemlist(self.store)
        inventory_basic = collapse_stringlist(self.store, sortit=True, addcounts=False)
        if not inventory:
            msg1 += "Nothing!"
            msg1 += " ".join(inventory) + "."
        print textwrap.fill(msg1)
        msg2 = "Your current loot bag contains " + str(self.character.loot["gp"]) + " gp, and: "
        lootbag = display_itemlist(self.character.loot["items"], True)
        lootbag_basic = collapse_stringlist(self.character.loot["items"], sortit=True, addcounts=False)
        if not lootbag:
            msg2 += "Nothing!"
            msg2 += " ".join(lootbag) + "."
        print textwrap.fill(msg2)
        print "Buy Item# [Amount], Sell Item# [Amount], or Leave."
        buylist = [
            " ".join(["buy", str(i), str(j)])
            for i in range(1, len(inventory) + 1)
            for j in range(self.store.count(inventory_basic[i - 1]))
        ] + ["buy " + str(i) for i in range(len(inventory) + 1)]
        sellist = [
            " ".join(["sell", str(i), str(j)])
            for i in range(1, len(lootbag) + 1)
            for j in range(self.character.loot["items"].count(lootbag_basic[i - 1]) + 1)
        ] + ["sell " + str(i) for i in range(len(lootbag) + 1)]
        choice = choose_from_list(
            "Shop> ", buylist + sellist + ["leave"], rand=False, character=self.character, allowed=["sheet", "help"]
        if choice == "leave":
            print "You leave the shop and head back into the town square.\n"
            choice = choice.split()
                item = int(choice[1])
                item = inventory_basic[item - 1] if choice[0] == "buy" else lootbag_basic[item - 1]
                worth = pq_item_worth(item)
            except ValueError:
                worth = 0
            count = 1 if len(choice) < 3 else choice[2]
                count = int(count)
            except ValueError:
                count = 1
            if not worth:
                print "I'm sorry, I don't know what that item is. " "Can you try again?"
            elif choice[0] == "buy":
                if worth > self.character.loot["gp"]:
                    print "You don't have enough gold to buy that, cheapskate!"
                    pl = "" if count == 1 else "s"
                    print "You buy " + str(count) + " " + item + pl + "!"
                    for i in range(count):
                        self.character.buy_loot(item, worth)
            elif choice[0] == "sell":
                pl = "" if count == 1 else "s"
                print "You sell " + str(count) + " " + item + pl + "!"
                self.character.sell_loot(item, count)

    def visit_shrine(self):
        """Head to the Shrine of the Unknowable Gods to make offerings."""
        self.gods = godgen(2)
        msg = (
            "The Shrine is mostly deserted at this time of day. "
            "Two of the altars catch your eye: one (choice 1) to "
            + self.gods[0]
            + ", which offers Enlightenment on a sliding "
            "tithe scale; and one (choice 2) to " + self.gods[1] + ", "
            "which promises Materialism for a single lump sum of 30,000gp."
        print textwrap.fill(msg), "\nChoice# Offering, or Leave"
        choice = get_user_input(
            "Shrine> ", character=self.character, options=["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]
        while choice != "leave":
            choice = choice.split()
            if len(choice) < 2 or (choice[0] != "1" and choice[0] != "2"):
                print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) " "and an offering amount."
                choice = get_user_input(
                    "Shrine> ", character=self.character, options=["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]
                offering = int(choice[1])
            except ValueError:
                print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) and " "an offering amount."
                choice = get_user_input(
                    "Shrine> ", character=self.character, options=["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]
            self.offering(choice[0], offering)
            choice = get_user_input(
                "Shrine> ", character=self.character, options=["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]
        print "You leave the shrine and head back into the town square.", "\n"

    def offering(self, choice, amount):
        """Give money to tha GODZ"""
        if amount < 0:
            print textwrap.fill(
                "You can't take money out of the offering "
                "bowl, not without offending " + self.gods[int(choice) - 1] + ", which you do NOT want to do."
        elif amount == 0:
            print "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
        elif amount > self.character.loot["gp"]:
            print textwrap.fill(
                "You don't have enough gold for that, man. "
                "Go back to the dungeon and make some scratch! "
                "(Or at least, put less in the offering bowl.)"
        if choice == "1":
                self.shrinegp += amount
            except AttributeError:
                self.shrinegp = amount
            from math import sqrt

            newexp = int((1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 8.0 * float(self.shrinegp))) / 4.0)
                netexp = newexp - self.shrinexp
            except AttributeError:
                netexp = newexp
            self.shrinexp = newexp
            msg = (
                "The bounds of your mind are expanded by a moment of "
                "attention from " + self.gods[0] + "; this may not actually "
                "be a good thing, but at least you gain " + str(netexp) + " experience."
            print textwrap.fill(msg)
            self.character.defeat_enemy(netexp, {"gp": -amount})
            if self.character.level[0] >= self.character.level[1] * 10:
        elif str(choice) == "2":
            if amount < 30000:
                msg = (
                    "Nothing happens except for a feeling of insufficient "
                    "funds... you scoop the gold back out of the offering "
                    "bowl before anyone sees you, cheapskate."
                print textwrap.fill(msg)
            typechoice = random.choice([random.randint(0, 2) for i in range(6)])
            type1 = ["ring", "rarmor", "rweapon"][typechoice]
            type1a = ["ring", "armor", "weapon"][typechoice]
            if type1 == "ring":
                riches = random.choice([random.choice(pq_magic["ring"].keys()) for i in range(6)])
                type2 = random.choice([random.choice(pq_gear[type1].keys()) for i in range(6)])
                rating = random.choice([random.randint(0, 8) for i in range(6)])
                if rating == 0:
                    riches = pq_gear[type1][type2]["0"]
                    magic = (
                        random.choice([random.randint(max([rating - 5, 0]), min([3, rating])) for i in range(6)])
                        if rating < 8
                        else 3
                    nonmagic = str(rating - magic)
                    riches = "" if magic == 0 else pq_magic[type1][type2][str(magic)] + " "
                    riches += pq_gear[type1][type2][nonmagic]
            self.character.defeat_enemy(0, {"gp": -amount, type1a: riches})
            msg = "The gold disappears from the offering bowl"
            if amount > 30000:
                msg += " (with a thank you very much for the extra donation)"
            msg += ", and you discover a "
            if type1a == "ring":
                msg += "Ring of "
            msg += riches + " in your lootbag!"
            print textwrap.fill(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PQ_RPG(object):
    """RPG instance declaration"""
    def __init__(self, player):
        def dict_return(pq): # required for python3
            return k[0]
        """Initialize the game session."""
        self.character = PQ_Character(self)
        self.player_name = player
        self.questlevel = 0
        self.dungeonlevel = 1
        self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
        self.quest = {}
        self.store = [
        self.whereareyou = "Town"
        self.shrinexp = 0
        self.shrinegp = 0
        self.combat = None
        self.puzzle = None
        self.gods = ["", ""]

    def new_char(self):
        """Re-initialize for a new character"""
        self.character.dead = 0
        self.questlevel = 0
        self.dungeonlevel = 1
        self.maxdungeonlevel = 1
        self.quest = {}
        self.character.queststatus = "inactive"
        self.store = [

    def destination(self, goto):
        """Set the destination of the character."""
        self.whereareyou = goto

    def check_backtrack(self):
        """Determine if the character successfully backtracks
        to the start of the level.
        Backtrack chance is 50% for Mind = dungeon level,
        asymptotic to 1/6 for Mind < dungeon level,
        asymptotic to 5/6 for Mind > dungeon level
        differential = self.character.stats[4] - self.dungeonlevel
        if differential < 0:
            cutoff = float(3 - differential) / float(6 - 6 * differential)
            cutoff = float(3 + 5 * differential) / float(6 + 6 * differential)
        return random.random() < cutoff

    def init_quest(self, level):
        """Initialize a Quest! With a Capital Q!"""
        self.quest = PQ_Quest()

    def addshopitem(self):
        """Add an item to the shop."""
        shop_items = pq_treasuregen(self.character.level[1])
        for i in shop_items.keys():
            if shop_items[i] and i != 'gp' and shop_items[i] not in self.store:

    def questhall(self):
        """The character enters the Questhall! It's super effective!"""
        if self.character.queststatus == "active":
            msg = "As you enter the Questhall, Mayor Percival looks at you " \
                "expectantly. " + color.BOLD + "'Did you collect the item " \
                "and defeat the monster? No? Well, then, get back out there!" \
                " I suggest you try Dungeon level " + str(self.questlevel) + \
                ".'" + color.END
        self.questlevel += 1
        if self.character.queststatus == "inactive":
            msg1 = "In the Questhall, Mayor Percival frets behind his desk. " \
                + color.BOLD + "'" + self.character.name[0] + "! Just the " \
                "person I was looking for. There's... something I need you " \
                "to do. See, there are rumors of a horrible creature, " \
                "called " + self.quest.name + ", roaming the dungeon. " + \
                self.quest.description + "This monstrosity " \
                "draws its power from " + self.quest.artifact[0] + ", " + \
                self.quest.artifact[1].lower() + " I need you to go into " \
                "the dungeon, kill that beast, and bring back the artifact " \
                "so my advisors can destroy it. The townspeople will be " \
                "very grateful, and you'll receive a substantial reward! " \
                "Now, get out of here and let me finish my paperwork.'" \
                + color.END
        elif self.character.queststatus == "complete":
            send_to_console("Mayor Percival looks up excitedly. " + color.BOLD + \
                "'You have it! Well, thank my lucky stars. " \
                "You're a True Hero, " + self.character.name[0] + "!'" + \
            exp = 5 * (self.questlevel - 1)
            gold = int(random.random() * 2 + 1) * exp
            send_to_console("You gain " + str(exp) + " experience and " + str(gold) \
                + " gp!")
            self.character.complete_quest(exp, gold)
            if self.character.level[0] >= self.character.level[1] * 10:
            msg1 = "Percival clears his throat hesitantly. " + color.BOLD + \
                "'Since I have you here, there... have been rumors of " \
                "another problem in the dungeon. "
            msg2 = self.quest.name + " is its name. " + self.quest.description
            msg3 = " The source of its power is " + self.quest.artifact[0] + \
                ", " + self.quest.artifact[1] + " Will you take this quest, " \
                "same terms as last time (adjusting for inflation)? Yes? " \
                "Wonderful! Now get out.'" + color.END
            send_to_console(textwrap.fill(msg1 + msg2 + msg3))
        self.character.queststatus = "active"

    def godownstairs(self):
        """Head to the next lower dungeon level."""
        self.whereareyou = "start"
        self.dungeonlevel += 1
        if self.dungeonlevel > self.maxdungeonlevel:
            self.maxdungeonlevel = self.dungeonlevel
        send_to_console("You head down the stairs to level " +

    def explore(self):
        """Explore the dungeon!"""
        room = random.choice([random.randint(1, 20) for i in range(6)])
        self.whereareyou = "dungeon"
        if room <= 2:
            send_to_console("You find a flight of stairs, leading down! " \
                +color.BOLD+"Go down, or Stay?"+color.END)
            choice = choose_from_list("Stairs> ", \
                ["down", "go down", "stay"], rand=False, \
                character=self.character, allowed=['sheet', 'help', 'equip'])
            if choice != "stay":
                send_to_console("You decide to stick around on level " + \
                    str(self.dungeonlevel) + " a little while longer.")
        elif room > 2 and room <= 5:
            msg = color.BOLD + "You found a chest! " + color.END
            chest = pq_treasuregen(self.dungeonlevel)
            self.character.defeat_enemy(0, chest)
            loot = []
            for i in chest.keys():
                if chest[i]:
                    if i == 'gp':
                        loot.append(str(chest[i]) + " gp")
                    elif i == 'ring':
                        loot.append("a Ring of " + chest[i])
                        loot.append("a " + chest[i])
            if not loot:
                msg += "Sadly, it was empty."
                msg += "Inside, you find " + color.BOLD + ", ".join(
                    loot) + "." + color.END
        elif room > 5 and room <= 8:
            msg = "The room echoes with a hollow emptiness, and you " \
                "reflect on the vagaries of living life alone... Then " \
                "you eat" + sandgen() + ", and get ready to kill more things."
            send_to_console(textwrap.fill(msg), "\nYou regain " + \
                str(self.dungeonlevel) + " hp and sp!")
        elif room > 8 and room <= 10:
            self.whereareyou = "puzzle"
            self.puzzle = PQ_Puzzle(self.dungeonlevel, self.character)
        #elif room > 10 and room <= 12:
        #    self.whereareyou = "trap"
        #elif room > 12:
        elif room > 10:
            msg = "You've stumbled on an enemy! It seems to be... "
            questcheck = self.maxdungeonlevel - self.questlevel
            cutoff = float(1 + questcheck) / float(10 + 2 * questcheck)
            if self.dungeonlevel == self.questlevel and self.quest and \
                self.character.queststatus == "active" and random.random() \
                < cutoff:
                self.combat = PQ_Combat(self.dungeonlevel, self.character, \
                msg += color.BOLD + self.quest.name + color.END + '!'
                self.combat = PQ_Combat(self.dungeonlevel, \
                    self.character, None)
                if self.dungeonlevel >= 10:
                    msg += color.RED + self.combat.enemy.name + color.END + '!'
                    msg += 'a ' + color.BOLD + self.combat.enemy.name + color.END + '!'
            if self.combat.turnorder[0] == 'player':
                msg += ' You get the jump on it.'
                msg += ' It gets the jump on you.'
            self.whereareyou = "combat"
            self.combat = None

    def visit_shop(self):
        """Wrapper for shopping"""
        send_to_console("The shopkeep greets you cheerfully. 'Welcome, hero! " \
            "What can I do for you?'")

    def transactions(self):
        """Handle transactions with the shop."""
        msg1 = "His current inventory is: "
        inventory = display_itemlist(self.store)
        inventory_basic = collapse_stringlist(self.store, sortit = True, \
            addcounts = False)
        if not inventory:
            msg1 += "Nothing!"
            msg1 += " ".join(inventory) + "."
        msg2 = "Your current loot bag contains " + \
            str(self.character.loot['gp']) + " gp, and: "
        lootbag = display_itemlist(self.character.loot['items'], True)
        lootbag_basic = collapse_stringlist(self.character.loot['items'], \
            sortit = True, addcounts = False)
        if not lootbag:
            msg2 += "Nothing!"
            msg2 += " ".join(lootbag) + "."
        send_to_console("Buy Item# [Amount], Sell Item# [Amount], or Leave.")
        buylist = [" ".join(["buy", str(i), str(j)]) for i in range(1, \
            len(inventory) + 1) for j in range(1, self.store.count( \
            inventory_basic[i - 1]) + 1)] + ["buy " + str(i) for i \
            in range(1, len(inventory) + 1)]
        sellist = [" ".join(["sell", str(i), str(j)]) for i in \
            range(1, len(lootbag) + 1) for j in range(1, self.character.loot[\
            'items'].count(lootbag_basic[i - 1]) + 1)] + \
            ["sell " + str(i) for i in range(1, len(lootbag) + 1)]
        choice = choose_from_list("Shop> ", buylist + sellist + ["leave"], \
            rand=False, character=self.character, allowed=['sheet', 'help'])
        if choice == "leave":
                "You leave the shop and head back into the town square.\n")
            choice = choice.split()
                item = int(choice[1])
                item = inventory_basic[item - 1] if choice[0] == "buy" \
                    else lootbag_basic[item - 1]
                worth = pq_item_worth(item)
            except ValueError:
                worth = 0
            count = 1 if len(choice) < 3 else choice[2]
                count = int(count)
            except ValueError:
                count = 1
            if not worth:
                send_to_console("I'm sorry, I don't know what that item is. " \
                    "Can you try again?")
            elif choice[0] == "buy":
                if worth > self.character.loot['gp']:
                        "You don't have enough gold to buy that, cheapskate!")
                    pl = "" if count == 1 else "s"
                    send_to_console("You buy " + str(count) + " " + item + pl +
                    for i in range(count):
                        self.character.buy_loot(item, worth)
            elif choice[0] == "sell":
                pl = "" if count == 1 else "s"
                send_to_console("You sell " + str(count) + " " + item + pl +
                self.character.sell_loot(item, count)

    def visit_shrine(self):
        """Head to the Shrine of the Unknowable Gods to make offerings."""
        self.gods = godgen(2)
        msg = "The Shrine is mostly deserted at this time of day. " \
            "Two of the altars catch your eye: one (choice 1) to " \
            + self.gods[0] + ", which offers Enlightenment on a sliding " \
            "tithe scale; and one (choice 2) to " + self.gods[1] + ", " \
            "which promises Materialism for a single lump sum of 30,000gp."
            textwrap.fill(msg) + "\nOptions: Choice# Offering, or Leave")
        choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", character = self.character, \
            options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
        while choice != "leave":
            choice = choice.split()
            if len(choice) < 2 or (choice[0] != "1" and choice[0] != "2"):
                send_to_console("You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) " \
                    "and an offering amount.")
                choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                    character = self.character, \
                    options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
                offering = int(choice[1])
            except ValueError:
                send_to_console("You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) and " \
                    "an offering amount.")
                choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                    character = self.character, \
                    options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
            self.offering(choice[0], offering)
            choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                    character = self.character, \
                    options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
            "You leave the shrine and head back into the town square.\n")

    def offering(self, choice, amount):
        """Give money to tha GODZ"""
        if amount < 0:
            send_to_console(textwrap.fill("You can't take money out of the offering " \
                "bowl, not without offending " + self.gods[int(choice) - 1] + \
                ", which you do NOT want to do."))
        elif amount == 0:
            send_to_console("Nothing ventured, nothing gained.")
        elif amount > self.character.loot['gp']:
            send_to_console(textwrap.fill("You don't have enough gold for that, man. " \
                "Go back to the dungeon and make some scratch! " \
                "(Or at least, put less in the offering bowl.)"))
        if choice == '1':
                self.shrinegp += amount
            except AttributeError:
                self.shrinegp = amount
            from math import sqrt
            newexp = int((1. + sqrt(1. + 8. * float(self.shrinegp))) / 4.)
                netexp = newexp - self.shrinexp
            except AttributeError:
                netexp = newexp
            self.shrinexp = newexp
            msg = "The bounds of your mind are expanded by a moment of " \
                "attention from " + self.gods[0] + "; this may not actually " \
                "be a good thing, but at least you gain " + str(netexp) + \
                " experience."
            self.character.defeat_enemy(netexp, {'gp': -amount})
            if self.character.level[0] >= self.character.level[1] * 10:
        elif str(choice) == '2':
            if amount < 30000:
                msg = "Nothing happens except for a feeling of insufficient " \
                    "funds... you scoop the gold back out of the offering " \
                    "bowl before anyone sees you, cheapskate."
            typechoice = random.choice([random.randint(0, 2) \
                for i in range(6)])
            type1 = ["ring", "rarmor", "rweapon"][typechoice]
            type1a = ["ring", "armor", "weapon"][typechoice]
            if type1 == "ring":
                riches = random.choice([random.choice(pq_magic[\
                'ring'].keys()) for i in range(6)])
                type2 = random.choice([random.choice(pq_gear[\
                    type1].keys()) for i in range(6)])
                rating = random.choice([random.randint(0, 8) \
                    for i in range(6)])
                if rating == 0:
                    riches = pq_gear[type1][type2]['0']
                    magic = random.choice([random.randint(max([rating - 5, \
                        0]), min([3, rating])) for i in range(6)]) \
                        if rating < 8 else 3
                    nonmagic = str(rating - magic)
                    riches = '' if magic == 0 else pq_magic[type1]\
                        [type2][str(magic)] + ' '
                    riches += pq_gear[type1][type2][nonmagic]
            self.character.defeat_enemy(0, {'gp': -amount, type1a: riches})
            msg = "The gold disappears from the offering bowl"
            if amount > 30000:
                msg += " (with a thank you very much for the extra donation)"
            msg += ", and you discover a "
            if type1a == "ring":
                msg += "Ring of "
            msg += riches + " in your lootbag!"