def grasp_target_action_result_cb(userdata, status, result):
                            # here parse the result and compose a ObjectPoseList of what we found and return it in the output key object_found
                            obj = ObjectPoseList()
                            obj.header = result.detectionResult.table.pose.header  # just copying some header
                            num_object = 0
                            i = 0
                                for i in range(0, 10):  # there wont be more objects, come on!
                                    if result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id == userdata.object_id_from_name or userdata.object_id_from_name <= 0:  # I think we only get one returned anyways
                                        op = ObjectPose()
                                        if userdata.object_id_from_name > 0:
                                            obj.object_list[num_object].name = userdata.object_to_search_for
                                            obj.object_list[num_object].pose = result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].pose.pose
                                            num_object += 1
                                            rospy.loginfo("Going to translate ID: " + str(result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id))
                                            obj_trans_db = rospy.ServiceProxy('object_translator_dataBase', ObjectTranslatorDataBase)
                                            obj_info = obj_trans_db(result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id)
                                            #rospy.loginfo("Got info from db: " + str(obj_info))
                                            if obj_info.objname == '':
                                                obj.object_list[num_object].name = 'unknown'
                                                obj.object_list[num_object].name = obj_info.objname
                                            obj.object_list[num_object].pose = result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].pose.pose
                                            num_object += 1
                            except Exception as e:
                                rospy.loginfo("Exception when looping over result.detectionResult.models[" + str(i) + "]")
                                rospy.loginfo("result.detectionResult.models[i] looks like:\n" + str(result.detectionResult.models[i]))
                                if str(e) != "list index out of range":
                                    rospy.loginfo("Got exception: " + str(e))
                                pass  # this exception should be that we are looping too far...

                            userdata.object_found = obj
                            rospy.loginfo("userdata.object_found generated as: " + str(obj))

                            if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED and num_object > 0:
                                return succeeded
                                global OUTPUT
                                OUTPUT = GRASP_TARGET_ACTION_FAILED
                                return aborted
            def grasp_target_result_cb(userdata, status, result):
                #rospy.loginfo("Result of the cb: result: " + str(result) )
                # result is:
                # int32 status
                # copy of the tabletop detection result
                # tabletop_object_detector/TabletopDetectionResult detectionResult
                # int32 NO_CLOUD_RECEIVED=1
                # int32 NO_TABLE=2
                # int32 OTHER_ERROR=3
                # int32 SUCCESS=4
                # tabletop_object_detector/Table table
                #   geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
                #     std_msgs/Header header
                #       uint32 seq
                #       time stamp
                #       string frame_id
                #     geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                #       geometry_msgs/Point position
                #         float64 x
                #         float64 y
                #         float64 z
                #       geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                #         float64 x
                #         float64 y
                #         float64 z
                #         float64 w
                #   float32 x_min
                #   float32 x_max
                #   float32 y_min
                #   float32 y_max
                #   arm_navigation_msgs/Shape convex_hull
                #     byte SPHERE=0
                #     byte BOX=1
                #     byte CYLINDER=2
                #     byte MESH=3
                #     byte type
                #     float64[] dimensions
                #     int32[] triangles
                #     geometry_msgs/Point[] vertices
                #       float64 x
                #       float64 y
                #       float64 z
                # sensor_msgs/PointCloud[] clusters
                #   std_msgs/Header header
                #     uint32 seq
                #     time stamp
                #     string frame_id
                #   geometry_msgs/Point32[] points
                #     float32 x
                #     float32 y
                #     float32 z
                #   sensor_msgs/ChannelFloat32[] channels
                #     string name
                #     float32[] values
                # household_objects_database_msgs/DatabaseModelPoseList[] models
                #   household_objects_database_msgs/DatabaseModelPose[] model_list
                #     int32 model_id
                #     geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
                #       std_msgs/Header header
                #         uint32 seq
                #         time stamp
                #         string frame_id
                #       geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                #         geometry_msgs/Point position
                #           float64 x
                #           float64 y
                #           float64 z
                #         geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                #           float64 x
                #           float64 y
                #           float64 z
                #           float64 w
                #     float32 confidence
                #     string detector_name
                # int32[] cluster_model_indices
                # int32 result

                # here parse the result and compose a ObjectPoseList of what we found and return it in the output key object_found
                obj = ObjectPoseList()
                # Header header
                # ObjectPose[] object_list
                # time originalTimeStamp
                # time requestTimeStamp
                obj.header = result.detectionResult.table.pose.header  # just copying some header

                ####obj.object_list = [None] * 10  # ugly way to allocate space in python
                # obj.object_list[0] = ObjectPose() # only putting the "interesting result" for now
                # string name
                # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                # geometry_msgs/Point32 pose2D
                # int16[] convex_hull_x
                # int16[] convex_hull_y
                # float32 mean_quality
                # int16 used_points
                # NameTypeValue[] properties
                # geometry_msgs/Pose[] pose_uncertainty_list

                #obj.object_list[0].name = userdata.object_to_search_for
                #rospy.loginfo("result.detectionResult.models:\n" + str(result.detectionResult.models))
                num_object = 0
                    for i in range(0, 10):  # there wont be more objects, come on!
                        if result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id == userdata.object_id_from_name or userdata.object_id_from_name <= 0:  # I think we only get one returned anyways
                            op = ObjectPose()
                            if userdata.object_id_from_name > 0:
                                obj.object_list[num_object].name = userdata.object_to_search_for
                                obj.object_list[num_object].pose = result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].pose.pose
                                num_object += 1
                                rospy.loginfo("Going to translate ID: " + str(result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id))
                                obj_trans_db = rospy.ServiceProxy('object_translator_dataBase', ObjectTranslatorDataBase)
                                obj_info = obj_trans_db(result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].model_id)
                                #rospy.loginfo("Got info from db: " + str(obj_info))
                                if obj_info.objname == '':
                                    obj.object_list[num_object].name = 'unknown'
                                    obj.object_list[num_object].name = obj_info.objname
                                obj.object_list[num_object].pose = result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[0].pose.pose
                                num_object += 1
                except Exception as e:
                    # rospy.loginfo("Exception when looping over result.detectionResult.models[" + str(i) + "]")
                    # rospy.loginfo("result.detectionResult.models[i] looks like:\n" + str(result.detectionResult.models[i]))
                    if str(e) != "list index out of range":
                        rospy.loginfo("Got exception: " +  str(e))

                    pass  # this exception should be that we are looping too far...

                # for item, value in result.detectionResult.models.items():  # AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items' ITS A F*****G LIST??? WTF
                #     rospy.loginfo("item: " + item + "\n value: " + value) 

                # for i in range(len(result.detectionResult.models)):  # TypeError: object of type 'DatabaseModelPoseList' has no len()
                #     for j in range(len(result.detectionResult.models[i])):
                #         if result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[j].model_id == userdata.object_id_from_name:
                #             obj.object_list[0].pose = result.detectionResult.models[i].model_list[j].pose.pose

                # for model_list in result.detectionResult.models:  # TypeError: 'DatabaseModelPoseList' object is not iterable # maybe this is a UserDict? 
                #     for model in model_list:
                #         if model.model_id == userdata.object_id_from_name:
                #             obj.object_list[0].pose = model.pose.pose

                userdata.object_found = obj
                rospy.loginfo("userdata.object_found generated as: " + str(obj) )

                if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED and num_object > 0:
                    return succeeded
                    err = "Grasp target action failed. "
                    err += ("Status: %s" % str(status)) if status != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED else ("num_object: %s" % str(num_object) )
                    return aborted