def update_config(self): out('update_config') self.config = PRACMLNConfig() self.config['mln'] = self.mln_container.selected_file.get().strip().lstrip('*') self.config["db"] = self.db_container.selected_file.get().strip().lstrip('*') self.config["output_filename"] = self.output_filename.get() self.config["params"] = self.params.get().strip() self.config["method"] = self.config["pattern"] = self.pattern.get() self.config["use_prior"] = int(self.use_prior.get()) self.config["prior_mean"] = self.priorMean.get() self.config["prior_stdev"] = self.priorStdDev.get() self.config["incremental"] = int(self.incremental.get()) self.config["shuffle"] = int(self.shuffle.get()) self.config["use_initial_weights"] = int(self.use_initial_weights.get()) self.config["qpreds"] = self.queryPreds.get().strip() self.config["epreds"] = self.evidencePreds.get().strip() self.config["discr_preds"] = self.discrPredicates.get() self.config['logic'] = self.selected_logic.get() self.config['grammar'] = self.selected_grammar.get() self.config['multicore'] = self.multicore.get() self.config['profile'] = self.profile.get() self.config['verbose'] = self.verbose.get() self.config['ignore_unknown_preds'] = self.ignore_unknown_preds.get() self.config['ignore_zero_weight_formulas'] = self.ignore_zero_weight_formulas.get() self.config['save'] = self.config["output_filename"] = self.output_filename.get().strip() self.project.learnconf = PRACMLNConfig() self.project.learnconf.update(self.config.config.copy())
def print_gndatoms(self, stream=sys.stdout): ''' Prints the alphabetically sorted list of ground atoms in this MRF to the given `stream`. ''' out('=== GROUND ATOMS ===', tb=2) l = self._gndatoms.keys() for ga in sorted(l): stream.write(str(ga) + '\n')
def print_world_vars(self, world, stream=sys.stdout, tb=2): ''' Prints the given world `world` as a readable string of the MRF variables to the given stream. ''' out('=== WORLD VARIABLES ===', tb=tb) for var in self.variables: stream.write(repr(var) + '\n') for i, v in enumerate(var.evidence_value(world)): vstr = '%.3f' % v if v is not None else '? ' stream.write(' %s %s\n' % (vstr, var.gndatoms[i]))
def loaddb(self, mln, config, db=None): if db is None: if config == 'query': config = self.queryconf elif config == 'learn': config = self.learnconf else: raise Exception('Need a database name or config.') from pracmln.mln.database import parse_db path = self.path if hasattr(self, 'path') else None out(db) out(self.dbs[db]) return parse_db(mln, self.dbs[ifNone(db, config['db'])], ignore_unknown_preds=config['ignore_unknown_preds'], projectpath=path)
def eval(self, mln, dbs): ''' Returns a confusion matrix for the given (learned) MLN evaluated on the databases given in dbs. ''' querypred = self.params.querypred # query_dom = self.params.query_dom # sig = ['?arg%d' % i for i, _ in enumerate(mln.predicates[query_pred])] # querytempl = '%s(%s)' % (query_pred, ','.join(sig)) # dbs = map(lambda db: db.copy(mln), dbs) for db_ in dbs: # save and remove the query predicates from the evidence db = db_.copy() gndtruth = mln.ground(db) gndtruth.apply_cw() for atom, _ in db.gndatoms(querypred): out('removing evidence', repr(atom)) del db.evidence[atom] db.write() stop() try: resultdb = MLNQuery(config=self.params.queryconf, mln=mln, method=InferenceMethods.WCSPInference, db=db, cw_preds=[ for p in mln.predicates if != self.params.querypred], multicore=False).run().resultdb result = mln.ground(db) result.set_evidence(resultdb) for variable in result.variables: if != querypred: continue pvalue = variable.evidence_value() tvalue = variable.evidence_value() prediction = [a for a, v in variable.atomvalues(pvalue) if v == 1] truth = [a for a, v in variable.atomvalues(tvalue) if v == 1] prediction = str(prediction[0]) if prediction else None truth = str(truth[0]) if truth else None self.confmat.addClassificationResult(prediction, truth) # sig2 = list(sig) # entityIdx = mln.predicates[query_pred].argdoms.index(query_dom) # for entity in[]: # sig2[entityIdx] = entity # query = '%s(%s)' % (queryPred, ','.join(sig2)) # for truth in trueDB.query(query): # truth = truth.values().pop() # for pred in resultDB.query(query): # pred = pred.values().pop() # self.confMatrix.addClassificationResult(pred, truth) # for e, v in trueDB.evidence.iteritems(): # if v is not None: # db.addGroundAtom('%s%s' % ('' if v is True else '!', e)) except: logger.critical(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
def delete_file(self): fname = self.selected_file.get().strip() # remove element from project mlns and buffer if fname in self.file_buffer: del self.file_buffer[fname] if self.delete_hook is not None: self.delete_hook(fname) f = self.update_file_choices() out(f) # select first element from remaining list if f: self.list_files['menu'].invoke(0) else: self.selected_file.set('') self.editor.delete("1.0", END) self.dirty = True
def print_domains(self): out('=== MRF DOMAINS ==', tb=2) for dom, values in print dom, '=', ','.join(values)
def learn(self, savegeometry=True, options={}, *args): mln_content = self.mln_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() db_content = self.db_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() # create conf from current gui settings self.update_config() # write gui settings self.write_gconfig(savegeometry=savegeometry) # hide gui self.master.withdraw() try: print headline('PRAC LEARNING TOOL') print if options.get('mlnarg') is not None: mlnobj = MLN(mlnfile=os.path.abspath(options.get('mlnarg')), logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) else: mlnobj = parse_mln(mln_content, searchpaths=[self.project_dir], projectpath=os.path.join(self.project_dir,, logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) if options.get('dbarg') is not None: dbobj = Database.load(mlnobj, dbfiles=[options.get('dbarg')], ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True)) else: if self.config.get('pattern'): local, dblist = self.get_training_db_paths(self.config.get('pattern').strip()) dbobj = [] # build database list from project dbs if local: for dbname in dblist: dbobj.extend(parse_db(mlnobj, self.project.dbs[dbname].strip(), ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True), projectpath=os.path.join(self.dir, out(dbobj) # build database list from filesystem dbs else: for dbpath in dblist: dbobj.extend(Database.load(mlnobj, dbpath, ignore_unknown_preds= self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True))) # build single db from currently selected db else: dbobj = parse_db(mlnobj, db_content, projectpath=os.path.join(self.dir,, dirs=[self.dir]) learning = MLNLearn(config=self.config, mln=mlnobj, db=dbobj) result = # write to file if run from commandline, otherwise save result # to project results if options.get('outputfile') is not None: output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) with open(os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')), 'w') as f: f.write(output.getvalue())'saved result to {}'.format(os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')))) elif output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) self.project.add_mln(self.output_filename.get(), output.getvalue()) self.mln_container.update_file_choices()'saved result to file mln/{} in project {}'.format(self.output_filename.get(), else: logger.debug("No output file given - results have not been saved.") except: traceback.print_exc() # restore gui sys.stdout.flush() self.master.deiconify()
def infer(self, savegeometry=True, options={}, *args): mln_content = self.mln_container.editor.get( "1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() db_content = self.db_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() # create conf from current gui settings self.update_config() # write gui settings self.write_gconfig(savegeometry=savegeometry) # hide gui self.master.withdraw() try: print headline('PRACMLN QUERY TOOL') print if options.get('mlnarg') is not None: mlnobj = MLN(mlnfile=os.path.abspath(options.get('mlnarg')), logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) else: mlnobj = parse_mln( mln_content, searchpaths=[self.dir], projectpath=os.path.join(self.dir,, logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) if options.get('emlnarg') is not None: emln_content = mlnpath(options.get('emlnarg')).content else: emln_content = self.emln_container.editor.get( "1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() if options.get('dbarg') is not None: dbobj = Database.load(mlnobj, dbfiles=[options.get('dbarg')], ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get( 'ignore_unknown_preds', True)) else: out(self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True)) dbobj = parse_db(mlnobj, db_content, ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get( 'ignore_unknown_preds', True)) if options.get('queryarg') is not None: self.config["queries"] = options.get('queryarg') infer = MLNQuery(config=self.config, mln=mlnobj, db=dbobj, emln=emln_content) result = # write to file if run from commandline, otherwise save result to project results if options.get('outputfile') is not None: output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) with open(os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')), 'w') as f: f.write(output.getvalue())'saved result to {}'.format( os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')))) elif output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) fname = self.output_filename.get() self.project.add_result(fname, output.getvalue()) 'saved result to file results/{} in project {}'.format( fname, else: logger.debug( 'No output file given - results have not been saved.') except: traceback.print_exc() # restore main window sys.stdout.flush() self.master.deiconify()
def eval(self, mln, dbs): ''' Returns a confusion matrix for the given (learned) MLN evaluated on the databases given in dbs. ''' querypred = self.params.querypred # query_dom = self.params.query_dom # sig = ['?arg%d' % i for i, _ in enumerate(mln.predicates[query_pred])] # querytempl = '%s(%s)' % (query_pred, ','.join(sig)) # dbs = map(lambda db: db.copy(mln), dbs) for db_ in dbs: # save and remove the query predicates from the evidence db = db_.copy() gndtruth = mln.ground(db) gndtruth.apply_cw() for atom, _ in db.gndatoms(querypred): out('removing evidence', repr(atom)) del db.evidence[atom] db.write() stop() try: resultdb = MLNQuery(config=self.params.queryconf, mln=mln, method=InferenceMethods.WCSPInference, db=db, cw_preds=[ for p in mln.predicates if != self.params.querypred ], multicore=False).run().resultdb result = mln.ground(db) result.set_evidence(resultdb) for variable in result.variables: if != querypred: continue pvalue = variable.evidence_value() tvalue = variable.evidence_value() prediction = [ a for a, v in variable.atomvalues(pvalue) if v == 1 ] truth = [ a for a, v in variable.atomvalues(tvalue) if v == 1 ] prediction = str(prediction[0]) if prediction else None truth = str(truth[0]) if truth else None self.confmat.addClassificationResult(prediction, truth) # sig2 = list(sig) # entityIdx = mln.predicates[query_pred].argdoms.index(query_dom) # for entity in[]: # sig2[entityIdx] = entity # query = '%s(%s)' % (queryPred, ','.join(sig2)) # for truth in trueDB.query(query): # truth = truth.values().pop() # for pred in resultDB.query(query): # pred = pred.values().pop() # self.confMatrix.addClassificationResult(pred, truth) # for e, v in trueDB.evidence.iteritems(): # if v is not None: # db.addGroundAtom('%s%s' % ('' if v is True else '!', e)) except: logger.critical(''.join( traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
def infer(self, savegeometry=True, options={}, *args): mln_content = self.mln_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() db_content = self.db_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() # create conf from current gui settings self.update_config() # write gui settings self.write_gconfig(savegeometry=savegeometry) # hide gui self.master.withdraw() try: print headline('PRACMLN QUERY TOOL') print if options.get('mlnarg') is not None: mlnobj = MLN(mlnfile=os.path.abspath(options.get('mlnarg')), logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) else: mlnobj = parse_mln(mln_content, searchpaths=[self.dir], projectpath=os.path.join(self.dir,, logic=self.config.get('logic', 'FirstOrderLogic'), grammar=self.config.get('grammar', 'PRACGrammar')) if options.get('emlnarg') is not None: emln_content = mlnpath(options.get('emlnarg')).content else: emln_content = self.emln_container.editor.get("1.0", END).encode('utf8').strip() if options.get('dbarg') is not None: dbobj = Database.load(mlnobj, dbfiles=[options.get('dbarg')], ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True)) else: out(self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True)) dbobj = parse_db(mlnobj, db_content, ignore_unknown_preds=self.config.get('ignore_unknown_preds', True)) if options.get('queryarg') is not None: self.config["queries"] = options.get('queryarg') infer = MLNQuery(config=self.config, mln=mlnobj, db=dbobj, emln=emln_content) result = # write to file if run from commandline, otherwise save result to project results if options.get('outputfile') is not None: output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) with open(os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')), 'w') as f: f.write(output.getvalue())'saved result to {}'.format(os.path.abspath(options.get('outputfile')))) elif output = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(output) fname = self.output_filename.get() self.project.add_result(fname, output.getvalue())'saved result to file results/{} in project {}'.format(fname, else: logger.debug('No output file given - results have not been saved.') except: traceback.print_exc() # restore main window sys.stdout.flush() self.master.deiconify()
def _print_unsatisfied_constraints(self): out(" %d unsatisfied: %s" % (len(self.unsatisfied), map(str, [self.clauses[i] for i in self.unsatisfied])), tb=2)