import praw import requests import json from datetime import datetime import time ### Replace values to connect to api ( reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id="", client_secret="", user_agent="") ### def scrape_posts(subreddit, start_time=None, end_time=None, interval=3600 * 6): '''With default args, downloads all posts from a subreddit''' error_wait_time = 1 wait_time = 0.5 retries = 10 pushshift_max = 100 all_posts = [] if start_time is None: start_time = int(reddit.subreddit(subreddit).created_utc) if end_time is None: end_time = int( with open(f'fetched_r_{subreddit}.json', 'w') as f: f.write("[") while start_time < end_time: end_interval = min(start_time + interval, end_time) url = f"{start_time}&before={end_interval}&subreddit={subreddit}&limit=1000&score=%3E0" r = requests.get(url) for i in range(retries): if r.status_code == 200:
import praw, time, datetime, json, os reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='', client_secret='', user_agent='') def unix_to_datetime(unix_time): """ FUNCTION: Input = unix time, returns a date and hhmmss string, used for daily file names""" normal_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(unix_time)).strftime('%d_%m_%Y_%H') return normal_time def what_month_time(time_str): '''This function returns a tuple with the month and hour of a submission or comment''' time_str = time_str.split('_') return int(time_str[1]), int(time_str[3]) class DailyRedditorData: '''A class for easier access of Redditor data.''' def __init__(self, username): self.username = username instance = reddit.redditor(username) = instance.comment_karma # comment karma = instance.link_karma # link or post karma = instance.is_gold # boolean for if the user has premium = instance.is_mod # boolean for if the user is a mod = len(list( # number of comments self.po = len(list(
def authenticate(): print('Authenticating...') reddit = praw.Reddit('<bot_name>', user_agent='Test bot /u/<account_name>') print('Authenticated as {}'.format( return reddit
try: dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/www" enginerunning = False if "acestreamengine" in ( for p in psutil.process_iter()): enginerunning = True if enginerunning == False: #start engine print "Start engine" #os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, ["/snap/bin/acestreamplayer.engine", "--client-console", "--bind-all", "--live-cache-type", "disk", "--live-disk-cache-size", "1000000000"]) proc1 = subprocess.Popen([ "/snap/bin/acestreamplayer.engine", "--client-console", "--bind-all", "--live-cache-type", "disk", "--live-disk-cache-size", "1000000000" ]) time.sleep(10) reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='eSLpkm36H4FelA', client_secret='NM50GW0wQZ63Wju_n-8lgP4N0LE', user_agent='my user agent') matches = {} subreddit = reddit.subreddit('soccerstreams') for submission in reddit.subreddit('soccerstreams').new( limit=30): #get 10 newest posts if ((time.time() - submission.created_utc)) < ( 24 * 3600): #only search posts last 24 hours if'vs', submission.title, re.IGNORECASE): if, submission.title, re.IGNORECASE): if submission.title not in matches: matches[submission.title] = {} for comment in submission.comments: if"acestream", comment.body): acestreams = re.findall(r'acestream://([0-9a-z]+)',
def scrape(): VISITED_FNAME = "visited_submissions" NUM_SUBMISSION_AT_TIME = 100 #how many submission to process at a time visited_submissions = set() #IDs of submissions we've already visited #NOTE: (submission, comment) would be more efficient #But then each time we ran program we'd have to check every comment #Given that activity probably dies off quickly, the slight increase #in thoroughness is probably not worth the loss of efficiency if os.path.isfile(VISITED_FNAME): visited_comments = pickle.load(open(VISITED_FNAME, "r")) reddit_obj = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Fake Images Scraper") psbattle = reddit_obj.get_subreddit( "photoshopbattles") #subreddit of interest #TODO: logic may not be good #If you only get 10 submissions at a time and you've already looked at all 10, #nothing happens #Better: keep going through submissions until you find you haven't checked them # img_count = 0 count_submissions = len( visited_submissions) #start counting wherever we left off original_num_submissions = len( visited_submissions) #so we can count how many new submissions while len(visited_submissions ) - original_num_submissions < NUM_SUBMISSION_AT_TIME: first = psbattle.get_top( limit=1) #psbattle.get_new(limit=5) #submissions in that subreddit submission = next(first, None) #process one submission at a time if not submission: continue #step backward to most recent unvisited submission while in visited_submissions: submission = next( psbattle.get_new(limit=1, params={"after": submission.fullname}), None) if not submission: #out of submissions break print "submission: ", submission if submission: print "submission id: ", visited_submissions.add( #make note we will have visited this submission #get all comments for now (note: may cause dataset imbalance? #also takes longer because more API calls) submission.replace_more_comments(limit=None, threshold=0) count_submissions += 1 comments = submission.comments count_comments = 1 for comment in comments: #TODO figure out how to access roots directly try: #if we've made it this far assume image is original if comment.is_root: #this is a top level content links = find_links( comment.body) #get links (presumably of images) #this link is valid so download image at this link for link in links: link = link.replace( ")", "" ) #because sometimes Imgur links have trailing ) save_image(link, count_submissions,, count_comments) img_count += 1 count_comments += 1 #count comment if we were able to process it successfully except Exception as e: print "Exception ", e, " caused by comment ", comment print("%d valid comments on submission %d. Now %d images total" \ % (count_comments, count_submissions, img_count)) time.sleep(2) #comply with reddit policy print("%d images scraped" % img_count) pickle.dump(visited_comments, open(VISITED_FNAME, "w"))
import json import random import praw from youtube_search import YoutubeSearch from discord.ext import commands token = '' bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') bot.remove_command('help') reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id="", client_secret="", user_agent="discordMemeBot", redirect_uri="") @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def meme(ctx): for submission in reddit.subreddit("dankmemes").hot(limit=1): if not submission.stickied: await ctx.send(submission.url) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def help(ctx): await ctx.send( "```!yt + запрос - скидывает видео с YouTube™ в чат \n!meme - скидывает случайны мем с Reddit™" "\n!music + запрос - скидывает плейлист Spotify™ по запросу```") @bot.command(pass_context=True)
import praw import requests import time reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='id', client_secret='secret', username='******', password='******', user_agent='cricket wc weather bot by /u/himanscience') #print(reddit.read_only) subreddit = reddit.subreddit('CricketShitpost') keyphrase = '!cricketwcweather' api_address = '' country_code = ',GB' city = [ 'Birmingham', 'Bristol', 'Cardiff', 'Chester-le-Street', 'Leeds', 'London', 'Manchester', 'Nottingham', 'Southampton', 'Taunton' ] for comment in if keyphrase in comment.body: try: weath = '' for i in city: url = api_address + i + country_code json_data = requests.get(url).json() weath = weath + i + ": " + json_data['weather'][0][ 'description'] + ', \n' aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= f'send a private message to a reddit user. authentication variables and default arguments sourced from {config_file}' ) aparser.add_argument('body', help='body text of message') aparser.add_argument( '-u', '--user', default=cparser.get('Message', 'default_user'), help= f'reddit username of recipient, default is {cparser.get("Message", "default_user")}' ) aparser.add_argument( '-s', '--subject', default=cparser.get('Message', 'default_subject'), help= f'subject text of message, default is {cparser.get("Message", "default_subject")}' ) args = aparser.parse_args() reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=cparser.get('Authentication', 'client_id'), client_secret=cparser.get('Authentication', 'client_secret'), user_agent=cparser.get('Authentication', 'user_agent'), username=cparser.get('Authentication', 'username'), password=cparser.get('Authentication', 'password')) reddit.redditor(args.user).message(args.subject, args.body)
""" Created on 8 August 2017 @author: Rishabh Patil """ import praw import sys import operator import json with open("config.json", "r") as f: config = json.load(f) reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='', client_secret='', user_agent='', username='', password='') print( subreddit = reddit.subreddit('mbti') print(subreddit.display_name) print(subreddit.title) with open("authors.json", "r") as f: authors = json.load(f) def add_author(name, text_flair, css_flair):
#!/usr/bin/python3 import praw import sqlite3 from subreddits import subs_dict import actions reddit = praw.Reddit("modmail_bot") # temporary - due to bug in getting all modmail messages from reddit API # state_switch = "" state_vers = 1 class Modmail_bot(): def read_modmail(self): # temporary # global state_switch, state_vers if state_vers == 1: state_switch = "all" elif state_vers == 2: state_switch = "archived" elif state_vers == 3: state_switch = "mod" # temporary # for mail in reddit.subreddit("all").modmail.conversations( limit=30,
import discord from discord.ext import commands import praw import random import os r = praw.Reddit(client_id=os.getenv("CLIENT_ID"), client_secret=os.getenv("CLIENT_SECRET"), password=os.getenv("PASSWORD"), user_agent="QGdBOT", username="******") class Meme(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command() async def meme(self, ctx, *, topic=""): sr = r.subreddit(topic + "memes") ts = [] t = for s in t: ts.append(s) rs = random.choice(ts) name = rs.title url = rs.url em = discord.Embed(title=name,
def initializeClass(client_id, client_secret,user_agent): return praw.Reddit(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, user_agent=user_agent)
'' ], [ 'FreeDawkins', '' ], ['DownToBuck', ''], ['ESPN', ''], ['CliveNBAParody', ''], ['NBA on ESPN', ''] ] #getting a reddit instance by giving appropiate credentials reddit = praw.Reddit( username=config.username, password=config.password, client_id=config.client_id, client_secret=config.client_secret, user_agent="script:rnba-boxscore-comment-bot:v1.0 (by /u/f1uk3r)") def requestApi(url): req = requests.get(url) return req.json() #appending + sign in front of biggest lead and +/- stats def appendPlusMinus(someStat): if someStat.isdigit(): if int(someStat) > 0: return "+" + str(someStat) return str(someStat)
import praw import shutil import random import discord import youtube_dl from itertools import cycle from discord.utils import get from discord.ext import commands, tasks client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '.') client.remove_command('help') initial_role = 'Peasants' reddit = praw.Reddit() ''' rant space for john john ''' # ----events---- @client.event async def on_ready(): await client.change_presence(status =, activity = discord.Game('with my stand | .help | .music')) # change_status.start()
posts_replied_to = list(filter(None, posts_replied_to)) # Importing and naming secrets identity = IDandSecret.DBClientID secretpass = IDandSecret.DBClientSecret botpassword = IDandSecret.DBMyPass usernames = ['/u/UNLUCK3', '/u/DiscreetBot'] # The text the bot should be replying with. Currently only replies with the third part? IDK reply_text = 'Hey ', usernames, 'This guy got a knife inside Canada somehow! Do you want it? ^^I\'m ^^a ^^bot. ' \ ' ^^PM ^^/u/UNLUCK3 ^^for ^^help, ^^or ^^to ^^add ^^yourself ' # Getting oAuth2 Access reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent='CanadaKnifeBot (by /u/UNLUCK3', client_id=identity, client_secret=secretpass, username='******', password=botpassword) # Which subreddit the bot should crawl subreddit = reddit.subreddit('DiscreetTest') # Main part of the program def mainloop(): counter1 = 0 # Counts submissions in new that have been crawled for submission in # Get the 5 newest submissions counter1 = counter1 + 1 if not in posts_replied_to: # what I want is for it to print the as they come in while running, # idk how to do that yet though... print("These posts are new: \n")
def __init__(self): self.r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=config.get('reddit', 'userAgent')) self.alreadyProcessed = []
def GetWal(): subreddit = settings['subreddit'] if settings['select'] == 'top': random = False else: random = True r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='linux:wallies-from-reddit:v0.1 by u/prmsrswt') print('[I] Connected to Reddit') print('[I] fetching submissions') if random: if settings['search'] == '': print("[I] Aquiring random image.") image = get_random_image(r.subreddit(subreddit)) else: print("[I] Aquiring random image with specified search term.") image = get_random_image_search(r.subreddit(subreddit)) else: # Get top image link if settings['search'] == '': print("[I] Aquiring top image.") image = get_top_image(r.subreddit(subreddit)) else: print("[I] Aquiring top image with given search parameter.") image = get_top_image_search(r.subreddit(subreddit)) if "url" not in image: print("Error: No suitable images were found, please retry") # Get home directory and location where image will be saved # (default location for Ubuntu is used) home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") save_location = "{home_dir}/{save_dir}/{subreddit}-{id}.{image_type}".format( home_dir=home_dir, save_dir=settings['save_dir'], subreddit=subreddit, id=image["id"], image_type=image['type']) if not os.path.isfile(save_location): print('[I] Downloading Image....') # Request image response = requests.get(image['url'], allow_redirects=False) # If image is available, proceed to save if response.status_code == # Create folders if they don't exist dir = os.path.dirname(save_location) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) # Write to disk with open(save_location, "wb") as fo: for chunk in response.iter_content(4096): fo.write(chunk) # Setting the wallpaper set_wallpaper(save_location) else: sys.exit( "Error: Image url is not available, the program is now exiting." ) else: print('[I] Image Found on disk. Skipping Downloading.') set_wallpaper(save_location)
arr[k] = r[j] j += 1 k += 1 while i < len(l): arr[k] = l[i] i += 1 k += 1 while j < len(r): arr[k] = r[j] j += 1 k += 1 reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=config['user_agent'], client_id=config['client_id'], client_secret=config['client_secret'], username=config['username'], password=config['password']) try: links_file = open('links.txt', 'r') links = links_file.readlines() links_file.close() except FileNotFoundError: exit('Error: "links.txt" file not found! Make sure the file exists.') except IOError: exit('IOError while reading "links.txt"') for l in links: try: submission = reddit.submission(url=l)
import config import praw import os import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from scipy.interpolate import griddata from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=config.my_agent, client_id=config.my_id, client_secret=config.my_secret, username=config.my_username, password=config.my_password) analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() def main(): subreddit_name = 'canada' sentiment_data = [] score_data = [] num_bins = 50 avg_scores = [] avg_sentiments = [] df = pd.DataFrame() comments = [] # fetch comments and get sentiments if not os.path.isfile(subreddit_name + '.pkl'):
import praw import prawcore reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id="<client-id>", client_secret="<client-secret>", user_agent="python:subtester:0.1 (by /u/ACEDT)", user_agent="python:subtester:0.2 (by /u/ACEDT)", ) def subTest(sub): exists = 0 try: subtest = reddit.subreddit(sub) testvar = except prawcore.exceptions.Redirect: exists = 1 except prawcore.exceptions.NotFound: exists = 2 except prawcore.exceptions.Forbidden: exists = 3 return exists def readList(inFilePath): with open(inFilePath, 'r') as infile: subs = [] for line in infile: line = line.replace("\n", "") line = line.replace("r/", "", 1)
modified_z_score = 0.6745 * diff / med_abs_deviation print("Median threshold is: ", med_abs_deviation) return modified_z_score > thresh # reddit credential bullshit my_client_id = "ChicYmXzPyjIMQ" my_client_secret = "QW7E4td2L7iaOwi5-FOeyFMjcTE" my_user_agent = "Baby Scraping Bot" my_username = "******" my_password = "******" # gathers "reddit" for later use lol reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=my_user_agent, client_id=my_client_id, client_secret=my_client_secret, username=my_username, password=my_password) # get ID from user and save submission from ID subID = input("What is the submission ID of the post you want to search?: ") submission = reddit.submission(id=subID) print("Submission title: ", submission.title) # Output: the title of the submission scoreList = [] # holds all score values count = 0 # currrently only iterates through the 1st 500 comments listed # need to add functionality to "press" more comments. submission.comments.replace_more(limit=0)
import praw import re import os REPLIED_POST_LIST = "repliedPostList.txt" SUBREDDIT_TARGET = "crumbumsandbox" reddit = praw.Reddit("bot1") #plain text file to store submission ids print(os.path) if not os.path.isfile(REPLIED_POST_LIST): repliedPostList = [] else: with open(REPLIED_POST_LIST, "r") as f: repliedPostList = repliedPostList = repliedPostList.split("\n") repliedPostList = list(filter(None, repliedPostList)) #load new posts in subreddit and reply subreddit = reddit.subreddit(SUBREDDIT_TARGET) for submission in if not in repliedPostList: if"this is how we do it", submission.title, re.IGNORECASE): submission.reply("It's Friday Nieeeght") print("ReplyBot replying to post " + + ": " + submission.title) repliedPostList.append(
# the data types that this file will contain parameters = [] parameters.append({'name': 'submission', 'maxlength': 10000}) redditsubmissions = DataCollector(filename='redditsubmissions', parameters=parameters, overwrite=False, checklength=True) parameters = [] parameters.append({'name': 'comment', 'maxlength': 4000}) redditcomments = DataCollector(filename='redditcomments', parameters=parameters, overwrite=False, checklength=True) # start the reddit instance reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=reddit_credentials.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=reddit_credentials.CLIENT_SECRET, user_agent='agent') subreddit = reddit.subreddit('bitcoin') # reddit_collect_submissions(subreddit, redditsubmissions) # reddit_collect_comments(subreddit, redditcomments) submissionprocess = Process(target=reddit_collect_submissions, args=(subreddit, redditsubmissions,)) commentprocess = Process(target=reddit_collect_comments, args=(subreddit, redditcomments,)) submissionprocess.start() commentprocess.start()
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve from pgmagick import Geometry, Image from imgurpython import ImgurClient from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini # ============================================================================= # GLOBALS # ============================================================================= # Reads the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser()"EnhanceImageBot.cfg") #Reddit info user_agent = ("EnhanceImage v0.3 by /u/sprunth") r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) CLIENT_ID = config.get("Reddit", "client_id") CLIENT_SECRET = config.get("Reddit", "client_secret") TOKEN = config.get('Reddit', 'token') REFRESH_TOKEN = config.get('Reddit', 'refresh_token') SCOPES = ['identity', 'submit'] imgur_client_id = config.get('Imgur', 'client_id') imgur_client_secret = config.get('Imgur', 'client_secret') imgur_access_token = config.get('Imgur', 'access_token') imgur_refresh_token = config.get('Imgur', 'refresh_token') imgur_client = ImgurClient(imgur_client_id, imgur_client_secret, imgur_access_token, imgur_refresh_token) already_done = set()
sql = sqlite3.connect('sql.db') print('Loaded SQL Database') cur = sql.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oldposts(ID TEXT)') print('Loaded Completed table') sql.commit() print("Logging in") r = praw.Reddit( client_id='', client_secret='', password='', user_agent= 'History info for /r/gameswap and /r/GameSale V.1.02 Creator - Lambawamba', username='') subreddit = r.subreddit('') def scanSub(): print('Searching...') posts = for post in posts: pid = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM oldposts WHERE ID=?', [pid]) if not cur.fetchone(): cur.execute('INSERT INTO oldposts VALUES(?)', [pid])
import praw import operator import nltk"stopwords")'punkt')"words") reddit = praw.Reddit('bot1') stop_word_list = """.,--,\'s,?,),(,:,\',\'re,",-,},{,!,...,\'\',\'ve,n\'t,%,``,#,],[,&,;,\'m,=,\'ll""".split(',') all_stop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') + stop_word_list all_stop_words.append(",") subreddit = reddit.subreddit("learnprogramming") for submission in print("---" * 20) print(submission.title) print("FREQUENT WORDS: ") post = reddit.submission( flattened_comments = list(post.comments) all_comments = "" for comment in flattened_comments: all_comments += comment.body comment_sentences = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(all_comments) words = [word.lower() for sentence in comment_sentences for word in nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(sentence)] freq = nltk.FreqDist(words)
import praw import time import datetime import os import requests #this code uses inspiration from peoplma's subredditarchive absolute_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) archive_path = os.path.join(absolute_path, 'data') reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id="RpE-AGxmVjApEw", client_secret="Na8g9uUYGr2LnOELU6ycHNJbXPM", user_agent="python:MDEArchiver:v0.1.0") subreddit = reddit.subreddit('milliondollarextreme') def main(): #if archives already exist, update instead if os.path.isdir(archive_path): update() else: new_archive() #the program goes into this function if the archive has already started. Uses date located in #dates.txt for the start time def update(): infile = os.path.join(archive_path, 'dates.txt') start = None with open(infile) as dates: start = int(dates.readline()) end = int(time.time())
def initDankBank(): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = 'my_dank_application') submissions = r.get_subreddit(SUBREDDIT).get_top_from_month(limit = NUM_POSTS) normie = r.get_subreddit(NORMIE).get_top_from_month(limit = NUM_POSTS) makeBank(submissions, normie)
async def reddit(self, ctx, url_or_id): """Displays a formatted reddit post Note that this will only get nsfw posts if you call this in an nsfw channel""" if settings.reddit is None: raise UserError( "This MangoByte has not been configured to get reddit submissions. Gotta add your info to `settings.json`" ) await reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=settings.reddit["client_id"], client_secret=settings.reddit["client_secret"], user_agent=settings.reddit["user_agent"]) try: if"(redd\.it|", url_or_id): if not"https?://", url_or_id): url_or_id = "http://" + url_or_id submission = reddit.submission(url=url_or_id) else: submission = reddit.submission(id=url_or_id) description = submission.selftext except: raise UserError("Couldn't properly find that reddit submission") if submission.over_18: if (isinstance(, discord.DMChannel)) or (not raise UserError( "That is an NSFW post, so I can't link it in this non-nsfw channel." ) character_limit = 600 # convert between markdown types description = re.sub(r"\n(?:\*|-) (.*)", r"\n• \1", description) description = re.sub(r"(?:^|\n)#+([^#\n]+)\n", r"\n__**\1**__ \n", description) description = re.sub(r"\n+---\n+", r"\n\n", description) description = re.sub(r" ", r" ", description) description = html.unescape(description) if len(description) > character_limit: description = f"{description[0:character_limit]}...\n[Read More]({submission.shortlink})" embed = discord.Embed(description=description, color=discord.Color(int("ff4500", 16))) embed.set_footer( text=f"/r/{submission.subreddit}", icon_url= "") embed.title = submission.title embed.url = submission.shortlink url_ext = submission.url.split(".")[-1] if url_ext in ["gifv", "gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg"]: image_url = submission.url if url_ext == "gifv": image_url = image_url.replace(".gifv", ".gif") embed.set_image(url=image_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
import httpx import praw from aiocache import cached, Cache from pyppeteer import launch from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles from starlette.templating import Jinja2Templates app = Starlette(debug=True) app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") cpath = "/usr/bin/chromium-browser" client = httpx.AsyncClient() log = logging.getLogger() reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent="EFT - v1.0.0") sub = reddit.subreddit(os.getenv("subreddit")) templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") async def generate_and_upload_images(refresh_interval=300): args = ["--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox"] chrome = await launch(args=args, headless=True, executablePath=cpath, autoClose=False) page = await chrome.newPage() while True: # TODO: only generate images if any price changed since last update resp = await page.goto("http://localhost") await page.setViewport({"height": 800, "width": 1680}) clip1 = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "height": 19, "width": 1680} clip2 = {"x": 0, "y": 19, "height": 19, "width": 1680} if resp.status != 200: log.warn(f'Error, ticker not generated. Wait {refresh_interval} seconds')