Ejemplo n.º 1
  def from_db (class_, table, column_names=None):
    order_by = ''
    if column_names:
      order_by = "ORDER BY {}".format(", ".join(column_names))
    if not table.data:
      with db.exact_numbers():
        rs = db.query_all(""" SELECT *
                              FROM {}
                          """.format(table.name, order_by))

      if rs:
        columns = [table.database.find(
          OracleFQN(table.name.schema, table.name.obj, column_name), Column)
          for column_name in rs[0]]

        for row in rs:
          table.add_data(columns, [Data.escape(col, columns[i])
                                   for i, col in enumerate(row.values())])
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def from_db (class_, table, column_names=None):
    order_by = ''
    if column_names:
      order_by = "ORDER BY {}".format(", ".join(column_names))
    if not table.data:
      with db.exact_numbers():
        table.log.debug("Querying {} data for columns {}...".format(
          table.name, "(all)" if column_names is None else ", ".join(column_names)))
        rs = db.query_all(""" SELECT *
                              FROM {}
                          """.format(table.name, order_by))

        table.log.debug("Query returned {} rows.".format(len(rs)))
      if rs:
        columns = [table.database.find(
          OracleFQN(table.name.schema, table.name.obj, column_name), Column)
          for column_name in rs[0]]

        for row in rs:
          table.add_data(columns, [Data.escape(col, columns[i])
                                   for i, col in enumerate(row.values())])
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def errors (self, throw=True):
    rs = db.query_all(""" SELECT line
                               , position
                               , text
                               , attribute
                          FROM dba_errors
                          WHERE owner = :o
                            AND name = :n
                            AND type = :t
                          ORDER BY sequence
                      """, o=self.name.schema, n=self.name.obj, t=self.type)
    warnings = [row for row in rs if row['attribute'] == 'WARNING']
    errors = [row for row in rs if row['attribute'] == 'ERROR']

    if warnings:
      self.log.warn(PlsqlSyntaxError(self, warnings))

    if errors:
      e = PlsqlSyntaxError(self, errors)
      if throw:
        raise e
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def from_db (self):
    owner = self.name.schema

    self.log.info("Fetching schema {}...".format(owner))

    schema = {
      'objects': db.query_all(
        """ SELECT object_name
                 , object_type
                 , last_ddl_time
            FROM dba_objects
            WHERE owner = :o
              AND subobject_name IS NULL
              AND object_type IN ( 'FUNCTION'
                                 , 'INDEX'
                                 , 'PACKAGE'
                                 , 'PACKAGE BODY'
                                 , 'PROCEDURE'
                                 , 'SEQUENCE'
                                 , 'SYNONYM'
                                 , 'TABLE'
                                 , 'TRIGGER'
                                 , 'TYPE'
                                 , 'TYPE BODY'
                              -- , 'VIEW'
            UNION ALL
            SELECT constraint_name
                 , 'CONSTRAINT'
                 , last_change
            FROM dba_constraints
            WHERE owner = :o
              -- Ignore constraints on tables in the recyclebin
              AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30
                   AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%')
        """, o=owner, oracle_names=['object_name']),
      'columns': db.query_all(
        """ SELECT table_name
                 , COUNT(*) AS num_columns
            FROM dba_tab_cols
            WHERE owner = :o
              -- Ignore columns on tables in the recyclebin
              AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30
                   AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%')
            GROUP BY table_name
        """, o=owner, oracle_names=['table_name']),
      'grants': 0,
      # db.query_one(
      # """ SELECT COUNT(*)
      #     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT owner, table_name
      #           FROM dba_tab_privs
      #           WHERE grantee = :o)
      # """, o=owner),

    self.log.debug("Query complete.")
    total_objects = (len(schema['objects']) + sum(table['num_columns'] for table in schema['columns']) +

    modified_times = {}
    for object in schema['objects']:
      object_name = OracleFQN(owner, object['object_name'])
      object_type = _to_type(object['object_type'], object_name)
      if issubclass(object_type, PlsqlCode):
        object_name = _mangle_plsql_name(object_type, object_name)
        object_type = PlsqlCode
      if object_type not in modified_times:
        modified_times[object_type] = {}
      modified_times[object_type][object_name] = object['last_ddl_time']

    self.log.info("Schema {} has {}.".format(owner, pluralize(total_objects,
    to_refresh = self.read_cache(modified_times)

    if schema['grants']:
      # Refresh all grants, but only if there are actually any grants out there
      to_refresh[Grant] = None

    change_count = 0
    for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items():
      if obj_type is Column:
        for table in schema['columns']:
          if names is None or table['table_name'] in names:
            change_count += table['num_columns']
      elif names is None:
        if obj_type in modified_times:
          change_count += len(modified_times[obj_type])
        elif obj_type is Grant:
          change_count += schema['grants']
        change_count += len(names)

    if to_refresh:
      def progress_message (o):
        return "Fetched {{}} of schema {}.{}".format(owner,
          " Currently fetching {}...".format(_plural_type(o))
          if o else '')

      actual = 0
      for obj in progress_log((obj for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items()
                               for obj in obj_type.from_db(
                                 self.name.schema, self.database, names)),
                              self.log, progress_message, count=change_count):
        actual += 1
      self.log.info("Fetching schema {} complete.".format(owner))
      self.log.info('Using cached schema.')