Ejemplo n.º 1
	def nsearch(self, value):
This finds the opposite of the ``search`` predicate.
		self._desc = "not re.compile('%s').search(%s)" % (value, self._name)
		self._predicate = P.nsearch(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def nin(self, value):
Finds all documents where the attribute is NOT in the given list. Look at ``in_`` for an example.
		self._desc = "%s not in %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.nin(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def orderby(*args):
Orders documents by one or more columns.

.. code-block:: python

	uv.docs.find(D.orderby('name', '-age'))
The ``orderby`` functionality now has *ASC* and *DESC* 
capability. Descending order is achieved by pre-pending 
a **-** (negative sign or hyphen) to the column name.

Notice that the *orderby* is actually inside the *find* function.

However, you can also do this:
.. code-block:: python

	uv.docs.orderby('name', '-age')

		if len(args) > 0:
			return P.orderby(*args)
			return lambda x: sorted(x)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def nin_list(self, value):
Finds all documents where the attribute is NOT in the given **list**. Look at ``in_list`` for an explanation.
		_set = list(value)
		self._desc = "%s not in set(%s)" % (self._name, _set)
		self._predicate = P.nin(self._name, _set)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def __getattr__(self, attr):
		if attr in self.__dict__:
			return self.__dict__[attr]
		# print "doc"

		self._name = self.__dict__["_name"] + "." + attr
		self._predicate = P.exists(self._name)
		self._desc = "has key: " + self._name

		# setattr(self, "_name", )
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
class WM:
        Working Memory
        Used to store activated predicates and their variable bindings. 
        Supports both predicate and vector based representations
    def get_vector_representation(self, sltm):
            Returns a vector representations of the contents of the working memory
            The vector representations consists of two parts:
                semantics - the semantics vectors of the activated predicates
                    the dimension of 'semantics' is wm_capacity x semantic_dimension, 
                    where semantic dimension is the dimension of the semantic space and 
                    wm_capacity is the working memory capacity 
                structure - binary vectors (0 and 1) describing the variable bindings
                    the dimension of structure is max_arity x wm_capacity x wm_capacity, 
                    where max_arity is the maximum predicate arity which can be represented
                    and wm_capicity is the working memory capacity
        semantics = np.zeros(shape=(self.__capacity,

        for wm_i in range(len(self.__contents)):
            if (self.__contents[wm_i] <> None):
                semantics[wm_i] = self.__contents[wm_i].get_semantic_vector(

        return (semantics, self.__structure)

    def get_predicate_representation(self, (semantics, structure), sltm):
            Returns a lift of predicate representations of the contents of the working memory 
        (wm_capacity, _) = semantics.shape
        arities = np.sum(structure <> 0, axis=(0, 2))

        ps = {}

        for sem_t in range(wm_capacity):
            if (np.sum(semantics[sem_t]) <> 0):
                p_type_id = sltm.get_semantic_category(semantics[sem_t])

                ps[sem_t] = Predicate(p_type_id, arities[sem_t])

        for sem_t, p in ps.iteritems():
            if (not p.is_resolved()):
                for a_no in range(p.get_arity()):
                    #Python and NumPy are beautiful
                    p.bind_argument(a_no, ps[np.argmax(structure[a_no,

        return ps
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def limit(value):
Limits the amount of documents found.

.. code-block:: python


		if not type(value) is int:
			raise ValueError, "Limit predicates must be integers: limit(5)"

		return P.udf(Document.__lim__, count=value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def search(self, value):
Uses the ``re`` module to search data attributes. The regex doesn't have to match exactly. The given regex would NOT fail if there was an attached port to the IP attribute.

.. code-block:: python

	# re.compile('10\.2\.1\.\d+').search(doc[ip])

		self._desc = "re.compile('%s').search(%s)" % (value, self._name)
		self._predicate = P.search(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def skip(value):
Skips the first few documents found based on the given input.

.. code-block:: python

	# skips 50 records

		if not type(value) is int:
			raise ValueError, "Skip predicates must be integers: K.skip(5)"

		return P.udf(Document.__skip__, value)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def len(self, value):
Find documents where an attributes is a certain length

.. code-block:: python

	from underverse.model import Document as D

	# finds all users whose names are only 3 characters long

		self._desc = "len(%s) == %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.len(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def btw(self, left, right):
Finds documents where an attribute is between the given left and right inputs

.. code-block:: python

	from underverse.model import Document as D

	# finds all users whose age is between 18 and 25
	uv.users.find(D.age.btw(18, 25))

		self._desc = "%s < %s < %s" % (left, self._name, right)
		self._predicate = P.btw(self._name, left, right)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def in_(self, value):
Finds documents where an attribute is in the given list

.. code-block:: python

	from underverse.model import Document as D

	# finds all users whose name is either 'Max' or 'Tamara'
	uv.users.find(D.name.in_(['Max', 'Tamara']))

		self._desc = "%s in %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.in_(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def limskip(_skip, _limit):
Skips the first few documents found and also limits the records found based on the given input.

.. code-block:: python

	# skips 50 records and returns the next 50
	uv.docs.find(D.limskip(50, 50))

		if not type(_skip) is int:
			raise ValueError, "Skip argument must be an integer: K.limskip(2, 5)"
		if not type(_limit) is int:
			raise ValueError, "Limit argument must be an integer: K.limskip(2, 5)"

		return P.udf(Document.__limskip__, _skip, _limit)
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def type(self, value):
Finds documents where an attribute's type matches the input type

.. code-block:: python

.. note::
	This may not ever be used...

		self._desc = "type(%s) == %s" % (self._name, value.__name__)
		self._predicate = P.type_(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def in_list(self, value):
Finds documents where an attribute is in the given **list**

.. note::

	This predicate calls *list* on the input before it is compared. This can be useful for passing other generators to the predicate. 
	However, if the input value is already a list, just call ``D.in_`` instead.

.. code-block:: python

	from underverse.model import Document as D

	# finds all users whose name is either 'Max' or 'Tamara'
	uv.users.find(D.name.in_list(['Max', 'Tamara']))

		_set = list(value)
		self._desc = "%s in set(%s)" % (self._name, _set)
		self._predicate = P.in_(self._name, _set)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def udf(function, *args, **kwargs):
Passes the entire data stream to the user defined function along with 
any *args* and *kwargs*. This can be used to filter documents on 
multiple attributes of the data along with other advanced functionality.

.. note::
	The UDF takes the entire collection and returns a subset of documents 
	matching complex criterion. This differs from the UDP functionality 
	in the the UDP only receives a single attribute of one document at a time.

.. code-block:: python

	def complex_filter(array):
		subset = []
		for doc in array:
			if some_ninja_math:
		return subset


Or a real example...

.. code-block:: python

	# finds all docs where x**y > 4
	def sq_filter(array, goal=2):
		subset = []
		for doc in array:
			if doc.x ** doc.y > goal:
		return subset

	for d in verse.find(Document.udf(sq_filter, 4)):
		print d

		return P.udf(function, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def udp(self, function, *args, **kwargs):

User defined predicates or UDP can be used if the existing comparison operators are not enough.

.. code-block:: python

	from underverse.model import Document as D

	#filters out documents where the sqrt of a selected attribute is between a given range
	def sqrt_filter(doc, lower_bound=2, upper_bound=39):
		if upper_bound >= math.sqrt(doc) >= lower_bound:
			return True
			return False

	# finds all docs whose 'some_number' attribute's sqrt is between 16 and 64
	uv.docs.find(D.some_number.udp(sqrt_filter, lower_bound=16, upper_bound=64))

The UDP function only receives the 'some_number' attribute and has to return a bool discerning to filter out or include each row. 
You'll also notice that any ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` are forwarded to the method. This is to allow for more flexibility and DRY code.

.. note::
	If you are astute, you'll quickly see the limitation of this method. However, it might be useful for some. 
	Because the ``udp`` method only passes one attribute, more complex filters will not work easily. 
	If you need a filter which requires multiple attributes of the data, use the ``udf`` method instead.

		self._desc = "%s(%s" % (function.__name__, self._name)
		if len(args) > 0:
			self._desc += ", " + ', '.join(args)
		if len(kwargs) > 0:
			self._desc += ", " + ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
		self._desc += ")"
		self._predicate = P.udp(self._name, function, *args, **kwargs)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 18
                    help='output data in csv format',
args = parser.parse_args()

#from tools import print_v

wm_c = args.rn
sem_dim = 50
max_ar = 2

#target situation
john_t = Atom("John")
mary_t = Atom("Mary")
loves_t = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_t], [mary_t])

#base 1
john_b1 = Atom("John")
maria_b1 = Atom("Maria")
loves_b1 = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_b1], [maria_b1])

#base 2
peter_b2 = Atom("Peter")
maria_b2 = Atom("Maria")
loves_b2 = Predicate("loves", 2, [peter_b2], [maria_b2])

#base 3
john_b3 = Atom("John")
mary_b3 = Atom("Mary")
hates_b3 = Predicate("hates", 2, [john_b3], [mary_b3])
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: vankov/vaar
from encoding import VectorEncoder
from predicates import Atom, Property, Predicate
import tools

john = Atom("john")
marry = Atom("marry")
peter = Atom("peter")
maria = Atom("maria")
driver = Property("driver", [john])
loves1 = Predicate("loves", 2, [john], [marry])
loves2 = Predicate("loves", 2, [marry], [driver])
encoder = VectorEncoder(5, 2, 10)

vec_repr, predicates = encoder.encode_predicates([loves1, driver])
tools.print_v(vec_repr, predicates=predicates)

Ejemplo n.º 20
import tensorflow as tf

from predicates import Atom, Predicate
from encoding import VectorEncoder, Glove50Encoder
from tools import print_v

from analogy import VectorAnalogy
from comparison import VectorMapping

encoder = Glove50Encoder(N_SLOTS, MAX_ARITY)

john_1 = Atom("John")
mary_1 = Atom("Mary")
john_loves_mary = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_1], [mary_1])

john_2 = Atom("John")
mary_2 = Atom("Mary")
mary_loves_john = Predicate("loves", 2, [mary_2], [john_2])

john_3 = Atom("John")
mary_3 = Atom("Mary")
john_hates_mary = Predicate("talks", 2, [john_3], [mary_3])

john_4 = Atom("John")
mary_4 = Atom("Mary")
mary_hates_john = Predicate("hates", 2, [mary_4], [john_4])

peter = Atom("Peter")
helen = Atom("Helen")
Ejemplo n.º 21
                    help='output data in csv format',
args = parser.parse_args()

#from tools import print_v

wm_c = args.rn
sem_dim = 50
max_ar = 2

#target situation
person_t = Atom("person")
dog_t = Atom("dog")
barks_at_t = Predicate("barks", 2, [dog_t], [person_t])
scares_t = Predicate("scares", 2, [dog_t], [person_t])
causes_t = Predicate("causes", 2, [barks_at_t], [scares_t])

#base 1
person_1_b1 = Atom("person")
person_2_b1 = Atom("person")
dog_1_b1 = Atom("dog")
dog_2_b1 = Atom("dog")
barks_at_b1 = Predicate("barks", 2, [dog_1_b1], [person_1_b1])
scares_b1 = Predicate("scares", 2, [dog_2_b1], [person_2_b1])
causes_b1 = Predicate("causes", 2, [barks_at_b1], [scares_b1])

#base 2
person_b2 = Atom("person")
dog_b2 = Atom("dog")
Ejemplo n.º 22
#number of representational slots
r_slots_n = 8
#semantics dimensionality (number of units)
sem_dim = 50
#maximal arity
max_ar = 2
#tha relative weight of semantics and structure
sigma = 0.5#semantics and structure have equal weight

#target situation
bill_t = Atom("Bill")
joe_t = Atom("Joe")     
susan_t = Atom("Susan")
pear_t = Atom("pear")
peach_t = Atom("peach")
loves_t = Predicate("loves", 2, [bill_t], [susan_t])
has1_t = Predicate("has", 2, [bill_t], [peach_t])
has2_t = Predicate("has", 2, [joe_t], [pear_t])

john_b1 = Atom("John")     
mary_b1 = Atom("Mary")
apple_b1 = Atom("apple")
loves_b1 = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_b1], [mary_b1])
has_b1 = Predicate("has", 2, [john_b1], [apple_b1])

#Vector encoder using Glove 50d word word embeddings
encoder = Glove50Encoder(r_slots_n, max_ar)    
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def __eq__(self, value):
		self._desc = "%s == %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.eq(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 24
sem_dim = 50
#maximal arity
max_ar = 1
#tha relative weight of semantics and structure
sigma = 0.5#semantics and structure have equal weight

#target situation
bill_t = Atom("Bill")
steve_t = Atom("Steve")     
tom_t = Atom("Tom")
smart_bill_t = Property("smart", [bill_t])
tall_bill_t = Property("tall", [bill_t])
smart_steve_t = Property("smart", [steve_t])
timid_tom_t = Property("timid", [tom_t])
tall_tom_t = Property("tall", [tom_t])
same1_t = Predicate("same", 1, [smart_bill_t, smart_steve_t])
same2_t = Predicate("same", 1, [tall_bill_t, tall_tom_t])
unique1_t = Property("unique", [steve_t])
unique2_t = Property("unique", [timid_tom_t])
rover_b1 = Atom("Rover")
fido_b1 = Atom("Fido")     
blackie_b1 = Atom("Blackie")
hungry_rover_b1 = Property("hungry", [rover_b1])
friendly_rover_b1 = Property("friendly", [rover_b1])
hungry_steve_b1 = Property("hungry", [fido_b1])
frisky_blackie_b1 = Property("frisky", [blackie_b1])
friendly_blackie_b1 = Property("friendly", [blackie_b1])
same1_b1 = Predicate("same", 1, [friendly_rover_b1, friendly_blackie_b1])
same2_b1 = Predicate("same", 1, [hungry_rover_b1, hungry_steve_b1])
unique1_b1 = Property("unique", [fido_b1])
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def __init__(self, name):
		super(Document, self).__init__()
		self._name = name
		self._predicate = P.exists(name)
		self._desc = "has key: "+name
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def __ne__(self, value):
		self._desc = "%s != %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.ne(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def __exists__(self):
		return P.exists(self._name)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def benchmark():
    wm_c = 8
    sem_dim = 50
    max_ar = 2
    o1_1 = Atom("o1")
    o2_1 = Atom("o2")

    o1_2 = Atom("o1")
    o2_2 = Atom("o2")

    o1_3 = Atom("o1")
    o2_3 = Atom("o2")

    r1_1 = Predicate("r1111", 2, [o1_1], [o2_1])
    r2_1 = Predicate("r2222", 2, [o2_1], [o1_1])
    r1_2 = Predicate("r1000", 2, [o2_2], [o1_2])
    r2_2 = Predicate("r2sss", 2, [o1_2], [o2_2])

    r1_3 = Predicate("r1eeee", 2, [o2_3], [o1_3])
    r2_3 = Predicate("r2rrr", 2, [o1_3], [o2_3])

    target = Predicate("cause0", 2, [r1_1], [r2_1])
    base1 = Predicate("cause1", 2, [r1_2], [r2_2])    
    base2 = Predicate("cause2", 2, [r2_3], [r1_3])
    encoder = Glove50Encoder(wm_c, max_ar)    
    #encoder = VectorEncoder(wm_c, max_ar, sem_dim)    
    base_predicates = [
    bases = {}
    base_ps = {}
    for i in range(len(base_predicates)):
        vec_repr, ps = encoder.encode_predicates(base_predicates[i])
        bases[i] = vec_repr
        base_ps[i] = ps
    target, target_ps = encoder.encode_predicates([target])
    #crossed = []
    sigma_i_step = 10
    for sigma_i in range(50, 51, sigma_i_step):        
        analogy = NeuralAnalogy(sigma_i / 100.0, wm_c, max_ar, sem_dim, False)    
        for base_i in bases:
            (max_sim, _, mapping) = analogy.make(target, bases[base_i])    
            #print_v "None"
#            print([str(p) for p in target_ps])(mapping)
#            print_v(target)
#            print_v(bases[base_i])
#            print(mapping)
#            john_mapping =
            for i in range(len(base_ps[base_i])):
                base_p = base_ps[base_i][i]
                target_p = target_ps[np.argmax(mapping[:, i])]
                print("{}<->{}".format(target_p, base_p))

            print("sigma: {:.3}, base: {}, sim :{:.5}".format(sigma_i / 100.0, base_i, max_sim))
Ejemplo n.º 29
	def __ge__(self, value):
		self._desc = "%s >= %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.gte(self._name, value)
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 30
#number of representational slots
r_slots_n = 9
#semantics dimensionality (number of units)
sem_dim = 50
#maximal arity
max_ar = 2
#tha relative weight of semantics and structure
sigma = 0.5  #semantics and structure have equal weight

#target situation
john_t = Atom("John")
mary_t = Atom("Mary")
apple_t = Atom("apple")
core_t = Atom("core")
bill_t = Atom("Bill")
loves_t = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_t], [mary_t])
has_t = Predicate("has", 2, [apple_t], [core_t])
knows1_t = Predicate("knows", 2, [bill_t], [has_t])
knows2_t = Predicate("knows", 2, [john_t], [loves_t])

john_b1 = Atom("John")
mary_b1 = Atom("Mary")
bill_b1 = Atom("Bill")
apple_b1 = Atom("apple")
core_b1 = Atom("core")
loves_b1 = Predicate("loves", 2, [john_b1], [mary_b1])
has_b1 = Predicate("has", 2, [apple_b1], [core_b1])
knows1_b1 = Predicate("knows", 2, [bill_b1], [loves_b1])
knows2_b1 = Predicate("knows", 2, [john_b1], [has_b1])
Ejemplo n.º 31
	def __le__(self, value):
		self._desc = "%s <= %s" % (self._name, value)
		self._predicate = P.lte(self._name, value)
		return self