Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_interrupts(trace):
    to_remove = []
    ints = trace.find_interrupts()
    for a,b in ints:
        i = a
        while trace[i].op != 'IFLO_INSN_BYTES':
            i -= 1
        fault_idx = i
        fault_eip = trace[i].args[0]
        fault_insn = pydasm.get_instruction(trace[i].args[1].decode('hex'), pydasm.MODE_32)

        i = b
        while trace[i].op != 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP':
            i += 1
        ret_eip = trace[i].args[0]
        end = i # Default: delete up to the HEAD_EIP (i.e. start a new block)
        if trace[a].args[0] < 32 and fault_eip == ret_eip:
            start = fault_idx
            start = a

        # MZ says I only need to worry about this if it's a page fault.
        # Blame him if this breaks ;)
        if trace[a].args[0] == 0xe and (fault_eip == ret_eip or not is_branch(fault_insn)):
            # We want to merge the new TB in with this one
            while trace[i].op != "IFLO_INSN_BYTES":
                i += 1
            end = i

    return to_remove
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fix_sti(trace, tbdict):
    tbs_to_fix = []
    for t in tbdict:
        for tb in tbdict[t]:
            if any(i.op == 'IFLO_RESET_INHIBIT_IRQ' for i in tb.rbody):
    edits = []
    for tb in tbs_to_fix:
        i, _ = first(lambda x: x[1].op == 'IFLO_RESET_INHIBIT_IRQ', tb.body)

        j = i
        while trace[j].op != 'IFLO_INSN_BYTES':
            j -= 1
        last_idx = j
        last_eip = trace[j].args[0]
        last_insn = pydasm.get_instruction(trace[j].args[1].decode('hex'), pydasm.MODE_32)

        assert trace[i].op   == 'IFLO_RESET_INHIBIT_IRQ'
        assert trace[i+1].op == 'IFLO_MOVL_T0_0'
        assert trace[i+2].op == 'IFLO_EXIT_TB'

        if is_branch(last_insn):
            ep = i+2
        elif trace[i+3].op == 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP':
            ep = i+3
        elif trace[i+3].op == 'IFLO_TB_ID' and trace[i+4].op == 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP':
            ep = i+4
            ep = i+2

        #print "Will heal TB %s by removing trace entry %d" % (`tb`, ep)

    while edits:
        a,b = edits.pop()
        del trace[a:b+1]

    return remake_trace(trace)