Ejemplo n.º 1
def predictor(input_type, folder_or_image, model=None):
    Accepts either a folder or an image. Optionally accepts a model argument
    that's the ML model to use for the predictor. If not given, then one of the
    pretrained models from Keras or whatever library is used.

    If an image is given as input, predicts whether the image is a hotel or not
    and prints to the terminal

    If a folder is supplied, loops through all the files in the folder and
    creates a .json file containing a list of all images that are hotels and
    not hotels


    classifier = import_model()
    if input_type == 'file':

        # Apply directly the ML classifier to predict the output
        # Do all that and return
        if folder_or_image.lower().endswith(image_extensions):
            outcome = test(classifier, folder_or_image)
            if outcome == True:
                print('Not Hotel')

            return  # important. Must return
        print('Unsupported file type') 
    # It's implicit that the input type is a folder from here on

    hotels = []  # list of file names that are hotels
    not_hotels = []  # list of file names that are not hotels

    for folder_name, folders, files in os.walk(folder_or_image):

        for file in files:

            # Apply ML classifier logic to all files in the folder
            # Categorize result based on the prediction
            # Just an example. The below line will be replaced with the actual ML logic
            # print(folder_name+'/'+file)
            if file.lower().endswith(image_extensions):
                outcome = test(classifier, folder_name+'/'+file)
                if outcome == True:
        # After each iteration in a folder,
        with open(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name), 'w') as f:
            # write result to a json file in the folder
            json.dump({'hotels': hotels, 'not_hotels': not_hotels}, f)

        hotels.clear()  # clear the list containing the hotel names for use in the next iterated folder
        not_hotels.clear()  # Do the same for the not_hotels list

Ejemplo n.º 2
# Python 3.6.7
# Ubuntu 18.04

import os
import json
import sys
import argparse
from predict_model import test, import_model

file_name = 'classification_results.json'  # the file name
image_extensions = ('jpeg', 'png', 'jpg', 'tiff', 'gif')  # add others

classifier = import_model()
# model argument can be substituted with a model of ours

def predictor(input_type, folder_or_image, model=None):
    Accepts either a folder or an image. Optionally accepts a model argument
    that's the ML model to use for the predictor. If not given, then one of the
    pretrained models from Keras or whatever library is used.
    If an image is given as input, predicts whether the image is a hotel or not
    and prints to the terminal
    If a folder is supplied, loops through all the files in the folder and
    creates a .json file containing a list of all images that are hotels and
    not hotels

    classifier = import_model()
    if input_type == 'file':