Ejemplo n.º 1
def apply_map(func: Callable,
              *args: Any,
              flow: "Flow" = None,
              **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
    Map a function that adds tasks to a flow elementwise across one or more
    tasks.  Arguments that should _not_ be mapped over should be wrapped with

    This can be useful when wanting to create complicated mapped pipelines
    (e.g. ones using control flow components like `case`).

        - func (Callable): a function that adds tasks to a flow
        - *args: task arguments to map over
        - flow (Flow, optional): The flow to use, defaults to the current flow
            in context if no flow is specified. If specified, `func` must accept
            a `flow` keyword argument.
        - **kwargs: keyword task arguments to map over

        - Any: the output of `func`, if any


    from prefect import task, case, apply_map
    from prefect.tasks.control_flow import merge

    def inc(x):
        return x + 1

    def is_even(x):
        return x % 2 == 0

    def inc_if_even(x):
        with case(is_even(x), True):
            x2 = inc(x)
        return merge(x, x2)

    with Flow("example") as flow:
        apply_map(inc_if_even, range(10))
    from prefect.tasks.core.constants import Constant

    no_flow_provided = flow is None
    if no_flow_provided:
        flow = prefect.context.get("flow", None)
        if flow is None:
            raise ValueError("Couldn't infer a flow in the current context")
    assert isinstance(flow, prefect.Flow)  # appease mypy

    # Check if args/kwargs are valid first
    for x in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()):
        if not isinstance(
            (prefect.Task, prefect.utilities.edges.EdgeAnnotation, Sequence)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Cannot map over non-sequence object of type `{type(x).__name__}`"

    flow2 = prefect.Flow("temporary flow")
    # A mapping of all the input args -> (is_mapped, is_constant)
    arg_info = {}
    # A mapping of the ids of all constants -> the Constant task.
    # Used to convert constants to constant tasks if needed
    id_to_const = {}

    # Preprocess inputs to `apply_map`:
    # - Extract information about each argument (is unmapped, is constant, ...)
    # - Convert all arguments to instances of `Task`
    # - Add all non-constant arguments to the flow. Constant arguments are
    #   added later as needed.
    def preprocess(a: Any) -> "prefect.Task":
        a2 = as_task(a, flow=flow2)
        is_mapped = not isinstance(a, prefect.utilities.edges.unmapped)
        is_constant = isinstance(a2, Constant)
        arg_info[a2] = (is_mapped, is_constant)
        if not is_constant:
            flow.add_task(a2)  # type: ignore
        if is_mapped and is_constant:
            id_to_const[id(a2.value)] = a2  # type: ignore
        return a2

    args2 = [preprocess(a) for a in args]
    kwargs2 = {k: preprocess(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}

    # Construct a temporary flow for the subgraph
    with prefect.context(mapped=True):
        with flow2:
            if no_flow_provided:
                res = func(*args2, **kwargs2)
                res = func(*args2, flow=flow2, **kwargs2)

    # Copy over all tasks in the subgraph
    for task in flow2.tasks:

    # Copy over all edges, updating any non-explicitly-unmapped edges to mapped
    for edge in flow2.edges:
            mapped=arg_info.get(edge.upstream_task, (True, ))[0],

    # Copy over all constants, updating any constants that should be mapped
    # to be tasks rather than stored in the constants mapping
    for task, constants in flow2.constants.items():
        for key, c in constants.items():
            if id(c) in id_to_const:
                c_task = id_to_const[id(c)]
                flow.constants[task][key] = c

    # Any task created inside `apply_map` must have a transitive dependency to
    # all of the inputs to apply_map, except for unmapped constants.  This
    # ensures three things:
    # - All mapped arguments must have the same length. supporting disparate
    # lengths leads to odd semantics.
    # - Tasks created by `apply_map` conceptually share an upstream dependency
    # tree. This matches the causality you'd expect if you were running as
    # normal eager python code - the stuff inside the `apply_map` only runs if
    # the inputs are completed, not just the inputs that certain subcomponents
    # depend on.
    # - Tasks with no external dependencies are treated the same as tasks with
    # external deps (we need to add upstream_tasks to tasks created in `func`
    # with no external deps to get them to run as proper map tasks).  We add
    # upstream tasks uniformly for all tasks, not just ones without external
    # deps - the uniform behavior makes this easier to reason about.
    # Here we do a final pass adding missing upstream deps on mapped arguments
    # to all newly created tasks in the apply_map.
    new_tasks = flow2.tasks.difference(arg_info)
    for task in new_tasks:
        upstream_tasks = flow.upstream_tasks(task)
        is_root_in_subgraph = not upstream_tasks.intersection(new_tasks)
        if is_root_in_subgraph:
            for arg_task, (is_mapped, is_constant) in arg_info.items():
                # Add all args except unmapped constants as direct
                # upstream tasks if they're not already upstream tasks
                if arg_task not in upstream_tasks and (is_mapped
                                                       or not is_constant):
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
    for task in flow2.tasks:

    # Copy over all edges, updating any non-explicitly-unmapped edges to mapped
    for edge in flow2.edges:
            mapped=arg_info.get(edge.upstream_task, (True, ))[0],

    # Copy over all constants, updating any constants that should be mapped
    # to be tasks rather than stored in the constants mapping
    for task, constants in flow2.constants.items():
        for key, c in constants.items():
            if id(c) in id_to_const:
                c_task = id_to_const[id(c)]
                flow.constants[task][key] = c

    # Any task created inside `apply_map` must have a transitive dependency to
    # all of the inputs to apply_map, except for unmapped constants.  This
    # ensures three things:
    # - All mapped arguments must have the same length. supporting disparate