Ejemplo n.º 1
#import LR_utilities as util
#from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from main import Framework, Test_Suite
from preprocessor import PreProcessor
import sklearn.model_selection as ms
#from pprint import pprint

f = Framework()
t = Test_Suite()
preprocessor = PreProcessor()

### Get Cleaning Dataset level 5

clean_data = preprocessor.clean_all(f.data, 5)
train_frame,test_frame= ms.train_test_split(clean_data,test_size = 0.2, shuffle=True)

test_frame = f.generate_dataset(test_frame, test_frame)

'''we need this for the submission file'''
class_names = ['toxic', 'severe_toxic', 'obscene', 'threat', 'insult', 'identity_hate']

tuned_parameters = [{'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma': [1e-3, 1e-4], 'C': [2e-5, 2e5, 2e15], 'class_weight' : ['balanced']},
                   {'kernel': ['linear'], 'C': [2e-5, 2e5, 2e15], 'class_weight' : ['balanced']}]
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Framework:

    data = []
    classes = []
    path = r"..\Toxic Comment Data\dummy.csv"
    data_repo = r"..\Toxic Comment Data"
    feature_extractor = Extractor()

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = pd.read_csv(self.path)
        self.classes = self.data.keys()[2:]
        self.preprocessor = PreProcessor()

    def generate_dataset(self, data, vocab_data):
        ''' @params - data :dataframe containing list of comments from which to extract features and corresponding classifications
            @params - vocab_data: dataframe containing list of comments from which vocabulary should be built
            @output - dictionary containing features, comment_text and classification targets
        dataset = {}
        vocab = self.preprocessor.clean_all(vocab_data, 3)
        train = self.preprocessor.clean_all(data, 3)
        word_vectors = self.feature_extractor.get_word_vectors(train, vocab)
        #word_vectors = self.feature_extractor.get_word_histogram(train,vocab)
        #dataset['features'] =  hstack((word_vectors,bad_words_vectors))
        dataset['features'] = word_vectors
        dataset['comment_text'] = train
        for classname in self.classes:
            dataset[classname] = data[classname]
        return dataset

    def generate_train_test(self, data):
        ''' @params - data :dataframe containing list of comments to split into training and test sets
            @output - train and test sets in the form of dictionary containing features, comment_text and classification targets
        train_frame, test_frame = ms.train_test_split(data,
        train = self.generate_dataset(train_frame, data)
        test = self.generate_dataset(test_frame, data)
        return train, test

    def get_class_data(self, data, class_name, positive):
        df = data[data[class_name] == positive]
        return df

    def generate_minibatch(self, data, chunksize, clean_prop, comment_class):
        ''' @params - data :dataframe from which to generate minibatch
            @params - chunksize: size of mini batch
            @params - clean_prop: proportion of clean samples in minibatch
            @params - comment_class: which comment_class to split on
            @output - dataframe containing specific concentration of clean samples
        positive = data.loc[self.data[comment_class] == 1]
        negative = data.loc[self.data[comment_class] == 0]
        num_neg = int(chunksize * clean_prop)
        num_pos = chunksize - num_neg
        sample_pos = positive.sample(n=num_pos)
        sample_neg = negative.sample(n=num_neg)
        sample = pd.concat([sample_pos, sample_neg])
        sample = shuffle(sample)
        return sample

    def get_scores(self, classifier, dataset):
        ''' @params - classifier :classifier from sklearn
            @output - dict containing score of classifier per class
        scores = {}
        for class_name in tqdm(self.classes):
            train_target = dataset[class_name]
            train_input = dataset['features']
            cv_loss = np.mean(
            scores[class_name] = cv_loss
        return scores

    def check_result(self, predictions, correct):
        ''' @params - predictions: list of predictions made ny classifier
            @params - correct: correct values from dataset
            @output - list that says 1 or 0 to indicate if a mistake was made or not
        results = []
        for pred, corr in tqdm(zip(predictions, correct)):
            if ((float(pred) > 0.5 and int(corr) == 1)
                    or (float(pred) < 0.5 and int(corr) == 0)):
        return results

    def get_accuracy(self, predictions, correct):
        ''' @params - predictions: list of predictions made ny classifier
            @params - correct: correct values from dataset
            @output - accuracy
        right = 0
        wrong = 0

        for pred, corr in tqdm(zip(predictions, correct)):
            if (pred == corr):
                right += 1
                wrong += 1
        accuracy = float(right) / float(right + wrong)
        return accuracy

    def get_output(self, classifier, train, test):
        ''' @params - classifier :classifier from sklearn
            @params - train,test : training and test dicts with features, original comment and classification
            @output - dataframe with output from the classifier (also written to csv file)
        output = {}
        output['comment_text'] = test['comment_text']
        for class_name in tqdm(self.classes):
            classifier.fit(train['features'], train[class_name])
            output[class_name + '_predictions'] = classifier.predict_proba(
                test['features'])[:, 1]
            output[class_name + '_real'] = test[class_name]
            output[class_name + '_mistake'] = self.check_result(
                output[class_name + '_predictions'],
                output[class_name + '_real'])
        output_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(output)
        return output_frame

    def plot_bias(self, model, test_data, comment_class):
            @params - model: trained classifier
            @params - test_data: test dataframe
            @params - comment_class : class on which to test bias
            @output - dict containing accuracies at different concentrations of clean data and plot
        accuracies = {}
        test_props = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.1)
        for test_prop in test_props:
            data = self.generate_minibatch(test_data, 100, test_prop,
            dataset = self.generate_dataset(data, self.data)
            predicted = model.predict(dataset['features'])
            accuracy = self.get_accuracy(predicted, dataset[comment_class])
            accuracies[test_prop] = accuracy
        plt.xlabel('Proportion of clean samples')
        plt.plot(accuracies.keys(), accuracies.values(), 'r^')
        return accuracies