Ejemplo n.º 1
def maskfile(maskfn, data, start_bin, nbinsextra):
    rfimask = rfifind.rfifind(maskfn)
    mask = get_mask(rfimask, start_bin, nbinsextra)[::-1]
    masked_chans = mask.all(axis=1)
    # Mask data
    data = data.masked(mask, maskval='median-mid80')

    #datacopy = copy.deepcopy(data)
    return data, masked_chans
Ejemplo n.º 2
def waterfall(rawdatafile, start, duration, dm=None, nbins=None, nsub=None,\
              subdm=None, zerodm=False, downsamp=1, scaleindep=False,\
              width_bins=1, mask=False, maskfn=None, bandpass_corr=False,
    Create a waterfall plot (i.e. dynamic specrum) from a raw data file.
       rawdatafile - a PsrfitsData instance.
       start - start time of the data to be read in for waterfalling.
       duration - duration of data to be waterfalled.
    Optional Inputs:
       dm - DM to use when dedispersing data.
             Default: Don't de-disperse
       nbins - Number of time bins to plot. This option overrides
                the duration argument. 
                Default: determine nbins from duration.
       nsub - Number of subbands to use. Must be a factor of number of channels.
               Default: Number of channels.
       subdm - DM to use when subbanding. Default: same as dm argument.
       zerodm - subtract mean of each time-sample from data before 
       downsamp - Factor to downsample in time by. Default: Don't downsample.
       scaleindep - Scale each channel independently.
                     Default: Scale using global maximum.
       width_bins - Smooth each channel/subband with a boxcar width_bins wide.
                     Default: Don't smooth.
       maskfn - Filename of RFIFIND mask to use for masking data.
                 Default: Don't mask data.
       bandpass_corr - Correct for the bandpass. Requires an rfifind
                        mask provided by maskfn keyword argument.
                        Default: Do not remove bandpass.
       ref_freq - Reference frequency to de-disperse to. 
                   If subbanding and de-dispersing the start time 
                   will be corrected to account for change in
                   reference frequency. 
                   Default: Frequency of top channel.
       data - Spectra instance of waterfalled data cube.
       nbinsextra - number of time bins read in from raw data. 
       nbins - number of bins in duration.
       start - corrected start time. 

    if subdm is None:
        subdm = dm

    # Read data
    if ref_freq is None:
        ref_freq = rawdatafile.freqs.max()

    if nsub and dm:
        df = rawdatafile.freqs[1] - rawdatafile.freqs[0]
        nchan_per_sub = rawdatafile.nchan / nsub
        top_ctrfreq = rawdatafile.freqs.max() - \
                      0.5*nchan_per_sub*df # center of top subband
        start += 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / ref_freq**2 - 1. / top_ctrfreq**2) * dm

    start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
    dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
                            1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)

    if nbins is None:
        nbins = np.round(duration / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')

    if dm:
        nbinsextra = np.round(
            (duration + dmfac * dm) / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        nbinsextra = nbins

    # If at end of observation
    if (start_bin + nbinsextra) > rawdatafile.nspec - 1:
        nbinsextra = rawdatafile.nspec - 1 - start_bin

    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)

    # Masking
    if mask and maskfn:
        data, masked_chans = maskfile(maskfn, data, start_bin, nbinsextra)
        masked_chans = np.zeros(rawdatafile.nchan, dtype=bool)

    # Bandpass correction
    if maskfn and bandpass_corr:
        bandpass = rfifind.rfifind(maskfn).bandpass_avg[::-1]
        #bandpass[bandpass == 0] = np.min(bandpass[np.nonzero(bandpass)])
        masked_chans[bandpass == 0] = True

        # ignore top and bottom 1% of band
        ignore_chans = np.ceil(0.01 * rawdatafile.nchan)
        masked_chans[:ignore_chans] = True
        masked_chans[-ignore_chans:] = True

    data_masked = np.ma.masked_array(data.data)
    data_masked[masked_chans] = np.ma.masked
    data.data = data_masked

    if bandpass_corr:
        data.data /= bandpass[:, None]

    # Zerodm filtering
    if (zerodm == True):
        data.data -= data.data.mean(axis=0)

    # Subband data
    if (nsub is not None) and (subdm is not None):
        data.subband(nsub, subdm, padval='mean')

    # Dedisperse
    if dm:
        data.dedisperse(dm, padval='mean')

    # Downsample

    # scale data
    data = data.scaled(scaleindep)

    # Smooth
    if width_bins > 1:
        data.smooth(width_bins, padval='mean')

    return data, nbinsextra, nbins, start
Ejemplo n.º 3
def waterfall(rawdatafile, start, duration, dm=None, nbins=None, nsub=None,\
              subdm=None, zerodm=False, downsamp=1, scaleindep=False,\
              width_bins=1, mask=False, maskfn=None, csv_file=None, bandpass_corr=False, \
    Create a waterfall plot (i.e. dynamic specrum) from a raw data file.
       rawdatafile - a PsrfitsData instance.
       start - start time of the data to be read in for waterfalling.
       duration - duration of data to be waterfalled.
    Optional Inputs:
       dm - DM to use when dedispersing data.
             Default: Don't de-disperse
       nbins - Number of time bins to plot. This option overrides
                the duration argument. 
                Default: determine nbins from duration.
       nsub - Number of subbands to use. Must be a factor of number of channels.
               Default: Number of channels.
       subdm - DM to use when subbanding. Default: same as dm argument.
       zerodm - subtract mean of each time-sample from data before 
       downsamp - Factor to downsample in time by. Default: Don't downsample.
       scaleindep - Scale each channel independently.
                     Default: Scale using global maximum.
       width_bins - Smooth each channel/subband with a boxcar width_bins wide.
                     Default: Don't smooth.
       maskfn - Filename of RFIFIND mask to use for masking data.
                 Default: Don't mask data.
       bandpass_corr - Correct for the bandpass. Requires an rfifind
                        mask provided by maskfn keyword argument.
                        Default: Do not remove bandpass.
       ref_freq - Reference frequency to de-disperse to. 
                   If subbanding and de-dispersing the start time 
                   will be corrected to account for change in
                   reference frequency. 
                   Default: Frequency of top channel.
       data - Spectra instance of waterfalled data cube.
       nbinsextra - number of time bins read in from raw data. 
       nbins - number of bins in duration.
       start - corrected start time. 

    if subdm is None:
        subdm = dm

    # Read data
    if ref_freq is None:
        ref_freq = rawdatafile.freqs.max()

    if nsub and dm:
        df = rawdatafile.freqs[1] - rawdatafile.freqs[0]
        nchan_per_sub = rawdatafile.nchan / nsub
        top_ctrfreq = rawdatafile.freqs.max() - \
                      0.5*nchan_per_sub*df # center of top subband
        start += 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / ref_freq**2 - 1. / top_ctrfreq**2) * dm

        source_name = rawdatafile.header['source_name']
        source_name = "Unknown"

    start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
    dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
                            1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)

    if nbins is None:
        nbins = np.round(duration / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')

    if dm:
        nbinsextra = np.round(
            (duration + dmfac * dm) / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        nbinsextra = nbins

    # If at end of observation
    if (start_bin + nbinsextra) > rawdatafile.nspec - 1:
        nbinsextra = rawdatafile.nspec - 1 - start_bin

    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
    # Masking
    if mask and maskfn:
        data, masked_chans = maskfile(maskfn, data, start_bin, nbinsextra)
        masked_chans = np.zeros(rawdatafile.nchan, dtype=bool)

    # Bandpass correction
    if maskfn and bandpass_corr:
        bandpass = rfifind.rfifind(maskfn).bandpass_avg[::-1]
        #bandpass[bandpass == 0] = np.min(bandpass[np.nonzero(bandpass)])
        masked_chans[bandpass == 0] = True

    # ignore top and bottom 5% of band
    ignore_chans = int(np.ceil(0.05 * rawdatafile.nchan))
    masked_chans[:ignore_chans] = True
    masked_chans[-ignore_chans:] = True

    data_masked = np.ma.masked_array(data.data)
    data_masked[masked_chans] = np.ma.masked
    data.data = data_masked

    if bandpass_corr:
        data.data /= bandpass[:, None]

    # Zerodm filtering
    if (zerodm == True):
        data.data -= data.data.mean(axis=0)

    # Subband data
    if (nsub is not None) and (subdm is not None):
        data.subband(nsub, subdm, padval='mean')

    # Dedisperse
    if dm:
        data.dedisperse(dm, padval='rotate')

    # Downsample
    # Moving it after the DM-vs-time plot

    #Orignal scale has error if chan is flagged so writting this here
    if not scaleindep:
        std = data.data.std()
    for ii in range(data.numchans):
        chan = data.get_chan(ii)
        median = np.median(chan)
        if scaleindep:
            std = chan.std()
        if std:
            chan[:] = (chan - median) / std
            chan[:] = chan

    # scale data
    #data = data.scaled(scaleindep)
    #data = data.scaled(False)

    # Smooth
    if width_bins > 1:
        for ii in range(data.numchans):
            chan = data.get_chan(ii)
            nbin = len(chan)
            x = list(range(nbin))
            if (nbin > 4000): deg = 10
            if (nbin < 4000 and nbin > 2000): deg = 8
            if (nbin < 2000 and nbin > 1000): deg = 6
            if (nbin < 1000 and nbin > 150): deg = 5
            if (nbin < 150): deg = 2
            base = np.polyfit(x, chan, deg)
            p = np.poly1d(base)
            chan[:] = chan[:] - p(x)

    return data, nbinsextra, nbins, start, source_name