Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __batch_update__(self, items):
     db = inject.instance(SugarDb)
     qry = ChainSugarCrmQuery(db)
     Logger.debug('Users list: Users->{}'.format(items.keys()))
     Logger.debug('Users list: fields->{} '.format(['user_name', 'id']))
     qry.cursor().select_(['user_name', 'id']).from_('Users').where_().in_('users.user_name', items.keys(),
     r_dict = {}
     for h in qry.fetch_all():
         r_dict = {k: v for k, v in h}
     Logger.debug('Users list: Returned->#{}'.format(len(r_dict)))
     Logger.debug('Users list: Output:->{}'.format(r_dict))
     return r_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def do_inject():

    :return: Nothing
    mysql_conf = {'user': config['mysql.user'],
                  'passwd': config['mysql.password'],
                  'db': config['mysql.db'],
                  'host': config['mysql.host'],
                  'charset': 'utf8'}
    sql_db = MySQLdb.connect(**mysql_conf)

    jira_opts = {'server': config['jira.url']}
    jira_auth = (config['jira.user'], config['jira.password'])
    jira = JIRA(options=jira_opts, basic_auth=jira_auth)

    # injecting mysql and jira
    def my_config(binder):
        binder.bind(SQLDb, sql_db)
        binder.bind(Jira, jira)

    Logger.debug("Injection complete")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def flush(self):
     if self._updated:
         Logger.debug("In UserList flush")
         q_sql = "update users set sugar_id = %s where sugar_uname = %s"
         c = self._db.cursor()
         q_params = [(v, k) for k, v in self._updated]
         Logger.debug("In UserList flush->params{}".format(q_params))
         c.executemany(q_sql, q_params)
         Logger.debug("Commit complete")
         self._updated = []
Ejemplo n.º 4
def report_worker(user):

    :param user: jira user name for timesheets retrieval
    :return: Dict {user_name: [array of timesheets]}
    def get_dates():

        :return: First and last day of a month for reporting
        import datetime
        import calendar

        year = config['year']
        month = config['month']
        first = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1)
        last = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1])
        return tuple([first, last])

    def jdate2pydate(date_string):
        Converts JIRA date string to Python simple date value
        :param date_string: JIRA string date
        :return: Simple Python date without time zone
        import iso8601
        import datetime

        complex_date = iso8601.parse_date(date_string)
        simple_date = datetime.datetime(year=complex_date.year, month=complex_date.month, day=complex_date.day)
        return simple_date

    #jira = inject.instance(Jira)
    jira = get_jira()
    start_date, finish_date = get_dates()
    Logger.debug("Querying from {} to {}".format(start_date, finish_date))
    qry = 'key in workedIssues("{start}", "{finish}", "{user}")'.format(start=start_date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
    Logger.debug("Query is {}".format(qry))
    issues = jira.search_issues(jql_str=qry, maxResults=1000)
    ts = []
    for i in issues:
        for w in [w for w in jira.worklogs(i.key) if w.author.name == user]:
            d_created = jdate2pydate(w.started)
            if start_date <= d_created <= finish_date:  # it might happens too!
                ts.append([w.id, w.comment, float(w.timeSpentSeconds) / 3600, d_created])
    Logger.debug("Timesheets for user {} are {}".format(user, ts))
    return {user: ts}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def set_timesheets(ts):

    :param ts: timesheets for a user
    :return: nothing

    db = inject.instance(SQLDb)
    flds = ['userid', 'id', 'description', 'time_spent', 'activity_date', 'source']
    Logger.debug("Updating with fields {}".format(flds))
    q_sql = 'insert into timesheets( ' + ','.join(flds) + ') values (' + ','.join(
        ['%s'] * (len(flds))) + ')'
    q_sql += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s = VALUES(%s) ' % ('time_spent', 'time_spent')
    Logger.debug("Update query: {}".format(q_sql))
    c = db.cursor()
    c.executemany(q_sql, ts)
    Logger.debug("Update completed")
Ejemplo n.º 6
            if start_date <= d_created <= finish_date:  # it might happens too!
                ts.append([w.id, w.comment, float(w.timeSpentSeconds) / 3600, d_created])
    Logger.debug("Timesheets for user {} are {}".format(user, ts))
    return {user: ts}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = do_parse(sys.argv[1:])
    from primitives.logger import set_logging

    users = get_users()
    emails = users.keys()
    max_threads = int(config.get("jira.max_threads", 5))
    Logger.info("Starting {} threads {}".format(max_threads, time.clock()))
    pool = Pool(max_threads)
    results = pool.map(report_worker, users)
    Logger.info("Stopping {}".format(time.clock()))
    timesheets = []
    for r in results:
        for u, ts in r.iteritems():
            Logger.debug("{}->{} hrs".format(u, sum([t[2] for t in ts]) / 3600))
            Logger.debug("User: {} and timesheet {}".format(users[u], ts))
            for t in ts:
                timesheets.append([users[u]] + t + ['JIRA'])
    Logger.debug("All done")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __batch_update__(self, items):
     keys = [key for key, value in items.iteritems() if value != []]  # special case for uniformity
     if keys:
         Logger.debug('TS List: Keys to update->#{}'.format(keys))
         db = inject.instance(SugarDb)
         qry = ChainSugarCrmQuery(db)
         dates = self.__get_dates()
         Logger.debug('TS List: Dates to fetch->{}'.format(dates))
         Logger.debug('TS List: Query params->fields:{}'.format(self._fields))
         Logger.debug('TS List: Query params->created_by:{}'.format(keys))
         Logger.debug('TS List: Query params->activity date between:{}'.format(dates))
         ).in_('ps_timesheets.created_by', keys, esq=True).and_().bw_('ps_timesheets.activity_date', dates,
         # ts = collections.defaultdict(list)
         ts = {k: [] for k in keys}
         for entries in qry.fetch_all():
             for entry in entries:
         Logger.debug('TS List: Query returned->{}'.format(ts))
         return ts
         Logger.debug('TS List: No items to update, passing')
         return items
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def flush(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if self._updated:
         Logger.debug("Inside timesheets flush")
         users = self._get_users()
         Logger.debug("Inside timesheets flush. Users->{}".format(users))
         fields = kwargs.get('fields',
                             ['userid', 'created_by', 'activity_date', 'time_spent', 'description', 'id', 'name'])
         Logger.debug("Inside timesheets flush. Fields->{}".format(fields))
         if not 'userid' in fields:
             fields = ['userid'] + fields
         q_sql = 'insert into timesheets( ' + ','.join(fields) + ') values (' + ','.join(
             ['%s'] * (len(fields))) + ')'
         q_sql += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s = VALUES(%s) ' % ('time_spent', 'time_spent')
         Logger.debug("Inside timesheets flush. Query->{}".format(q_sql))
         c = self._db.cursor()
         values = []
         for uid, timesheets in self._updated:
             for ts in timesheets:
                 values.append(([users[uid]] + [uid] + ts))
         Logger.debug("Inside timesheets flush. Values->{}".format(values))
         c.executemany(q_sql, values)
         Logger.debug("Commit complete")
         self._updated = []
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def pre_load(self):
     Logger.debug("In UserList pre-load")
     q_sql = "select sugar_uname, sugar_id from users"
     c = self._db.cursor()
     return dict(c.fetchall())