Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__ (self, block_name, request, offset=0, length=4, endian="<", format="binary", synchsafe=False, inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=False, name=None):
        Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any
        currently open blocks.

        @type  block_name: String
        @param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to
        @type  request:    s_request
        @param request:    Request this block belongs to
        @type  offset:     Integer
        @param offset:     (Optional, def=0) Offset for calculated size value
        @type  length:     Integer
        @param length:     (Optional, def=4) Length of sizer
        @type  endian:     Character
        @param endian:     (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
        @type  format:     String
        @param format:     (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii"
        @type  inclusive:  Boolean
        @param inclusive:  (Optional, def=False) Should the sizer count its own length?
        @type  signed:     Boolean
        @param signed:     (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii")
        @type  math:       Function
        @param math:       (Optional, def=None) Apply the mathematical operations defined in this function to the size
        @type  fuzzable:   Boolean
        @param fuzzable:   (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
        @type  name:       String
        @param name:       Name of this sizer field
        @type  synchsafe:  Boolean
        @param synchsafe: (Optional, def=False) Synchsafe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchsafe)

        self.block_name    = block_name
        self.request       = request
        self.offset        = offset
        self.length        = length
        self.endian        = endian
        self.format        = format
        self.inclusive     = inclusive
        self.signed        = signed
        self.math          = math
        self.fuzzable      = fuzzable
        self.name          = name
        self.synchsafe     = synchsafe

        self.original_value = "N/A"    # for get_primitive
        self.s_type         = "size"   # for ease of object identification
        self.bit_field      = primitives.bit_field(0, self.length*8, endian=self.endian, format=self.format, signed=self.signed, synchsafe=self.synchsafe)
        self.rendered       = ""
        self.fuzz_complete  = self.bit_field.fuzz_complete
        self.fuzz_library   = self.bit_field.fuzz_library
        self.mutant_index   = self.bit_field.mutant_index
        self.value          = self.bit_field.value

        if self.math == None:
            self.math = lambda (x): x
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__ (self, block_name, request, offset=0, length=4, endian="<", format="binary", inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=False, name=None):
        Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any
        currently open blocks.

        @type  block_name: String
        @param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to
        @type  request:    s_request
        @param request:    Request this block belongs to
        @type  length:     Integer
        @param length:     (Optional, def=4) Length of sizer
        @type  offset:     Integer
        @param offset:     (Optional, def=0) Offset for calculated size value
        @type  endian:     Character
        @param endian:     (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
        @type  format:     String
        @param format:     (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii"
        @type  inclusive:  Boolean
        @param inclusive:  (Optional, def=False) Should the sizer count its own length?
        @type  signed:     Boolean
        @param signed:     (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii")
        @type  math:       Function
        @param math:       (Optional, def=None) Apply the mathematical operations defined in this function to the size
        @type  fuzzable:   Boolean
        @param fuzzable:   (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
        @type  name:       String
        @param name:       Name of this sizer field

        self.block_name    = block_name
        self.request       = request
        self.offset        = offset
        self.length        = length
        self.endian        = endian
        self.format        = format
        self.inclusive     = inclusive
        self.signed        = signed
        self.math          = math
        self.fuzzable      = fuzzable
        self.name          = name

        self.original_value = "N/A"    # for get_primitive
        self.s_type         = "size"   # for ease of object identification
        self.bit_field      = primitives.bit_field(0, self.length*8, endian=self.endian, format=self.format, signed=self.signed)
        self.rendered       = ""
        self.fuzz_complete  = self.bit_field.fuzz_complete
        self.fuzz_library   = self.bit_field.fuzz_library
        self.mutant_index   = self.bit_field.mutant_index
        self.value          = self.bit_field.value

        if self.math == None:
            self.math = lambda (x): x
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__ (self, block_name, request, offset=0, length=4, endian="<", format="binary", synchsafe=False, inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=False, name=None):
        Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any
        currently open blocks.

        @type  block_name: String
        @param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to
        @type  request:    s_request
        @param request:    Request this block belongs to
        @type  offset:     Integer
        @param offset:     (Optional, def=0) Offset for calculated size value
        @type  length:     Integer
        @param length:     (Optional, def=4) Length of sizer
        @type  endian:     Character
        @param endian:     (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
        @type  format:     String
        @param format:     (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii"
        @type  inclusive:  Boolean
        @param inclusive:  (Optional, def=False) Should the sizer count its own length?
        @type  signed:     Boolean
        @param signed:     (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii")
        @type  math:       Function
        @param math:       (Optional, def=None) Apply the mathematical operations defined in this function to the size
        @type  fuzzable:   Boolean
        @param fuzzable:   (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
        @type  name:       String
        @param name:       Name of this sizer field
        @type  synchsafe:  Boolean
        @param synchsafe: (Optional, def=False) Synchsafe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchsafe)

        self.block_name    = block_name
        self.request       = request
        self.offset        = offset
        self.length        = length
        self.endian        = endian
        self.format        = format
        self.inclusive     = inclusive
        self.signed        = signed
        self.math          = math
        self.fuzzable      = fuzzable
        self.name          = name
        self.synchsafe     = synchsafe
        self.s_type        = "size"

        if not block_name:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires a block_name" % self.s_type)
        if block_name and not type(block_name) is str:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires block_name to be of type str" % self.s_type)
        if name and not type(name) is str:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires name to be of type str" % self.s_type)
        if fuzzable != True and fuzzable != False:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires fuzzable to be of type boolean" % self.s_type)
        if not type(offset) is int:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires offset to be of type int" % self.s_type)
        if not type(length) is int:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires length to be of type int" % self.s_type)
        if endian != ">" and endian != "<":
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires endian to be '>' or '<'" % self.s_type)
        if not type(format) is str:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires format to be of type str" % self.s_type)
        if synchsafe != True and synchsafe != False:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires synchsafe to be of type boolean" % self.s_type)
        if inclusive != True and inclusive != False:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires inclusive to be of type boolean" % self.s_type)
        if signed != True and signed != False:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("'%s' requires signed to be of type boolean" % self.s_type)

        self.original_value = "N/A"    # for get_primitive
        self.s_type         = "size"   # for ease of object identification
        self.bit_field      = primitives.bit_field(0, self.length*8, endian=self.endian, format=self.format, signed=self.signed, synchsafe=self.synchsafe)
        self.rendered       = ""
        self.fuzz_complete  = self.bit_field.fuzz_complete
        self.fuzz_library   = self.bit_field.fuzz_library
        self.mutant_index   = self.bit_field.mutant_index
        self.value          = self.bit_field.value

        if self.math == None:
            self.math = lambda (x): x