Ejemplo n.º 1
class BilliardTable:
    def __init__(self, width=450, length=300, height=2*BALL_RADIUS, center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
        self.width = width
        self.length = length
        self.height = height

        half_width = self.width/2.
        half_length = self.length/2.

        top_left_corner     = [center[0] - half_width, -0.01, center[0] + half_length]
        top_right_corner    = [center[0] + half_width, -0.01, center[0] + half_length]
        bottom_right_corner = [center[0] + half_width, -0.01, center[0] - half_length]
        bottom_left_corner  = [center[0] - half_width, -0.01, center[0] - half_length]

        self.corners = [top_left_corner, bottom_left_corner, bottom_right_corner, top_right_corner]

        self.table = Quad(self.corners, billiard_green)

    # Calculates the balls collisions with the table
    def wallCollisionUpdate(self,ball):
        speed_module = ball.velToPolar()[0]
        dist_x = self.width/2.  - abs(ball.coord[0])
        dist_y = self.length/2. - abs(ball.coord[2])

        if speed_module != 0:
            if dist_x/speed_module <= 1:
                ball.vel[0] = -ball.vel[0]
            if dist_y/speed_module <= 1:
                ball.vel[2] = -ball.vel[2]

    def isBallInPocket(self,ball):
        if ball.type is not BBallType.whitey and ball.type is not BBallType.black:
            for corner in self.corners:
                if distance(ball.coord,corner) <= 2*ball.radius:
                    return True
        return False

    def draw(self):
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, width=450, length=300, height=2*BALL_RADIUS, center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
        self.width = width
        self.length = length
        self.height = height

        half_width = self.width/2.
        half_length = self.length/2.

        top_left_corner     = [center[0] - half_width, -0.01, center[0] + half_length]
        top_right_corner    = [center[0] + half_width, -0.01, center[0] + half_length]
        bottom_right_corner = [center[0] + half_width, -0.01, center[0] - half_length]
        bottom_left_corner  = [center[0] - half_width, -0.01, center[0] - half_length]

        self.corners = [top_left_corner, bottom_left_corner, bottom_right_corner, top_right_corner]

        self.table = Quad(self.corners, billiard_green)