Ejemplo n.º 1
def execute_update_query(cnx, update_sql, sql_dict, label='execute_update_query', verbose_level_threshold=3):

    cursor = cnx.cursor()

    s = sqlparse.format(update_sql % sql_dict, reindent=True, encoding='utf8')
    GPR.print_it2( label, s, verbose_level_threshold)
        cursor.execute( update_sql  %  sql_dict)
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        if err.errno == 1062 and err.sqlstate == '23000':
            if True or GPR.verbose_level >= n:
                n1 = err.msg.index('Duplicate entry')
                n2 = err.msg.index('for key ')
                msg2 = err.msg[n1:n2-1]
                print "    "+repr(msg2)
            GPR.print_it2( label , "%r" % map(str , (err, err.errno , err.message , err.msg, err.sqlstate)), 0) # always print errors
    # Warning: It seems that you are trying to print a plain string containing unicode characters
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: lsdb.py Proyecto: donbro/lsdb
def vol_id_gen(cnx, in_gen):
    """processor for to find, store and then add vol_id to each item as it goes by"""
    # try:
    #   select vol_id from volumes_uuid (based on volume uuid)
    #   select vol_id from files (based on volume name and create date)
    #   do a "test" insert of the volume entry just to get the autocreated vol_id back. (then act like it didn't happen :)

    local_vol_id = None

    for in_dict in in_gen:

        if local_vol_id == None:        
            local_vol_id = db_get_vol_id(cnx, in_dict, local_vol_id)
            GPR.print_it2("vol_id_gen", "volume = %s, vol_id = %r" %  (in_dict[NSURLNameKey], local_vol_id), verbose_level_threshold=2)

        in_dict['vol_id'] = local_vol_id

        yield in_dict

    GPR.print_it("end vol_id_gen.", verbose_level_threshold=3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: lsdb.py Proyecto: donbro/lsdb
def main():

    #   some favorite testing files

    s = '/Volumes/Ulysses/bittorrent'
    s =     u'/Users/donb/Downloads/incomplete'
    s = '/Volumes/Ulysses/TV Shows/Nikita/'

    # package
    s = u"/Users/donb/Documents/Installing Evernote v. 4.6.2—Windows Seven.rtfd"

    s = '/Volumes/Ulysses/bittorrent'

    s = u'/Users/donb/Downloads/incomplete'

    s = u'/Users/donb/Ashley+Roberts/'

    s = "/Volumes/Taos/videogame/"
    s = "/Volumes/Daytona/TV Series/Americas Next Top Model"

    s = '.'
    s = "/Volumes/Taos/videogame/Perfect Dark/Joanna Dark/"

    s = u'/Users/donb/Ashley+Roberts/'
    s = u"~/Catherine Video Review.mp4"
    s = "/Volumes/Brandywine/TV Show—single/"
    s = '/Volumes/Ulysses/TV Shows/Nikita/'
    s = '/Volumes/Ulysses/bittorrent/'
    s = "/Volumes/Corinna"
    s = "/Volumes/Corinna/Actress/Alison Armitage"
    s = "/Volumes/Corinna/Actress/Keira Knightley/Keira Knightley - Kenneth Willardt's GQ Photoshoot"
    s = "/Volumes/Dunharrow"

    # hack to have Textmate run with hardwired arguments while command line can be free…
    if os.getenv('TM_LINE_NUMBER' ):
        argv = []

        argv += ["-v"] # verbose_level = 2
        argv += ["-v"]
#         argv += ["-v"]  # verbose_level = 4
        # argv = ["-d 3"]        
        argv += ["-f"]          # force folder scan
        # argv += ["-p"]      # scanning packages
        argv += [s]
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

    (options, args) = do_parse_args(argv)
    # no args means do the current directory
    if args == []: 
        args = ["."]
    args2 = []
    for a in args:
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            a2 = a.decode('utf8')
            # print "arg [  %s  ] is a unicode string" % (a2, )
            GPR.print_it2("arg is a unicode string", a2, verbose_level_threshold=1)
    args = args2
    args = [os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a)) for a in args]
    GPR.verbose_level = options.verbose_level

    GPR.print_list("sys.argv", sys.argv, verbose_level_threshold=3)

    # display list of timezones
    if options.verbose_level >= 4:

    GPR.print_dict("options (after optparsing)", options.__dict__, left_col_width=24, verbose_level_threshold=2)

    GPR.print_list("args (after optparsing)", args, verbose_level_threshold=3)
    do_args(args, options)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: lsdb.py Proyecto: donbro/lsdb
def files_generator(basepath, options):
    """a generator which yields all files (as file_dicts) including volume, superfolder(s), 
            basepath, and then all subfiles (subject to depth_limit and enumerator options). """

    GPR.print_it25("files_generator", basepath, 2)

    superfolders_list = []
    basepath_url =  NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(basepath)
    # begin loop going upwards
    url =  NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(basepath)
    while True:
        d1 = GetURLValues(url, enumeratorURLKeys)
        if d1[NSURLIsVolumeKey]: 
        # go "upwards" one level (towards volume)
        url = url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()              

    GPR.print_superfolders_list("volume, superfolder(s)", superfolders_list, 4)

    # now go back down, yielding dict objects at each step:
    n = len(superfolders_list)
    for i, superfolder_dict in enumerate(superfolders_list):  
        superfolder_dict['depth'] = i+1-n
        yield superfolder_dict 

    # last dict in superfolder list is the basepath_dict
    basepath_dict =  superfolder_dict                          

    item_is_package = is_item_a_package(basepath_url)    
    if basepath_dict[NSURLIsDirectoryKey] and item_is_package and not options.scan_packages:
        GPR.print_it("\nbasepath is a directory and a package but we're not scanning packages.\n", 1)

    # we've yielded basepath above, don't enumerate if basepath is not a directory (or package and we want packages)
    if basepath_dict[NSURLIsDirectoryKey]:
        enumeratorOptionKeys = 0L
        if not options.scan_packages:
            enumeratorOptionKeys |= NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants
        if not options.scan_hidden_files:
            enumeratorOptionKeys |= NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles

        enumerator = sharedFM.enumeratorAtURL_includingPropertiesForKeys_options_errorHandler_(
                                                                                        error_handler_for_enumerator )                                        
        for url in enumerator:
            item_dict = GetURLValues(url, enumeratorURLKeys)
            depth = enumerator.level()                
            item_dict['depth'] = depth

            if options.depth_limit and (depth >= options.depth_limit-1):
            yield item_dict

    GPR.print_it2("end files_generator", basepath, verbose_level_threshold=3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: lsdb.py Proyecto: donbro/lsdb
def db_execute_relation(cnx, sql_query, item_dict, required_fields, label, verbose_level_threshold=2):
    """db_execute is GetDR, sqlparse, cursor.execute, return rel.add( r ) for r in cursor and cursor.close """
    sql_dict = GetDR(item_dict, required_fields, verbose_level_threshold=verbose_level_threshold)    
    sql_query = sql_query % sql_dict    
    s = sqlparse.format( sql_query, reindent=True, encoding='utf8')
    GPR.print_it2( label, s, verbose_level_threshold) # 4

        cursor = cnx.cursor()
        cursor.execute( sql_query )    
        column_names = [column.name for column in cursor.description]
        rel = relation( column_names, [] , "pg_del_files")
        for r in cursor:
            l = list(r)
            l[2] = l[2].decode('utf8') # file_name
            l[4] = str(l[4])
            rel.add( l ) 
        # r = [z for z in cursor] 
    except cnx.ProgrammingError as err:
        if err.message == "no results to fetch":
            return None
            GPR.print_it2( label , "%r (%d)" %   (err.message ,   err.pgcode) , 0) # always print errors
    except cnx.IntegrityError as err:
        if err.pgcode == "23505":        # duplicate key
            GPR.print_it2( label , "%r (%d)" %   (err.message ,   err.pgcode) , 0) # always print errors
            GPR.print_it2( label , "%r (%d)" %   (err.message ,   err.pgcode) , 0) # always print errors     
    except cnx.InternalError as err:
        #InternalError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
        GPR.print_it2( label , "%r (%d)" %   (err.message ,   err.pgcode) , 0) # always print errors
    except cnx.Error as err:
        GPR.print_it2( label , "%r (%d)" %   (err.message ,   err.pgcode) , 0 ) # always print errors

    return rel