def hillClimb(self):
        PQ = PriorityQueue()

        ricList = self.findRIC()

        for nn in range(len(ricList)):
            # Add left
            leftMap = self.moveLeft(ricList[nn])
            if (leftMap != None):
                PQ.push(leftMap, UPGetScore.getMapScore(leftMap))

            # Add right
            rightMap = self.moveRight(ricList[nn])
            if (rightMap != None):
                PQ.push(rightMap, UPGetScore.getMapScore(rightMap))

            # Add up
            upMap = self.moveUp(ricList[nn])
            if (upMap != None):
                PQ.push(upMap, UPGetScore.getMapScore(upMap))

            # Add down
            downMap = self.moveDown(ricList[nn])
            if (downMap != None):
                PQ.push(downMap, UPGetScore.getMapScore(downMap))

        return PQ
Ejemplo n.º 2
def color_most_constrained_first(graphs, color):
    global spills, unspillable, num_unused, used_registers

    #print 'starting color_most_constrained_first'
    for v in graphs.vertices():
        used_registers[v] = set([])
        num_unused[v] = len(registers) - len(used_registers[v])

    left = set(graphs.vertices()) - set(reserved_registers) - set(registers)
    queue = PriorityQueue(left, avail_reg_then_unspill)

    while not queue.empty():
        v = queue.pop()
        if debug:
            print 'next to color is ' + v
        if v not in color.keys():
            c = choose_color(v, color, graphs,False)
            color[v] = c
            for u in graphs.interferes_with(v):
                #if u in graphs.vertices():
                used_registers[u] |= set([c])
                num_unused[u] = len(registers) - len(used_registers[u])
            if not is_reg(c):
                spills += 1

    return color
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def singleSourceShortestPath(self, srcID):
        assert (srcID >= 0 and srcID < self.n)
        # Implement Dijkstra's algorithm
        # Input:
        # self --> a reference to a MyGraph instance
        # srcID: the id of the source vertex.
        # Expected Output: (d,pi)
        #    d  --> Map each vertex id v to the distance from srcID
        #    pi --> Map each reachable vertex id v (except for srcID) to a parent.

        # Initialize the priority queue
        pq = PriorityQueue(self.n) #create the priority queue
        for i in range(0,self.n): # Iterate through all vertex ID
            if ( i == srcID):     # If ID is srcID
                pq.set(i,0.0)     # Distance of srcID should be zero
            else:                 # ID is not srcID
                pq.set(i, pq.Inf) # Distance should be infinity
        d = {}  # Initialize the map with distances to nodes
        pi = {} # Initialize the map with parents of vertices
        # COMPLETE the Dijkstra code here

        return (d,pi)
def representativeNodes(G, k, metric=1):
    ''' Finds the most distinguishable (representative) nodes in graph G greedily.
    Takes the most furthest node to the already chosen nodes at each step.

    Input: G -- networkx object graph with weighted edges
    k -- number of nodes needed
    metric -- parameter for differentiating representative qualities
    metric == 1 trying to maximize total distance in the chosen set of k nodes
    metric == 2 trying to maximize minimal distance between a pair of k nodes
    S -- chosen k nodes
    objv -- objective value according to the chosen metric and set of nodes

    S = [] # set of chosen nodes
    S_dist = PQ() # distances from each node in G to set S according to metric

    # initialize S with furthest vertices
        u,v,d = max(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda (u, v, d): d['weight'])
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError, 'Most likely you have no weight attribute'

    # compute distances from each node in G to S
    for v in G.nodes():
        if v not in S: # calculate only for nodes in G
            if metric == 1:
                S_dist.add_task(v, - _sumDist(G, S, v)) # take minus to pop the maximum value from priority queue
            elif metric == 2:
                S_dist.add_task(v, - _minDist(G, S, v)) # take minus to pop the maximum value from priority queue

    # add new nodes to the set greedily
    while len(S) < k:
        u, priority = S_dist.pop_item() # find maximum value of distance to set S
        S.append(u) # append that node to S

        # only increase distance for nodes that are connected to u
        for v in G[u].keys():
            if v not in S: # add only remained nodes
                [priority, count, task] = S_dist.entry_finder[v] # finds distance for the previous step
                    if metric == 1:
                        S_dist.add_task(v, priority-G[u][v]['weight']) # adds distance to the new member of S
                    elif metric == 2:
                        S_dist.add_task(v, max(priority, -G[u][v]['weight'])) # update min distance to the set S
                    raise u,v, "These are vertices that caused the problem"

    # extract objective value of the chosen set
    if metric == 1:
        objv = 0
        for u in S:
            objv += _sumDist(G, S, u)
    elif metric == 2:
        objv = float('Inf')
        for u in S:
            objv = min(objv, _minDist(G, S, u))

    return S, objv
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def solveUCS(self):
     #Initialize priority queue and fill it with the first connecting nodes
     pq = PriorityQueue()
     for edge in self.graph[self.start]:
     path = []
     return path
Ejemplo n.º 6
def dijkstra(graphObj, startVertex):
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    for vertex in graphObj.getVertices():
        if vertex == startVertex:
            pq.insert([0, vertex])
            graphObj.verticesList[startVertex].distance = 0
            pq.insert([INFINITY, vertex])

        currentVertex = pq.extractMin()

        if len(pq.pqueue) == 1:

        # print(pq.pqueue, pq.lookup)
        for adjNode in graphObj.verticesList[currentVertex[1]].getConnections():
            newDistance = graphObj.verticesList[currentVertex[1]].distance + graphObj.verticesList[currentVertex[1]].adjList[adjNode]
            if newDistance < graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].distance:
                graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].distance = newDistance
                graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].predecessor = currentVertex[1]
                index = pq.lookup[adjNode]
                pq.decreaseKey(index, newDistance)

    return graphObj
def degreeHeuristicSeed(G, k):
    S = []
    d = PQ()
    for u in G:
        degree = sum([1 for v in G[u] if G[u][v]['weight']])
        # degree = len(G[u])
        d.add_task(u, -degree)
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = d.pop_item()
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, maze):
     #super already sets the start as the current cell
     super(Astar, self).__init__(maze, maze.start())
     self.strategy = "Euclidean" #make it possible to choose an option which heuristic can be used
     #current position not necessary, stored in walker
     #open list containing all cells to explore = PriorityQueue()
     self.closed = dict()# node:parent
     self.g = 10 #total costs the agent took so far
     self.last = None
     self.closed[self._cell] = None
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_enqueue(self):
        priority_queue = PriorityQueue()
        priority_queue.enqueue(10, 6)
        priority_queue.enqueue(20, 5)
        priority_queue.enqueue(30, 4)
        priority_queue.enqueue(40, 3)
        priority_queue.enqueue(50, 2)
        priority_queue.enqueue(60, 1)
        priority_queue.enqueue(70, 0)

        self.assertEqual([{0: 70}, {3: 40}, {1: 60}, {6: 10}, {4: 30}, {5: 20}, {2: 50}], priority_queue.returnQueue())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     Method for initializing an empty Network.
     self._nodes = set()
     self._topLevelNodes = set()
     self._bottomLevelNodes = set()
     self._allLinks = set()
     self._topLevelLinks = set()
     self._cutLinks = set()
     self._sortedLinks = PriorityQueue()
     self._idDict = {}
     self._idCounter = 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def init_central_trading_system():
	global glob

	stockInfoList = StockInfo.objects.all()
	securityStockInfoList = SecurityStockInfo.objects.all()	# this is accounts!!!
	for iStock in stockInfoList:
		glob.InstQueue[iStock.StockID] = (PriorityQueue(),PriorityQueue())
	for iAccount in securityStockInfoList:	# iSecStock
		glob.InstNotDealt[iAccount.SecurityID] = {}

	return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def djisktra(self, a, b):
        distances = [float("inf") for _ in self.vertices]
        distances[a] = 0
        predecessors = [None for _ in self.vertices]
        # queue = PriorityQueue()
        queue = PriorityQueue()
        queue.enqueue((distances[a], self.vertices[a].label))

        while True:
            if queue.empty():
            # print(queue)
            _, current = queue.dequeue()
            if current is b:
            # dequeue a node we already looked at
            # this may not be necessary because it will just not decrease any travel times anyway
                # traverse adj list, and see if any are shorter than current dist
                for v in self.vertices[current].adj:
                    temp = distances[current] + weight(self.vertices[current],
                    if distances[v] > temp:
                        distances[v] = temp
                        predecessors[v] = current
                        queue.enqueue((temp, v))  # shouldn't this be (distances[v], v)

        count = 0
        for distance in distances:
            if (distance != float("inf")):

        #print((distances[b], predecessors[b], count))

        return (distances, predecessors, count)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def AStar(maze, x, y, fpoint):
    startPoint = Point(x, y, None)
    startPoint.f = startPoint.g = startPoint.h = 0

    openList = PriorityQueue()


    while (not (openList.isEmpty())):

        current_node = openList.delete()
        maze[current_node.x][current_node.y] = 3

        if (current_node.isEqual(fpoint)):
            return current_node

        children = []
        for pos in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
            curr_x = current_node.x + pos[0]
            curr_y = current_node.y + pos[1]

            if (not (isFeasible(maze, curr_x, curr_y))):

            child = Point(curr_x, curr_y, current_node)

        for child in children:
            child.g = current_node.g + 1
            child.h = manhattanDist(child, fpoint)
            child.f = child.g + child.h

Ejemplo n.º 14
def prims(graphObj, start):
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    for vertex in graphObj.verticesList:
        if vertex == start:
            g.verticesList[vertex].distance = 0
            pq.insert([0, vertex])
        g.verticesList[vertex].distance = INFINITY
        pq.insert([INFINITY, vertex])

        currentVertex = pq.extractMin()

        if len(pq.pqueue) == 1:

        for adjNode in graphObj.verticesList[currentVertex[1]].getConnections():
            if adjNode in pq.lookup(adjNode):
                newDistance = graphObj.verticesList[currentVertex[1]].getCost(adjNode)
                if newDistance < graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].distance:
                    graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].distance = newDistance
                    graphObj.verticesList[adjNode].predecessor = currentVertex[1]

        return graphObj
Ejemplo n.º 15
def read(G):

    # id to name & name to id dictionary
    id_to_name = dict()
    name_to_id = dict()
    # distance dictionary
    distance = dict()
    # predecessor dictionary
    predecessor = dict()
    # priority queue
    pq = PQ()

    # read nodes from movie_nodes.txt
    with open('movie_nodes.txt') as fn:
        # read data rows from file
        rows = fn.readlines()
        # for each row
        for row in rows:
            # string token
            tokens = row.strip('\n').split('\t')
            # dictionary for id -> name
            id_to_name[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]
            # dictionary for name -> id
            name_to_id[tokens[1]] = tokens[0]
            # graph add node
            # initialize all nodes distance
            distance[tokens[0]] = MAXINT
            # initialize priority queue
            pq.add_task(tokens[0], MAXINT)
            # initialize all nodes predecessor
            predecessor[tokens[0]] = None
        # close file

    # read edges from movie_edgesw.txt
    with open('movie_edgesw.txt') as fn:
        # read data rows from file
        rows = fn.readlines()
        # for each row
        for row in rows:
            # string token
            tokens = row.strip('\n').split('\t')
            # graph add edges
            G.add_edge(tokens[0], tokens[1], weight=float(tokens[2]))
        # close file

    return id_to_name, name_to_id, distance, predecessor, pq, G
def test_priority_and_sort_order():

    p = PriorityQueue()
    p.add(1, 1)
    p.add(2, 1)
    p.add(3, 2)
    p.add(4, 1)
    assert p.pop() == 3
    assert p.pop() == 1
    assert p.pop() == 2
    assert p.pop() == 4
    assert p.peek() is None
Ejemplo n.º 17
def baseFC(crawlParams):
    seedURLs = crawlParams['seedURLs']
    t = [(-1, p, -1, "") for p in seedURLs]
    priorityQueue = PriorityQueue(t)
    classifierFileName = crawlParams['classifierFileName']
    crawlParams["priorityQueue"] = priorityQueue
        classifierFile = open(classifierFileName, "rb")
        vsmClf = pickle.load(classifierFile)
        #self.classifier.error = 0.05
        #self.classifier.relevanceth = 0.75
        #vsmClf = VSMClassifier()
        vsmClf = VSM_CentroidClassifier()
        vsmClf.buildModel(crawlParams['model'], topK=10)
        #vsmClf.buildVSMClassifier(crawlParams['seedURLs'],classifierFileName,crawlParams['eventType'], crawlParams['minCollFreq'])
        print 'Saving model to file'
        classifierFile = open(classifierFileName, "wb")
        pickle.dump(vsmClf, classifierFile)
    crawlParams['scorer'] = vsmClf
    #keywordModel = KeywordModel()

    #crawler = Crawler(priorityQueue,scorer,options)
    crawler = Crawler(crawlParams)
    qu = crawler.crawl()
    quS = '\n'.join([str(-1 * s[0]) + "," + s[1] for s in qu])
    with open('queueBase.txt', 'w') as fw:
    return crawler.relevantPages
Ejemplo n.º 18
def eventFC(scorer, url_scorer, options):
    #     seedUrls = ["",
    #                 "",
    #                 ""
    #                 ]
    #keywords = ['demonstrations','protest','elections','egypt','revolution','uprising','arab','spring','tunisia','libya','military']

    t = [(-1, p, -1) for p in options['seeds']]
    #t = [(-1,Url(p)) for p in seedUrls]
    priorityQueue = PriorityQueue(t)

    crawler = Crawler(priorityQueue, scorer, options)
    print crawler.relevantPagesCount
    print crawler.pagesCount

    f = open("harverstRatioData.txt", "w")
    for r, p in crawler.harvestRatioData:
        f.write(str(r) + "," + str(p) + "\n")

    f = open("logData.txt", "w")
    furl = open("Output-URLs.txt", "w")
    for p in crawler.relevantPages:
        f.write(str(p.pageId) + "," + str(p.pageUrl[2]) + "\n")
        furl.write(p.pageUrl[1] + "\n")

Ejemplo n.º 19
	def __init__(self, app, length, fps, synchronous):
		self.__app = app
		self.__events = PriorityQueue()
		self.__spf = 1/fps # seconds per frame
		self.__frame = 0
		self.__frameTime = -self.__spf
		self.__length = length
		self.__synchronous = synchronous
 def __init__(self,newsSeedList,socialSeedList,govSeedList):        
     self.turn = 0
     if newsSeedList is not None:
         self.newsQueue = PriorityQueue(newsSeedList)
     if socialSeedList is not None:
         self.socialQueue = PriorityQueue(socialSeedList)
     if govSeedList is not None:
         self.govQueue = PriorityQueue(govSeedList)
     self.newsQueue = PriorityQueue(newsSeedList)
     self.socialQueue = PriorityQueue(socialSeedList)
     self.govQueue = PriorityQueue(govSeedList)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def buildTree(self, text):
        queue = PriorityQueue(cmp=lambda a,b: a.frequency > b.frequency)
        for v,f in dict(Counter(list(text))).items():
            queue.enqueue(BinaryNode(v, f))

        while queue.size() > 1:
            nodeL = queue.dequeue()
            nodeR = queue.dequeue()
            parent = BinaryNode(None, nodeL.frequency+nodeR.frequency)
            parent.left = nodeL
            parent.right = nodeR

        self.root = queue.dequeue()
Ejemplo n.º 22
class TestPriorityQueue(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.pq = PriorityQueue()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.pq = None

    def test_basic(self):
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.pq))

    def test_fill(self):
        """Fill up the queue."""
        data = knuth_shuffle(range(1, 10))
        for d in data:

        sorted_data = sorted(data)
        self.assertEqual(sorted_data[0], self.pq.peekFront())
        self.assertEqual(sorted_data[len(sorted_data) - 1], self.pq.peekRear())
        self.assertEqual(len(data), len(self.pq))

        for d in sorted_data:
            self.assertEqual(d, self.pq.dequeue())

def prim(aGraph, startVertex):
    # create a priority queue that uses distance as the value to determine priority and thus its position
    # use the distance to the vertex as the priority because while exploring the next vertex, want to explore the vertex that has the smallest distance
    # decreaseKey method used when the distance to a vertex that is already in the queue is reduced, and thus moves that vertex toward the front of the queue.
    pQueue = PriorityQueue()
    # initialize the state of the graph 
    for vertex in aGraph:
        # initialally all vertices values are = infinity (sys.maxint) because we assume the greatest value and then update appropiately
    # distance represents distance from the startVertex, trivially 0 for the startVertex
    # key value pair
    # key is distance and vertex is the value
    pQueue.buildHeap([ (vertex.getDistance(), vertex) for vertex in aGraph ])
    while not pQueue.isEmpty():
        currentVertex = pQueue.delMin()
        # iterate over the currentVertex's edges
        for nextVertex in currentVertex.getConnections():
            # calculate the weight from currentVertex to nextVertex
            newCost = currentVertex.getWeight(nextVertex)
            # found a shorter path
            # node is not considered to be part of the spanning tree until it is removed from the priority queue.
            # nextVertex in pQueue means that vertex is not yet in the spanning tree so it is safe to add (ensures an acyclic graph)
            if nextVertex in pQueue and newCost< nextVertex.getDistance():
                # assign the predecessor appropiately
                # set a new distance on the nextVertex
                # update the priorityQueue with the correct values
                pQueue.decreaseKey(nextVertex, newCost)
def dijkstra(aGraph, startVertex):
    # create a priority queue that uses distance as the value to determine priority and thus its position
    # use the distance to the vertex as the priority because while exploring the next vertex, want to explore the vertex that has the smallest distance
    # decreaseKey method used when the distance to a vertex that is already in the queue is reduced, and thus moves that vertex toward the front of the queue.
    pQueue = PriorityQueue()
    # distance represents distance from the startVertex, trivially 0 for the startVertex
    # initialally all vertices values are = infinity (sys.maxint) because we assume the greatest value and then update appropiately
    # key value pair
    # key is distance and vertex is the value
    pQueue.buildHeap([ (vertex.getDistance(), vertex) for vertex in aGraph ])
    while not pQueue.isEmpty():
        currentVertex = pQueue.delMin()
        # iterate over the currentVertex's edges
        for nextVertex in currentVertex.getConnections():
            # distance of current vertex and the weight of it's edges
            newDistance = currentVertex.getDistance() + currentVertex.getWeight(nextVertex)
            # found a shorter path
            if newDistance < nextVertex.getDistance():
                # set a new distance on the nextVertex
                # assign the predecessor appropiately
                # update the priorityQueue with the correct values
                pQueue.decreaseKey(nextVertex, newDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def getScores(G, Ep):
    '''Finds scores for GDD.
    Scores are degree for each node.

    scores = PQ() # degree discount
    active = dict()
    inactive = dict()

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G:
        active[u] = 1
        # inactive[u] = sum([Ep[(u,v)]*G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        inactive[u] = sum([1 - (1 - Ep[(u,v)])**G[u][v]["weight"] for v in G[u]])
        priority = active[u]*(1 + inactive[u])
        scores.add_task(u, -priority) # add degree of each node

    return scores, active, inactive
Ejemplo n.º 26
def degreeHeuristic(G, k, p=.01):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = []
    d = PQ()
    for u in G:
        degree = sum([G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        # degree = len(G[u])
        d.add_task(u, -degree)
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = d.pop_item()
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 27
def getScores(G, Ep):
    '''Finds scores for GDD.
    Scores are degree for each node.

    scores = PQ()  # degree discount
    active = dict()
    inactive = dict()

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G:
        active[u] = 1
        # inactive[u] = sum([Ep[(u,v)]*G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        inactive[u] = sum(
            [1 - (1 - Ep[(u, v)])**G[u][v]["weight"] for v in G[u]])
        priority = active[u] * (1 + inactive[u])
        scores.add_task(u, -priority)  # add degree of each node

    return scores, active, inactive
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def solveUCS(self):
#        return ["A","B","C"]
        visited = [self.start]
        q = PriorityQueue()
        if self.start == self.end:
            print("Graph already solved! start and end nodes are the same!")
            #Build Queue
            startNode = self.findNode(self.start)
            for child in startNode.children:

            #Recursively solve
            path = []
            return path
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def solveUCS(self):
        #        return ["A","B","C"]
        visited = [self.start]
        q = PriorityQueue()
        if self.start == self.end:
            print("Graph already solved! start and end nodes are the same!")
            #Build Queue
            startNode = self.findNode(self.start)
            for child in startNode.children:
                print("ADDING", child, "PARENT",
                q.put((child,, startNode.children[child]))

            #Recursively solve
            path = []
            self.rsolveUCS(q, path, visited)
            return path
Ejemplo n.º 30
def dijkstra(aGraph, start):
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq.buildHeap([(v.getDistance(), v) for v in aGraph])
    while not pq.isEmpty():
        currentVert = pq.delMin()
        for nextVert in currentVert.getConnections():
            newDist = currentVert.getDistance() \
                      + currentVert.getWeight(nextVert)
            if newDist < nextVert.getDistance():
                pq.decreaseKey(nextVert, newDist)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def Dijkstras(graph,start):   
	pq.buildHeap([(v.getDistance(),v) for v in graph])   # distance is the key in the priority queue
	while not pq.isEmpty():
		for newvertex in currentvertex.getConnections():
			if newDist<newvertex.getDistance(): 
				# at the start the distance of all the vertices is set to maximum. That's why the if statement will be executed
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def run(layout, heuristic):
        layoutText = load_maze(layout)
        currentMaze = Maze(layoutText)
        aMaze = Maze(layoutText)
        aProblem = Problem(aMaze)
        numberOfMoves = 0

        fringe = PriorityQueue()
        visitedNodes = set()

        goal = a_star_search(aProblem, heuristic, fringe, visitedNodes)
        path = list()

        while goal is not None:
            path.insert(0, goal)
            numberOfMoves += 1
            goal = goal.get_parent()

        move = 0
        print("For Heuristics: ", heuristic)
        if len(path) > 0:
            print("|------------- STARTING MAZE--------------|\n")
                                    path[0].get_y_coordinate(), "S")
                "\n|------------- STARTING DICE ORIENTATION--------------|\n")

        for currentNode in path:
            print("\n|-------------------- MOVE: " + str(move) +
                  " -------------------|\n")
            print("|------------- MAZE--------------|\n")
                                    currentNode.get_y_coordinate(), '#')
            print("\n|------------- DICE--------------|\n")
            move += 1

        print("\n|---------------- PERFORMANCE METRICS -----------------|\n")
        print("No. of moves in the solution                    : ",
              numberOfMoves - 1)
        print("No. of nodes put on the queue                   : ",
        print("No. of nodes visited / removed from the queue   : ",

        result = [
            heuristic, numberOfMoves - 1, fringe.nodesPutOnQueue,
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def __init__(self, game, player, nom, init, goal, wallStates, goalStates): = game
     self.player = player
     self.nom = nom
     self.position = init
     self.goal = goal
     self.graph = Graph((wallStates, goalStates), game.spriteBuilder.rowsize, game.spriteBuilder.colsize)
     self.chemin = [] = PriorityQueue(), 0)
     self.came_from = {}
     self.cost_so_far = {}
     self.came_from[init] = None
     self.cost_so_far[init] = 0
     self.priority = 0
     self.avoid = []
     self.ID = Jeu.cpt
     Jeu.cpt += 1
     Jeu.positions[self.nom] = init
     Jeu.caches["l1"][self.nom] = []
     Jeu.references[self.nom] = self
Ejemplo n.º 34
def generalGreedy(G, k, p=.01):
    ''' Finds initial seed set S using general greedy heuristic
    Input: G -- networkx Graph object
    k -- number of initial nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability  传播概率
    Output: S -- initial set of k nodes to propagate
    import time
    start = time.time()
    R = 20  # number of times to run Random Cascade
    S = []  # set of selected nodes
    # add node to S if achieves maximum propagation for current chosen + this node
    for i in range(k):
        s = PQ()  # priority queue
        for v in G.nodes():  # 遍历G中所有节点
            if v not in S:
                s.add_task(v, 0)  # initialize spread value  0为优先度
                for j in range(R):  # run R times Random Cascade  运行R次随机级联
                    [priority, count, task] = s.entry_finder[v]  # 获取v的优先度
                    # runIC(G, S + [v], p) 表示把S+[v]看做种子集,p为传播概率 返回Influence Spread
                    # priority - float(len(runIC(G, S + [v], p))) / R 为优先度
                    # v由于在上面已经加入pq, 所以会先执行remove_task 将v移出entry_finder 即把上面的task置为<removed-task>
                    # 此时,该方法用于更新v的优先度 如果在IC模型中 S=[v]的影响越大,那么v的优先度越小
                    s.add_task(v, priority - float(len(runIC(G, S + [v], p))) /
                               R)  # add normalized spread value
        task, priority = s.pop_item()  # 移除并返回最低优先度的节点
        S.append(task)  # 将优先度最低的节点加入S  优先度低是因为在IC模型中扩散的很快
        print(i, k, time.time() - start)
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 35
def GDD(G, k, Ep):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    Ep -- propagation probabilities
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = []
    dd = PQ() # degree discount
    active = dict()
    inactive = dict()

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G:
        active[u] = 1
        # inactive[u] = sum([Ep[(u,v)]*G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        inactive[u] = sum([1 - (1 - Ep[(u,v)])**G[u][v]["weight"] for v in G[u]])
        priority = active[u]*(1 + inactive[u])
        dd.add_task(u, -priority) # add degree of each node

    # add vertices to S greedily
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = dd.pop_item() # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                active[v] *= (1-Ep[(u,v)])**G[u][v]['weight']
                inactive[v] -= 1 - (1 - Ep[(u,v)])**G[u][v]['weight']
                priority = active[v]*(1 + inactive[v])
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 36
def GDD(G, k, Ep):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    Ep -- propagation probabilities
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = []
    dd = PQ()  # degree discount
    active = dict()
    inactive = dict()

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G:
        active[u] = 1
        # inactive[u] = sum([Ep[(u,v)]*G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        inactive[u] = sum(
            [1 - (1 - Ep[(u, v)])**G[u][v]["weight"] for v in G[u]])
        priority = active[u] * (1 + inactive[u])
        dd.add_task(u, -priority)  # add degree of each node

    # add vertices to S greedily
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = dd.pop_item(
        )  # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                active[v] *= (1 - Ep[(u, v)])**G[u][v]['weight']
                inactive[v] -= 1 - (1 - Ep[(u, v)])**G[u][v]['weight']
                priority = active[v] * (1 + inactive[v])
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
    return S
def degreeDiscountIC(G, k, p=.01):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = []
    dd = PQ() # degree discount
    t = dict() # number of adjacent vertices that are in S
    d = dict() # degree of each vertex

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G.nodes():
        d[u] = sum([G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]]) # each edge adds degree 1
        # d[u] = len(G[u]) # each neighbor adds degree 1
        dd.add_task(u, -d[u]) # add degree of each node
        t[u] = 0

    # add vertices to S greedily
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = dd.pop_item() # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                t[v] += G[u][v]['weight'] # increase number of selected neighbors
                priority = d[v] - 2*t[v] - (d[v] - t[v])*t[v]*p # discount of degree
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
    return S
def generalGreedy(G, k, p=0.01):
    """ Finds initial seed set S using general greedy heuristic
    Input: G -- networkx Graph object
    k -- number of initial nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    Output: S -- initial set of k nodes to propagate
    import time

    start = time.time()
    R = 20  # number of times to run Random Cascade
    S = []  # set of selected nodes
    # add node to S if achieves maximum propagation for current chosen + this node
    for i in range(k):
        s = PQ()  # priority queue
        for v in G.nodes():
            if v not in S:
                s.add_task(v, 0)  # initialize spread value
                for j in range(R):  # run R times Random Cascade
                    [priority, count, task] = s.entry_finder[v]
                    s.add_task(v, priority - float(len(runIC(G, S + [v], p))) / R)  # add normalized spread value
        task, priority = s.pop_item()
        print i, k, time.time() - start
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 39
def generalGreedy(G, k, p=.01):
    ''' Finds initial seed set S using general greedy heuristic
    Input: G -- networkx Graph object
    k -- number of initial nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    Output: S -- initial set of k nodes to propagate
    # import time
    # start = time.time()
    R = 200  # number of times to run Random Cascade
    S = []  # set of selected nodes
    # add node to S if achieves maximum propagation for current chosen + this node
    for i in range(k):  # cannot parallellize
        s = PQ()  # priority queue

        for v in G.nodes():
            if v not in S:
                s.add_task(v, 0)  # initialize spread value
                # [priority, count, task] = s.entry_finder[v]
                for j in range(
                ):  # run R times Random Cascade The gain of parallelizing isn't a lot as the one runIC is not very complex maybe for huge graphs
                    [priority, count, task] = s.entry_finder[v]
                    s.add_task(v, priority - float(len(runIC(G, S + [v], p))) /
                               R)  # add normalized spread value

        task, priority = s.pop_item()
        print(task, priority)
        # print(i, k, time.time() - start)
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def singleSourceShortestPath(self, srcID):
        assert (srcID >= 0 and srcID < self.n)
        # Implement Dijkstra's algorithm
        # Input:
        # self --> a reference to a MyGraph instance
        # srcID: the id of the source vertex.
        # Expected Output: (d,pi)
        #    d  --> Map each vertex id v to the distance from srcID
        #    pi --> Map each reachable vertex id v (except for srcID) to a parent.

        # Initialize the priority queue
        pq = PriorityQueue(self.n)  #create the priority queue

        for i in range(0, self.n):  # Iterate through all vertex ID
            if (i == srcID):  # If ID is srcID
                pq.set(i, 0.0)  # Distance of srcID should be zero
            else:  # ID is not srcID
                pq.set(i, pq.Inf)  # Distance should be infinity

        d = {}  # Initialize the map with distances to nodes
        pi = {}  # Initialize the map with parents of vertices

        # COMPLETE the Dijkstra code here

        return (d, pi)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def color_most_constrained_first(graphs, color):
    global spills, unspillable, num_unused, used_registers

    #print 'starting color_most_constrained_first'

    for v in graphs.vertices():
        used_registers[v] = set([])
        num_unused[v] = len(registers) - len(used_registers[v])

    left = set(graphs.vertices()) - set(reserved_registers) - set(registers)
    queue = PriorityQueue(left, avail_reg_then_unspill)

    while not queue.empty():
        v = queue.pop()
        if debug:
            print 'next to color is ' + v
        if v not in color.keys():
            c = choose_color(v, color, graphs, False)
            color[v] = c
            for u in graphs.interferes_with(v):
                #if u in graphs.vertices():
                used_registers[u] |= set([c])
                num_unused[u] = len(registers) - len(used_registers[u])

            if not is_reg(c):
                spills += 1

    return color
Ejemplo n.º 42
def NewDiscount(G, k, p):

    S = []
    dd = PQ()  # degree discount
    t = dict()  # number of adjacent vertices that are in S
    d = dict()  # degree of each vertex

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in
        d[u] = sum([G[u][v]['weight']
                    for v in G[u]])  # each edge adds degree 1
        d[u] = len(G[u])  # each neighbor adds degree 1
        dd.add_task(u, -d[u])  # add degree of each node
        t[u] = 0

    # add vertices to S greedily
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = dd.pop_item(
        )  # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                t[v] += G[u][v][
                    'weight']  # increase number of selected neighbors
                priority = d[v] - 2 * t[v] - (
                    d[v] - t[v]) * t[v] * p[u, v]  # discount of degree
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
    return S
def degreeDiscountIC(G, k, p=.01):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = []
    dd = PQ()  # degree discount
    t = dict()  # number of adjacent vertices that are in S
    d = dict()  # degree of each vertex

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G.nodes():
        d[u] = sum([G[u][v]['weight']
                    for v in G[u]])  # each edge adds degree 1
        # d[u] = len(G[u]) # each neighbor adds degree 1
        dd.add_task(u, -d[u])  # add degree of each node
        t[u] = 0

    # add vertices to S greedily
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = dd.pop_item(
        )  # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                t[v] += G[u][v][
                    'weight']  # increase number of selected neighbors
                priority = d[v] - 2 * t[v] - (
                    d[v] - t[v]) * t[v] * p  # discount of degree
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 44
def Dijkstras(graph,start):   
	pq.buildHeap([(v.getDistance(),v) for v in graph])   # distance is the key in the priority queue
	while not pq.isEmpty():
		for newvertex in currentvertex.getConnections():
			if newDist<newvertex.getDistance(): 
				# at the start the distance of all the vertices is set to maximum. That's why the if statement will be executed
Ejemplo n.º 45
class Sim:
    def __init__(self):
        self.q = PriorityQueue()
        self.time = 100
        self.nodes = {}
        self.actors = []
        self.done = False

    def add_actor(self, actor):
        actor.sim = self

    def at(self, event):
        if event.time < self.time:
            print "ERROR, time warp"
            self.q.put(event, event.time)

    def process(self):
        while not self.q.empty():
            event = self.q.get()
            self.time = event.time
                (result, actor) = event.process(self)
            except StopIteration:
        print "Sim done"

    def prime(self):
        for a in self.actors:

    def go(self):
Ejemplo n.º 46
def prim(graph,start):     # it belongs to the family of greedy algorithms
	for v in graph:
	pq.buildHeap([(v.getDistance(),v) for v in graph])
	while not pq.isEmpty()
		for newvertex in currentvertex.getConnections():
			if newDist<newvertex.getDistance() and newvertex in pq:
Ejemplo n.º 47
def FIND_LDAG(G, v, t, Ew):
    Compute local DAG for vertex v.
    Reference: W. Chen "Scalable Influence Maximization in Social Networks under LT model" Algorithm 3
        G -- networkx DiGraph object
        v -- vertex of G
        t -- parameter theta
        Ew -- influence weights of G
        NOTE: Since graph G can have multiple edges between u and v,
        total influence weight between u and v will be
        number of edges times influence weight of one edge.
        D -- networkx DiGraph object that is also LDAG
    # intialize Influence of nodes
    Inf = PQ()
    Inf.add_task(v, -1)
    x, priority = Inf.pop_item()
    M = -priority
    X = [x]

    D = nx.DiGraph()
    while M >= t:
        out_edges = G.out_edges([x], data=True)
        for (v1,v2,edata) in out_edges:
            if v2 in X:
                D.add_edge(v1, v2, edata)
        in_edges = G.in_edges([x])
        for (u,_) in in_edges:
            if u not in X:
                    [pr, _, _] = Inf.entry_finder[u]
                except KeyError:
                    pr = 0
                Inf.add_task(u, pr - G[u][x]['weight']*Ew[(u,x)]*M)
            x, priority = Inf.pop_item()
        except KeyError:
            return D
        M = -priority

    return D
def stopDegreeDiscount(G, tsize, ic_step=1, p=.01, iterations=200):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    tsize -- number of nodes necessary to reach
    ic_step -- step of change in k between 2 iterations of IC
    p -- propagation probability
    S -- seed set
    Tspread -- spread values for different sizes of seed set
    S = []
    dd = PQ() # degree discount
    t = dict() # number of adjacent vertices that are in S
    d = dict() # degree of each vertex

    # initialize degree discount
    for u in G.nodes():
        d[u] = sum([G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]]) # each edge adds degree 1
        # d[u] = len(G[u]) # each neighbor adds degree 1
        dd.add_task(u, -d[u]) # add degree of each node
        t[u] = 0

    # add vertices to S greedily
    # until necessary number of nodes can be reached
    Tspread = dict() # spread for different k
    k = 0
    Tspread[k] = 0
    stepk = 1
    while Tspread[k] < tsize:
        u, priority = dd.pop_item() # extract node with maximal degree discount
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                t[v] += G[u][v]['weight'] # increase number of selected neighbors
                priority = d[v] - 2*t[v] - (d[v] - t[v])*t[v]*p # discount of degree
                dd.add_task(v, -priority)
        # calculate IC spread with ic_step
        if stepk == ic_step:
            k = len(S)
            Tspread[k] = avgSize(G, S, p, iterations)
            print k, Tspread[k]
            stepk = 0
        stepk += 1

    # search precise boundary
    if abs(int(math.ceil(float(ic_step)/2))) == 1:
        return S, Tspread
        return binarySearchBoundary(G, k, Tspread, tsize, ic_step, p, iterations)
def singleDiscount(G, k, p=.1):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade model (with priority queue)
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    S -- chosen k nodes
    S = [] # set of activated nodes
    d = PQ() # degrees
    for u in G:
        degree = sum([G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        d.add_task(u, -degree)
    for i in range(k):
        u, priority = d.pop_item()
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                [priority, count, task] = d.entry_finder[v]
                d.add_task(v, priority + G[u][v]['weight']) # discount degree by the weight of the edge
    return S
def degreeDiscountStar(G,k,p=.01):
    S = []
    scores = PQ()
    d = dict()
    t = dict()
    for u in G:
        d[u] = sum([G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G[u]])
        t[u] = 0
        score = -((1-p)**t[u])*(1+(d[u]-t[u])*p)
        scores.add_task(u, )
    for iteration in range(k):
        u, priority = scores.pop_item()
        print iteration, -priority
        for v in G[u]:
            if v not in S:
                t[v] += G[u][v]['weight']
                score = -((1-p)**t[u])*(1+(d[u]-t[u])*p)
                scores.add_task(v, score)
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 51
class Scheduler():
    def __init__(self, aCpu):
        self.currentQueue = FifoQueue()
        self.cpu = aCpu

    def getNextPcb(self):
        return self.currentQueue.getMax()

    def addPcb(self, pcb):
        if(self.currentQueue.isEmpty() and not(self.cpu.havePcb())):

    def setFIFOMode(self):
        self.currentQueue = FifoQueue()

    def setPriorityMode(self):
        self.currentQueue = PriorityQueue(3,3)

    def removePid(self, aPid):
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def singleSourceShortestPath(self, srcID):
        assert (srcID >= 0 and srcID < self.n)

        # Implement Dijkstra's algorithm
        # Input:
        # self --> a reference to a MyGraph instance
        # srcID: the id of the source vertex.
        # Expected Output: (d,pi)
        #    d  --> Map each vertex id v to the distance from srcID
        #    pi --> Map each reachable vertex id v (except for srcID) to a parent.

        # Initialize the priority queue
        pq = PriorityQueue(self.n) #create the priority queue
        for i in range(0,self.n): # Iterate through all vertex ID
            if ( i == srcID):     # If ID is srcID
                pq.set(i,0.0)     # Distance of srcID should be zero
            else:                 # ID is not srcID
                pq.set(i, pq.Inf) # Distance should be infinity
        d = {}  # Initialize the map with distances to nodes
        pi = {} # Initialize the map with parents of vertices

        minKey, minDist=pq.extractMin()

        d[minKey]=minDist #set orignal source distance to 0
        pi[minKey]=minKey #set sources to orginal source

        while(pq.isEmpty()==False):# COMPLETE the Dijkstra code here

                lst=self.adjList[minKey]#grap array of lists of format (vertices,weight) for node minKey
                for n in lst:#loop through said list
                        ##grap the next node attached to this node somehow
                        dist=n[1]+minDist#grab distance from list

                        node=n[0] #grab node from list
                        if(pq.hasKey(node)):#check if that nodes min dist has been found
                                if(pq.get(node)>dist):#check if path to the node from minKey is less then current path
                                        pq.set(node,dist)#set the nodes distance in the queue
                                        d[node]=dist#set the nodes distance in the return array
                                        pi[node]=minKey#sets the nodes parents

                minKey, minDist=pq.extractMin()#extract next node dont need to extract last node as all the paths will be filled would probably work better in a do while loop

        return (d,pi)
def spreadNewGreedyIC(G, targeted_size, step=1, p=.01, S0=[], iterations = 200):
    ''' Finds initial set of nodes to propagate in Independent Cascade.
    Input: G -- networkx graph object
    k -- number of nodes needed
    p -- propagation probability
    Output: S -- set of k nodes chosen

    TODO: add step functionality

    import time
    start = time.time()

    assert type(S0) == list, "S0 must be a list. %s provided instead" % type(S0)
    S = S0 # set of selected nodes
    tsize = 0
    R = iterations
    for i in range(R):
        T = runIC(G, S, p)
        tsize += float(len(T))/R

    while tsize <= targeted_size:
        s = PQ() # number of additional nodes each remained mode will bring to the set S in R iterations
        Rv = dict() # number of reachable nodes for node v
        # initialize values of s
        for v in G.nodes():
            if v not in S:
                s.add_task(v, 0)
        # calculate potential additional spread for each vertex not in S
        prg_idx = 1
        idx = 1
        prcnt = .1 # for progress to print
        R = iterations # number of iterations to run RanCas
        for j in range(R):
            # create new pruned graph E
            E = deepcopy(G)
            edge_rem = [] # edges to remove
            for (u,v) in E.edges():
                w = G[u][v]['weight']
                if random() < 1 - (1 - p)**w:
            # find reachable vertices from S
            Rs = bfs(E, S)
            # find additional nodes each vertex would bring to the set S
            for v in G.nodes():
                if v not in S + Rs: # if node has not chosen in S and has chosen by spread from S
                    [priority, c, task] = s.entry_finder[v]
                    s.add_task(v, priority - float(len(bfs(E, [v])))/R)

            if idx == int(prg_idx*prcnt*R):
                print '%s%%...' %(int(prg_idx*prcnt*100))
                prg_idx += 1
            idx += 1
        # add vertex with maximum potential spread
        task, priority = s.pop_item()
        print i, len(S), task, -priority, time.time() - start

        tsize = 0
        for j in range(R):
            T = runIC(G, S, p)
            tsize += float(len(T))/R
    return S
Ejemplo n.º 54
class Animation(Iterator):
	def __init__(self, app, length, fps, synchronous):
		self.__app = app
		self.__events = PriorityQueue()
		self.__spf = 1/fps # seconds per frame
		self.__frame = 0
		self.__frameTime = -self.__spf
		self.__length = length
		self.__synchronous = synchronous

	def __dequeue(self):
		# increase frame data
			time, event = self.__events.pop()
		except IndexError:
			print "No events left."
			raise StopIteration

		if time < self.__frameTime:
			raise Exception("Cannot go back in time: %s requested %s after %s." % (repr(event.__name__), time, self.__frameTime))
		return (time, event)
	def __updateQueue(self, event):
		# update the queue
			t =
			self.__events.push((self.__sync(t), event))
		except StopIteration:

	def next(self):
		if self.__frameTime > self.__length:
			print "Reached end time."
			raise StopIteration

		if self.__frameTime == -self.__spf:
			time = 0
			event = iter(())
			time, event = self.__dequeue()

		if time == self.__frameTime:
			raise Exception("Double Frame: %s requested %s again." % (repr(event.__name__), time))

		self.__frame += 1
		self.__frameTime = time

		while self.__events and self.__events[0][0] < self.nextTime:
			time, event = self.__dequeue()

		return (self.__frame, time)

	def __sync(self, time):
		if self.__synchronous:
			return time - (time % self.__spf)
			return time

	def addEvent(self, eventFn):
		generator = eventFn(self,, self.__app.canvas)
		time =
		event = (self.__sync(time), generator)


	def nextTime(self):
		return self.__frameTime + self.__spf

	def time(self):
		return self.__frameTime
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def __init__(self):
     self.q = PriorityQueue()
     self.time = 100
     self.nodes = {}
     self.actors = []
     self.done = False
Ejemplo n.º 56
acceptCount = 0
rejectCount = 0

# Representation of a solution incumbent is a triple (score, revlist, result) where
# revlist is a list of reversals, result is the permutation after applying the
# reversals to the starting permutation, and score is the length of revlist
# plus the reversalBound of the result.
initialState = (reversalBound(alpha), [], alpha)
print "Initial state: ", initialState

# Build a list of all possible reversals.
allrevs = [(i,j) for i in xrange(n-1) for j in xrange(i+1, n)]

# The queue is implemented as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary holds items of
# the same score (0...n-1).
queue = PriorityQueue(n)
maxQueueLen = len(queue)

while True:
    l = len(queue)
    if l % 1000 <= 5:
        print l
    incumbent = queue.pop()
    if incumbent == None: break
    #print "Popping ", incumbent
    if (incumbent[0] >= bestScore):
        #print "Rejecting ", incumbent
Ejemplo n.º 57
def LDAG_heuristic(G, Ew, k, t):
    ''' LDAG algorithm for seed selection.
    Reference: [1] Algorithm 5
    G -- directed graph (nx.DiGraph)
    Ew -- inlfuence weights of edges (eg. uniform, random) (dict)
    k -- size of seed set (int)
    t -- parameter theta for finding LDAG (0 <= t <= 1; typical value: 1/320) (int)
    S -- seed set (list)
    # define variables
    S = []
    IncInf = PQ()
    for node in G:
        IncInf.add_task(node, 0)
    # IncInf = dict(zip(G.nodes(), [0]*len(G))) # in case of usage dict instead of PQ
    LDAGs = dict()
    InfSet = dict()
    ap = dict()
    A = dict()

    print 'Initialization phase'
    for v in G:
        LDAGs[v] = FIND_LDAG(G, v, t, Ew)
        # update influence set for each node in LDAGs[v] with its root
        for u in LDAGs[v]:
            InfSet.setdefault(u, []).append(v)
        alpha = computeAlpha(LDAGs[v], Ew, S, v)
        A.update(alpha) # add new linear coefficients to A
        # update incremental influence of all nodes in LDAGs[v] with alphas
        for u in LDAGs[v]:
            ap[(v, u)] = 0 # additionally set initial activation probability (line 7)
            priority, _, _ = IncInf.entry_finder[u] # find previous value of IncInf
            IncInf.add_task(u, priority - A[(v, u)]) # and add alpha
            # IncInf[u] += A[(v, u)] # in case of using dict instead of PQ

    print 'Main loop'
    for it in range(k):
        s, priority = IncInf.pop_item() # chose node with biggest incremental influence
        print it+1, s, -priority
        for v in InfSet[s]: # for all nodes that s can influence
            if v not in S:
                D = LDAGs[v]
                # update alpha_v_u for all u that can reach s in D (lines 17-22)
                alpha_v_s = A[(v,s)]
                dA = computeAlpha(D, Ew, S, s, val=-alpha_v_s)
                for (s,u) in dA:
                    if u not in S + [s]: # don't update IncInf if it's already in S
                        A[(v,u)] += dA[(s,u)]
                        priority, _, _ = IncInf.entry_finder[u] # find previous value of incremental influence of u
                        IncInf.add_task(u, priority - dA[(s,u)]*(1 - ap[(v,u)])) # and update it accordingly
                # update ap_v_u for all u reachable from s in D (liens 23-28)
                dap = computeActProb(D, Ew, S + [s], s, val=1-ap[(v,s)])
                for (s,u) in dap:
                    if u not in S + [s]:
                        ap[(v,u)] += dap[(s,u)]
                        priority, _, _ = IncInf.entry_finder[u] # find previous value of incremental influence of u
                        IncInf.add_task(u, priority + A[(v,u)]*dap[(s,u)]) # and update it accordingly
    return S