Ejemplo n.º 1
def dijkstra(g, start):
    # Distance is the priority in PQ
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    visited = set()  # Redundant as weighs are always positive
    distance = {}  # Store distance to nodes from start
    previous = {}  # Store the previous node to reach a node

    # prepare the start node
    distance[start] = 0  # start to start have zero distance
    previous[start] = None  # No previous for start
    # Add start to priority queue
    pq.add_with_priority(start, 0)

    while pq.length > 0:  # PQ will have unvisited nodes
        node_id = pq.extract_min()
        node = g.vert_list[node_id]

        for neigh in node.get_neighs():
            if neigh not in visited:
                n_dist = node.get_weight(neigh)
                # if distance to neigh is less through, node_id, update.
                if neigh not in distance or distance[node_id] + n_dist < distance[neigh]:
                    distance[neigh] = distance[node_id] + n_dist
                    previous[neigh] = node_id
                    # Update/add neigh in PQ, with new distance
                    # Here, decrease_priority will add as well as update.
                    # If such is not available, we will have to prepare PQ with
                    # all nodes with float('inf') distance, except start
                    pq.decrease_priority(neigh, distance[neigh])
        # Done processing the node. Mark it as visited

Ejemplo n.º 2
def dijkstra(g, start):
    # Distance is the priority in PQ
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    visited = set()  # Redundant as weighs are always positive
    distance = {}  # Store distance to nodes from start
    previous = {}  # Store the previous node to reach a node

    # Set all the weight to infinity
    for node_id in g.get_vertices():
        distance[node_id] = float('inf') # infinity
    distance[start] = 0  # start to start have zero distance
    previous[start] = None  # No previous for start
    # Add start to priority queue
    pq.add_with_priority(start, 0)

    while pq.length > 0:  # PQ will have unvisited nodes
        node_id = pq.extract_min()
        node = g.vert_list[node_id]

        for neigh in node.get_neighs():
            if neigh not in visited:
                n_dist = node.get_weight(neigh)
                # if distance to neigh is less through, node_id, update.
                if distance[node_id] + n_dist < distance[neigh]:
                    distance[neigh] = distance[node_id] + n_dist
                    previous[neigh] = node_id
                    # Update/add neigh in PQ, with new distance
                    pq.decrease_priority(neigh, distance[neigh])
        # Done processing the node. Mark it as visited

Ejemplo n.º 3
def prims_mst(g):
    visited = set()  # visited set, already in MST
    distance = {}  # edge-distance to add the node to MST
    previous = {}
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    start = 5  # Arbitrarily choose a start node.
    for node in g.get_vertices():
        distance[node] = float('inf')
        previous[node] = None

    distance[start] = 0
    pq.add_with_priority(start, 0)

    while pq.length > 0:
        node_id = pq.extract_min()

        visited.add(node_id)  # Add node to MST
        node = g.vert_list[node_id]

        # Check all the neighbours and add them to PQ if needed.
        for neigh in node.get_neighs():
            if neigh not in visited:
                # A node may be neigh of many nodes which are in MST
                if node.get_weight(neigh) < distance[neigh]:
                    # Unlike dijkstra, just replace the distance with new edge.
                    distance[neigh] = node.get_weight(neigh)
                    previous[neigh] = node_id
                    pq.decrease_priority(neigh, distance[neigh])
